PAOS PIVE J TOWN AND VICINITY LEGION GROUPS GOING TO DR. AND MRS. POLLARD WALTERVILLE TONIGHT ENJOY CALIFORNIA TRIP Bualnee» V isitor 8 W Rlcliardiuin Vlelt at Portland John Anderson of Thurston w»» a busin»»» visitor made a business trip to Portland dur­ In Hprlngflold »»«lerday ing (he w eekend. Vlalta Frianda Mra. J. C. Bailey of W altorvllls Man Hara - -Pet# Thom naon of W altorvlll« was a visitor» In Jasper »tailed with friends In Spring field on Monday. thia city ywUordny. Transacts Bualnaaa C. W. Allen of from Vornall Mra. R. E. Hill* of Yarnell waa a »laltor In Vida was a business visitor In thia city Monday, Mprlngfiubl on Wodn»»d«y. V is it» Jaapar Man Hara II II. froaaott of Jaapar waa a »laltor In thia city Wi’diiuaday. Donna Raaldant Vlalta - A. It. Edgelt Dona was a business »laltor In Springfield on Monday. of Vlaltor from Crow Stag» — Mra Tranaacta Busin»»» la>atar Millican of W ellnrvlllr waa a bualnnaa »laltor Claude Valller of Crow Stage »tailed friends In Springfield Saturday In Springfield yesterday, Her*—W. R Ixxi Vlaita Frianda Ira Gray of Thur- a to ll visited frianda In Hprlngfluld on of Murcolu waa u Saturday shopper In I hla city. Wodnaadar. M a rc ó la R a a ld a n t Vlplta Friendo Mr». Fred W right R ecovering Mra Marlon Adame la recovering from a recent lllnoaa at of Wendltng visited friends In Spring field on Saturday. bar homo In Baal Hprlu«fl«id. Buy» F»»d J. T Roaaman of Camp C ra s w o ll R a a ld a n t Haro—H. O. Den Creek purchaawl fool In Bprlngfleld hum of C resw ell transacted business yesterday. In Springfield on Monday. The regular m eeting of the Am eri­ A ten-day vacation (rip In southern can Legion and Auxiliary will be held California during the Christm as holi­ tonight at W O. W. hall at Walter- days la aomethlng never to be for vllle. Following the business m eeting gotten according to Dr. and Mra. W. those present will enjoy doughnuts II. Pollard who returned Bunday ev e­ and coffee. The Legion will furnish ning from such a trip. The Tourna­ the doughnuts and the women will ment of Hosea at Paaedena on New make the coffee. Year's day waa the outstanding a t traction of the entire trip th ey say. DRILL TEAM TO INITIATE The mile of Illuminated Christina» NEW MEMBER ON FRIDAY trees In Pasadena waa also another very Impreaalve thing. Paaaden* haa Members of the P rogressive 22 one street fully a m ile long which Is drill team of the Rebekah lodge will lined with live growing evergreen Initiât* a new member at their reg­ trees. T h ese are decorated and Ilium ular m eeting Friday evening. New Inated every year during the holiday officers for the year trill al»o be season. i-liosen at thia m eeting. T he local people did not have an % opportunity to w itness any of the foot M a rr ia g e L ic e n s e s Issued bull g lid e s w hile In the south. They During the past week marriage li­ had planned to see the W ashington cen ses have been granted to the fol­ Htate-Alabuma gam e, but after stand lowing: Shelley Whiteman and June Ing along one o f the streets In P ass Earle, both of E ugene; Leater Edge, dena watching the Rose tournament Alturas, and Vera Coates, Springfield; It was too late to view the game Merle Parker, McMinnville, and Effie I’ursell. Springfield; Fred Chamber- lain and Emma Thornaburg, both of NEW YEAR’S EVE SUPPER V isits from W endllng -John Dnwn- T ransacts Bualnaeo- W. L. Allen of Ina of W endllng waa a »laltor In W endllng waa a business visitor In thia city ynatarday. Springfield Monday morning. • H a r r is b u r g R e s id e n t Hara W. M Vlalta from W andllng- Henry Alt Kpurlln of llarrlabur< w aa a bualnaaa man of W endllng waa a visitor In »laltor In Bprlngfleld Wodnnaday. Springfield on Monday morning. A t D a li» » - Mra. C. F. Egglmann loft tor Dallas thia morning to look aflor Returns to Dalla»- Virgil McPhed work of Ilia lout lea of the G. A . R. aon returned Io Dallas Sunday after of which ah» la state proaldent. spending the Chrlatmaa holidays with R a ilr o a d M a n a t Portland It W. hla mother. Mra. Stella McPherson Drr. em ployee of the Bouthern P a c ific He la assistant principal at the Dallas railroad company wont to Portland Junior high school. Tuesday. Salam Paopls Vlalt Mr. Otto W ilson. Otto Jr., and garct W ilson were Bunday the home of Mra. Gertrude and M ra M la a Mar gueala at W ilson P. A. T. PILOT LANDS LARGE SHIP ON LAKE SHORE ABOVE OAKRIDGE HELD AT GOSSLER HOME Roseburg. 11 YEARS CONSTIPATION Nine couple» were Invited to the GLYCERIN MIX ENDS IT home of Mr and Mr». W A. Oqaaler for a midnight supper on New Year's eve Immediately follow ing the I^eglon carnival dunce which they attended at Thurston. The gueata were Mr. and Mrs Clifford W ilson, Mr. and Mrs Emory Pyle. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Burlier. Mr and Mra. Henry Fandrem. Mr. and Mrs. Elvln May. Mr. and Mra Chester Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs Floyd Thompson. Mr. and Mra. Oakley McQuIre and Mr. and Mra. Elton L a Salle, of Eugene and the host and hostess. A large number o f th ese people have made a practice for several years of being together on New Year’s eve, und this year It was decided to In crease the number. R ussell Cunningham, veteran pilot Back for School W illiam Bword for the Pkclfle Air Transport com has returned from Portland where he patiy. Is now back at hla usual Job »pent th e Christm as holidays with that of flying the night mall over his mother, Mrs. Cecil Bword. H ie route b etw een Seattle-Pf Cottage landing Injured his transm itter and Grove, »pent Bunday as gueata at the he could not send any new s to the unin of Mr. and Mrs. fllley Bnod- outer world. m as. “For 11 years I tried to get rid of constipation,*' says Chas. E. Blair. «’Then Ait last the sim ple mixture. Adlerlka, made me regular." The sim ple m ixtures of glycerin buckthorn bark, saline, etc., (Adler Ika) acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, relieving constipation In 2 hours! Bring« out poisons you never thought were In your system . Let Adlerlka give your stom ach and bow els a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel! Flanery's Drug Store. N O T IC E 120 W. 8th f W M Be to Show You— Ixisnn and discounts .................................... - ............. .......' Overdrafts .................................... United S tates Governm ent securities owned ............... Other bonds, stock s, and securities owned ........................... Furniture and Fixture* ... . .......... Rent esta te owned other than banking hous ........ R eserve with Federnl R eserve Bank ............................ Undivided profit*—net ------------ Circulating notes outstanding..... Cashiers’ ehecks outstanding .— Demand deposits ------------------- rime D eposits----------------------- Total ....................................... 87,770.94 2.72 27.195.35 80.3t9.17 6,400.00 6,500.00 13,898.99 36.018.94 312.50 8 t Lt*Wm.b. Boxes Each ................. Sliced or Halves Q Q No. 2!4 Can ...... 38c _ Butter Egg» First Grade Fresh Standard Creamery, lb. Dozen EGGS AND EUTTER SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGE ............. ........ 20c 30c j . c . Penney Co. • DBPABTM BNT • STO RI 942 Willamette S t , Eugene, Oregon E x tr a Lengtli 81X 94H SHEETS 69° 4 3 x 3 6 Cases to M atch , 140 ♦ Now you may have serviceable sheets in a good, large doubh bed »ire at a price that ju m p s them uuutanding values. I 2 SALES DAILY 2 P. M. and 7:30 P. M. Our Entire Stock of Diamonds Watches ClocKs Silverware Jewelery, Etc, At Your Own Prices Quality That Have ..» 25,000.00 3.460.00 ... 8,271.86 6,260.00 613.60 ... 142.224.78 ... 7Ì,608.37 »256.418.fll Surplus .................. ............................. Phone 73J Remember! Been Sold T i----- w« know «*»<*»« »o* ffgs *6330 fe » / liabilities Capital stock paid In ................. • And Brands Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due from U. 8. Treasurer ..»266,418.61 Total Springfield The Same of business on B p ,,.,» ,- « . SETTLEM ENT First National Bank Bldg. AUCTION! Eugene F irst N a tio n a l B an k « F IN A L Naturopathic Physician BRISTOW’S ENTIRE STOCK A T W ANTED Your old discarded Tricycles and Bicycles. Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OP TH E Charter No. OF The undersigned. Executor» of the estate of Hugh M. Price, deceased ! have filed their Final Account In the matter of said estate with the County Clerk of I>ane County. Oregon, and an order has been made and entered of record by the County Court of «aid County directing th is notice and METHODIST FREE CHURCH appointing Saturday, the 7th day of February, 1931. at the hour of ten PLANS BIBLE MEETINGS o’clock A. M for the hearing of ob­ jections to said account and the settle­ A special series of Bible cla sses will ment of said estate. Dater th is 8th day of January, 1931. start at th e Free M ethodist church JOHN M PRICE In W est Springfield on Tuesday. Rev. JE SSE A. FOUNTAIN J. 8-15 22 29 F 5 H. E. Krleder of Grand View, Wash Ington will be the evan gelist for the NOTICE TO CREDITORS tw o w eeks m eetings. The cla sses will NoGce Is hereby given that the un­ m eet each evening at the church at dersigned haa been duly appointed 7: SO. Administrator of the e sta te of Cath­ E. R. Thom ason, pastor of the arine E. Adama. deceased, and any church, will conduct regular services and all persons having claim» against the said estate are hereby required on Sunday with Sunday school at to present said claim s duly verified 10.00 and preaching at 11:00 and 7:30. s» bv tew required, at my tew office. A prayer m eeting will be held tonight. Beckwith Building, 717 W illam ette St., Everyone la Invited and w elcom e to Eugene. Oregon. In Lane County. Ore­ gon. within six m onths from the date attend any or all of th ese m eetings. of this notice. Dated and first published January 8. 1931. METHODIST LADIES AID Date o f last publication February HAS MEETING YESTERDAY 5. 1931. . H. E. SLATTERY. 1 Administrator of the estate of Cath­ The monthly m eeting of the Ladle* arine E. A dam s.deceased. Aid of the Methodist church was held Address 717 W illam ette 9L, yesterday afternoon In the church par Eugene, Oregon. ‘ J.8-15-22-29-F.5 lors. A sliver tea was held during the business session. D r. J O S E P H IN E C . B R A U N FRANK A. DePVB. Notary Public for Oregon. My com m ission expires Jan. 11, 1832. M H nrmrili >« lark m .--T1 onograph ck S ~ CLARION JUNIOR In • d io n . Payments BO small you «00*1 at This Store for 62 Years — Every Article Carries Our Regular Guarantee — MANY PRIZES GIVEN AWAY AT EACH SALE BRISTOW’S EUGENE, OREGON Wright & Sons At The Big Street Cock f V