= In my last yam 1 told you about th* adventure with th’ wild man on th’ island of Borneo. Knowin’ that he wan a white man, Tops’l Barney and I flti­ gered that he had gone crazy in th’ jungle, BO we net out to capture him. We'd junt gotten well In­ to th' deep woods when we had a clone call from bein' captured by aavage natives. Bight after that, a.*> we were alippin’ along, watchin* for Migna of th* crazy man, a whoppin’ big serpent, with iimuth open and hinnin* like an engine Mowin' off steam, reared up in front of us. I could have shot him. but that would have brought th* savages back on our trail, so we got out of there in a hurry. It was just after this that \v e heard th* crazy yell we knew so well. Tyin’ a sllp- nooae In one end of a rope that he had brought with him, Barney covered it with = = z = r dirt In th’ trail. Then we hid in th’ grass and waited. When th’ wild man hove in sight and stepped into th' loop, Barney Jerked on th’ rope and down he went. When we got out to th’ trail we found that th’ poor feller’s head had struck a rock, and we thought for sure that he was dead. But in a minute or two he sat up, and he wasn’t crazy any more. Th' bump on his head had cured him. Then he told us that he was a French sailor; that he had swum ashore after his ship had been wrecked, and that th* loneliness and danger in th* Jungle had driven him crazy. Well s’r, when he found that we had saved him, he was so tickled he grabbed hold of Barney and kissed him on both cheeks. I tell you it was worth all th ’ risks we had taken to see th’ expression on Barney’s face. ■RM L isten ' T o T his , comcmuvao nw oes T he v a r io u s PHtvoSOPHlCAL E Y S T E M S IN TO T H R E E CLASSES J -(» ) A B S T R A C T - S Y S T E M S v MHICH R E S T ONLY ON ABSTRACT P R IN C IP L E S ’, (X ) HYPOTHESES ,OR SYSTEM S S n o o g D E Q ON M E R E S o p p o s m o K S ; (.33 o n e T r u e system » T h a t o f " HAHRY I I'M READING T o You.-W ANE Y ou BEEN L IST E N IN G ? HARPV - t 4