J Try ih n H o m e P rin t Shop F trat I W K N T Y -K H îlIT H THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Y MAH. FINANCES OF CIH IMPROVE 1« YEAR ; „ocal Lodges Hold Joint Installation UBERE WILL DEED PROPERR TO TOWN Large Number of Vtaitor* Come For Ceremonie» at I. O. 0. F. Tract Held Here Under 49-Year Hall Monday Night Lease to Come Into Owner­ More than one hundred and twenty- ship of Town of Springfield five people were present at the I by Action of Larger City O. G. F ball Monday night to wltne»» Council Monday Evening. ml participate In the Joint Install» Operation of Municipal Depart­ ment» Cotta $54.40 More than Receipt»; Income i» $2071.39 in Exce»» of Budget; Fire. Street Department» Loee. A L IV K NBW BPAFBH IN A L IV K TO W N No. 1 HPRINOKIÊ l I). LANK COI NTY. QRKiiON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 15. 1931 American Bullfighter “T he People's Paper" Girl State Officer GOUNGILMEN TALK MILK JJRDINANCE Public Health Officials Confer With Council in Regard to Regulating Conditions Under Which Milk is Produced; Committees Appointed. Conditions of a milk ordination that tlon of thirty elective and appointive Authority to sell the 247-acre tract may be enacted In the future were Officers of the Odd Fellow» and Eugene owns here to Hprlngfleld was | discussed at Monday night'» meeting Rebekah lodges. Hprlngfleld during the year 1830 ei- given by the council of the former of tbe city council with two official» Visitor» were present from lodge» cupded the amount budgeted by the ity to Its mayor and city recorder I of the U. ». Public Health eervlce. at Coburg, Eugene, and Portland. at last Monday night's meeting. Mum of »1063.82 according to the an­ | In tbe discussion it waa brought out Among them were Mr. and Mr». Her Springfield has agreed to assume nual report <»f lloiton and Tyson, that about «0 head of cow» were being bert E. Walker of Eugene. Mr. Walker some »3200 In taxes which have ac auditor«, which wa» made to the city [ kept In the city by one and two-cow was at one ,1m« grand patriarch of Mi»* A rifs'Lie Grotjein, 24. former crued against the property In return council at their meeting Monday. dairies, usually families who kept a •ecretary to 'Gov. Long of Louisiana, the Gdd Fellows lodge for Oregon Sidney Franklin, lite J»wi»h boy tor u deed to the land. The deficit 1« carried In four de­ who hat been appointed Secretary of cow for their own use and »old a Iron, Brooklyn, who lia» won (am * in In»talllng officer» of Springfield Members of the Eugene Judiciary Sosa of that State. partment» of the city government: I little milk. Spaip a t the g r r a tc it toreador in lha lodge number 70, I. O. O. F. were committee, all of whom were counclF The fire department la »443 38 over m il ring The public health official» rccona- Henry McKIbben, deputy grand mas men whelk the lease was made, con drawn, the recorder »20, the atreet WATERWAYS GROUP TO I mended that all persons selling milk ter, and Homer A. Payne, district ferred last week with the Springfield improvement fund »1421.57. and the should be licensed and required to HOLD MEETING HERE deputy grund marshall, both of Co- council and an agreement was reached «ireet cleaning fund »25. ON THURSDAY. JAN. 22 P r” e»1 8imple‘ ,or l“ I* cUon burg. that the property as was tbe plan In Two Item». attorney fee« and trea» _____ that barns be inspected to see that the beginning should be turned over Installing officer» for Juanita Re nrer. balance their expenditure« and The regular monthly meeting of the sanitary condition prevailed. A partial te-kah lodge number 86 were Dorothy to this city. This action was taken receipts for the year Girard, district deputy president, and after It was determined that Spring- Willamette Valley Waterways assorts- checkup by the city has shown that Five Department« Gain Dr. Edward Mott, President of Stella Findley, district deputy mar field would not have to pay further lion for January will be held at the some of the bams are very well kept Five department» »how a aurplua taxes on It If the property was pur Community hall here on Thursday but that a number are not so well »hall, both of Springfield. Bible School Preaches Sat­ of »831 38 over their budgeted »urn». chased for municipal airport and park evening. January 22. Tbe meeting date The council would like to Insure the Refreshment« and a social gather urday and Sunday. These department» and their »urplu» has been set back one day so as not city a clean and pure milk supply Ing were feature» of the evening fol purposes. are annual cleanup »35.17. emergency to interfere with an annual meeting without working an undue hards p Htudeuta and member» of the faculty lowing the Installation ceremonies The property was first purchased of the Oregon City chamber of com- on the man who keeps a cow for his ,247 82. library »«6.31. police depart­ The new officer» of tbe 1. O. O. F here In 1912 by Welby Stevens, then meroe. J. L. Fyanten, secretary of family use and sells a few quarts, ment. »415 84, light» and water. »«7.14. of Portland Bible Institute will come to Hprlngfleld Haturday afternoon to are l e e W. Pulman, noble grand m ayorof Springfield, for the Southern The City received »2071 3» In exceaa the Waterways group Is also city man- The council heard a petition for a conduct apectal aervlce« a, the Metb John W Gates, vice grand; Oswald Pacific company which wanted the ,.f the budget. «»verdraft. on the ager of Oregon City. He has charge street light on north Fifth street M. Olson, secretary; Karl Girard land for shops and terminals. Tbe budge, •»ounted to »1886.20 l^J»»« g of the programs and would be unable Committees Appointed war begon before construction treasurer; Ernest O. Black, warden • Sil 1« uneznended The d iffe re n c e I to attend the meeting if It were held i standing committees for the year ’ •* i i ... i n... noon here will be no «ervlcea a, Asa C. Peddicord, conductor; M. J started and action was postponed by between the am ount railed and the were announced by Mayor Tyson as . T-».i »,p,ne. the church on Sunduy evening, ac McKltn. Inside guardian; Harry Woo­ the company until 1925 when Eugene Wednesday night. . xpendlture» 1» »898 42 Thl« bring» I „ ... _______ Clifford Wilson is a member of the I follows: cording to Rev. (’. J. Pike, puator of ley, outside guardian; Roland E voted a bond Issue of »176,000 to pur the city to a ne, overdraft of »54.40 board of directors of the association, Judiciary—Fred G. Free«, chairman, chase tbe land from the railroad the church. Moshler. right supporter noble grand for the entire year. Th« Saturday evening meeting will Z. T. Klntxley, left supporter noble company in order that it might build which Is headed by Frank Jenkins of H. J. Cox and W. A. Taylor. Warrant» totaling »35.621 28 were begin at 7:30 and Dr. Edward Mott Streets—O. H. Jarrett, chalrman. Eugene. grand; Fred Hinson, right scene sup on a site west of that city. outatandlug at the end of the year. pre»ldent of the school, will preach W. A. Taylor, Fred O. Frese. porter; J. D. Pyle, left scene su p Following the election Eugene Theae w ere divided a» follow»: Air I (lubJ(,<.t chrtatlan Education, porter; John Ketels. Sr., chaplain leased to Springfield for 49 years the WORK ON NEW HANGAR Flre, Light and Watei^-W. A. Tay­ port »862 8«. bond Intereel »315160.1 qu>rtet Mlrlam Keat John 8. Lorah. right support vice property with the understanding It lor, chalrman, Fred G. Frese, O. H. AT AIRPORT GETTING general fund »23.816 5«. library »347 • ,n< Mildred Raymond. Ralph Kleen grand; B. O. Sankey. loft support vice should be deeded at some future time | Jarrett atreet Improvement »7463 70 and Jgmei( ,laylnond wlU Bln< What UNDER WAY TH IS WEEK The county assessor kept tbe land on grand Health—Fred G. Frese, chalrman. Interest paid out on outstanding 1I)(d He ¡j,, •• Owena Runyan will Officers Installed by Juanita Re the tax roll« and was sustained re­ Pits and forms for the concrete H. J. Cox, and W. A. Taylor, warant» during the year amounted to M,ng a voca, aoj0 bekah lodge are Amy Love, noble cently by the supreme court his foundations of the new hangar at the not In using Finance and Printing—H. J. Cox, »77« 71. I Sunday morning at 8:45 the visitor« grand; Doris Girard, vice grand. Alice contention that Eugene ns I municipal airport have been construct-1 chairman. Fred G. FTese, W. A. Tay- OM hood iseue of »16,000 wna paid will lake over tlw Sunday »ch»«d Doane, recording secretary; Clarene it for municipal purposes and hence ed and actual building of the struc-1 lor. off during the year and the bond I and will teach the various cla»»«». Putman, financial secretary; Alice It was taxable. ture will start as soon as the concrete Police—W. A. Taylor, chairman, ■ Inking fund now contain« »20,287.«9. During the morning service« Dr. Ix>rah. treasurer; Dorothy Girard, Taxes arc now delinquent for four can be poured acordtng to Jim Mac-1 Frese, O. H. Jarrett. Bond Situation Im prove Mott will again preach. Ill« subject warden; Clara Taylor, conductor; years and the tax certificate haa been E|ve more Issue» of general obllga- being. The Glory of Christianity." Sarah Johns, inside guardian, Mamie urcliased by a Eugene citizen. In Mantman. manager of the Springfield lion tend« totaling »140.000 00 and The quartet will »Ing "Song» of Richmond, outside guardian; Stella buying the property from Eugene it school of Flying, builders of the | N q yy INSTALLS NEW hangar. All of the lumber and other Bancroft Improvement bond« In the ITalse." owl Bess Gwen Runyan will Findley, right supporter to .noble ws» the understanding that the tax ] materjalg OFFICERS AT PUBLIC neede<1 fve Never Falleth. The the Past Guardian with the past has been experienced In the Cascade meeting begins at 3:00 o'clock. the past year. All activities at the Springfield Bap- pjardian pin on behalf of the mem- mountains this winter has spoiled WEST SPRINGFIELD GROUP A special offering will be taken at HAS REVIVAL SERVICES I tl8t church were discontinued the I of pine Circle. many days of toboggan riding and first four days of the week so that I visitors were present from Junction the afternoon meeting to pay the HIGH SCHOOL AWAITS ski Jumping for the ardent fans ot [transportation costs for the • visitors Revival services are being held at I the members might go to Eugene to and circles, this sport. Almost every Sunday sees BASKETBALL GAME AT from Portland. the West Springfield Free Methodist the services being conducted at the Tbe next metlng of the local circle an Increasing number of automobiles ALBANY ON FRIDAY make thedr way up the McKenxIe church each evening this week begin Baptist church there by Daniel Roeoff win be beld January 28 at the L O. PAPENT-TEACHERS TO highway above Lost Creek ranch and nlng on Tuesday evening. Rev H. E. and his son. two Jews who have been Q p ball The opening of the high school An Jntereeting program was pres- the Obsidian cabins. The road Is Krelder of Grandview, Washington. Is converted to Christianity. The feast HAVE MEETING FRIDAY I ague basketball games with Spring- conductlng the meetings which begin of the Passover was depicted at a e> u d dnring the social meeting fol- open now so that It is possible to field playing at Albany Friday nigh, AT BRATTAIN SCHOOL drive more than five miles above the at 7:30. »pedal services wlll be held speclel service held on Wednesday the installation. It consisted Is being eagerly awaited at the local at the church on Sunday at 11:00. evening during which all of the Jew- a p,ano by Margaret Jarrett, cabins and find a place to turn around high school this week. The local The regular monthly meeting of Sunday school will be conducted at Ish costumes and music were depicted a T(X,al by Bobble Pugh, a tap team met Albany for the first con the I'srcnt-Teacher's association will Those who spent Sunday In the moun 10:00 All are invited to attend any | by members of the congregation who | dance by Donna Jean Emeet and tains say that the only trouble with lest of tbe season last year and ()p be,(, Prt,iay afternoon at 3:00 [ Frances Jean Lloyd, a solo Up dance assisted the father and son. dropped It to them 17 to 13 “f,er I o’clock at the Brattaln school. Stu- the skiing was that there was not or all of these meetings. by Frances Jean Lloyd, and a reading enough snow. The best they could playlng a very ragged game of hall I deBtg at the g(.bool assisted by. out- by Edna Yarnell. The local team it more polished this I H(dp , a|,,nt wni provide an Interesting do was to ride on them behind auto­ METHODIST BROTHERHOOD ‘LIFE’S SECRETS’’ TO BE The new officers Installed are Nel- MEETING NEXT MONDAY | mobiles as small boys frequently do year, having played several pre-season I pr„Rram. Refreshments and n social SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC I carT, guardian neighbor; Stella games, and followers expect a victory I wlJ, be enjoyed following the with their sleds In colder climates. , 1 Plndlcv i>&8t guardian neighbor; Ju- The regular monthly meeting of the -Life's Secrete" will be the 8unday -rlyior advisor; Glenn Stone, Friday, I presentation of the program. Members of the high school squad I Tbe prograht and those taking part REMODELING STARTED ON Men's Brotherhood of the Methodist mor„tng sermon topic at the Christian . Daisy Pugh, attendant; church will be held Monday evening church The Sunday school wlll meet ‘ ‘ M’n captaln of the guards; did not do so well Tuooday evening I re ag f0nows: The Human Organ, NEW MASONIC BUILDING according to Dr. N. W. Emery, chair-1 t 9 45 and tbe Christian Endeavor . Putman flag bearer; Nina however, when they played the alumni, I by »tudents In Ml»» Mabel O lsons at 6 :l5 There will be M pb n banker; Mina Girard, or Town team whlrh look their m ess I n(, Mrg c o Vftn valxah'» rooms; Work of remodeling and redecorat man of the program committee. The wll, Doris Girard musician- June lire by n score of 60 to 26. I A Thrift I’lay by student» In Allene Ing the Interior of the old W. O. W. men will gather for their usual sup- a ghort orchestra concert at 7:20, pre- _ _ _ « C . O A und »Isiä xxrill fftllllWpd I «> it- _ — — — ’THo I * * _ . The Town team proml»e» to make I Hartford’» room; and a tap dance by hall Into u new home for the Liberty per at 6:30 and this will be followed ced,ng the evening services. The McPherson, Rachel Thatcher, mana- by a talk by some speaker. Efforts cbolr wlll a haif hour program A]ex Stevens and Sam Sweeney, a good acountlng of Itself during the I jean Lloyd. • Ernest McKinney will Masonic lodge was started Wednes­ ____ » ..x i.x v n i . i , l , i I a a e n rfi n n A (> f tllF * I > _______ x .1 , 1 ^ 1 « « ik ,, o v n n ln tr I ” . .. ’ ’ ' sentinels; Myrtle winter season. They have been win-1 g|ng a vocal solo and a musical trio day. More than »1.000 will be spent are being made to secure one ot the I , gacred muglc durlng the evening faculty members of the University I gery|cegi and Rev. Veltle Pruitt, nlng thplr games consistently and are wm play. This 1» composed of Bar on the renovation and for new furn­ Eggimann, circle secretary. for the meeting, but he has not con- pagtori wm speak on Who is Your now Included In the LM e County i,ttra Barnell, xylophone, Bessie 8tew ishings for the hall. lo o d ? ” The building was recently pur­ sented as yet. Independent league. They defeated I art. banjo, and Mrs. W. K. Barnell, TIME TO SPRAY FOR chased by the Masonic lodge from Cottage Orove 25 to 23 Thursday of piano. ’ Mrs. Barnell will also sing PEACH CURL LEAF HERE the trustees of the Woodmen of the STUDENTS START WORK I PORTLAND FLYER VISITS last week and defeated tbe Knights | a vocal solo World. The owners expect to move of Columbus team from Eugene on This Is the proper time to spray FOR SCHOOL PROGRAM MUNICIPAL PORT TUESDAY Into their new home In about one peach trees for curl leaf according to HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT Monday night. All of the students at the Brattaln f,«ell Pounder, associated with the I q e Stewart, county fruit Inspector This team will meet aM ot the CUTS THUMB IN SAW month. school are starting work this week pounder p iyjng service of Portland He suggests the use of Bordeaux mlx- other Independent teams In the league on the preparation of a program to the g pringfteld munlci- ture. a h of the branches and twigs Wallace Patrick, student at the OFFICERS OF LOCAL C. E. during the winter season. Tuesday afternoon In one I of the tree should be covered with Hprlngfleld high school, cut off the DISCUSS SOCIAL PROGRAM be given by themselves at the high I ( school sometime In March. !t Is BJrd blplaneg wblch he Is state the gpray to he effective. tip of the thumb on his left hand NEW COOKING GROUP IS Tuesday afternoon at the high school Members of the executive committee planned to charge a small admission agpnt for w h ile here Mr. Pounder I This is also an Ideal time to prune ORGANIZED AT SCHOOL when he allowed his hand to come of the Christian Endeavor of the for the program, the proceeds to be demongtrated the ghlp by putting It trees and shrubs. Many landscape .. fnrm« « |l n contact with the rip saw which Springfield Christian church were en­ used for small Improvement about throwgh aimo8t all possible stunts In gardeners are urging that this b« done Another cooking club was formed operating. He was taken to tertained at a meeting at the home the Brattaln school building. the air above the port. The ship wlll immediately. at the Lincoln school this week and * B„ '. office where the of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Helterbrand not spin, he says, and Is almost fool -------------------- ---------- the members held their ,nJury wa„ drPg»ed. Friday evening at which time plans OLD TIME BOX SUPPER proof. It is a sister ship to the small MISSION GROUP STUDIES meeting at the home of Mrs. L. R. i TO BE HELD NEXT WEEK one which Mr«. Charles Lindbergh for the district convention of the q ? PORTO RICO TUESDAY Pnge, club leader, that evening. T h e. _ _ _ T F .» « t { \ MEET Christian Endeavoor which Is meeting owne for her personal use. | --------- new officers are Marguerite Worden. DEGREE TEAM T O M t t l An old fashioned box supper will be here this week were discussed. The Mrs. C. J. Pike led the discussion president; Wllmlna Brigg«, vlce-presl-1 FOR PRACTICE TONIGH social program of the local group for held at the Christian church on Friday Collect Many Bounties I on the study book, 'Trailing The Con- dent- Jean Ixrnk, treasurer; and Co- evening of next week. The church Ted Harper of route 1, Springfield qulstadores” at the monthly meeting lene Cornell, secretary. Mildred Tuhy The Progressive 22 degree team of the next year was also discussed. orchestra wlll play and a program ot Those preeent were Mr. and Mrs. Is the reporter. - the Rebekah lodge will meet at the entertainment Is beine planned. The I collected bounties on ten bobcat, at of the Home “ l.stenary w c ^e y o x ^ i s h X b v X d ; ; thi ^ ^ The members of the club will hold I. 0 .0 O. F. hall tonight for their first Hubert Slas, Evelyn Harris, Barbara X t e i i a 1;, x their meetings every other Thursday practice meeting un,ler theIr new of- Adams. Mina Pederson, Dora Peder­ the social room, of the church. | ling collected a bounty on one bobcat | evening. The next meeting to be held fleers which were elected last week son, Irene Brownfield, Verne Ixiswell, Margaret Hemenway, Ix>la Thompson, at the home of Mrs. Page on Jan-¡Mrs. Clara Bnodgrass will be acting the same day. Jewel Helterbrand, and Veltle Pruitt. The general public le Invited. uAry 22 captain for the evening. E xp end itu re» made by the c ity of Bible Institute to Conduct Services m d