I o PAGE THREE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TinTRflïMY. JANUAÎIY IR. 1931 J . Classi (BUYING 0RSELL1NG - " ■ '■ ■'" ..... ■ '»I By Ruby ------------ FARM W A N T E D I want furm» for iw n I i buyer*. Describe, give price. It M i N iiw ii , 469 W ilkinson, Omaha. Nebraska. Returns to W estfir Mr» II B. I. uiiHherry of W estfir returned to bar home Sunday. She tins boon visiting In Hprlngfleld with bar mother ane trouble D. 18 26 J 1 8-16 with light he saw that she was stand Executrix of the estate of Hanover ,,f e n d in g It to you. You can have N O TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Ing up. her hands covering her face. C . Pitts., deceased. . . . . „ Estate ot Charles E. Brattaln, Dec'd N O T IC E IH H E R E B Y G IV E N That Frank A. DePue, attorney for Estate. y ur * ° hundred her childish body swaying to and fro N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S Fred E. Iatmley, Executor of the last lx.mbard smiled an unpleasant J M „ ,n or terTor> while J.8-16-22-39-F.6 Notice Is hereby given that Elva M will and testament and estate of Vina smile. the walling repetition of his name - y ou heanl wha t I said, llrowu has been by the County Court McLean, d«cena«reHent the same duly hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon swered with stiff lips. She took Mrs. derslgned, kr»d L. Beard, as executor hundred „ not a prlce to L hocked> awakene<, h„ 8Om of sub! day has been by order of said anted and verified, at the residence of A E. w heeler. 710 Lawrence Ht Court fixed and appointed as the day. of the above entitled estate hps filed pay, surely— I cannot Imagine that noIent eyeg 7 ^ ^ Mrg Ardron began Ardron's hands and held them, hardly realising what she was doing. “I ’m In Eugene. Oregon, within six months tim e and place for the hearing of In said proceedings his final account; 81 hofleld would crab at It In return I tQ cry hysterically, and the whimper- from this lM h day of December, 1930 objections to said final account and that the court has set the tim e for quite snre I t ’s true that Sadie Is his for the favor you received last night. | (n^ sound seemed to break the spell (he hearing thereof at the hour of the settlement thereof. All objections ELVA M BROW N. wife," she said again gently. >0 o'clock A. M. January 30 1931; I ghnM5)f(K, hig ghoaiders as he saw 1 7 h must be In w riting and Bled with the Executrix of the luxst WUI and u . I wt*icn was upon every one. She was unutterably grateful when Testament of Charles E. Ilrattaln . De­ Clerk of said Court on or before said and all persons having atty objection» thereto shall file tho same in w riting , Oto passionate rage In ( hlttenham » Giles took a quick stride forward: Just as she felt she could bear no day and time. ceased. Dated this 16lh »lay of December, on or before the tim e set for the I face A. B. W heeler. Attorney. •Sadie-’’ more, the doctor came into the room. hearing. - | t wag you outside Miss Farrow ’s D. 18 26 J 1-816 1930. She turned sw iftly at the sound of Mrs. Ardron a t once turned her at­ FRED. E. I«EM LBY, Executor ' nat la8t n,* ht her name, her hands outstretched and tention to him and Julie slipped away. N O TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S Executor Nolle» Is hereby given that the un D.18-25J.1-8-16 H. E. Slattery. Attorney for Executor. I "I waited three hours— very pa when he took them in his, she clung She took her coat from a maid on derslgned has been duly appointed J.1-8-16-22-29 ti 'Btly. you w ill admlL” to him. sobbing and shaking like a the landing and went out in to the Administrator of the estate of Cath­ ” W ith an effort Chltenham con- ORDER N O TIC E O F F IN A L AC C O U N T frightened child street. arine E. Adams, deceased, and any In the County Court of the State of In the County Court of the State of ,r**lled himself. “8he Is my wife— ” and all persons having claims against He kept protecting arms round his Oregon for Lane County. Oregon for Lane County. ‘ 1 give you Just five seconds to get I he said »state are hereby required They seemed to he the only words wife's slim figure ns he glared round In Probate. In Probate. Case No. 6132 out of here,” he said. io present said claims duly verified that wonld take form and find utter­ In the M atter of the Estate of N the room w ith furious eyes. In the M atter of the Estate of as by law required, at my law office. J IM hlln. an Insane person. "Very well. You know what I In­ His mother, Doris and h alf a doxen ance In her brain— Beckwith Building. 717 W illam ette Ht . Be It renumbered (bat on thin 8th S A M U E L J. R O B ER STO N , Deceased. tend to do. I shall teU Schofield what For Chlttenham she had sent Law ­ TO W H O M IT M A Y C O N C ER N : . . „ , . . other women whom he knew slightly Eugene. Oregon. In la n e County. Ore day of January. 1931. the petition of Notice is hereby given thut the un , happened In Switzerland and again rence Schofield away. For Chltten­ gun, within six months from the date Edd IM hlln. as guardlau of the person and . . . Julie! derslgned executor of the above en lost night— " of this notice. and of the eatate of N. J- Dahlln. an Julie was standing up. very s tiff and ham she had deliberately dashed Scho­ • f e l l him. and I ’ll break every bone Dated anil ilrs l published January Insane person, asking for a license to titled estate has f ‘l»«d herein bis final straight, looking at him across the field's happiness to the ground. account In said proceedings; that the I . hodv ' 8. 1931. sell the real estale hereinafter de­ I have changed my mind. I can't I room, a pitiful, wondering question Date of Iasi publication February scribed, came on before the Court In court ordered the hearing upon th e , n y said final account to he had before Lombard went on evenly, not heed- m arry you. I don't care for you 6. 1931. due and regular order for hearing the said court on January 23. 1931.1 ing the violent outburst. H. E. 8 L A T T B R Y . enough." She had told Lawrence that and final determination. at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M .; and .»And j g ^ n Miss Farrow that I colourless, her hands gripp ng Administrator of the »«elate of Oath And after being duly advised In that all ¡»erHoiiR having any objections only this morning. And now once „hn ban b een m aking her I urine E. Adams.deceaaed. the premises, the Court finds that all thereto »hall file the name In »aid pro- e o I An(j then for a moment nobody more the brief dream was ended—or Address 717 W illam ette St., of the facts stated w ithin the said is your wife. I ceedings in w riting on or before the friend Eugene. Oregon ChRtenham was white to the lips, moved or spoke but ChiUenham s — wasn’t it? A fte r all, nothing was petition are true; and that the »ala tlm«> set for tbe hearing. J .8-16-22 29-F.5 petition should be granted. . A , I arms fell from his wife and he took really altered. He had deceived her W A L T E R E RO BERTSO N. but he laughed. I . , a •_ W H E R E F O R E IT 18 O R D ER ED about Sadie, It was true, but apart • You can spare yourself the tro u b le., ?. Executor. NOTICE O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T AN D A D JUD Q B D by the Court that H. E. Slattery. Attorney for the Ex­ from that things were In no wise She looked up. her face white and Viola Queen. Herbert Rude. Hannah 1 have already told her myself." Tile undersigned. Executors of the Rude and Christina Nelson Dublin ecutor. changed. Chlttenham still loved her For a moment the two men glared | «Hstorted D.28J.1 8-15-22 . stale of Hugh M. Price, deceased, und all other persons Interested In “Giles! . . . and then bofore any and she loved him—and If he still have filed their Final Account In the the said estate, shall npp»«nr before wanted his freedom and Sadie was matter of said estate with the County this Court nt the hour of 10 o'clock N O TIC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON tenham's will-power io 'm a in ta in his I one could move to help her she fell w illing to give it to him— Clerk of loine County, Oregon, and A. M. February 6. 1931. to show cause. self-control, then Lombard said | fainting at his feet E X E C U T IO N IN FORECLOSURE an order has b»«en made and entered “Giles— Olles— ” Chlttenham was very pale and his N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N That If eny they have, "why Edd IM hlln of record by the County C o u rt*o f was rough and uneven uneven as as kl kind The memory of Sadie's agonised cry as guardian of the person and of the by virtue of an execution and order h,of suit, and accruing when thoy would meet a t his mother's Julio's eyes. LIU's Add. to Eugene, l«ane county, ihe snld estate nre hereby notified costs, to sell the following described 1 W hat was she thinking? W h a t had hysterical fear. Io present the same duly staled and <>rA N D I T IS F U R T H E R O R D E R E D house. . real property, to-wit: The maid came tapping a t th e door. verified, nt the residence of A. E. He purposely arrived rather late. I "he guessed. lk-glnnlng at a point In the center T hat a copy of this order shall be Wheeler, 710 Lawrence street In Eu­ “Aren’t you very wet. Miss? Can I of the County Road 236 feet South Mrs Ardron, who was near the door. W h a t a fool he had been not to published In Ihe Springfield News for gene, Oregon, within six month» from a period of three successive weeks, of the Norlh»>nst corner of the 8outh crept to him and whispered that he 'oH her the truth last she dry your clothes for you?” tills 18th day of Docemher, 1830. east fourth of the Northw est quarter beginning, January 15, 1931. No, no. I'm not wet, and I don’t . nnui I would have understood and forgiven E LVA M. BROW N, of Section th irty six (36) In Township “ “ it's so wonderfulF' she breathed; him then. Would she understand or C. P. BA RNA RD. . Adm inistratrix of the Estate of want anything, you need not w ait.” County Judge. Twonty-one (21) South. Rang»» Three Igmra L. Brattaln, Deceased. She heard the girl move reluctantly | forgive him now? (3) East of W illam ette M eridlau; and she squeezed his hand excitedly. H. E. Slattery, Attorney, A E W heeler, Attorney. J .l 6-22-29 running thence South 760 feet to the It Beemed an etern ity u ntil the door away and then a moment later the D. 18 25 J.1-8-16 Now he w«s more accustomed to the | i . ’ middle of Kitson Creek: thence down . ----------------- -— »-------— sf^r opened behind him and Julie came in. shutting of the front door. But It was the center of snld creek In a genera) darkness he could see that there were H e made a a long tim e before Julie moved or course of about North 66 degrees W»»st about a doxen people In the room sit-1 Chlttenham turned, The room was quite dark 400 feet; theuco North 474 feet to ting in a ring, and apparently holding sw ift movement towards her as if to stirred. save for the yellow light from the the center of said County Road; and hands. There was a queer arom atic 'a * 0 her In his arms, then stopped, thonce Easterly along center of said scent in the air. and a curious feeling This was not the woman who had street lamp outside, and the fitfu l rain rond 326 feet, more or less, to the had settled into a steady downpour to ° n* la8t place of beginning, containing 4.65 of nervous tension. General Law Practise He saw now that the light from the l*ro d how much she loved h im - t h Is and was beating against the window. ncres, more or less, of land In said Section T h irty six (36) and In Lane shaded lamp was falling on the face was not even the wild broken Julie (Continued Next W eek) I. M. PETERSON County, Oregvin, and figure of a man whom he supposed I who had hurt him w ith her u tter rec - Attorney-at-Law V isitor from Marcola— L. R. Ploch of NO W , T H E R E F O R E , In the name City H all Building of tho State of Oregon, In compliance must be the great Chryer. A strange- Issu es during the past unhappyw eeks Marcola visited with friends In this w ith the said execution and order of looking man with a pale ascetic face - t h i s was a woman whom he had Springfield, Ore. aale, and In order to satisfy said and long dark hair, who lay back in never seen before w ith cold eyes that city Saturday. 228 Main St. Reeldenee 128 C Bt. Judgment, including interest, attorney the chair, his eyes closed and hts accused him harshly even before she <1 J «« M N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S fees, costs of suit nnd accruing costs, I spoke. Notice Is hereby given that the un­ I w ill, en Saturday, the 17th day of hands clasped e-gainst his breast. Presently he began to speak In a "Sadie is no better. T h . d ortor dersigned has been appointed Execu­ January, 1931, a t the hour of one Full Auto Equipment o’clock In the afternoon of said day, sing-song dreamy sort ot voice. has Just come. W ould you like to go trix of the estate of Fred Weiss, de­ ceased, by the County Court of Lane JEWELER at the Southwest front door of the Lady Aeslataat •'Two women and one man— one I to her now?' County, Oregon. AU persons having County Court House In Eugene. Lane Repairing a Specialty man and two women . . . they stand O il0® flushed scarlet I t was such claims against the said estate are County, State of Oregon, offer for hereby notified to present the same, sale and sell for cash, at public auc­ before me In the darkness not know- an unexpected challenge. Springfield, Oregon tion, subject to redemption as pro­ Ing of the tragedy that divides and "W h y should I go to her? W hat properly verified, to the Executrix at the office of W ells ft W ells, Bank ot vided by law, all of the right, title do you m»»an?” he asked roughly Commerce Bldg., Eugene, Lane county, He and Interest of the said defendants w ill still divide th eir lives. . . FRANK A. DE PUE NELSON LEGHORN FARM Otto Norton, Louise Norton, O. F. drew a quick breath and there fol­ They were the Inst words he meant Oregon, w ithin six months from this Bevere and Zelpha R. Bevere and all lowed a little silence, broken again to »ay and yet for the life of him he 18th day of December, 1930, the date A T T O R N E Y A T L A W Lane County'« Oldeat Breeder« of the flre t publication of this notice. persons claim ing by, through or under of almost at once by the same sing-song could not have controlled th eir u tter­ M A R Y W EISS, N O T A R Y P U B LIC them or any or either of them, In 8. C. W H IT E LEG H O R NS Executrix. voice— "Two women and one man— In ance. and to the said premises. Springfield Julte shrugged her shoulders. W ells ft W ells. A tto rn ey «. Sutton H . L. BO W N, the darkness all of them, and two of S P R IN G F IE L D OREGON D.18-26-J.1-I-16 " I only thought , , , In tho clrcum Oregon Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon Building Phone 11-F-M b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y Walksr-Poila Chapel Funeral Directors D. W. Roof d . imw ^ whb them w , n come out , nto the llght ' but