4 f ' l l Try the H om e P rin t Shop F iret I W KNTY-DKIIITH YMAR. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS “The Psepls's Papar* A L I V I M C W tP A P IR IN A L I V I TO W N SPItINOKIKIJ). LANK COUNTY. OREGON, TUI R8DAY. JANUARY 22. IM I No. 2 Crot» A eke H.S. Open League Bueinese Men to MILK PRICES DROP Red BEACH DISCOVERT $ 2 0 0 From City Gamee with U. Hi Diecuee Athletics RIVER WATEBWAT TWDCENfSSUNDAy MAT RE AMBERGRIS CARAVAK COMING Head« of Local« Organization to Team« to Meet at McArthur Meeting Called at High School Meet Friday at Community Court in Preliminary Game Monday Night to Consider Local Creamery Meets Cut An­ Hall to Plan Drive. Putty Lika Substance Thought Friday Evening. Activities for Sports. nounced in Eugene; Price to Many Visitors from Lower Wil­ to Be Valuable Whale Ingred Another meetln« of the heads of Be Paid Producer Not Set lamette to Come to Spring- Hprlngfleld high school basketball _______ director __ _ Morral May, athletic at the ient Used in Manufacture of players will open their league season I high school, has issued a call to the all the various civic and fraternal Yet; Butterfat and Butter Ad­ organisations In Hprlngfleld will be field Tonight for Willamette High Grade Perfumee; Find before a large audience In McArthur business men of Hprlngfleld to meet vance« Two Cent* Today. " Navigation Meeting at Cham­ held at the Community hall Friday May be Worth $35,000. Court at the University of Oregon at the high school auditorium Monday evening for the purpose of making ber of Commerce. ♦ Retail milk price. In Hprlngfleld Friday night when they play their evening to consider the organization for , he (h,g ,g Chance discovery at Heceta beach first game with the University high of athletic groups among the various r raw milk has not been set as yet, but Samples were taken to the Univer­ but won the game 2« to 28 before a | To„ eybal). an„ other This Is the last meeting of the asso­ asked for contributions: Commercial will be determined by the milk dealers ciation before the board of army engi­ Club. Lions Club, Woodmen, Odd Fel­ sity for examination, but no one there large and Interested audience. association probably on Monday ot athletic activities. This will serve neers submits its report to congress lows, Masons, Rebekahs, American could positively Identify the substance. Friday evening the Hprlngfleld play- two.fold purpoge. , t next week. In the meantime the dis­ on the survey made last summer. Many reference books were next e r. took a trip to Albany to help to the men tbenjaeIveg> and ,t Legion, huts ter 1 1 Star. Neighbors of tributors have only the alternative of will Representatives of the United States Woodcraft, churches and schools. The studied and from all pictures and dedicate the new gymnasium at t h e |a(u in lhe (Utting the price to the producer. development of greater Department of Commerce who are American l-eglon will have charge of descriptions obtainable the material high school there and defeated the This seems to be what will result interest among the townspeople in the making a tonnage estimate for naviga­ Individual solicitation In the city. All corresponds to the valuable substance. high school team. 38 to 18. Spring from the action of the Eugene Cream­ 'hletic contests of lhe high school tion purposes will be present. Data Samples have been sent to Seattle field showed a burst of speed In the people In outlying districts who will ery which Is supposed to be a co­ 1 layers. and other facts concerning probably and New York for Identification and early minutes of this game by scoring operative orgunlallon and which will not be reached by the workers are May has discussed the project bs- tonnage which might be developed at analysis, but no report has been made five points in the first five minutes urged to seud their contributions to In the long run only mean less Income fore the school board, and the Lions Springfield will be offered here. H. the Community Red Cross, Itos 30, as yet. of the game. The score at the half for the producer of the raw milk. Ambergris Is a solid substance was Hprlngfleld 29. Albany 9. The dub. Members of this club an I of J. Cox, secretary of the Willamette Hprlngfleld. Prices of butterfat have remained formed only In the sperm whale by reserves were given an opportunity th< staff at the Anderson Ford agency Valley Lumbermen’s association; W. quite stwady however, until today. The chemical reactions In certain waters to show their ability in the second have Indicated their willingness to N. Long, of the Lucky Boy Mining Portland price of butterfat and cream OPEN SAFETY PIN PASSES organize teams to plaj in competitive company, and others will add their It Is usually emitted from these whales half. went up one cent this morning and r ports. THROUGH BABY’S BODY through their mouths In large pieces statistics to the evidence being as­ The starting lineup of these two lhe local creamery Is now offering sembled. The substance has a very pungent .games consisted of the following play Three nod a half days of anxiety 33 cents per pound which Is the same HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL odor and the oil made from It is a J. A. Seavey will also attend and ns that quoted In Portland The price I for a mother ended here Monday when necessity in the manufacture of all era: Ernsting, center; Mattison and will discuss the probable hop tonnage Wright. forwards; Tomsetb ana ANNOUNCES CHANGES of butter also went up one cent, with little Hetty Morgan, seven months-old high grade perfumes. It has a tend­ Wright, guards. Frese, Thatcher, Elli­ available for barge transportation if the Irgrease In the cost uf butterfat I baby daughter of Mr and Mrs Mor- FOR SECOND SEMESTER it Is made available. ency to make the odor of the per­ son, and Bruce Squires saw action Coutlnuntly Increasing quantities of rail of Hlue River, finally succeeded fume last. as reserves. The meeting here Is being spon­ cream are being brought to the local I In getting rid of an open safety pin Two major changes will take place It Is reported to be worth *36 an at the high school with the beginning sored by the chamber of commerce < renmery and new customers are be- | which she had swallowed and which ounce. This would make tlje find JOINT BIRTHDAY PARTY of the new term according to W. E and it Is urged that everyone Inter­ Ing added dally according to the oper­ bad worked Its way through the entire worth around *35.000 If It Is what it ators. This naturally means Increased body without any 111 effects on the Buel, principal. The first will be the ested attend and hear the latest re­ HELD AT FRESE HOME Is supposed to he. prisluctlon of butter, but all of It has I child. starting of several new classes in ports of progress toward having con­ The piece found on the coast looks FOR STUDENTS MONDAY lower subjects to accommodate the gress appropriate money to prepare fouud a steady market In this vicinity The child swallowed the pin Thurs­ like dry putty. It Is streaked with until the prreent time and none has incoming freshmen from the Lincoln the river for barge navigation. day of last week and the exact loca­ yellow substance which Is soft and Lloyd Frege and Vernlce Hawke The dltlner 1s being prepared under been shipped away. school and the organlation of boys tion of the pin was soon discovered mushy. were honor guests at a birthday party the direction of Mrs. I. M. 'Peterson, athletics Into various divisions and with the aid of an x-ray machine. given by their mothers. Mrs. Fred domestic science teacher at the high group«. P.-T. A. TO SPONSOR NEW The pin appeared to be making Its BIBLE STUDENTS FROM Frese and Mrs. Wallace Hawke, at New courses will be started in school, aud a musical program will MOTHER'S STUDY GROUP. way through the Internal organs of PORTLAND TAKE CHARGE the Frese home Monday evening. The Algebra I, English I. manual training be offered. This will be provided by the child so It was not molested. ALSO PLAN SILVER TEA Successive pictures were taken sev­ OF CHURCH MEETINGS gathering was a complete surprise to or home economics, trigonometry and an instrumental quartet consisting of both of the young people who have Barbara Barnell, xylophone; Miss plane geometry. Initial steps looking to the organila eral times dally and finally on Mon­ Faculty members and students of recently observed their birthdays. Bessie Stewart and Miss Irene Man- The boys phylscal education classes lion of a mother’s study club were day It made Its way out of the child's the Portland Bible Institute were ac Lloyd’s birthday fell on Monday and ley, banjos; and Mrs. W. K. Barnell, taken last Friday afternoon at the body. There was always great danger corded a hearty reception here Sat Miss Hawke observed her’s on Sat­ will be divided Into a varied group piano. of activities, each concentrating on monthly meeting of the Parent- ,hat the P»« would turn and the point urday evening and Sunday when they urday. Mrs. A. J. Cowart assisted the one activity such as tumbling, boxing, Teacher organisation at the Brattaln rauaa “ ,o '" d " ’ ,n ,h’' b rau"in« conducted all of the regular and wrestling, and games. Boys will be BROTHERHOOD HOLDS school. Mrs. Wm. Rodenbough was trouble and making an operation special service« at the Methodist hostess during the evening which was permitted to select their own activity necessary. spent playing gamee and with refresh MONTHLY MEETING church. named chairman of the group. This and those who show little aptitude for ments ot ice cream and cake. group of mothers will meet at stated AT CHURCH MONDAY Special services were conducted Those attending the party were any of the activities will find a wel­ Intervals to listen to the Mother’s C. E. BOX SOCIAL TO BE Saturday evening and at 2:00 and Members of the Brotherhood of the Study ITograms broadcast over radio HELD HERE ON FRIDAY 3:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon. They Lloyd Frese, Miss Hawke. Edna Haver come place for them In the group field. Dorothea Frese. Paul Frese. which devotes Its time to acquiring Methoaist church heard A. Crum- station KOAC at Corvallis. Any In­ also took charge of the Sunday school Plans havo been all completed for Sunday morning teaching all of the Bruce Squires. Leila Squires, Alice a knowledge of various games. baker, professor of economics at the terested mother may Join this group. University of Oregon speak Monday The next meeting will be In the the box social which members of the classes. and conducted the 8unday Thatcher, George Thatcher, Jimmie West, Miriam Rice. Gladys Chase BULB IMPORTATION IS night on International Relatione. The nature of a sliver tea. Mrs. W. K. Christian Endeavor of the Christian morning service«. Ruth Carlton. Rev. Ralph Mulholland. meeting followed the regular monthly Barnell has been named chairman of church will sponsor In the social OPPOSED BY CO. CHAMBER Nine representatives of the educa dinner of the men's organisation. the committee. This meeting will ob­ rooms of the church Friday evening tlonal Institution were here for the Hazel Wlk-on. Iowa Carlton, Mr. and Members of the Lane county cham­ serve the thirty-fourth anniversary or which to pay their pledge towards the meetings. The delegation was headed Mrs. Fred Frese. Mrs. A. J. Cowart, Howard Hughes was accepted as Mrs. Wallace Hawke, and Vincent ber of commerce went on record at Founders' day of the P.-T. A. move­ wltn wmrn to pay their pledge to by Dr. Edward Mott president of a new member of the organisation. wards the church budget. Baccus. their meeting at Cottage Grove last ment Glen B. Woods resigned as secretary the Institute. They furnished their Friday evening as being opposed to of the organisation. He had recently Veltle Pruitt, pastor, Irene Brown own music, bringing a quartet and Election of delegates to the county JOHN VERNON FUNERAL any attempt to modify the present been elected and hand not taken the council meeting was discussed. There field, and Vets (atswnll are the com soloists. SERVICES HELD MONDAY I embargo on plant bulbs for outside office. Too many other duties was are several members of the local mlttee In charge of the event. territory. A resolution to this effect given as his reason. The former group who plan to attend. Special entertainment Is being pre ALL STUDENTS ARE TAKING John Vernon, 54. resident of Mar- was passed by the members. nominating committee was instructed A musical program arranged by Mrs. pared and will consist of a comic EXAMINATIONS TH IS WEEK cola for the post two years, died The state highway commission was to nominate another secretary for the Marlon Adnms preceded the business skit, "All On a Hummer’s Day" by at hts home there last last Thursday also petitioned In another resolution year. meeting Friday. Students at both of the grade four girls. Instrumental music, and following and extended Illness. He to hurry the completion of the Mc­ The organization went on record atz group of old time songs by a quartet schools and at the high school are was boro at Dalbeatey, Scotland. No­ Kenzie highway early next summer favoring the appropriation bill now taking their third six weeks exam In a JULIUS BUSHNELL PASSES from the Eugene Bible University vember 10. 1876, • and came to the and to let the contract for the Vlda- The general public Is Invited to tlona this wee. High school students United States when he was two years Nlmrod Inn section of the highway as before the legislature which provides IN EUGENE ON TUESDAY for funds for the erection of two will also take their final examinations attend this gathering. soon as posible. This is the only re­ bust statues of Dr. Jason Lee and old. for the first semester next week. One Julius Bushnll, 24, resident of Dexter He lived for many years at Lane« maining part of the highway work Dr. McLaughlin, early Oregon mis­ group of students at the Lincoln school for the last 15 years, died nt the Pa­ TWO GIRLS TEAMS PLAY ville, Massachusetts, and was married that has not been let on contract. sionaries, in the hall of fame at have already taken their state eighth cific Christian hospital In Eugene Juan B. Rael. professor of Spanish BASKETBALL ON FRIDAY grade examinations. Those who pass to Miss Esther Ford at Glouchester, Washington, D. C. before the 1934 Tuesday evening. He was born near on November 23. 1998. They later at the university spoke on "Life Centennial celebration. The secretary In all their subjects will he enrolled Irvlngon January 13, 1907 and moved lived In Colorado and California be­ Among the Spanish Peoples of North Two girls basketball teams repre to Dexter with his parents when he Renting the alumni group of the high at the high school for the second fore coming to Marcola. Mr. Vernon era New Mexico and Southern Color- was instructed to write the county delegation at Salem urging them to semester. W. E. Buell, high school was 9 years old. He Is survived by school and a group of students now was a member of the Masonic lodge rado.” The next meeting of the county Ills widow. Mrs. Helen Bushnell; a attending the high school, met at the principal, states thut according to a and of the Woodmen of the World. organisation will be held at Eugene In support the measure. A measure au­ thorising the statuee was passed many son, Gilbert; his father, Robert Bush­ gymnasium last Friday night for their ruling made recently, no student can Surviving him are his widow, one February. years ago. but was not effective as nell; and two brothers, Kenneth ana first basketball game of the aeason. enter high school during the mid-year It did not carry an appropriation. unless he has completed all of his son. Preston and one daughter. Mrs. Edward, both of Dexter. The former students took the game examinations successfully. He also Dorothy Bradburn, both of Marcola. BANK RE-ELECTS ALL An effort will be made to have the The funeral services will be held with a score of 30 to 27. More games Funeral services were held Monday points out that the entry of the new OFFICERS LAST WEEK high school -debaters attend the next Friday at 2:00 o'clock from the are planned by the group. students Into a small high school In afternoon from the Walker-Poole meeting of the Brotherhood and argue Walker-Poole funeral home In Eugene. Members ot the winning team were the middle of the year works ail undue funeral home In Eugene. Rev. Roy I All of the officer« and members the merits of the chain store. Rev. Harry Neet, pastor of the Light­ Maxine Snodgrass, Nellie Hankey, Leslie Smith officiated and Interment of the board of directors of the Com- The March meeting will be In the house Temple, will officiate and Inter Maude Brattaln, Evelyn Buell. Esther hnrdshlp on both the student and the was made in the new I. O. O. F. mercial State bank were re-elected at faculty as the number is v^ry small nature of a homecoming. Dr. Marcy, ment will be made In the laturel McPherson and Alma Fish. the annual meeting of the stock­ district superintendent now living at and the teaching load must necessarily cemetery. Qrove cemetery. holders held last Thursday night at Salem, and a former pastor, have been be Increased to accommodate the new I CHAMBER MEETING TO BE students. the bank. They are Welby Stevens, invited at that time. CONFERENCE DELEGATES DISTRICT GOVERNOR OF POSTPONED ONE WEEK MAKE REPORT WEDNESDAY president; C. F. Eggtmann. vlce- LIONS CLUB HERE FRIDAY I president; and C. E. Kenyon, sec- PARENTS GET NEWS FROM ASSISTANT APPOINTED The regular monthly meeting of th« Student body officers and faculty retary and cashier, The other mem- WILLIAM COX YESTERDAY Jack Ferris, I-a Orande, district Hprlngfleld chamber of commerce will FOR GIRL SCOUT WORK members who attended the anual high I hers ° r ^ e board are Mrs. Mary governor of the Lions Club for Ore­ be postponed one week and will be Kessey and A. J. Perkins. William (B ill) Cox has been heard schnl conference at the University, Miss Bessie Stewart has been ap­ gon. will he In Hprlngfleld Friday to held on Friday, January 30. Instead from and Is now visiting with friends gave reports of the meetings during pointed assistant to Mrs. Agnes Baker, make his oflclal visit to the local of tomorrow evening according to W. In another city according to a state­ the assembly period at the high school j NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT girl scout leader. She will also have club at their noon luncheon meeting K. Barnell, new president of the ment made this morning by his father. Wednesday morning. Student body | j q HAVE MEETING FRIDAY charge of a ukulele club which will ncording to word received this week group. George Cox. Considerable apprehen­ officers who attended and who re­ be formed among the girls and which by W. F. Walker, deputy district This will be the first meeting with sion was felt here the first half of ported were Jack Hulett, student body | The semi-monthly meeting of the will work with the vocal chorus be­ governor. the newly elected officers In charge, the week when It was discovered that president; Faye Parsons, president of Neighbors of Woodcraft will be held ing directed by Mrs. W. K. Barnell. consideration of the advisability of he was not staying In Eugene with the Girls league; and Lela Squires, at the I. O. O. F. all on Wednesday Members of the girl scouts are now Visits from Salem— John Calighili of I issuing a new advertising folder tell- his aunt where his parents had be­ treasurer of the student body. Lloyd evening of next week. Regular lodge busy making plans for a Valentine Halem was a visitor In Hprlngfleld | Ing about Hprlngfleld will be taken lieved that he had gone to spend a Frese, Principal Buell, and Miss Anna work with the new officers In charge costume party to be held at the see- on Friday. up at the meeting. few days vacation from his work. Vogel, also attended the sessions. will be the business of the evening. on4 meeting In February.