T HURSDAY. JANUAKYJL-11±L CIVIC CLUB COMPLETES VERY SUCCESSFUL YEAR OFFICERS RE-ELECTED Uncle Sam Goes to Sea Again AU of the officers of the Spring field Civic club were re-elected Tues day eveulug at the meeting held at the Community hall. They are Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, president; Mrs. Carl Olson, vice-president; Mrs. L. K. Page, secretary; Mrs. 1. A. Valentine, treas urer. and Mrs A. B. V ai Valiah, reporter. Mrs. Wheaton and Mrs. Olson gave reports of home demonstration meet­ ings which they had attended at Junc­ tion City and the members of the club decided to invite Miss Gertrude Show to conduct demonstrations at two of their meetings in the future. The first will be held on the evening of February 10. This will be a land­ scaping meeting. The Civic club has had a very sue- cesful year according to reports of the various officers. They have raised a considerable sum of money, most of which has been expended for var­ ious community enterprises, and have taken an active port in many of the larger events of the past year. The outstanding achievement of the club, as in former years, has been the presentation of the rose show and children's parade early in the spring. The weather was inclement last spring at the time the roses were at their best so the parade, which is usually participated in by most of the children in the city, was delayed until a later date. Members of f ie clnb took active charge of the dinner which was served to the visiting airmen here at the time of the Pacific Northwest Air Tour during the summer, and have prepared several other dinners for meetings of the County chamber of commerce and other organizations. Education has also been stressed by the club in Its programs. Some new idea for the improvement of the home, either inside or out. has been incorporated in e'.ch of the lectures given by visitors. Two trips, one to Alaska and one to the Hawaiian Islands, were taken via, lantern slides and lectures, by the members of the club at their meetings during the fall. Am erican*?! a g N ow Flies in Every Port in the World—British Our Only Rival JOAN CRAWFORD STAR PAST WORTHY MATRON HONORED ON SATURDAY of M c D onald picture Joan Crawford reechos the pinnacle Sixteen past officers and specially of her Interesting career a* th* I invited guests were entertained thilur- heroine of "Paid," which opened lost ,|**>- afternoon si the home of Mrs night «1 the Ifox McDonald theatre. Gertrude Wilson, newly Installed as a talkie version of Bayard Valuer's worthy matron of the Eastern Star, celebrated stuge play. ' Within Hie , ,,py of Hie ritual with Mrs. Wright's name embossed on the cover The role of Mary Turner becomes WUH preseiiled here during Ihe after amazing realistic In Miss Crawford s The gathering was ihe annual entertainment given by «the new understanding hands. The plclure sturts off with Ihe worthy matron for the outgoing of­ Assisting Mrs. Wllaon were courtroom scene In which Mary ficials Turner Is sentenced to the peniten­ Mrs C K Wlieaton. Mrs E E. Freed tiary for a crime she did not commit rick, anil Mrs. C A, Hwarts. Embittered against all society, she The officials who retired at Ihe plots the downfall of ihe man who f,rMj ,,f | | H, year were; Mrs Wright, sent her to Jail. Gaining her freedom w o rth y matron; C. A Hwnrta. worthy seven years later, she becomes the patron. Mrai Wilson, associale pa­ head of an underworld gang who tron; Mrs E E. Fraedricka. con­ commit all aorta of crimes, hut are ductor; Mrs Pearl Bchantol, associate clever enough to appear to he Just conductor; Mrs C. A. Hwnrta. sec­ "within the law." The climax comes retary. und Mrs. C. V! Kenyon. 1res when she falls in love with the son of the man who sent her to prison amt becom es embroiled e lo a gang MRS. KENYON HOSTESS killing. • • • FOR KENSINGTON CROUP Opening a three-day run on Sunday, Members of the Kensington club red haired Clara Bow makes her bow to Lane county audiences In a new were entertained Friday afternoon irt type of role, In "No Limit." which the home of Mrs. ('. E Kenyon Those blends dramatic action with romance Jirvseui were Mrs W N. Dow. Mrs and laughter llarry Green und Stuart Clarence Chase, Mrs Lawrence May. Erwin handle two comedy roles In Mr» J T. Monro, Mrs, Ix-vl Newt, • No Limit" to the best of their aliti Mr». C. K Hwarts, M ua Swurta, Mrs. Hies, and according Io preview critl W K Burnell, Mrs Charles Pialle. dama, the picture la slated to surpass Mrs. llarry Whitney, Mra. W. C. anything (Tara Bow has done In the Wright and Mrs. J C. McMurray The next meeting of the group will past The theme, tsldly enough. Is bused be held In two weeks Mrs Burnell on the muchly publicised controversy and Mrs Poole will entertain with in which t'lara found herseif after 1 uo o'clock luncheon at the Osborn returning from Culneva thinking h old In Eugene nt that time. she hud been using 50 cent chips, only to find they were valued al a MRS. CURTIS ENTERTAINS hundred dollars a chip (By CALEB JOHNSON) Uncle Sam has taken to the sea another war broke out. As we had lost our ocean commerce again. We have been hearing a great deul to Great Britain when we were deep!) about the American Merchant Marine, involved in a war. so we began to these past few yer.rs. but few realise recapture tt when Great Britain got the extent to which shipping flying into the greatest war In history. We our national (lag has regained the seized our opportunity, and a com­ commanding position on the high seas prehensive system of Governmental Wainwright, who lor that is used to occupy before the Age aid to merchant shipbuilding and op- > forty years lia» been a profesxor la eration was adopted, comparing with of Steam Japanese college», ha» been awards^ Before the Civil war there were the Government sulwldles with which the Order ol tire Ruing Sun. the British had stimulated their own so few American ships sailing to for­ eign shores that our flag was almost shipping industry. totally unknown In many of the most Now. as 1 have said, wo are sec­ BANK STOCKHOLDERS TO important ports of the world. For ond only to Great Britain, and a very HOLD ANNUAL MEETING nearly sixty years that condition had close second; and we are gaining been getting worse from year to y e sr every year. The annual meeting of the stock­ Today the United States ranks sec­ Ijast year, for -example, 41 percent holders of the Commercial State bank ond only to Ureat Britain in the num of all of the ocean commerce between will tie held at the bank tonight her of our ships engaged in foreign the United States and the rest of the Elect ion of officers of the new year commerce, and only Great Britain ex­ world, was carried in American ships will be made at the meeting. The ceeds us in the annual volume of ship This year's figures will be larger. In present officers are Welby Stevens, construction. And that condition is another year -or two craft flying the | president; U. F. Egglmann. vice- getting better, from our point of view, American flag will be carrying more president; and U K. Kenyon, cashier. from year to year. than half of our foreign trade; In , Other tm mbers of the board of ill In the old days of wooden sailing another five years we will have re­ rector are Mary Kessey and A. J ships the United States led the world, gained the position which we occupied Perkins. in the first 75 years of our national in 1860. existence Yankee shipyards built more There were approximately 5.200 BAPTISTS WILL HEAR craft then were built anywhere else. ships under 30 different flags, en­ SERMONS i N ’ EVELATION Cur shipbuilders and designers strove gaged in International commerce last to improve their models, until in the Rev Ralph H MulholUst! will c o n ­ year. They carried 111 million tons' 1850's the Yankee Clippers, the tower­ of freight, worth more than eight bll tinue the series of sermons on the ing wooden sailing craft which pene­ His lion dollars. America ships carried book of Revelation Sunday. trated to the utmost reaches of the morning sermon topic will lie "'The more than 45 million tons of this. globe, were the fastest and most PRISCILLA CLUB FRIDAY Church by Satan's Throne", and his Most of these 5,200 ships are very profitable merchant men atloat. They evening subject will be ‘‘An Open VETERAN MARINE HERE were at once the admiration and the small craft. We are not* building Door In Heaven " The choir will hold Mrs William Curtis won the first ON FURLOUGH VISIT prise III the series of guessing gamee despair of the British, our only rivals small ships for foreign service, but their regular weekly rehearsal ihls large ones. Our foreign fleet con on the Seven Seas. Edward Brown. United States mar­ ill the meeting ot the Prlacllla club evening. Then three things happened, almost sists of only 671 general cargo ships The largest attendance ever rec­ ine. stationed In the ITillllpInos Is- . whh li was held Friday at the home and 259 oil tankers, yet they were Mra, T. at once. orded at the Baptist Sunday school lands for tin’ past twenty seven of Mra. Norman Howard able to carry almost as much cargo '” ury I The iron ship and the screw pro­ In January for several years was months. la now visiting friends In t'harrett of New York City and Mrs peller were introduced into the ship­ as the remaining 4.200 ships of all reached last Sunday, the first Sunday Springfield and vicinity. He has been Brown, mother of Mrs Howard were building picture, and the United the rest of the world carried! And of the membership contest now being I |n Die «ervlce for the past eighteen guests at the meeting. The members State became embroiled in a war be- we are carrying cargo and passen­ conducted. years aud has been stationed In most present were Mrs J. M latraon, Mrs. gers to and from every port In the I tween the States. of the principal countries of the John Parker, Mrs. M J. McKy. Mrs. world. So long as ships were built of wood world He is staying at the American le E Hanford. Mrs Riley Bnislgrass. There are 177 seaports in the MANY LOCAL PEOPLE TO Mrs. William Rouse, Mrs William hotel while in Springfield. Boarder—Come quick; two rats are end propelled by sails, we had the ad United States, Including out insular ATTEND BYRD LECTURE 'Curtis and Mra William Slearmer. fighting in my room. ¡vantage over everybody else; we had possessions. There are more than * — — The next meeting of the club will Landlady—What do you expect for the timber, and the workmen and the 1,400 foreign seaports. Into practically Many Springfield people are plan EUGENE CHAMBER LEADER In- held on Friday, January 23, at 50 cents, a bull fight* expert knowledge of ship construc­ every one of these the American flag nlng to go to Eugene tonight to hear SPEAKS TO LIONS FRIDAY i thi home of Mrs J. M. I arson. tion; we also had a population living , „ ... , .. __ . has floated in the past year. Fifteen Rear Admiral Byrd give his lecture the seacoast. The tendency of Oregon cltlxens to I Miss Gush—I just adore caviar, almost entirely - along * . years ago there was not a single on his trip to the South Pole at with a natural taste for the sea. and . v i ,- .., don't you’ , ... . , , American-flag ship plying to Airitan McArthur court. He will show nine laud the advantages und beauties of BAPTIST YOUNC PEOPLE we could , . Mr. Flush—I seldom listen over the from this coastal population ‘ , I ports; today there are 22 ships under reels of films, nil of which were taken other states und to forget to say ATTEND DISTRICT MEET radio and care little for those foreign man our ships with the best navlga our flag, each making several trips while on the trip to the pole and anything about their own waa ihe tors and sailors to be found anywhere. subject of the address made by A. ; singers. a year to Africa. In 1914 there were while In camp awaiting favorable Several member* of the Baptist When it came to manufactures ot Just six American ships regularly en weather. The explorer Is expected to F. 8. Steele, secretary of the Eugene Young People'» union of the Baptist iron and steel, we were woefully be­ chamber of commerce In addressing gaged in traffic with Europe; now we arrive In Eugene at noon today on church attended the district rally With the razing of the old post- hind Great Britain. We had built a have 230 ships on regular European one of ihe West Coast transport the local Lions dub at Its luncheou meeting which waa held at the Bu- office building, the last of Cove's old good many steamships, to be sure, Friday noon Mr. Steele urged h l» , routes. From five American ships planes. landmarks Is rapidly disappearing. but they were most sidewheel craft audience to learn and say more about rene Baptist church on Saturday and running to South America in 1914. we Sunday. Miss Ruth Carlton, vlc®- Part of the building was the old Dixie for river and coastwise use and unfit they had the their slate whenever have grown to 90 There were only Kopweh—Do you think the dead prte-ident of the district, presided In schoolhouse built In the late '60s, and to voyage to China. India and around opportunity. five of our ships operating out of can comunlcnte with us? Hie absence of Ihn president. Itev. pioneers recall the time they attend­ the Horn, in the wake of the old sail­ Pacific Coast ports to the Far East Harnruhr— I kuow they can't. Once Mulholland took an activo part in ed school there. The main part of ing clippers. We had not trained up in 1914; today we have 140 ships I managed to borrow a dollar from BROOM TRIAL TO START the meetings. the building has stood for more than a body of seagoing engineers who running to Asia on regular routes. IN EUGENE ON FRIDAY n Scotchman A Week later ho died. 50 years. This is the only one of the understood machinery. And Just as And our young men and boy» are an(J , haVen't heard a word since, six old landmarks not destroyed by these innovations began to demon­ Trial of Jesse A. Broom. charged taking to the see again, like their --------- fire. strate that the day of the wooden with transportation of liquor, will be seafaring ancestors of the last century Minnie—Do you buy shoes that The old town pump In Jacksonville, sailing ship was past, all of our na­ held In Justice court in Eugene Friday For American ships must be manned, pinch? which has served thirsty residents of tional energies were concentrated afternoon at 1 3 0 o'clock. He waa under the law. with American crews, Tonka—You should hear my hus- the pioneer town for 75 years, Is be­ upon our own internal war. paid wages on an American scale, fed hand holler when he gits the hills arrested by deputy sheriffs lat Friday ing replaced by a modern drinking The Civil War over, we found that near Coburg. He Is alleged to have by American standards and otherwise- for them. fountain. The pump has stood beside the British had cantured our foreign been transporting 36 gallons of moon treated better than the i cafaring men An Empress the Beekman bank, oldest bank in carving trade with their iron steam­ shine from Portland to Klamath Falls. of Emotion ( of any other nation are treated. Dusty Ike—Please, sir. I've a sick Oregon, since 1855, and in ita time ships. We did not worry very much, a tta in in g new g He was given a preliminary hearing wife—could you help me out? drew water from its well tor stage for we had the problem before us dynamic heights in-fore Dan Johnston, Justice of the Fake—Lucinda paints and powder« Business Man—I can give you a coach passengers and horses. Presi­ of opening up and developing our own . . . cnptlvatlngly f peace. Saturday and pleaded not Job next week. reckless in her \ dent U. S. Grant is among the famous West. Steel ships succeeded iron, a good deal, doesn't she? Bosch—Yes, when you kiss her it's n e w adventures Ihisty Ike—Too late! She'll be able guilty He Is being held under $2500 persons known to have used the but it wag almost fifty years before hall which he has not furnished. Just like eating marshmallow. to go to work herself by then. water. we had developed sources of iron ore, Al.h Peacock spit, one of the most profit­ and steel mills to utilize it, in suffi­ able fishing grounds at the mouth of cient strength to enable us to divert the Columbia river, is rapidly disap­ any considerable part of our product pearing under tidal action. The spit to the building of modern ships. And is now leased by the Columbia River just as we had got to the point where Packers association at a rental of 136,- we could copete on even terms for the water-borne traffic of the world. 000 a year. COLONIAL Yon still have tim e to s e e th is m ighty $4,000,000 a t­ tractio n —Leaves Sat. nite. H»xJ I O /zwrV'Aw I O » Irish-Murphy Co. Fifth and Main Streets K ing A p p les White Fine Flavor Soap Box .......... 9 0 c Laundry Lathers freely n H Water. 25c 10 Bars Corn Yellow, Can Each 6 c Delicious Lim a B ean s Canned Each 10c 1 Here Is a drama you'll never forget. . .because . . . you’ll never want to! An epic...If there over was one . . . a glorious . . . inasterful achieve­ ment . . . a cast beyond comparison, inspired di­ rection . . . a produc­ tion that defies descrip­ tion. FORMERLY GRAY'S GROCERY Phone 22 W »?»T Flour A wonderful hard wheat. Excelent for Bread Bak­ ing. 49 lb. Sack ......... MATINEES DAILY 20c except Sunday» A Holidays $ 1 .3 0 SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY O ra n g es ....... _ i 0 c , McKenzie Blend 49's We again have the UTAH V A R IE T / CELERY. Dally Matin»»» 95c Try It. •1 2 4 4. Night» 7 A • Adml»»lon Adult» . . . 60« Children • • PAID* Ü w/TA I ROBERT ARMSTRONG [ MARIE PMVOJT , . . . using every feminine attribute . . . even her hi a r t i" win 1,1 Ihls greatest of liaynrd Velllet ri i' SU N °AW cko* “MEN ON CALL” W ith EDMUND LOWE Roaring Adventure and rare romance with the U. S. Coast Guard C O M IN G W EDNESDAY CHARLEY’S AUNT" Í1