THURSDAY. JANUARY D». IM I TU B SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO O M STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. THE M A R K E T S Portland Wheat — Big Bend bluest em, 70c: •oft white, western white, 66c; hard winter, northern spring, weeteni red. «3c, Hay—Buying price, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa. «17 500 18; valley timothy. 817.50; eastern Oregon timothy. «190 «20; clover, 14; oat hay. «14; oats and vetch. «13.50 0 14. Buttertat—23025c. Eggs—Ranch. 14023c. Cattle—Steers, good, «8.7509.25. Hogs—Good to choice, «9 2509.50. Lambs—Good to choice, «5.50 0 6.75. Seattle Wheat—Soft white, western white. (Sc; northern spring, hard winter, western red, 84c; bluestem, 63c. Eggs—Ranch, 12024c. Buttertat—29c. Cattle—Choice ateers. «7.50 0 8.50. Hogs—Good to choice.«9.1509.35. Lambs—Choice, «5 5006 75. Spokane Cattle—Steers, good. «7.5008.25. Hogs—Good to choice, «8.85. Lambs—Medium to good,5506. A toy balloon crossed the storm- swept Cascades in midwinter from Salem to a field near Bend Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gibson observed the 53d anniversary of their wedding at their home in Cove recently. The Heppner Women's auxiliary of the Oregon State Wool Growers' as­ sociation was organized recently. The first fire of 1931 In Klamath county destroyed the box factory of the Cascade Box company at Klamath Falls. Penitentiary officials discovered a knife blade concealed in a slice of bread being sent to the cell of one of the prisoners. A. J. Bier of Corvallis was elected president of -the Oregon State F ix Breeders’ association at its annual meeting at Salem. Thirteen hundred and fifty cars of potatoes have been shipped from Kla­ math county this year. This was two- thirds of the 1930 crop. The fire loss in Eugene during 1930 was «34,045, according to a report is­ sued by W. E. Nusbaum. fire chief. The 1929 loss was «60.000. Postal receipts at Medford during 1930 showed an increase of «9536.78, or slightly over 10 per cent, Postmas ter W. J. Warner announces. A total of 1,346.521 letters were can celed as to stamps by the Bend post- office daring 1930. This number Is 45,991 greater than the total for 1929. Mrs. Jack Johnson, member of the first white family to settle In what Is now Wallowa county, died at the family home on the Imnaha recently. Ashland is spending abont «150 per day, employing about 35 men. to re­ lieve the unemployment situation. Six­ ty men who have registered are being worked In shifts. Bids for the construction of about 125 miles of highway and several cul­ verts and bridges will be opened by th« state highway commission at a meeting in Portland soon. Registration at the University of Oregon for this year will soon reach the 3300 mark, a new high level for the winter term, it is announced by Earl M. Pallett, registrar. Oregon is entitled to «3,107,000 of federal roads funds wtihout any pres­ ent expenditure by the state, accord­ ing to announcement by Secretary Hyde of the department of agriculture. Condemnation proceedings will be launched within the next 60 days in which the city of Salem will attempt to take over the local plant of the Oregon-Washington Water Service company. A11 mills on Coos bay were hum mlng busily again after a shutdown before Christmas. More than 500 men went back to work in the Coos Bay Lumber company plant and logging operalfons. Non-resident motor vehicle registra tlons In Oregon for 1930 will show a decrease of approximately 10.000 from the 1929 figures. For the first 11 months of 1930, »0,179 such registra­ tions were made. In 1929, there were 103,008. Eugene's fire loss In 1930 was «34,. 045, of which «24.977.79 was recovered by Insurance, according to W. E. Nus baum, fire chief. During the year the department answered 22« calls. This year’s loss was fourth highest since 1924. Fifty-five ranches and farms around Redmond were given names In 1930 Farmers believe that giving theli places names Is good advert I*. M « KcHlflcneo 223 B street Messages of Love and Affection. Send Our Candy You cat: give no g re a te r testim ony of your love and uffectlon tli an sending a box of candy on birthdays anil o th er occasions of rem em brance. Our candy Is the most delicious than can be made from the purest Ingredients by experts. Candy you can alw ays be proud to give. F G G IM A N N ’ S "Where the H e rv ir» la D ifferen t' M arria g e Licenses Issued MISSION GROUP HOLDS MEETING MONDAY NIGHT JASPER MILL OWNER GETS LEG MASHED SATURDAY Members of the Missionary society of the Christian church held their regular meeting at the church on Monday evening at 7:45. They In­ vited their husbands and refreshments and a social gathering was enjoyed following the meeting. Mrs. Ronald Moshler had charge of the program The refreshments were prepared un­ der the direction of Mrs. W. A. Taylor and Mrs. Neil Pollard. Resident of the Upper Willamette district do not want a game refuge established on the Fall Crock water shed In the Cascade national forest. More than 150 residents of Ixiwell, Fall Crock, Wlnberry, and Jasper have signed a protest petition according Io W II Scott, who Is circulating the paper. Thoae opposing the d osing of this «re» argue that there Is no occasion to dm e thia area to hunting and they are unuMe to ascertain the object ef such a move. The question will be brought before the slate game com mission and possibly the state legts lature. water every morning—cut out pastry and fatty meats—go light on potatoes, butter, cream and sugar— In 3 weeks get on the scales and note how many pounds of fat have vanished. Notice also that you have gained in energy—your skin Is clearer—youi eyes sparkle with glorious health— you feel younger in body—keener In mind. KRU9CHBN will give any fail person a Joyous surprise. Get an 85c bottle of KRU8CHEN SALTS at Ketel's Drug Store (lasts 4 weeks). If this first bottle doesn't) convince you this is the easiest, safest and surest way to lose fat—if you don't feel a superb Improvement in health— so gloriously energetic—vig­ orously alive—your money gladly re­ turned. MAKE 1931 AN ELECTRICAL YEAR of your h is t resolutions for the com ing year will be to do thing! ele tiic d ly tn get aw ay from drudgery and Llnic- taking labor to do tilings cheaply. flier- onghly and in less tim e with electricity so that you ra n have more time to yourself, • W hether you live in tho city or on the farm electricity la the g rea test serv an t yo i can have and by fa r the cheapest. No tiresom e days are ahead for you in 1931 with a vacuum sweeper, refrig erato r, range or w ashing m achine. Plan n o » . to take advantage of tho m any electrical servant« »luring the New Year. M o untain S tates T ower C o m p a n y ,