0 V T 11V UH I >AY. J A N U A R Y IB. IM j_ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Rang« 5 West of the W lllainete Merl.l lan. running thence « ‘•’"h ahmg lh>’ In »ha Circuit Court of tha Btata of oast llm- of »«Id claim »*«*11 (491 t h r if t Notice I* hereby glvsti that by chains to the Roulheaat corner ,rf th. virtue of «n execution «ml order of Oregon for Lana County. North half i * l of »«Id claim ; h em e 11. Brundage, trustee. I lu ln tirr, T he week beginning Ja n u a ry 17 1« N ational s»|« Issued out of the iTrvull < ourt West isintllel to Ihe north Uns of vs Published Every Thursday at T hrift Week. It is a gixul idea, to tu rn people s of the State of Oregon for Isrne U lysses W Fllmaker aud Ruth I. said claim Forty five |4M ehalna. county. Januar, 14. ItSL RprlngMsld. Lane County. Oregon, by m inds to the subject of th rift at least once a wherein W. I* Fnstwom, »“'t G“’’» * Fllinnker. his wile. Frances A FH theuce North Twenty l2Ul chain«, maker, a widow. The Hank nt * oat thence Hust thirty (3UI chains, th em e T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S ear. This year it is particularly timely. Fust wood were plaintiff» an® M artin meres. Eugene. Oregon, a corpora North t w e n t y 130) chain». Iheuca Nielson «n.l other were defendant». I H . E. M A X E Y . Editor We have been going th rough a year of hard have levied upon «nil will on the 1411» ,lom trustee. Ruth Robertson low La»! Fifteen 1151 , h a ll,» to the' Plat e Also UR four 141 and der Company » corporation. William Of beginning Entered as second class matter. February 24. 1903. at the times, and those hard tim es were brought about .lav of February. 1931. «1 t:00 * J* Johnson, doing business under tIo- the Northeast quartor of »ha North- ,.f »aid day. at the front door of the n large part by unthrlfU ness T here Is th rift oust quarter of Section T w e n t y j d g h l poatottlee. Springfield, Orogou. name and atyle of the county court houae In the city of that is injurious, to be sure. T he sort of tlirllt Eucene. Orvgon, »ell at public »ale t»KL Also beginning at ihe North- Furniture Company. Eugene • Mill Company, a corporation. 1 -rrlll west corner of U d Three t»l of »«XI m a il S U B S C R IP T IO N r a t e th at hoards money in stockings and keeps I to u t to the highest bidder for e«»h the Votghl Planing Mill, a corporation. Section Twenty eight 1 3 * I running 75c of circulation benefits nobody and is a deflnit« foMowtn« deacrlbed real property, via. one Year In Advance ...... »176 Three Months Walter» lluahong I,umber Company thence Rotith 14 9« chain«, them e E.iat ....5c detrim ent to prosperity. But th at is not the cause It,.ginning at the Northwest w rn er Six Months ------- ------------- W-M S 1» « 1« Copy a corporation. F K Reivers and .1 33.70 chains to the East line of »«Id of tx>t No 3. In Section 39. Town of the financial depression which now seeins to ship 17 South, Runge 1 M ost of the F Bryan, partner» doing huslne»« R edloli Twenty eight 128). Bienc,i TH U RSDAY. J AN V ARY 15. 19.11 under the firm name and style of North 14 96 chain», and Iheltce Me« oe passing Much of our trouble lias com e from W illam ette Meridian lit Lane t oUUty. Setvers » Bryan. Nets P Jorgen 33 70 chains I" the place of beginning, Grenon; running thence North on Kaat thriftless spending. AN OPPORTUNITY sen. J II Blake. William I restol all In U m e C ou n t,. Oregon, and that line of lx.t No 4 of aaht Section 89 to and II Hal»«, partner» doing husl yon. and each of yon Is- forever barred One can spend m oney ami still he thrifty. 1 he a point on the South Hank of • »louah The citv of Eugene has given to Springfield ness under the firm name and style and enjoined from »«sorting any claim running through lot» 4 ml 5 of the careful huver. who insists upon getting his of Ihraaton A Hales. C A Cord» am, ,,f right. Hilo or Interaat In or to ,he 247-acre tract of land held under lease here aforesaid Section 29. and being the ti D Macljaren. partner» doing husl »aid rout property, or any part thereof, for 4» years. This land is to be developed to r m oney's worth, is th rifty so long as he do»'« not slough specified In that deed eX. . tiled ■u s» under the firm name and atyh- save and except the atatutory right by S J Pheneger amt husband Jacob, spend or prom ise to pay m ore than he w.ll be the m utual benefit of both com m unities accord­ of Cord« * M a d A rea. It A Baht, >f redemption. to Mrs M A. Purcell, and r e c e d e d ing to the agreem ent reached by the two coun­ able to pav. T he thriftless ones are those who on puge 248 of Hook 37 of the Record John Doe and Richard Roe partner» i Thl» autpmona 1» served upon you doing business under the Itrm nano by the publication thereof for Tour cils It will be used to r m unicipal airpoit ami obligate them selves w ithout reg ard to their ability of Deeds for latne County. Oregon. amt alyls of the Perfection Wall lieu s u c c e s s iv e weeks In the Springfield m unicipal park purposes by Springfield ami to meet th eir obligations. In th e investigalon of .end which «aid pent 1» now 5.87 chain« Company. W alter A. W estw ard News, In accordance with un order North of the Northwest corner of the should be tax exempt. Under a recent ruling applicants (or u n c m p lo y n ,.» , relic, in New ’ ¡.rk aforesaid Lumber Company-, a corporation. Il duly made and entered hy the Hon l«»l No 3; th em e along the of the suprem e court Eugene would have had recently, one family whose bead earned 115» » South boundary of »»hl «lough being W W hile, doing huslne, s under the (1. F Hktpworth. Juilg" of the ahov3, name and style of W hite kloctrl, entitled court The date of Ihe first to pav more than 40.000 taxes on the P r o ^ rty . m onth, but who w as d estitute because he had North 42 degrees 17 Most 1« Company. F J Hergar, J W. t ope- iMtlill,x,tioii is January 16th. 1931. The Eugene council deserves som e praise from com m itted him self to instalm ent W ^ m t i i M chains, th em e North 14 de«T,>e« 34 land Yards, a corporation, and Vern W est 3.98 chain», thence North .11 an autom obile, a radio set. an electric D O N A LI* Y o t'N U . D R ob ert» and Frank W S o lie r t. Springfield for having degree« S' Weal 2 70 chains, more or Attorney for plaintiff. deed, standing by a promise now five.M art, old m achine and an electric refrig e rato r * h lc h ta ll« In«», to the South boundary line of partners doing bualneaa under the 860 W illam ette Street firm name und atyle of R ob ert with obligations somew hat 1,1 th f 1 ; for paym ents of m ore th an his to tal salary That the aforesaid !«»t No. 5. theuce Most Eugenet Oregon W arehouse Company, and Lillian M on »«Id South boundary line of lad torv of the sta te of Oregon probably this is tin is a perfect exam ple of thriftlessness. • J 15 22 39 E 5 I2 Travis, a widow. defenduM» No 5 a dl»tanca of 9 chains, more biggest gift any city has ever m ade to any other. T o F K. Reivers. J. F Bryan, and ¿T Io»». '■> ’Xe Partition fence »peel- Instalm ent buying in itself is not »¡clous. “ h is now up to Springfield to dove lop the In that certain tlecraa made and Richard Roe. member of Ihe l,“ r" 1' r only when it is done w ithout regard to con fled entered In a »ult wherein Amelia llart ship known as Perfection Mall Bed nronertv and therein lies our big opportunity, w e is sequences th at it is harm ful. We think th a t the ley was |daln«lff and II M Havt». Company, defendant»: K a fair start in developing an air ternunal ■\ A Swltaer, Fldaha Swltxer, I A IN THE NAME GF THE STATE here that will rank with the best in Oregon. Three norm al business condition tor th e next few years Hartley «ml Mary Hartley ware d e­ G F I ’RFtlGN. Y ou »re hereby required will depend less upon instalm ents paym ents and landings a day are now being m ade by the Ben­ fendant«. and which »aid decree 1» io appear and answ er complaint which n ett Air tra n sp o rt and one m ay board - m ore noon careful saving of earned m oney, put recorded on pages 56» and 570. Volume has been Pled against you In the out at in terest in savings banks or In m ortgages 131 of the record of deed» of Isane above entitled Court and cause within I f n ettin g . Uç( planes for any part of the world where aircraft . . . . . . NJB,^ . , J reP'*< n a ’h-*rh* N e rv - f r e q u e n l d a / <*ai tra v e ls. A s u c c e s s fu l fly in g sc h o o l w ith W StU or bonds. We do not believe we shall see soon County. Oregon, which »aid point 1« four w eeks from the dale of Ihe first «usile*», or — B .J i u r n lu g . d u . to f u n c t i o n - 10.50 chain», more or le«». W ••»’ ot publication of this summon», »nd if «1 si H ll llsdde l.. .l, l. rr r irr I r r t u m a iio ile n . I» » ’ Id r o n d i; a retu rn of the speculative wave in which every- latld tj. »« • dents and private pilots add to its use. D ep art-, S .S '" ™ ,„ed to t o gam bling »», the Court for and discouraged, try the • > » ••■ ;•»«. W o rks fast, etarta and trying to get som ething for nothing. «al.l part lion fen ce 12 57 chain», more the relief i rav,-d for In his complaint of the o th er com panies operating in the north the aystem In I t m l" u t .a or less, to a point South 5 97 chain» to wit thouaanda for rapid and P"»1’ ' * ” for a decree foreclosing plain west have expressed them selves as w'> tl’ aid g l»» UP- T ry «>»«•« ’ Pf?“ T hrift, as we understand it. m eans six• tiding and North 38 degree« West 17 0 . tiff'» m »rtgrtge upon the following tlon. Don't Hlss-tesS today, und’ ' in anv development undertaken here. Ours is less th an one earns, buying carefully as to value chains from the Northwest coraer of daacrlbwl real p rop erty tx»t 2 In pounced lron-CI»re it tak es to s ta rt w ork on such a project as the large overdrafts in the stre e t and fire d e p a rt­ ularly described In the conveyance of W ORLEANS $ 63.30 right-of-way as the sam e appears Tickets are good in warn Hoover dam few of us realize. E ngineers have m ents. With th e fu rth e r cu rtailm en t this year said ot record upon the Ileeds Records of ’ LO U IS . . . . 3 0.00 clean cunches on fast trji i been a t work for a year on th e plans, and are we should be able to m ake headw ay in paying 1 ijin e County, Oregon; and also sub ,EW YORK . . . »O.7O Liberal stopover* at ittip, only just now ready to get bids for m aterials off some $35.000 in ou tstan d in g w arran ts, ac­ Ject to the right-of-way reserved for ditches, canals. resefvolr sites f o r , tant cities co rout, sut u n ./ m jsy o lb r r l. and work It will be several m onths before actual cum ulated in form er years. Irrigation purposes constructed or I San Francisco, Los Ao,' ' work, in the sense of em ploying any considerable ■k shnnl il,« new ticket’ g'»«l which may be constructed by authority El Paso— oow .it tlie hngi rouri’ t Mcepcrs. liti» extra body of w orkers, can be begun. of the United States of their gay mid-w it Also all of the right, title and In­ «furi u nis but lu,le nuire. Girls are giving up the bare-leg fad. Silk hose The Hoover dam is going through, however, ieason. research ers report th a t girls would r a th e r w e a r terest of the said Henry W’. Davis and so a ’-e the new Federal highw ays and a g reat stockings th a n w ash th eir legs. And from th and wife In and to an undivided one 1 half Interest In and to a perpetual program of new Federal buildings. T he prelim ­ S " f som e of their necks the collar m anu­ right-of-way over a strip of land inaries have been largely attended to in 1930, fac tu re rs ought to take courage. We neverr could i twenty feet wide, described as follows: 1931 will see th e m oney beginning to flow into understand why a wom an prefers powder Commencing at a point on the j North hank of the McKenzie River the pockets of hundreds of thousands of w orkers. 340 feet more or less W est of Road soap and w ater. CARL OLSON, Agent No. 3O9Vi; running thence In a North Phone 65 w esterly direction along the North bank of the McKenzie River a dis This is the 15th day of Ja n u ary and the pussy The postoffice dep artm en t has ruled th at a lan ce of 1600 feet, more or less, to willows are in bloom. C alifornia c a n ’t beat that the East line of Ixd Three. Heel Ion 2» Township 17 South. Range One, — — , W est W illam ette Meridian. Oregon, to satlfy the following amounts ad T he toughest job a m an has is to face his ® doctor"« operations* Judged to be due plaintiffs In said own faults. ! ___ _____________ _____________ suit viz »2450. with Interest thereon at 8% sine« April 29, 1930, the sum of »33.22, tax Is paid by plaintiffs, with Inter' »4 thereon from1 Nov. 15, 19.10 the sum of »150 attorneys fee and the sum of »21 costs of said suit and the costs to accrue <>» said execution. S "Id w le wll, he subject to redemp­ tion as allowed by law. HARRY I- BGWN. Sheriff of lain,. Co. J .15 22-29 F.5 12 PAPE FOUR M O RTG AG E FORECLOSURE SA L E SUMMONS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Backache Leg Pains a California on your tri'in trip East at no additional cost C oach a n d to u rist fa r e s ra d ica lly cut $5O CHICAGO Souther«! PaeiSic PINKY DINKY when you By Terry Gilkison Tl.UTIIONE your inter-city message " y o u a ls o S e t th e A N S W E R Crow Resident Visite— Mrs. L. B. Ritter of Crow wn» a buttine«« visitor in Springfield on Saturday. THi'.aE’S nothing quite like yo ’r voice for transmitting the personality of yowr met- 0R £C ! Today the avenue later city connec­ tion la made in leaa than 2 minutes — nlten in a few sec- anils. I t Is made while the calling peraon ia at the telephone. And swift as your spoken m -ssa g e sp eed s, a kuman voice answers you. Modern inter-city service is fast, clear, dependable. T ii . P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompany