The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 22, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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W H O W A S T H E lx ) S E R ?
(Junction Pity Tim es)
west corner of Ix it T h re e (1 ) o f aald
N o tlr * 1» hereby glv « mi that by
In the C irc u it C ourt of the S ta t* of Section T w e n ty eight (28) running
Published E v e ry T hu rsday a t
v irtu * o f un M M cu tlo a and order of Orsgon fo r L a n * County.
thence South 14 96 chalus, thence East
33 70 c h a in * Io ihe East line of aald
A m an picked up a one dollar bill on the street | «alo Issued out o f lb * C irc u it Court H. II. Ilru nd agc, tru stee. 1’la llltlff,
SprlngBeld, Lane County. Oregon, by
of I h * S ta t* o f O regon tor l.a n *
Twenty eight
(2 8 ), (hom e
and gave it to his wife to ,»ay the milk man. County. January 14. »B31. In a atilt
N o rth 14 96 chain *, and thence W eal
T he milk m an paid the feed m an. T he feed w herein W . I ’. Eaatw otal and I bu s I*
33 70 chain * to the place of beginning,
H. E. MAXEY. Editor
N lliu a k e r, h l* w ife. F ru llc e * A. Ell
m an puiti the butcher. T he bu tch er paid the Eastwood were p la in !Iff* and M a rtin
all In tam e County. O regon; and that
m aker, a widow. T h e think o f Coin
you. aud each of you lie fo rev e r harred
Entered as second class m a tte r. F eb ru ary 24. 1903, a t the grocer and the grocer paid it to the m an who
m e re *, Eugene. Oregon, a corpora
have levied upon and w ill on Iho 14th
and enjoined from asserting any claim
llo ik trustee, H u ll) Robertson Pow
found it and th e m an discovered th a t it was , day
postofftce. S p rin g field , Oregon. .
of F eb ru ary, 1931, at 1:0« I ’ . \l
der Com pany a corpo ration , W illia m of rig ht, title or In le re a t In o r to
a counterfeit bill.
1 of »aid day. at the fro n t door of the
Johnson, doing bualnniui under llie »aid real p ro perty, o r any p a rt thereof,
It is plain to be seen th at this bill while it was
nam e and style o f (ho Johnson save olid except the * t« lu to ry right
One Year in Advance ------- W-76 Three Months .........75c (laying five one dollar debts was Just as good as Kugon*. Oregon, aell at public s a l*
F u rn itu re Com pany, Eugene Planing of redem ption.
' to the highest bidder fo r caab the
Six M o u th s -------------------- »1.90 Single Copy ________ 5c though it had been genuine, yet nobody lost in
T h l* aummona la served upon you
M ill Com pany, a corporation, T e r r ill
follow ing d earrlb ed real p ro p e rly , v ia .:
Volght P laulug M ill, a corporation. by the p ub lication th e re o f for four
»uccceaslvu weeks In the S p rin g fie ld
T H U R S D A Y . J A N U A R Y 22 1.'3!
W a lle rs Hushong L u m b e r Company
of lx>t No. 3, In Section 2». T o w n i
of exchange, it rep resen ts values in com m odities. ' ! »hip
a corpo ration , F K Solvers and J New s, In accordance w ith au o rder
17 Sm ith. It a n * * 1 W ent of Ihe (
m ade aud entered hy the lio n
K. Itry a n . iMirtners do'ng business
It has no intrinsic value. A tw enty-dollar gold W illa m e tte M e rid ia n In la in * County.
F H klpw o rth, judge of (he ahove
piece h as no intrinsic value as long a s It is a Oregon; ru n n in g thence N o rth on East , u m ler the firm nam e and style nl (I e n title
d court
T he d ale of (he firs t
lloth the w ets and the drys rtncl som e sa tis­ tw enty-dollar gold piece. W henever you m ake ( line of ta il No I of »aid Section 2» to , Solvers 4) Itry a n , Nels P. Jurgen
sen. J I I m ake, W illia m Preston, publication I» January I6 lh , 1931
faction in the W ickeraham report. The drys use of the gold it co n tain s it ceases to be a a point on the South Hank of a slou«h
and ( ’. I I Itale e . p a rtn e r* doing busi
running through Iota 4 and 5 of the
point with pride th at the report calls for c a rry ­ ' tw enty-dollar gold piece.
no«« under the firm nam e and style
aforesaid ttocllon 2»; and being the I
A lto rm -v for p la in tiff,
ing on the noble experim ent fu rth er. The wets
o f Pre« I on A lla le s , C. A. C o n i* and
1 alough Kpeelfled In that deed executed
860 W illa m e tte S treet.
t) I>. Marlxaren, p artn e rs doing bu»l
say th at m odification is inevitable and the report
by S. J. I ’heneger ami husband Jacob
E ugene( Oregon
ne«a und er the firm nam e and style
acknow ledges i t
j to Mr». M A l*u rcell. and recorded
J 15 22 39 F 6 13
o f C o rd * A M u d s ire n . It A. Ilahh.
on ixige 248 o f Hook 37 of the Record
The average m an. we believe, th in k s th a t some
J olio tin * and Richard Roe, p artn ers
of D eed* fo r la m e County. Oregon,
doing business um ler Ih e firm name
sort of change should be m ade in the interest
and which «aid pont 1« now 6 87 chain»
D riv e to Junction C ity - M r. and
and style o f the Perfection W a ll Hen
of better law observance. He th in k s som ething
N o rth of the N o rthw est c orner of the
Com pany.
W a lte r
W m atw ard M r*. J M Ixirnou and M r Ix ira o n '*
should be done to discourage driuking by the
L um ber Com pany, a corporation. II
aun l M r*. T ('h a r re tt, and th e ir two
South boundary of »aid »lough being
upper classes and to elim inate the bootlegger.
W W h ile , doing bualnesa under the child ren spent Sunday evening at the
N o rth 43 degress 77' W r i t
10 «5
nam e and style of W h ite Rtartrlc
On how this m ight be acom plished the report ' BL O O I I / *
chain»; (hence N o rth 14 degree» 34'
Coaxpany. F J ll.r g e r , J W Cope home o f M r« Ixiraon'« «later and
s silent, evidently the experts have no m ore s o lu - jL| r | j | \ |
W est 3.08 chain»; thence N o rth 31
laud Varda, a eorporatlon. and Veen b ro th er In law . M r and M r« Ham M il
degree» S' W est 1.70 chalne. more or
tlon to th e problem th an you o r L
I). Hcoberta aud F ra n k W Scobert, le r at Junction C ity.
lea». Io the South boundary linn of
p a rtn e r* doing bu»lnea» under the
the aforesaid Lot No. 5, thence W eal
firm nam e and sty le of Scobert
on aald South boundary line of lad
The O regonian suggests th a t the University
A fam ous advertising agent w as talking with No. 5 a distance of 9 c h a in *, more
W arehouse Company, and L illia n M
of Oregon research departm ent m ake the power me about business in these United S tates.
T r a v l* . a w idow , defendants.
o r less, to the p a rtitio n fence epecl-
survey th at is troubling Portland, and for which
To F K. Solver». J. E H ryan, and
It is his function to prepare th e advertising
$25,000 has been voted by the city council. This for several large m an u factu rers, and to consult entered In a suit w herein A m elia H a rt R ichard Roe. m em ber o f Ih e p a rtn e r
w a* p la ltd lff and It. W D uvl*. «hip know n a« IV r fe d lo n W a il Hed
would place the facts and finding above political with them, on their sales problem s. He goes ley
A. A S w itze r. F id e lia S w ltx e r, T A | Com pany, defendant»
suspicion and be a deciding authority, the new s­ hom e every night all tired o u t
He says he H a rtle y and M ary H a rtle y w ere d e­
paper believes. With this we can not fully agree, doesn’t know anybody in business who Is g etting fendants. and w hich aald decree 1» <*F IN O R T E H G E O N N , A You
a re hereby required
recorded on page» 560 and 570, Volum e to appear and i t e v i - r com plain t which
selfishness on both sides of this argum entive any real fun out of it.
131 of the record o f deed» of la u ir ha» been file d again»! you In the
question would result in such a survey satisfying
‘ I’ll give you my program for a typical d ay,” County. O regon, which aald point 1* , above u n title d C ourt and cause w ith in
neither and both would then seek to discredit
said. ” 1 com e down to my office a little 10 50 chains, more o r lea*. W eet ol | ! fou r w eeks fro m Ihe d a le of (he firs t
the university.
Eaet boundary tine of the a fo re j publication o f thia sum mons, and If
before niue, and th ere is the sales m anager of the
»aid Ix it No. 4, thence South along
fa ll to ao a|>pear and onew er the
a shoe com pany w aiting for me. His pockets aald p a rtitio n fence 11.67 chains, more I you
td a ln tiff w ill apply to the Court for
F rank Lonergan. speaker of the house, offered are full of charts. His com pany's sales a re 20 o r lea», to a point South 5 07 chain» the
re lie f prayed fo r In hl» com plain t,
G overnor Meier the opportunity to appoint his per cent ahead of last year, but is he satisfied? and N o rth 38 degree« W *» t 17 02 t o w tt: fu r a decree torucloalag plain
chain» from the N o rth w e s t c o rn e r of
own (lower com m ittee and the governor refused Not for a m inute. He m ust se t the m ark for the aforesaid lx .t N o 3; thence South t i f f * m ortgage upon the follow ing
described re a l p ro p erty:
Ix it 2 In
as he said he did not w ant to encroach on the next year 50 per cent ahead.
38 degree» Ea»t 17 02 chain«, thence
lli>M-k numb«!red 30. In G riw a’ A ddition
N o rth 6.97 chain» to the place of
legislative perogatives.
When Mr. Lonergan
Io Eugene, In I « lie C o un ty. S ta le of
"T hen 1 go over to the office of a food m an u ­
m akes the appointm ents he shall not now be facturer. He has just closed up the best year beginning.
O regon, also b eginning at Ih e N orth
Also L o t T h re e o f Section 20 In
open to criticism even if his com m ittee gets no of his history. And we try to figure o u t how Tow nship 17 South Range One W est east corner o f the Ix -v l W Z u m w a lt
D onation taunt C laim No 52. N o rllfl-
I of the W illa m e tte M erid ia n .
he can do twice a s m uch again!
cation 4941, In T o w n s h ip 17. South
Also beginning at a point 5 07 chain *
"1 lunch with th e officers of a cem ent com pany. South of the N o rth w e s t corner of the Range 5 W est of the W llla m e le M erld
lan. running (hence South along the
A court in H ungary ordered the fath e r of a If they would get to g eth e r w ith th e com petitors, tk>uthea»t
q u a rte r o f the Southwest
young m an who m arried a rich girl to pav his and agree to curtail production ju st a little, they q u a rte r o f Section 20. Tow nsh ip 17 east line o f aald c laim F o rty (401
to the Southeast c o rn e r o f the
debts, to refund the m oney to the girl’s father. could all m ake m ore m oney. The price of their I South. Range 1, W r i t o f W illa m e tte chains
N o rth h a lf ( S ) of »aid c la im ; thence
If th a t were th e universal practise on the Euro­ product m ight have to be raised a trifle, but M eridian, and ru n ning thence along W e«( p a ra llel to the n orth line of
You don’t really have to
ean der lin e of the rig ht Hank of
said claim
F o rty fiv e (4 6 ) chain«,
pean side of the ocean so m uch of ou r money I doubt it, because the sales expense would be m
the M cK en zie F ork o f the W l l l a m . l t *
(he turn of the talcn-
would not be going abroad in the hands of titled th a t much less. But will they curtail? Never. R lv w , South 3 m
Ea«t 3 13 thence N o rth T w e n ty (201 < hatna
d a rfo r yoi'.r v e n t ion. ‘lake
thence East th ir ty <30> chain«, them-e
persons who have m arried rich American girls. Every year m ust show bigger figures. T he q u o tas c h a in *; th e m e South 70 degree» 16' N o rth T w e n ty (20 ) chain», thence
it M0M>, a .ie n you nerd it
Eaxt 15 08 chain», thence South 70
m ust go up and up.
most. Board a Southern
degreaa f-lwet 3.47 chain«; thence South Ka«t F ifte en (1 6 ) chain« to the plnce
Al«o lx»t fo u r (4 ) and
B u tter and eggs, tw o of m an 's best known
“T he trouble w ith this country is th a t we have 3.14 c h a in *; thence N o rth 81 degree* of
Pacific train co California.
the N o rth e a s t q u a rte r o f the N o rth ­
foods, are a t very low’ price levels. It is neither gone crazy on the subject of volume. We are W e il 8 00 chain»; (hence South 80 east
T o San Fronctaco, Lox
q u a rte r of Section T w e n ty eight
necessary to eat oleom argarine o r Chinese eggs quota m ad.”
Also beginning at the North
Angclcv, Hollywood , , ,
| N o rth «7 degree« W eet 3.31 chain«; ' -’Si
even in h ard times. The Am erican farm er is
As he talked I recalled a conversation I had thence N o rth 4.23 c h a in * to the m iddle
,*rn.i|>-> co Agua (¿nlirnte
here to serve us with quality products. He de­ som e years ago with an A m erican who represents ' of m eandered chan nel; thence N orth
or Palm Springs. Some­
serves o u r support while we owe nothing to the a French m an u fa ctu rer in this country.
where down South you'll
then«*« N o rth 27 degree« 34' W est g 62
su b stitu te m akers whose products are practically
“ I have a heart-b reak in g tim e with th a t F rench­ chain»;
find the carefree fun you
thence N o rth 4 44 chain»;
w’orthless from a food standpoint.
m an .’’ he said. “ Every year I go over there . thence South 38 degrees East 17 02
need co fit you for the year
and plead with him to double his factory. We c h a in * to the place of beginning.
A ll of raid above described premise»
E stim ates are th a t 800 new bills will be in tro ­ could sell tw ice as m uch stu ff if he would only
e g A f iS S w T iiE E S iK ft’
A n y Southern Pacific
duced in th e legislature of which m ore than half tu rn it out. And do you know w hat he says? Lane C ounty. Oregon.
agent w iil help you plan
will become laws. W e’ll buy any legislator a He just waves hjs hands in French fashion and
T he above described prem ise* are
the trip.
n « makes you fe * l tired, x - y —— »
new hat th a t can nam e 100 of them w ithout stop­ sp u tters: ‘Why should I double my plant and conveyed, h ow ever, subject to a rig ht tlo
55“ iuscourag.xl. try (ha Cyatax T n*L
i of w ay a * follow s:
f * ’ *l
c irc u la tin g th ru
work tw ice as hard? I and my fam ily are m ak ­
! . r ™ « 1"» " 11 ml nu*»< F ra lin d by
A rig ht-of-w ay acroa« L o t 3 of Sec­
r rapW
POOlttv« ac.
ing money enough. We have a good tim e. We tion 20 In T o w nsh ip 17 South. Range tlon. Don t ,2 glv«
up. T ry <*yat«x (p ro .
T here a re 28 farm ers and 25 law yers in the enjoy our lives. W hy should we work ourselves One W est of W illa m e tte M erid ian ,
Icon-C lad G uarantee. M oot
q u ic tha
k ly
legislature this session. T here is only one editor to d e a th ? ’ ”
heretofore conveyed by H e n ry W.
fn lV l.x p T n d 0- - ^ ' * ' ,m p ro ” .rao«-
Davis to M u ry H auer, and more p artlc
and he has since sold his new spaper; no doubt
T h a t seem s to us A m ericans a very terrible u la rly described In the conveyance of O nly too a t
he looked for a long, hard session.
utterance. It is treaso n to the spirit of m odern »aid rig ht-of-w ay a * the same appear*
business. Of course, a m an should force his | o f record upon the D e e d * R ecord* of
Springfield. Ore.
More th an 10,000 m eals and 3300 beds were production, and his sales, and force his own poor Ix n « County, O regon; and also «uh 6th A Main
P h on * 65
given by the Salvation Army in Portland during mind and body until he dies a t th e age of sixty je c t to the rig ht-of-w ay rewerved for
ilitchen. canal», peaegvolr site» for
the past three m onths.
This organization is with and order blank in his hand.
Irrig a tio n
purposes constructed or
carry in g on a wonderful work for those in
Som ew here betw een th e French a ttitu d e and which m ay be «-onstructed by a u th o rity
the U n ite d States.
our attitu d e there m ust be a half-w ay point th at ; of Also
a ll o f the rig h t, title and In ­
would com bine the best elem ents of both.
terest of the said H e n ry W . Davis
One m ore c o n tra ct and the McKenzie highw ay
“ Life,” says the Bible, “is m ore th an bread, I and w ife In and to an undivided one-
will all be sta te road. L e t’s have the Vida- and the spirit th an ra im e n t.” It also a sk s the h a lf In te re s t In and to a perpetual
rig ht-of-w ay o ver a » trip of land
Nimrod section let a t an early date.
question, ‘‘W hat shall it profit a m an if he gain tw
e n ty feet wide, deaerlbed a * follow»
the whole world and lose his own life?”
Com m encing at a point on the
Our guess is th a t C lara Bow will sign her
Or, in m odern languarge, w h a t’s th e use of N o rth bank of the M cK en zie R iv e r
ow n checks from now on.
340 feet move o r lees W e s t of Road
kifling yourself by being qu o ta m ad?
No. 309>4; ru n ning thence In a N orth
w es te rly d irectio n a lon g the N orth
T he eight h o u r day and the 5V£. day
bank of the M cK en zie R iv e r a dis­
tance o f 1600 feet, m ore o r leas to
By Albert T ft
week is quite generally established In
the East lin e o f Ix ,t T h re e , Section
buftlneM. T his mak< s a 44 hour week.
29, T o w n s h ip 17 South, Range One
W est W illa m e tte M erid ia n , Oregon,
to Ratify the fo llo w in g am ount» ad­
In the home, however, recen t surveys
judged to be due p la in tiff* In »aid
suit, viz: 12450. w ith Interest thereon
show th at the farm woman work 61
a t 8% «Ince A p ril 29, 1930, the sum
»Hints a week. The city dw eller is not
of »33 22, tax Is paid by p la in tiffs , w ith
In te re s t thereon fro m Nov. 15. 1930,
exactly an idler, either. Her w orking
the sum o f 1160 atto rn eys fee and the
tim e I h tm /2 houra a week. Almont
sum of »21 e o a t* o f said suit and the
costs to accrue on said execution.
emlleHR hours of cooking. dlshwaAhlng,
Said sale w ill he subject to redem p­
cleaning, m ending, newlng, wanhing
tion aa allow ed by law.
H A R R Y L. B O W N ,
ami Ironing. T he rest of the tim e they
Why wish for
Sum m er?
NOW in
• Weakness
A W O M A N ’S
Don't Leave All the IFork to Uncle Sam
Sheriff of lamp Co.
Pu rch ase* Feed John Dow ning nt
W e n d lln g cam e to S p rin g fie ld M onday
to purchase fee l for h l* poultry.
( f
All school children
need an ey e exam ina­
tion—-E ven wltA twen­
ty-tw entieth
v I • I o n
there may be e y e
O P T O M ¿ T R I/-T
___ e TH
A v t
have to tlieniseJves. unless one of the
children is ill, or som ething else de­
velops to upset the custom ary schedule.
Electricity has contributed in no
Kinall m easure to reducing the working
houra of BUSINESS.
It can reduce the working hours In
I lie horn., as well. I^ectricai appliances
not only cut down the working hours
but. m ake the week m ore pleasant by
iclleving you of the heaviest and least
pleasant pari of the work.
Cut down your w orking tim e! You
‘ •in use It to m uch b e tte r advantage
in o th e r ways!
Mountain Stales
Power Company
• y o t v PAU I NI BS
raoLxr.xa •