I ir BYE BOOBY BUNY i n Æ a> Tim PAUK TW O EQ G8 AMONG BEST AND C H E A P E S T FO O D S. S A Y S STATE «y IO N I8T CAMP JO POP VS/A! TO LOOK SOME £ZJ< •KA SICK NS B h ’ NOT MUCH I.el H ip IhtM-miMMonlsr rl»» to within « tia illn ln o l |Milnt n««r »prlng or mini si*r wm in,li nini Now Yiitksrv liy Iho thi'immiilii « III floik down io "dal ol' iloliltl) «on III.Hb« of Ihoin In favi t o i l Hululai vit» wilt, » llm ilo il In iho worm min ik ïl ilvgr«*« warm) •lin lb ’il on Iho boaolw alk nr homi! al I o l i l i I a In ml riioi hoann lo arrivo .»«ill In Iho ils». nnd isinooaalon o w n o ia o|M> I in ha mil Ina Iho »no» pò,-Iml omwil * • • CHECH ANO N U H I N CHICK HI a ml Ina on Iho hiiatoat vnrnorn thono dava aro mon anilina l'hw-k» rubber nona They hold Ihoni hlah Iin Iho air. atrotvh Ihoni b a.k and forth, and vry "liny a vhooK of tho Hank of I’nltod Ntatoa I ir o onnia' Thov alw ays boum> back “ Than a bank fa 11 nro haa by ao mm h dooiwaaod Iho ranka) of Iho «noniphoo»l a a a AQUARIUM X alan dlaflav.'il on h vomimrimont om lnlntna Iivo «pe» Imvtia of flah at Iho aquarium In llatlory IXark mada ''Thono Doh aro capable of ch an t in< »v»l»»r eight Ilmoa in aa man« minili»'« •' Wo ahrnddor lo think whal would happen It iho« tried owl nomo of the m,«dom damma a a a HOME T llU P S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 22, 1 » 3 1 BPRlNOrOBLD NEWS M A N Y A T T E N D C H R IS T IA N CHURCH C O NCERT SUNDAY LEADER A large audience waa pruaent at Ihe I'hrlallan church Hu ml ay evening Kgg« am anion* Ihn iliiiHl valuable, fur Ihc pre-aermnn concert given by ami al Hie preaonl lime, moat ecua the urchwalm and vncallata. A very omii al arili Ica uf Ihc Amerit all dial» Inlereatlng program waa given and aaia MI»» l'arlbwt Nve, alale leader waa W V 'II received The fim i pari uf Ibi» hume ecuiiumtca illvlaluu uf nf Ihc program conalated uf two n u m Ih e llr»> g»»u K«ten»lluii aervlce her» liv ih c nrchwatra under th«« dl Hecauae uf Ihelr high funi vaine m ellon nf Huilaa Murphy. They were ami eaai illgeallM llly when properly llwrcarole" and "March Company A ” ciiukeil. egga are ime uf Ihe fim i finale Thia waa followed by a vocal »olo, lu auppletneiil Ihe mulher'a milk In "Thun Ari My kind ", auug by V elile a bahv a diet They an« among Ihe I’rulll. mlnlaler nf Ihe church rlcbeal auunea nf Inm In human Other numhem on Ihe pmgrain were fuuil. ami alau runlaln phuapburua and Iwn vocal iluela by V elile l*rwlU and iiil.liim In iiaahle form. Mina Nye point* «ui. all of which mummia are Mr« Roland M,«abler, "Won't You Set I’a Preo from Ihe New World Hym «liai lu the growth and development phon« liy livorak and PeKon, and "*O of Ihe body laive Thai Will Not Let Me Oo " by Kgga are alao rich In protein, a »nhalama» needc,l fur Ihe gn»wlh and H erbert. ami a vocal aolo, "One rv|»alr nf mum'le. tame and bliaal S w m lly Solem n Thought," by Am The« ace wlaelv need aa a anballtiile hntae and Pelton, aung by V elile CrulH. Thcae laal three numh«>rB for meat In Ihe dally menu «»»•«'•alon ally he. a u .e ln addition 1.» fw m lahln. , * « h »“ '»«»rumenlal oh- I h , p r o te in found In m e a l, th o v a la o » « « •'» P**»*’» h > J«m anpplv Ihc vlllinlna. which are lacking MacManlman. Ihmn Heal., amt Wm In m eal, aaya Mlaa Nye At preaenl McLean. been puhllahiHl hy lha research depart­ ment of the Lnlverally of Ortgon • THURSTO N • O N F L A X A V A IL A B L E Tiu» purpoan of Hie hullellll la to aid In allm ulallng Ihe davelopinolit of * M*»a *lla»cl *llu.»«>l*relurn*il Tnim Coplns of a new research bulletin, Ihe Oregon flux Industry. Copic« may IXirllaml a few ilaya ago. aa «he waa he obtained from Ihe exienalon divi III. She haa hasn attending h u .ln e .. , "Murketlug ami Manufacturing Eudora «Ion of the I'nlverally. In Oregon's Plux Industry" h . Jvi"l college there. The lutille* Aid met with Mr.. K a y 1 lluugli laal Timimlay for an nil day j meeting They quilted for Mr», llaugli iiml .r e m eellng Hg.ln Wednesday of I hl» week Io finish the quill. The high school banket ball tea m . mnloriMl Io lk>rena laal Friday evening F irs t N iillo n a l Hunk HI i I r . and played the tea m , there. The Thumton buys won and Ihe Horeua Spriit KÌli'lil g irl. won. Residence 143 W P hones: Office 73.1 Mr. Lum May and »on. Hennla. from Rtgnal were In Tliuralon l.nt O ffice hours: I to 5 P. M . Wednesday. Mr« I j iw rence d o ssier I. planning ItcHlileiii e 223 B hl reel to enter the N orthw e.t ho.pllul In a few days to have the tear duct 1 removed from her eye. Mr» Helen Peterson and children have returned Io Salem after spend­ ing several day« vlalllug her mother and »later here. Mr and Mr. Wrlgh« from W a.hlng- lon v l.lted Mr and Mr«. Bert Weaver T h at candy eaten inoderulely I h n very good fiwx! as last Thur.day They formerly owned well an n delicious repast. It eontahiH more energy than a place here but «old their property. | alm ost any o th er food. Il peps you up quicker th an any­ It la now owned by Mr. Perhlna In Springfield thing else when you are fatigued. Mr» T eel era from C ollage Orove la «tailing her daughter. Mra. Kllen Why tie w ithout candy when ihe best quality can he Needham had at low prices at Ml»a Palmer, aaal.tanl teacher at . Ihe school, attended the lecture by Byrd In Kugene laal Thursday. Ml»» H aiel Kdmlaton entertained last Sunday with a dinner In honor "Wh.-r* tha Rnrvtre .a DKT*r«rt N t e ,»f her father-« fiftieth birthday Mra Otla Smith baked a large angel food cake for Ihe occasion covered wllh w hile frv'allng I rimmed In pink. Ihe ,-andlea holders were pink with green candle» while the cake aland waa alao trimmest tn green. There were SO rand Isa Mias Heersma also baked a large fruit cake T hose In attendance were Mr and Mra Prank P C Alex ander of Eugene, Mr and Mrs Oe»'rge McAlister. Eugene and Mra. Rosa Baughman. Pugene. and Pw sln Buell, Mlaa Havel and Jamen Rdmtstnn and STORE NO. J •TO R E NO. I MO Cbamalton S t, Eugana 129 Esat Broadway, tu g * .« Mr and Mra. John Kdmlaton Ml«« Otadya Rlbee waa married to STORE NO. 4 STORE NO. 2 SOO Main kirvat. Spnngfla d M M Waal Broadway. Eugana Perm Hugh Price laal Sundav tn Portland Mra Price la employed In Ihe dlatrtct attorney"» office In Eu Mr Price la a graduate of F R ID A Y and S A T U R D A Y O. 8 C la Corvallia but la taking som e p»«wl graduate work there at Poet's G ranulated Soap present. He la Ihe youngest *«n of D utch M aid M ayonnaise 9 Ounca Six« g Mr and Mr« John Price Package s r . R E S E A R C H B U L L E T IN Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Naturopathic Physician /f Is A greed thov are m.«re evnnomb'al than any H O B A R T W IL S O N H A S L E A D hut Ihe cheapen! enta of moat There are numerona attractive way» IN U N IV E R S IT Y C O M E D Y of aervlng egga, either ahvne or In »•»»mhlnallon wllh other f»«.«da. aaya CNIVPKSTV OP OHPUON. Bu Mlaa Nye. but Ihe palatabtHt« aa well gene. Jan S3 iSpm -lall Hobart YV1I- aa Ihelr h»»althfvilne»» depend« largelv aon, of Springfield, haa been chosen n|u»n ihe care wllh which they are j t„ p|«y the leading roll In the comedy. »<»»kew ,var(w , g*d hold» various In H,«e P«t»nomK-a Circular US and (Wp,,rt«nt »Indent p>«atlU«n* *1 Ihe CHAMELEON CANINE are now available for dlatrlhntlM» Io „wiveralty. one of which 1» the gwn- \o w York |a faot »Ioniin« Itu » ««rcgi'n h««memakera. aa«» Mt»« Nye manager »«f forenalca He la burgh« »had« reputation a» iho sm.'k afftltAted w llh 1TH Sigma Kappa leal ell« If «on aak Ml V Townaeod M A N Y F O U R -H G R O U P S G E T fraternity Kaplan Ho roa-ontb hron«ht a c,«mplaint A W A R D S FO R A C H IE V E M E N T M R S . P O L L A R D E N T E R T A IN S ara Inal Iho \Ya»hln«lt«n Square ovien y.'htew m eat certtfw-atee for twenty aion . f New York w aiver»!» «h.rgtiig M E M B E R S O F S E W IN G C L U B Iho wnlwrvdty wllh em itting »noh «even la n e County ♦ H d n h a «MS deca« «'h«M«ta <«f «m»«ke thai H »«a« plettr.g HW per »'em In IMO have J»i»t Member» of the Neawtlecraft aewlng impoaaihle for hi» «l»«g to lako hl« Kec-w nm-elve»! from H C Sc«m»«nr gr»'up were entertained at the h»«tne w«nal ««nllng ««n Iho p«.«f « u h oat «late «tvih leader of Mr« W H Pollard »«n Thursday » häärin« .-elor Hl» w hile d.«r tnm ed Only «-tab» flnl*htng H * per cent afterw»«on o f last week Mr« lY. H »-»«ai K*a»h ever» Ilmo U was lakon and «ending In re»\«rd hooks for all Jarrstt wA» the assistin g host*«» .«al »a«« Mr Kaplan He a adersi and» member« beginning the work, recetve There were thirteen prevent The lh ai »K m « r e »iin«. «.'» Km que» Ihe A.'hlevemenl certlfvcst* next m eeting »vf Ihe d n h will be held I be»» the need of a d»«g m m la g fr»«m Th. certificate »»«main« all «'f the (M> » s m a r « A. s i ih e home of Mrs w hite b» Na» k la ft»-» m-.nwte« ,1nb m«'mb*rw name* and la «Ign.-d gMnea Wand Mra W C, M'right L U M B E R M E N T O G A T H E R Tf I had « e r.led a b la.k 4»«g. 1 1« the Chlet «< Kxtenskva gv'«rernor fc, the assiatant h ostess s i that FO R M E E T IN G F R ID A Y »■.«M have K'wxhi a b'a.-fc d»w ' he .«f Cregoa p re« ,d e< of the State tim e A dinner m eeting o t the WlltamMte «ava billeri» c«l)ege. state «npertntewdent ««f public -— —------------------------- • • a Valle» Lumbermen » **s»«ctatl»«n »U l InstrwdK«»- <*tre»-t»«r of egteu»ton. M see» be R sdlsw d MAXIM »ILENCER sta te d a b leader, county •cb.wi'l ««per R w Smith, a former -oewleel ot be held at Ike tlsh om hotel on Friday Tho rwmNing »«f an elevated train .nieodeut. cou n ty club agent and kx-al «^«ringfWM. later livin g at Bmptre of this week according tc Herbert going paat a pa«noh»«p d m « ned .«ut lewder CMy. Is new m aklg ht* h»«me at the »\«X. vearetary of the asv»xiatlou tho ®»'i«e o f »hclleriag g-laas « h en a h la the aim of every 4 H d n h »xgg Pellowy horn* fn Forttond accord Three proan nevt m ca »’»«needed with gv-m thief hea«ed a brb-k thm ngh the t«« aeenre o n e of th ese «'emKiester re lnf»-»m»aIi«Mi received hy Ihe the lumber industry «rtll be apeaher» «rind»«« v»«m* da«» ag«» The pm ptt.'ior • the » v a r» work W ithin a very «»>«-» th is week Hl» sddm s» Is MS at the m eting They are R P Rrovm. assistant secretary and manager of dtdaY kw»«« n had happened nau) h* short lim e llo e e .'erliflcate» will he H olgate street Portland. iM-egoa the W est Coaat Ijim ber avvoc»at»on vreai re the wlnd»'w 1.« point »'«I ».-»wi* sea t le the »'hihe hy R C Knehner ----- — lewetrv le a »'«*i»«mer » hi the lewelry .'.'»»pt» .h»b agent C. C. Crew editor and pab’.iahvr of BALLOO N DANCE SU C C ESS the Pacific Coast I^ m b en u ea » IMgesl wws g»«oe and »e v a t tho hoick Clwha and their leaders receiving A T T H U R S T O N S A T U R D A Y and Pa vid Pavla editor of the Timber thrower rose,h er ««Ik three brw.elvi» l hear .'erttP. stea are a s fcWcarn owe of them «oi «U h 14« dlatn.'nda Sew ing .'luK 7«cw. Mra Stella Til The RalKvon danoe which the Amer ______________ ««¡ned al >« SO* von IV xter. ikak-ldc* Heugf.hov» • • • , InK Oakridge W H '.X»imv*T. «lak tr « m e a l it u » iTdg* »'cek ng »'lr.b WendHng lo u r carditel tc A l-s.-voe finance of ON W IL L A M E T T E S T R E T C H Hen» aro «.-»ie* «tatVatK'a for «ex etta H else- «'Yvdrtv.g chib Ward 7-«ua fleer and dan.'* manager of th* h«» e« n ew er »a Iho veortd' fana »Tabtree. «'.»•'klwg d u b le w e lln r le g io n Surfa. ST.g a xrcto h of 1» m ie» The next Icg-loa dance win KXgwve» «wppHod h» the »Vaput« p o Mra F. «1 Harwv»c4. Cooking d u b be beM ai the T hanuon h a» e* of the M s'damcM» highway ahne« ÎK«a ,'ommlaatawev »h»'« lhai Iho ha« R iver View Ra b* * IMms. Cookhag lx««*S bridge has bee® onmpM ed January *1 \ ’ k w .'Tub Tien .« >e Th»«ma«. Ceokmg during th* pas: w w k and was tn- « P»-k Aveaoe and f t h S -eot « h e te , ?«b W estfir Mr» le n e r a Pvhwm; apetled Saterd-xy by H P Farmer, •S STT aotom ohlîe» saw» ever» tw elve Sew ing .-Tub ljced o a Mra Jean®« engineer for the P u rest of Public The «um of »I 8<* wv ae. •«. T>* injn®. ;loa cd FYflk kW Morton Sewirvg d a b . «To» BdvTht Ronda and H W Libhy «tax* highway •"owl the «sic id Wckete for ho* »»d aind S; m s br-v t.->f.-.~* iho W h ite. S ir»la» Hand« C.lrh Sew ing tnsngwml haT held M Salem a Ina: engineer ». charge of conaim ctlon hn»ie«t no« «:and* foorrh W adctoe. M"* l.vws W heeler. Sew­ of th* Thia aTrei.-k «f high»«« la in fine v-eck » .-." -ftu l ve a -er» la iho Het o f pc4t»e i raffi» «aille« ing ofub Pug*®« Mr» K J Wdaos .'oarwr.ree tn charge of ticket «alea condri-m. for rrxwrl new they rrj»-»-". fh Iho height of iho Olimme- »manor, Sew ing d u b . R ie r V I*», Ra-har* Th* nro.'ced» are ic b* giver. H Th* anrtectng V . 1 t» being don* »\»bar and Top Hamilton Ha-ka-an», TXsv»« S*«1ng »'lab W eatfir Rather .-harit» ih e city of S a lm retair.'Tjg hy A Mito» and ilom paa' oonmm.- »ronklyn I» the meat kasvit* traveled S ’efh er.. S»»1ns .'lab Trvfng. Mra nog fwnrrvu-icvr« »1 oor Rvr use aav.ng Ra need« f -«!WC Ka»’ng Koro oounfoM in Marc «bold’e t . ; Oarden d u b W iBa t ve'»-» ho«“» duo ro rh* «''one« Inland l e a at» Pdgwr Thom 1'I owvt gardew •n«h In iho tall and «-inter th» tornì . 'nh «larder W'ay D m * Chae* W sl t» ori In hai tervUl* Sh“op» »beep W «Mervflla. S i J «Yoedar». OhV d u b Pern Rtdg* J »Tav» dmmluned « w • J R Sherman »'aJT d u b «ink K ill I W «»X n » « MORE* Re» Rz w-ers. »YaK «'tub Irving J W I Hl» «» op » unît» otgwmrrea «'Mar» MarweV. HaudKiwft Mnpletor. I d * I and» and, “efrenhmenr» w oar-rare «m »'ox Ta«’oh* a n d n h M. Ker.rl* J •»-«.'oa. R i» ahoni f fee» w-w»r and XT“» tleo-g» Sannder» Hot®* making W * m deey. While bwvtitg «olee ,'lub »lak—Mge M-» W H TXolmver: | »et<,->»»• there « e re»m»*k-»»d that he Hom* making d u b Unna Wra Ru:t (F O B . SpripfUdM) me«; Ao » P*or(« r « v bovine«« ai .'’hlrrtr-e» Rom» making d u h R’«m- -=n.’h a good lopalton 5747 X'le» Rarharw ilutir R oulfw d u h F œ d o r Sodan S tand I V bnxe PhaeT.tr 5729 W'e h»«e to h» -v»pJ‘ec, »e p»« «Yarder W'a 4 R Plah 787 T o w n Sedan SfU Phaeton th» -M« H o« mork h li” 1« ns* a AfiO A 57» R oad w e - Vte» j a il t e r m f in e g iv e n 567 P ic k u p Open Cab .. iVv» thank «’em I think ì l i afte* De i d i » R oadw e- 6 2* C A R R IE R OF LHÔLiOR ♦o ha trine o*” * colum n.) W h 597 Pickuy Cloaod Gab •» 7 S tand ard Coup* J X ir r T Z i su.r*a»c CO..PLETTED N ew Ford OamN » o —iog» k «cenne« n e w r*n-ing tb> pn« week ma -rtap» 1; ewmwo» hae» beer. r a a to ', »e thè fot lowing *1« fho count» clepk WeleiUe Wedmun and .Vaanii« Ha» hotf tu ««•kland Mohan «Tari and Vena Mola her-v hoth e»f <"«nk -«dp »'Marlow Re man» and R-înona f»e « •» hosh e«f h'Xrp'n». Harold KonWeiî- ane Mnho O h o - n hoi. of Ftipon- »'»Ito» R i« ane T a la » Hendntaoa hoki of June Hot «Ht» Rohe-i iloodm nr and. let .-IH» »'’h .'k hoth of Pugene- d>l»»r f*o—T. Jnn-o«oe ,'ip. and »'inlrr TIP Alhar.v J «18T To «ot», cui H aw * «beli colo- «emvi» PIlMle phon* 1CK3 Jew«* Manun m u vew enced tc M da«'« ir the .'ouctv *»l and w»» fteed aww C“i4n> fa Ihm Johnauouh eons» r, l ' n c v i «frei be ib v ld ii tc plead cnlRv » im ; »-»’■*» m a i R-onir »w» a —ewfeC. »h* week befoTe neur Co­ burg on a .'harp* of t-wnvpn-îlng 11- «uor H* 1» repo-led ic bar* our-ted ,'npoealec *trea-m» »« ib* Hm» «f hl» CKw* Tb* membe»» of lb* Mtaalor .'trrlr of :b* Rnptlv .b u ret be«« ibet- m oplhb mewling a: the bom* n' Mr» J k iYe'be- o t Tnewdn« «muitug Wvw *i » • r"vli-- wu« m .-’hwTg» o ’ tha p-o tm u a R pon Coupe I > laure Coupe C ahnole: ... T u d o r Sodai Pordor Sodar. F o rd o - Sodar. De lam e 657 682 752 6T? OT 78" WS 697 775 737 710 772 A P an el Deliverx D e btsxe DelfxTry Staxion M a ç o n V ic to ria Coupe A D rop Floor Pan I V I A N a tu ra ] Wood D el W e a re ploaaoc to am m une* thone substantial red uctio n* tr a ! lines- Vcw a- the tim e to buy you r new F.xrd and hav* a fu i w e a r* ose. Anderson Motor Co. Sntm « pc S o rv it* F ifth at>£ A S t r r e u S firlnK f’f'W tire FGGIMANN’S - Springfield Special» - OC 15c Ivory Soap Flakes Sco u rin g Powder r- Gold Dwa: Con Elgin Thousand Island Dressing Dill Pickles i9 c r 1 1 UV Package Citrus W ashing Powder 1 Q La«ge Package 1 7c U f" s LarB* i>C A 9 V Elgin Relish Spread M eat 1 ,-Pm l Ja* !7c Quari Jar 59c 25c P A LM O LIV E SOAP. 4 Bars Breier’s VICTORY SALE A Crusad« A gain! “ Lazy Business"— A T riu m p h of Industry Oxer Listle&sness— A nnihilation of Fear V ic to ry is achieved oxer eonditions by changing condition*. B rcier helps thousand- of |«eo|de io gain vbuxry ocer llxnng costa Prime»! Perx ah's. Illg S |ix ial M ill Rnds. yd 9c Brxxadiloth S h in s, all while, nien-erisexl. f l 30 vai "The Big Yank" S hins, never I k for»' less th an I I 93c n o * 79c Boys Moot S oi. substantial rib lop. 35c values 23c Men s Wool Sox. h eath er and btxtwn. values S9r, »our 19c Fleece U ned Coals, bought by carload 66c aad 86c iTilting P ajam as never l«efore less th an 11 74. n o * 51.29 B lankets 52.98 high grade wool, txiixxx very unusual Cre|xc Slip* the kind xou have paid 11 f«xr m * 89c Fancy Bax on S h lits , last year f l 48 now only 79c Stam ped Pillow Case» and S carf Sets 7»c YO U R DO1 ' A Î G O ES F A R T H E R R IG H T N O W T H A N FOR 14 Y E A R S Boy W hile F rie s * see at Reck B o tto m f i « * * tHis targe supply m h««us*held needs. M PT ST O R I*