TlTURRflDAY. JANUARY 22, 1931 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE pledged to her by honor. And yet now that Julie had told him to go— he broke out passionately. "How could yon think of marrying Schofield? What happiness would It be tor you If you don’t love blm— ” "I don’t expect to be happy,” Julie laughed shakenly. ‘’Anyway, It can­ not matter to you any longer. Please go away and leave me.” "Juliet ” he said pleadingly. She said nothing. She hardly seemed to be listening, and he let his woman down to reach our happiness, arms fall from about her. "I shall see you tomorrow.” a blind woman, too, so defenseless— Still no answer, and after a mo­ 1— I—’’ He broke down hopelessly. What ment he went out Into tbe little ball could he say. What excuse or ex­ and opened tbe front door. He was so sure sbe would call to planation could he offer that would . blm, perhaps run after blm. He was sound plausible or Justified? ' so sure that in a moment she would He tried to take her band, but she drew It sharply away. She felt that be In his arms, ber Ups crushed she could bear anything, be brave against bis—be counted tbe seconds feverishly by bis heart-beats. over everything if only he would not But Julie did not move, and she touch her. He was right In what he ' gave no sign. said. Of cons« be was right. Sadie Chlttenham looked back. was his wife, and his place was to "Juliet" stand by ber. No man could do less, He waited a moment, but tbe silence she herself would despise blm if he remained unbroken, and be went out did less, and yet—behind everything of tbe flat, shutting tbe door behind a panic-stricken cry was trying to blm. make Itself heard In her heart: It seemed to Julie that she stood "What about me? What about for hours, leantog against the wall, me?” her body so tired that it was too much Then, as It in answer to the un­ effort even to move over to tbe tire spoken cry, Chlttenham was beside I and a comfortable chair. H er head bef—so close to her that for a wild ached miserably. Wltb a supreme moment she thought he must be going , effort she dragged herself across tbe to take her In his arms, and ber heart . room to tbe fire. It had burnt down, almost stood still, and then went rac­ and she replenished It with shaking ing on again so violently that it hands. She felt as if already a life­ seemed to be choking her. And she time had passed since Chlttenham looked up desperately, meeting hit came to the flat, and yet only a mo­ eyes fixed upon her with such a look ment ago he had been there with her, of love and longing In them that It so close that she had but to put out was more than she could bear. She , her hand to touch him, and now he put out her hands appealingly. had gone, back to Sedle, back to his "Go away, please go away,” she , wife! whispered. "I will never willingly see bim "Julie.” He cought her hands In his. “Forgive me, Julie. Say you again," Julie told herself passionately. forgive me, that you don't hate me, . ‘‘He has deceived me twice. I will never forgive him as long as I live." that you understand.” She got up almost violently as "What do I want you to do? Why, nothing. There is nothing we can do, though driven by the sudden reaction we must Just go on. I always knew ot thought. She would send at once to Scho­ It would be like this, even last night. There's nothing wo can do. I shall field. Sbe would not lose a moment. She went to the phone and called marry Lawrence Schofield, I suppose, his number, but It was only after a If he will take me back again—” long time that the hotel people could •'Julie— don’t be cruel— ” “I am not so cruel as you are. I give her any news of him. He was out at the moment, they never wanted you to come into my life. It was yoil who followed me.” said, but he was certainly returning With a smothered sob she turned to that night There was a little pause—then: rush past him to the door. But Chlt­ "Mr. Schofield is leaving London tenham was too quick for her, he reached the door before she did, bar­ early tomorrow morning.” "Leaving—” ring her way. Julie felt as If her last anchor had "Let me go— let me go.” She boat at him with impotent been torn from her— the waves of mis­ hands- the tears raining down her ery and utter loneliness seemed to face. "Oh, let me go, let me go— ” beat up afresh all round her. The "Not like tnts, Julie; we can’t port . voice at the other end of the 'phone asked politely if a mesage could be like this—oh, my dear, dear child—” She was in his arms, her face hid­ taken. "No— oh, no thank you.” den on his shoulder, his lips against Julie hung up tho receiver and her hair, while he whispered over and over again how much he loved her, turned away. Lawrence was leaving how only she filled his heart. But Londoh, leaving her!— she was selxea what could he do? If only she would with exaggerated panic. What tell him what he could do? But Julie to become of her? Even Blm had no answer, and presently her bit­ weary of her. there was no place for ter sobbing ceased, and she lay quietly her in the world. But Lawrence had In his arms. It was she who spoke loved her, must surely still love her. She remembered the despair in his first, after a long silence. "I'm sorry I cried. It was silly! eyes when she told him she would not Aad so useless. After all. It's no marry him. If she could only see him for a mo­ more than I expected—1 always ment she was confident that every­ knew if I let myself care for any one It would be like this— ” She drew thing would be all right—to see him. away from him. *'I think you had Just to see him! She felt like a child better go before I make another scene left alone in th« dark, straining every nerve to get to the one person who for you to remember me by.” She wiped her eyes and tried to can take away dread and the desolate sense of loneliness. smile. She took off her loose gown and "It's all right— please go now— ” dressed again with shaking fingers, She averted his eyes. “Please go now. and please never come back I she was still very cold, but her face and head felt burning. again." She would put herself beyond Chlt- It was what Chlttenham had wanted tenham's reach, tomorrow when he her to say with all a man's dislike of scenes and suffering, he had hoped came he should find It too late. If Lawrence would take her away that she would refuse to listen to him and send him away, but now that tonight she would go with him. She she had done so, he knew It was not was tired ot hoping tor things that what he had wanted after all. He never came true, afraid of a love that had wanted her to keep him against brought with it only pain. She went his better Judgment; he had clung to out Into the wet, chilly night and took the belief that she would try to keep a taxi. She drove straight to the hotel him from Sadie, for whom be bad no where Lawrence was staying. No, feejlng but the merest pity—a pity he was not in yet, and they could not that was not, and never could be, akin say at what hour he would be re­ turning. It was past nine then. to love. "I'll wait a little while and soe If With Julie sobbing In his arms It Mr. Schofield returns,” Julie sold. had seemed impossible ever to let her Tbe minutes ticked away, and later go— he loved her so much—no woman had ever before stirred his heart and she supposed that she must have his imagination— no woman ever fallen Into a stupor, out of which she would. If they never met again It was roused with a start to the sound would be the same always; she was of a chiming clock. Julie walked his, they were made for each other. across to the porter. By FARM WANTBIK I want l«rm« for T e o n e d ‘‘¿ , T y '7 a w '“r^ ' C° 'd and arhlnK e” ry “ mb Springfield News for a period of four I* Miller, deceased, and any and all successive weeks beginning January persons having claims against the said quired. at the office of Frank A. De- ’ 8ho o,f her w®t clothes and 22, 1*31; and that you appear and estate are hereby required to present l*ue, attorney for the estate at Spring put on a warm dreBslng-gown, her answer suhl complaint within four said claims, duly verified as by law field, Oregon, In I-une County, Oregon, hands were shaking with cold. weeks from the date of the first pub- required, at the law office of my At­ wtthin six months from the date of She was pouring the water from the tlcatlon of this summous In said torney, 11. E. Slattery, 717 Willamette ihis notice. newspaper ketle when a knock came on the front Dated January 6th, 1931. Street, Eugene, In lauie County, Ore­ H. B. SLATTERY. GERTRUDE POTTER, gon, within six mouths from the date door—a heavy knock that sounded Attorney for plaintiff, and my reel- of this notice. Executrix of the estate of Hanover both urgent and insistent. Bim, per­ dence and post office address la Eu E. lilts ., deceased. Dated and first publication January Frank A. DePue, attorney for Estate. haps! Julie put the kettle down and gene. Ore. J 22-39 F 6-12 19 22. 1931. J.8-16-22-39-F.5 flew across the little hall. Blm, dear Date of last publication February Blm. Julie felt as if already half her NO TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S 1». 1931. N O TIC E OF F IN A L AC CO UNT troubles were lifted from her as she Notice la hereby given that the un­ CHRIS M MILLER. In the County Court of the State of drew back the latch—then she gave a dersigned has been duly appointed Admlslnstrator of the estate of Oregon for Lane County, Administrator of the estate of Cath­ little choking cry. In Probate. arine E Adams, deceased, and any Christ 1*. Miller, deceased. Address: •'You— !'' In the Matter of the Estate of Sara nud all persona having claims against It. F. D. No. 1, Eugene, Urgeon. the said estate are hereby required 11. E. Slattery, Attorney for Admin­ Holdredge, Deceased. "Yes— you must let me come In, Notice Is hereby given that the un Julie,” Chlttenham said, and without to present said claims duly verified istrator. .is by law requlrod, at my law office, _____________________ J.38-19-F.6-1B-XB derslgned, Fred L. beard, as executor of the above entitled estate has filed a word Julie stood aside. She was lb , kwlth Building. 71? Willamette 8t.. ORDER In said proceedings bis final account; conscious Instantly of something dif­ Etigene, Oregon, In Lane County. Ore­ In the County Court of the State of that the court has set the time for ferent—strange about him— something gon. within six months front the date Oregon for Lane County. the hearing thereof at the hour of of this notice. In Probate. 10 o'clock A. M. January 30, 1931, that killed both the mingled hope and Dated and first published January In the Matter of the Estate of N and all persons having any objections anger that struggled for supremacy In s. 1*31. thereto shall file the same In writing her heart. She felt that if she went Date of last publication February J. Dahlln, an Insane person. Be It remembered that oh this 8th on or before the time set for the to his arms she would be repulsed— 6. 1*81. day of January, 1931, the petition of hearing. H. E. SLATTERY, that If she showed him bitter scorn It FRED L. BEARD, Administrator nt the estate of Csth Kdd Dahlln, as guardian of the person would leave him unmoved—that noth­ and of the estate of N. J. Dahlln. an Executor.I urine E. Adntns.deceased. Insane person, asking for a license to H. E. Slattery, Attorney for Executor. ing could touch him. Address 717 Willamette 91.. sell the real estate hereinafter de­ J.l-8-16-22-29 Eugene, Oregon. ”1 had to come— I'm sorry If you J.8-16-22 29 -F.6 scribed, came on before the Court In NO TIC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON are angry with me— but I had to come due and regular order for hearing E X E C U T IO N IN FORECLOSURE and final determination. —just to say good-bye— " Estate of Z. T. Mountjoy, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that by And after being duly advised In He turned and half raised his head, virtue of an execution and order of NO TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S the premises, the Court finds that all Notice la hereby given that Jane of the facts stated wtthin the said sale In foreclosure Issued out of the looking at Julie. Then suddenly his Mountjoy has been by the County petition are true; and that the said Circuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, face changed— It was as If the strange­ Court of the State of Oregon In and petition should be granted. on the 10th day of December, 1930, ness were wiped out of it in a single for Mine County, appointed Executrix W HEREFORE IT IS ORDERED In a suit wherein on the 14th day flash giving place to such a look of of the Inst will and testament of Z. AND ADJUDGED by the Court that of October, 1930, In said court L. M. T. Mountjoy, deceased Viola Queen, Herbert Rude, Hannah Travis, Inc., a corporation, recovered unutterable pain that Julie caught her All persons having claims against Rude and Christina Nelson Dahlln, Judgment against F. W. Schults and breath In an involuntary cry. the estate of said deceaaer are hereby and all other persons Interested In Ida Belle Schultx, his wife, defendants “To say good-bye— 7" notified to present the same duly the said estate, shall appear before for the sum of $2177.00 with Interest “Yea’’— he took a quick step towards stated and verified, et the residence this Court at the hour of 10 o'clock at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, In Springfield, Oregon, of said Execu­ A. M. February 8, 1931, to show cause, from the 13th day of December, 1928, her and then stopped— ‘'Sadie Is trix, within six months from this 22nd it any they have, why Edd Dahlln and for the sum of $62.19 taxes, and blind,” be said. day of January, 1*31. as guardian of the person and of the for the further sum of $260.00 as at­ Julie stared at bim, her eyee blank, JANE MOUNTJOY, estate of the above named N. J. Dah­ torney's fees herein and the coats and her Ups ported; then after a long mo­ Becutrlx of the Iatat W ill and Testa­ lia, an Insane person, should not be disbursements herein In the sum of ment of Z. T. Mountjoy. Deceased. licensed by this Court to sell, sepa­ $36.30 which Judgment was enrolled ment: "What do you mean’ ’’ she A. E. Wheeler, Attorney rately and at private sale, each of the and docketed In the Clerk's office of whispered. J.22-29 F.5.12-19 following described tracts of real said Court in said County on the 14th Chlttenham made a little Impatient day of October, 1930, and said execu­ estate, to-wlt: gesture. NO TIC E OF F IN A L AC CO UNT Tract No. 1— Beginning at a point tion to me directed commanding me "Just that— what I have said, she In the County Court of the State of 30 feet North and 60 feet and 6 Inches In the name of the State of Oregon, Oregon for Lane County. East of the Southwest corner of Eu­ In order to satisfy said Judgment, in­ Is blind—apparently she has felt It gene F. Skinner Donation Iatnd Claim, terest, taxes, attorney's fees, costs ot coming and been dreading It tor In I’robate. Case No. 6132 In the Matter of the Estate of Notlf. No. 2181, In Twp. 17 8. Range suit, and accruing costs to sell the months. That is why she came from SAMUEL J. ItOIIBRSTON, Deceased. Four West of the Willamette Mer- following described real property, to- America without telling me—she went Idlnn. and running thence North 217 wit: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Northeast Quarter of the North­ to see some Oerman specialist— 1 don’t Notice Is hereby given that the un feet, thence East 60 feet, thence South derslgned executor of the above en 217 feet and thence Weat 60 feet to east Quarter of Section (20) Township know yet what he told her, she was titled estate has filed herein his final the place of beginning, all being In Twenty (20) South of Range Two (2) too 111 and frightened to be very co­ account In said proceedings; that the and a part of the City of Eugene, Lane East of the Willamette Meridian, In Lane county, Oregon, and the West herent. And then this fellow Cbryer court ordered the hearing upon the County, Oregon. Tract No. 2— Lot Four In Black 1, one half of the Southwest quarter of un top of It all— you heard what he said final account to be had before the said court on January 23, 1931, Llll's Add. to Eugene, I,ane county, Southwest one quarter of southeast said about some one In the room never quarter of Section 17 and Lots No. 1. seeing the sunshine again. nt the hour of 10 o’clock A. M.; and Oregon. Didn’t AND IT IS FUR THER ORDERED 2 and 3 in Section 20 Tp. 20 S. R. 2 that all persons having any objections thereto shall file the same In said pro­ That a copy of this order shall be East Willamette Meridian In Lane be speak of blindness—darkness—God ceedings In writing on or before the published In the Springfield News for County, Oregon, excepting therefrom knows what! The fellow should be a period of three successive weeks, the following described tracts; 9.44 locked up. Sadie took It to herself, time set for the hearing. acres deeded to O. E. R. R. Co. Oct. of course, and the sudden shock fin­ beginning, January 16, 1931. W ALTER E. ROBERTSON, 4, 1906, by deed recorded Oct. 29, C. P. BARNARD, Executor. II. E. Slattery, Attorney for the Ex­ County Judge. 1906 In Vol. 73 page 94 I^ane County ished It; perhaps it would have hap­ Deed Records, also exceptlug 23.98 pened anyway, the doctor thinks so, ecutor. H. E. Slattery, Attorney, J.15-22-29 acres deeded to the S. P. R. R. Co. but even he cannot tell, he says she D.88-J.18-16-22 Dec. 30. 1909 by deed recorded Jan. may temporarily recover her sight—11 39. 1910 In Vol. 86 page 249 Lane County Deed Records. Also except she doesn’t— ” He stopped abruptly, and Julie said 27-100 acres deeded to I,ane County for Roadway Dec. 3, 1912 by deed rec­ In a shaking voice: orded May 8, 1913 In Vol. 102 page "How awful! How perfectly aw­ 72 Lane County Deed Records, also General Law ITactlse one acre deeded to Fred Fisk, Aug. ful.” So It was. She felt shocked, stunned 9. 1916 by deed recorded Aug. 14, 1916 1. M. PETERSON In Vol 114 page 86, Lano County Deed and yet It wus quite Impartially, every Attorney-at-Law Records. Leaving 50.67 acres of Ian»; other emotion was clouded over, stifled more or less In said Lano Count/, City H a ll Building by those first words which Chlttenham State of Oregon. Now, therefore. In the name of the had spoken to her. Springfield, Ore. 228 Main BL Residence 128 C BL State of Oregon, In compliance with "I had to come, just to say good­ said execution and order of sale and bye.” J In order to satisfy said Judgment. What had he meant by that? Good­ Interest, taxes, attorneys fees, costs of suit and accruing costs, I will on bye! How would they ever say good­ Full Auto Equipment Saturday, the 14 day of Feb., 1931, bye after last night? He had said JEW ELER at the hour of 2 o'clock In the after­ then that they would never part Lady Assistant Repairing a Specialty noon of said day. at the Southwest again. Chlttenham went on: front door of the County Court House, Springfield, Oregon ”1 was sure you would understand In Eugene, Iatna County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell for cash, at public what a difference It makes, I was sure auction, subject to redemption as pro­ you would try to help me, Julie— dear! vided by law, all of the right, title You see, she hasn’t any one but me, NELSON LEGHORN FARM FRANK A. DE PUE and Interest of said defendants, F. W. Lene County*e Oldest Breeders A T T O R N E Y A T LAW Schultz and Ida Belle Schults, his you see, there are some things It's Im­ of wife, and all persons claiming by, possible for a man to do when a N O T A R Y PU B LIC S. C. W H IT E L E G H O R N * through or under them or any or woman’s 111—and frightened— I could­ either of them In and to said premises. n't leave her now, how could 17 You Button Springfield S P R IN G F IE L D OREGON H. L. BOWN, Sheriff, Phone 11-F-H see— you wouldn't wish It, would you 7 Building Oregon By A. E. Hulegaard, Deputy. J.16-22 29-F.6-12 It would be like— like trampling a B U S IN E S S IH R E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors <1 D. W . Roof Ulf M. Ayres He thought of his wife as she had been when he left her and hour ago, frantic with fear, crying and sobbing; It made him shudder to remember tbe way she had clung to him, begging him not to leave her. "After all, you’re my husband, and I've got nobody else in the world. I know I haven’t been as nice to you as I might have been, but don’t leave me now I ’m blind, don't leave me, Ollee. Oh, my God, what will become of me?" The pathos of her was heart-break­ ing. Sadie, who had always been so Independent, so free, to be clinging to him like this, imploring him not to leave her. She was his wife, he was “I cannot w ait any longer, I w ill leave a note for M r. Schofield." (Continued Next W eek) N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T The undersigned. Executors of the estate of Hugh M. Price, deceased, have filed their Final Account In the m atter of said estate w ith the County Clerk of Lane County, Oregon, ta d an order has been made and entered of record by the County Court of said County directing this notice and appointing Saturday, the 7th day of February, 1931, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. for the hearing of ob­ jections to said account and the settle­ ment of said estate. D ater this 8th day of January, 1931. JOHN M. PRICE JESSE A. FOUNTAIN J. 8-16-2S-29-F.6 t