PAGE SIX THURSDAY, JANUARY 8. 1931 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS her cousin. Mr» J I' Hull at Lowell. Bruce Wheeler. I.. K Park», elder»; Wild blackberries, large and luscb Mr. anil J P. Hull entertained Mi Taylor Circle, J m m Plielp«| A4 luo ous, are ripening up in the hills of and Mrs. Thuiilus Power* Jr. mid »oil. Wheeler, J W Wheeler, Frank Smith. Garfield, about four ml lea from Esta­ Allen, Ml** Florence Elliott, Ml»» E E K ilp a trick, K K Schrenk, dea- cada. Tile berries v ere found on vinos Ruth Ityilell mid Ml»» Elisabeth Tollin' nina; Mr» Maggie SIewurt, Mrs. K. J shclteiea from frost ahd warmed by Y Swift, Men. I’. N Laird and Mr». ni dinner New Tear'» day. the winter sun on clear days. C I». William», ileuroiie»»«» .Ml»» Cur* John, who spent Hie hull Principal Events of the Week A new kind of dog and eat food has days with her parent» at Plen.imil Mr» Luella llrlatnw »pent the holl been placed on the Astoria market. Assembled for Information H ill, returned Io Scoitahurg where day» wllh her nephew und family al 1( Is manufactured by (he Columbia »he 1» teaching. Independence. of Our Readers. River Packers' association from scrap Ml»» Erma Isilril, who teaches ill fish, cereals and vegetables. Pish, lleml high »ehool, returned to lleml thrown away ordinarily, are used. Visit from Weltervllle Joe Hart of THE MARKETS Suturilay ufler »pemllog the holidays Wallervlllo wir» a buelneaa visitor In Forgetting that his car was in gear, Portland with her parent», Mr ami Mr» I* Sprinatletil Wnlnesday. Wheat — Big Bend bluestem, 70c; Louis Kirk of Banks attempted to N U-Ird toft white, western white, 6*c; hard crank it. It started up, ran into Kirk The* PlenHunt tllll basketball tenm winter, northern spring, weatern red. and knocked him down, and then cir­ will play Klmlru Friday at the Plea« Thurston Man Here Charlea Hast cled about the street and into the Me. mil Hill gytnnaeiunt Ing» of Thurston wus a visitor in front of the Banks confectionery. Hay—Buying price, t o. b. Portland: Al the annual election of officer» ihl» city yesterday, Alfalfa, »17.5O01S; valley timothy. More than 30,000 automobiles vis­ at the Pleasant Hill church last Sun *17.60; eaatern Oregon timothy, *190 ited Champoeg park during the year day the following were elected for Go«» to P o rtland M rs C liffo rd W ll *20; clover. 14; oat hay. *14; oata and 1930, according to a letter received by the coming year: II. C. Wheeler. E »■>■■0 left fur Portland Tuesday In bo vetch. »1J.5O014. the Marion county court from Albert Y. Swift, E. P. lautlii, C L. William». with her ninlhcr who la III. Butterfat—24 0 27c. Toaler, custodian. Toiler estimated 1 —— Eggs—Ranch, 14024c. Scene fro m the hilarious comedy "R educing," s ta rrin g M a rie Dressier that 120,000 persons entered the park. Cattle—Steers, good, *8 7509 15. and Polly M oran, a M etro Goldw yn M ayer picture now cur­ Of this number 781 came by steam­ Hogs—Good to choice, *9 25 0 9.50. boat. re n t at the Pox M cDonald Lambs—Good to choice. **.5007.00. The market for the small lumber Seattle mills of the Cottage Grove section has ! "REDUCING* IS FUNNY Wheat—Soft white, western white, been bolstered during recent weeks by picture at M c D onald ♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ *6c; northern spring, hard winter, the demands of the Standard Season­ western red, 64c; bluestem, 68c. Marie Dressier and Polly Moran Mr. unil Mrs. Kenneth Pnulson were ing society, which has had sufficient Eggs—Ranch, 12024c. bridge plank and structural timber have scored snoBher comedy "ten- called to Portland last week by the Butterfat— 29c. business to keep 15 of these outlying strike" with "Reducing, " their latest death of Mrs. Pnulson'» sister Friday O /zw /zts/v F O X W I S T C O A S T T H I A T W fS , Cattle—Choice steers. *7.50 0 8.50. Metru-Uoldwyn Mayer picture which Alvin Olson is confined to his bed mills operating p*:t time. Hogs—Good to choice, *9.5009.66. opened last night at the Fox MclXwuld with the measles. The oldest residence now standing Lam ba—Choice. *6.6007. MARIE The Jonlun family Is having the T he Funniest In Lebanon was badly damaged by a for four days. NOW Spokane "Reducing' has been admirably ul- measles. DRÇ55LER fire which caught from an overheated W om en on E a rth Cattle—Steers, good, 67.5O0S.25. PLAYING Owv POttV Pleasant Hill high school started stove. The rear part of the house was reett'd by Charles "Chuck" H*«ner, Hogs—Good to choice, *9 00. MORAN built by Rev. T. L. Woodward in 1853. who also wielded the megaphone for Munday. January 6. Lam be—Medium to good. *506. when he took up the land as a dona­ "Caught Short." the previous comedy The Pleasant lllll basketball boys' tion land claim. The main part of triumph of the hilariously funny pair. team deflated the Creswell team last Official census figures for Astoria The picture poke« fun at beauty Friday and the Pieasunl Hill girls the house was built in 1862. give the city 10,349 inhabitants. parlors in the same hilarious way lost to Creswell. The problem of removing a group of Fire, believed to have been of in­ its predecessor took a fling at Wall houses from deep center field In the Henry Dlckmunn bad the fourth Street. cendiary origin, destroyed two build­ T he N orthw est P re m ie r baseball park at Bend was solved re­ finger on his left hand amputated ings in the business section of Harris­ H its M e rry Pace 0» the Biggest Pun Feet cently when fire of unknown origin Monday. January 5. The finger was burg. What happens when the buxom Miss E v e r F ilm ed . , . razed the struetuies. Baseball team broken and »mashed several weeks I SEE IT B E F O R E S A T U R D A Y N IG H T W. L. Johnson, a pioneer of Ashland, managers anu fans have been attempt­ Dressier loads her extensive tribe ago in an auto accident but an effort has celebrated his 93d birthday. In ing to find some means of getting rid aboard a Pullman, and unloads them was made to »ave the finger. In­ spite of his advanced age he is still of the houses for the past ten years. st the Grand Central station. New fection set In and II became neces­ York, starts the laugh ball rolling active. SUNDAY sary to amputate the finger. As proof of the fact that things Mr. and Mrs. Jackson A. Bartlett of grow ''bigger and better” in Oregon. and it doesn't stop for an hour or The intermediate Endeavor of the more. Ontario celebrated their 60th wedding Eli Fellows in the Highland district BRINGS— In his years as a comedy favorite Pleasant Hill Christian church elected anniversary with a family reunion re­ near Beaver creea, 13 miles east of on the stage of every English speak­ officers Sunday. The following were cently. President, Felma Circle; Oregon City in Clackamas county, dis­ ing country. Leon Errol never found elected: The Union Pacific system formally played two turnips, one weighing ten Fou r Fam ous a more exacting audience than the vice-president. Lore« Laird; secretary dedicated the new *150,006 two-story pounds and the other six. They were Funsters Verna Wiley; pianist. Mildred Swift; one which one day witnessed his fam­ union station to the city of La Grande turned over to the state chamber of In a M irth ous collapsing-knee capers in 1‘ara treasurer. Harold McLeod; chorister. at an impressive ceremony recently. commerce. F ille d Earl McLeod. .4 mount's Hollywooi studio. Farce The year of 1930 has been a good Miss Nova Jeun Wilson of Independ As the comical crook who heads The November report of the cow­ year and when the state total of build­ testing association in Tillamook coun­ the fun division of "Only Saps ence spent the holidays visiting with ing permits is issued, Klamath Falls ty shows a decided slump in the pro­ Work." Errol was going through his friends at Ixyweli, her former home la expected to be second to Portland. duction of milk and butterfat. The re­ antics In one of the big scenes of the town. Astoria's police department has port shows that milk production for play. Misa Elisabeth Tollne of Clilca«o found a new use for confiscated moon­ the 107 herds was 1,062,301 pounds, In the sea of smiling face Errol a student at Oregon State college WEDNESDAY—JOAN CRAWFORD in "PAID’ shine. It is mixed with kerosene and which is 448,299 pounds less than for spotted the solemn visage of a vet­ spent the holidays at the home of used In the radiators of the police the previous month. Butterfat eran stage watchman. The comedian ■«---------- cars. outdid himself to make the dour face a decrease of 26,076 pounds. Floyd B. Moffit of Lostine has Because of a technicality in the Ore­ crack Into a laugh. He ended with moved a house from Enterprise and gon school laws, it will be necessary particularly hilarious knee-collapse, ALL SALES aet it up on hia Lostine property. It to hold the Medford school bond elec­ and a broad grin lighted the bleak BUY NOW pan" of the watchman. was loaded on wagons and hauled by tion aga.n, it was announced by E. H. FINAL AND SAVE At the same instant there was a teams. Hedrick, city school superintendent. muffled st ream and a wanting shout. Two robbers appeared as uninvited The law requires that the first notice 859 Willamette The struggle to stifle his mirth had guests at a wedding party in Klamath be published 15 days before the elec­ Falls, and after holding up seven per­ tion, and that neither the publishing been too much for an electrician of the overhead light crew Rocking sons, escaped with about *8 In cash date nor the election day count. with suppressed laughter, he had lost and three watches. That the non-skid blacktop on the his balance, and only a frantic clutch Seventy-five pounds of tin foil has Columbia highway in Hood River coun­ at a friendly beam kept him from been sent to the Shrine hospital in ty is dangerous in cold weather Is tailing thirty fe e t I Portland from the Redmond grade daily attested by the number of wrecks It was a triumph for the genius schools, 28 pounds of which was col­ occurring on that section. The snow of Errol. lected by the first grade. fills and packs hard on the rough sur­ “Only Saps Work" will be seen and face, and with a frost becomes a glaze Southern Pacific officials have au­ thorized the beginning of their *200,- of ice, and it is stated that with this heard at the Fox McDonald Theatre 000 development plan of filling in their condition prevailing, automobiles can on Sunday next. It Is based on one of the famous mystery-farces by Owen property on the west side of Lake scarcely keep the road. Davis, the distinguished American j Ewauna, at Klamath Falla. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dooley, be­ playwright. 1 lieved married longer than any other The Newport chamber of commerce and the city council are petitioning couple in the state, celebrated their the state highway commission to def­ 69th wedding anniversary recently. JOHN MONTGOMERY DIES FEATURING BIG REDUCTIONS IN EVERY DE­ initely locate the Oregon Coast high­ Married in Chicago, they crossed the AT LEABURG TUESDAY I PARTMENT — A 1931 EVENT FOR EVERY plains to Auburn, Baker county, 1862, way through the city of Newport. John O. Montgomery, a resident of the scene of the first gold discovery Fifty acres of strawberries are to WOMAN IN LANE COUNTY he put out on the Mike Svoboda farm in Oregon. Dooley is a builder, and the I>aburg vicinity since 1903, died a few miles east of Scio, according to the original owner of the old Dooley Tuesday afternoon at the family home W. J. Turniiige, who has recently Mountain road, which bears his name. at the age of 98 years. He would have Losses in merchantable timber, logs been 99 If he had lived until Feb­ leased the farm for a term of years. and logging equipment due to forest ruary 17. He was born at Abbtngton, Beautification of Pilot Butte park at Entire Stock Coats H undreds of beautiful, fires in Oregon during the past sea­ West Virginia on February 17, 1832 Bend has been Included in the state high grade dresses to and came to Oregon in 1875, settling highway program of work for the un­ son, were the lowest since 1916, ac­ choose from. All except in Union county where he made his 1/3 1/2 cording to Lynn F. Cronemiller, state employed. Besides burning dead trees, i'pring d resses deeply re­ forester. With a record of 1200 fires home until he moved to Leaburg In unsightly boards are to be removed. Buy now and gave. One duced in forested areas during the season, 1903. Taxpayers of Oregon will be called Three New Croups Five sons and two daughters sur group 24 Beautiful Sport covering 52,670 acres, losses amounted upon to pay »6,842,949.09 toward sup­ to *79,697. In 1929, 1472 fires burned vive. They are John, Jack, Rube, port of the state and its various activ­ and Dress Coats, trim ­ over 298,235 acres, the loss for that Will, Gett, Mrs. J. F. Edwards, and ities in 1931, according tt the tax levy season amounting to more than *1,500,- Miss Leone Montgomery. They all med with lovely furs, In promulgated by the state tax commis­ live in and near Ixiaburg. 000. sion. latent styles The funeral services will be held According to L. D. Wilcox, county The millage tax in Baker next year fruit agent, In connection with the this afternoon at 2:00 o’clock from R egular Values from »12.76 to will be 46.1 mills as compared with *39.50. Good sizes. southern Oregon experiment station the Veatch chapel In Eugene. Rev. Regular $59.59 to 47.6 mills thi3 year. The reduction at Talent, there are 86,000 acres of Clay E. Palmer, pastor of the Con­ was effected despite the reduction In $69.50 Values tilled land in Jackson county, of which gregational church In Eugene, will of­ assessed valuation from *27,058,907 to 35,000 acres are under intensive Irri­ ficiate and Interment will be made *26,650,139. H at b r in g long lines In gation. Livestock aijd their products in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. E very Coat Less Owing to the fact that kippered sal­ are valued at »1,645,000 annually. very new est styles than W holesale. mon Is in much greater demand than Fruit is valued at *6.000,000 annually. IVAN BRENT’S PAROLE SATINS CHIFFONS — E very Size to 46 the fresh or canned variety, the Em­ The total annual Income from all other VELVETS TAFFETAS IS REVOKED ON FRIDAY pire packing plant near Marshfield, sources, such as grain, poultry and _____ in pastel and bright V E R Y S P E C IA L hag Installed equipment to kipper 1000 vegetables, Including the above values, shades and black. Ivan Brent’» parole was revoked by pounds per day. is set from *8,000,000 to *10,000,000. Circuit Court Judge G. B. Sklpworth, The Prouty Lumber & Box company Ellis Graves of Upper Highland, f,’r|4ay and he was ordired to serve mill at Warrenton which has been shut near Oregon City, with a crew of men, } out ^Is sentence of four years in the down for some months, will be re­ has started cutting piling on his place Penitentiary at Salem on a conviction Reductions opened about January 16, according to for shipment to Japan. The piling is of manHlaughter. Brent was convicted George Byers, office manager. The trucked to New Era, where it Is dump­ In 1929 of manslaughter In connection One group • Fur Trim m ed mill will give employment to about ed into the Willamette river and rafted with the death of Kenneth Dillard in 150 men. and towed to Portland. an automobile crash. He was charged Dress a n d Untrim m ed Mail to the Beaver creek section of Seven persons lost their lives as the with falling to stop at a stop street, Lincoln county Is now routed from result of fires in Oregon during Da- ’•»seeding the speed limit and driving S port Coats. See these Just 42 Hats Left Closing 'nut liat» » OC Toledo to Bayview over an old dirt wonderful values. Hat» to »7.50 for V * road, the mall carried at present being CltiHlng out Hat» *8.50 to required to use a four-horse team to »14.75 get the light hack back and forth every other day. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Fox W est C oast T heatres .MHOKAL» ,s BEARD’S Annual January CLEARANCE Continues COATS to DRESSES OFF $6.95-$9.85 $12.75 Lovely Formats $35.00 20% to30% M illinery