THURSDAY. JANUARY 8, 1931 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE her soft hair and her eyes fell. "Would you care well enough for that . . . If there waa no other way, Julie?” For a moment she was silent, then with a awlft little gesture she turned to him, hiding bar face against hiu breast It waa two o'clock beforq Oltee thought of leaving the flat. ''Such a scandal •” he teaeed Julie. "Neither of us would have a shred of reputation If our beat and dearest friends knew how abominably we have E«tat« of M. H. May, Oscsassd, E IO H T H GRADE E X A M IN A T IO N S N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S OONE BKFORE I what reason she gave—some friend, I been behaving.” The uniform ellghth grade examlna Giles Cblttenbam swears to avenge I , hink Nolle« la hereby given that C. F. Ilona will be given on Thursday and Julie made a little grimace. the death of his young half-brother M»y ha« been by lb« County Court I '■ ••!•<'. I.muai y 16, IS, 1831, III Dla- The Community Center has the fol- Rodney, driven to suicide by the no- Julie flushed. "I haven’t any best and dearest of the Ktaln of Oregon, in mid for P“ «’1’« *l>o hare („wing people listed who need work: | his love. He will make Julie love “I wonder If that was true? Or, if friends except Blm—” she answered, , County, appolutiMl admlatrator <*4»niph »1 III 3ft -J.1-8 daughter, Is also visiting at the Bneed "I only asked because ahe haa “What do you mean?” name. She scorns him when he con­ N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S home, fesses his love and bis Inability to She closed here eyes wearily before spoken about you several times. 1 marry her. They meet later In Lon­ the Insistence of hla. Notice la hereby given that the un- N O TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S think ahe lather likes you." ton, deceaaed, and any and all Executrix of the estate of Hanover E Through his friend Lombard. Giles persona having claim« agalnal the Maude E. Caley, the executrix of the Pitta, deceased, any and all persons “Only that you are here, in my Julie looked up at him in surprise. "Don't you want her to Ilka you? »aid estate are hereby required to last will end testament and eatate having claims against the said estate Chlttenham meets the “other Julie," arms.” present aald claims, duly verified as of Edith Caley, deceaaed, has rendered are hereby required to present said the notorious woman who had ruined She and I are great friends. I prefer ''That is not what I mean.” and flD'rt In the County Court of the by law required. at the law office of claims, duly verified as by law re­ Rodney's life. She tells him that she He knew what she meant, and he her to any one I hare met since— " my attorney. II K. Hlattery. 717 WII State of Oregon for the County of quired, at the office of Frank A. De Is going to die; the doctors have She stopped with a little shrug of her lamette Ht„ In Eugene. In I-ane Coun Lane her final account and on Sat­ Pue attorney for the estate at Spring given her up as Incurable and she answered her directly. shoulders. ty. Oregon, within six months from urday, the 10th day of January, 1831, fh Id. Oregon, in Ixtne County. Oregon, la leaving England. She Is worried "I am still married, if that Is what at the County Court room In the Court the date of thia notice. "Since you and I met on the top of within six months from the date of about her cousin, the girl Chlttenham you mean, Julie?" loves. That Julie—his Julie—Is going Dated and first published December House In the City of Eugene, Oregon, this notice. the world,” Giles added for her. at the hour of tan o'clock In the fore­ I Mb. 1330. in fast company, among them a com­ "Yea.” He could hardly catch the Dated January 6th, 1931. It was nearly three in the morning noon of said day has been by order of mon American girl nomed Sadie Bar- whisper. EMMA LAYTON, OEKTRliDE POTTER, Executrix of the estate of Abraham aald Court filed and appointed aa the Executrix of the estate ut Hanover I row. He turned her face from Its resting. when be left the flat, and the streets day, time and place for the hearing And Sadie Barrow Is Giles Chitten- l-ayton, deceaaed. E. Pitts., deceased. Place against his shoulder, and kissed were silent and deserted as he walked of objections to said final account and "nam's wife. He did not know that Addreaa 733 West ftth 8t. away through the darkness, pausing ►Tank A. DePue, attorney for Estate. she her. (he settlement thereof All objections was in England. That night he II. E Slattery, Attorney for Executrix for a moment to look back at the J.8-16-22-39 F.5 meets her at a party at his mother's 11.18 25 J 1 S ift must be In writing and filed with I shall ask my wife to set me free. lighted window where Julie stood with the Clerk of said Court on or before house. They pretend to be strangers. NO TIC E OF F IN A L AC C O U N T Giles learns that Sadie Barrow, his We are nothing to one another.” Eatate of Charles E. Brattaln, Dec’d said day and time. her face pressed to the pane to catch Dated this 11th day of December, Julie shivered. In the C ounty C o urt of the S tate of w l,e' ha" *one ln toT "P*Htuallsm and a last glimpse of him. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1830. Oregon for Lane County. I ,s attending seances by a medium Supposing she won't consent? Notice la beroby given that Klva M Behind him was the sound of other MAUDE E. CALEY. In ITobate. I named Chryer. Shall you tell her about mo?” llrnwn haa been by the County Court steps, a little slower than his, and yet D. 11 18-26-J 1-8 In the Matter of the Estate of Sara He calls on Juile, who Is cold to of the State of Oregon lu and for latne Chlttenham hesitated. In some strange way seeming deliber­ Holdredge, Dec eased j him. He reproaches her for her reck- County, appointed Kxecutrtx of the "She may not be sufficiently Inter­ ately to be dogging him. Notice Is hereby given that the un less life. They quarrel, and Bhe leaves last will and testament of Charles E. NO TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T derslgned, Fred L. Beard, aa executor with Iawrence ¿chofield Her friend, ested to want to known. She and I Chlttenham glanced over his shoul­ Brattaln, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That of the above entitled estate has filed , Blm Lennox, tells Giles that Julie have not been anything to one another der, irritatingly conscious of being All persona lutvlng claims agalnal Fred E Ixtnley, Executor of the last In said proceeding« his final account; ' really loves him. Iambard calls on the estate of aald deceased are hereby will and testament and estate of Vtna that the court has set the time fori him and says he is In need of money, for a long time. Where are yon followed notified to preuent the same duly McLean, deceased, has rendered and the.hearing thereof at the hour of He threatens that It Chlttenham does going*' A taxicab on the outlook for a late slated and verified, at the residence filed In th County Court of the State 10 o'clock A. M. January 30, 1931; not give him money he will spread Julie had risen to her feet, gently fare turned a corned, and Giles hailed o f A. E Wheeler, 710 I-swrence Bt. of Oregon for the County of Ix»ne, and all persons having any objections the tale that he and Julie had spent It. At all events it would put an end lu Eugene, Oregon, wlthlu six months final account and on Saturday, the thereto shall file the same In writing the night together at St. Bernard Pass, disengaging his arms. "I am Just wondering how all this once and for all to his Interested fol­ frum thia 18th day of December, 1830. 17th day of January, -1931, at the on or before the time set for the Giles is Indignant and shows Lombard EEVA M BROWN, out. Later Julie and Schofield go to came about," she said brokenly. ‘How lower. As he slammed up the door County C-ourt room In tha Court House hearing. i cecutrlx of the I scat Will and In the City of Eugene, Oregon, at the FRED L. BEARD, a moovle together and the pictures I . . . how you made me give ln to he glanced backwards along the road Testament of Charles E. Brattaln, De- hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon Executor remind Julie of the Alps. She men- i eased. of said day hae been hy order of said 11 E. Slattery, Attorney for Executor. - lions about being at 8t. Bernard and you. It was the last thought ln my the way he had come. A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. The man was passing beneath a _____ J. 1-8-15-22-29 Schofield becomes suspicious. On the mind when 1 came ln. No—don’t Court fixed and appointed aa the day. r. .. D. 13-26 J.1-8-16 time and place for the hearing of ain-ris-w I way home they get a newspaper which touch me, please—” For he had risen street lamp, and in the sudden light FINAL ACCOUNT contains the news of the death abroad also and moved towards her. objections to said final account and his figure seemed strangely familiar, NO TIC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G n the County Court of the State of of the other Julie. At her flat she Notice la hereby given that Edna the settlement thereof. All objections Oregon “Giles . . . do you think I’ve been although for the moment Chlttenham fo r Lane County finds Chlttenham waiting for her. She must be In writing and filed with the It. Whlsler haa filed In the county very easy to break?" could not place the resemblance. In IVobate. Case No. 6132 confesses to him that she loves him. court of laiu> county, Oregon, her Clerk of suld Court on or before aald In the Matter of the Estate of day and time. The taxicab moved away and then Chlttenham winced. Her words hurt NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY final occount as administratrix of the Dated thia 16th day of December, SAMI'EL J ROBERSTON. Deceased. him. She looked Infinitely pathetic as all at once he knew—it was Lom­ estate of D. It. Whlaler, Deceased, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN- __ . und that the court baa set 10:00 A 1930. Notice Is hereby given that the un "You can t “ y ,t! Julle ' ’ ' W ‘th she stood there, her face still stained bard- That was the resemblance he FRED K. LEMLEY. M of Friday, January 8. 1831, as the Had seen—Harry Lombard. Executor. derslgned executor of the above cn a fierce little movement he drew her with tears, and her lips trembling. limn when aald account will come up For an instant he was conscious of tlthnl estate has filed herein hln final Into his arms and kissed her Ups. He made a swiftly passionate move­ D 18 25 J. 1-8 16 (or examination and allowance. All account In said proceedings; that the I - i lov„ V()U •• whispered "I've ment towards her. angry premonition; what did it mean? |a ‘;, 'on«’ trying to hold him from her. inereto shall rile the same In said pro- . _ , . . . .. . D. 11 18-26-J.1-8 her final account in said estate, and the «■ceding« In writing on or before the I “Will It sound very horrid of me Lombard's detestable ¡insinuations. f o «Y‘»« Y°u - And then what? County Court of Isine County, Ore time set for the hearing. Chlttenham's face grew grim. If I say that I wish I didn’t * ’ she she asked hoarsely. She began to cry, NOTICE O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T gon has fixed Monday, the 12th day Suposing Lombard had been wait­ WALTER E. ROBERTSON, j softly and brokenly. “You might leave whispered. “No—no, stay there. I The undersigned, Administrator of of January, 1931 at the hour of 10:00 Executor. me alone—you might leave me alone want to talk to you. It's still all s« ing outside Julie's flat during the past the estate of John Waring, deceaaed. o'clock In the forenoon of aald day H E Slattery. Attorney for the Ex­ bus filed hla Final Account In the at the County Courthouse In Eugene, ecutor. unreal— I fell so muddled—as if It’s Bve hours? she sobbed, helplessly. matter of «aid eatate with the County I ano County, Oregon an the time and Just a dream that I can only faintly She knew she had reached the end D.88J.1 8-15-22 Clerk of I sine County, Oregon, and place for the hearing of said final of her endurance. She kn w that if remember. Tell me— why did you When Chlttenham was dressing In an order hae been made and entered account. the morning his mother rang through of record by the County County of All persona having objections to N O TIC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON she gave In to him now there would come back this evening?” E X E C U T IO N IN FO RECLOSURE ««Id County, directing this notice and said final account are notified to “Because I heard that you were to on the 'phone. be no retracing her steps. She tried appointing Saturday, the 10th day of present the same In writing on or NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That “I only rang up to ask If you will marry Schofield.” January. 1831. at ten o'clock A. M before said time. by virtue of an execution and order to think of Luwrence Schofield—tried come this afternoon.” “Oh!” Her eyes fell. Poor Law­ fur the hearing of objections to said Dated this 11th day of December, of sale In foreclosure Issued out of to believe that he was far the better "Why do you want me to come? account and the settlement of aald 1930 the Circuit Court of laine County, man of the two, and that with him she rence! She had forgotten him" com­ .-slats. You know I'm an unbeliever.” CORNELIA 8. CHASE. ° n th® 13th day of December, | would stand a greater chance of hap pletely. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 11th Executrix of la s t Will and Testa­ day of D ^ e ^ h t r . ^ T T n ^ d ^ C o ^ P‘ne“ ' but " 1,lim<’n-8en8e and There was a little hesitation before And now—what do we do now *’ day of December, 1830. ment and Estate of Henry W. Chase, the plaintive voice came again. she asked softly. B. O. POTTER. the plaintiff therein, C. T. Beach reJ dled »KalnM the magic of Chlttenham's deceased. “To tell you the truth. I'm Just a Administrator of the Eatate of John Harris, Smith and Bryson. Eugene. covered Judgment against the defend- j arms and the touch of his lips. She Chlttenham held out his trms. Waring, Deceased. tiny bit nervous! I’ve never been Oregon, Attorneys for Executrix. ants Otto Norton and Ixiuise Norton , only knew that during all the weeks "Come here, and I will tell you.” ___________ ___________D.11 18 264.18 D. 11 -18-26-J.1-8 for the sum of Three Hundred and mixed up In anything of the kind be­ She went to him readily enough, and no-100 Dollars (»350.00); for the fur­ since they parted in Switzerland, she E state of L au ra L. B ra tta ln , Dec’d. fore, and I thought with you there—’’ ther sum of Seventy and 75-100 Dol- had ached for this moment, dreamed for a little while everything was for­ N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S “The evil spirits couldn’t get you, N O T IC E TO C R ED ITO R S Inrs (»70.76) as Interest; for the of It and longed for it, and that now, gotten in kisses, and the foolish words Notice 1« hereby given that Elva M Notice Is hereby given that the un­ further sum of Fifty Dollars (»50 00) in spite of her proud defiance, it had of lovers which yet hold all the wis­ eh ?—don't worry—” Giles laughed. Brown has been by the County Court dersigned has been appointed by the attorney's fees, and for the costs and ”1 meant to come anyway.” dom of the world. o f the State of Oregon In and for order of the County Court of the State disbursements of this suit, taxed at come, and when Chlttenham askett "And, Giles—ln case you're angry Lane County, appointed administratrix of Oregon for lame County, as admin­ »17.65, and said execution to me d l-jaKa*n: The chiming of a clock brought at meeting her again after what hap­ of the Estate of laiura L. Brattaln, istrator of the estate of Harry C. rected, commanding me In the name! “Do you love me?—do you want me them back to earth. deceased. pened the other night—Miss Farrow Jackson, deceased; all persons having of the State of Oregon, ln order to She pushed him from her. All persona having claims against elalms against said estate are hereby satisfy said Judgment, interest, attor­ after all, Julie?" she had no answer. Is coming; I know I said I wouldn’t She let him draw her closely Into i i u * *.’ 1 >OUF fault’ 9he said fever’ have her In the house any more, bnt the aald eatate are hereby notified notified to present the same properly ney's fees, costs of suit, and accruing Io present the «ante duly slated and verified to the undersigned adminis­ costs, to sell the following described his arms, and when he pressed her ishly. I was weak enough to let It after be broad minded— ” after an all. one one must must be broad-mlnded- verified, at the residence of A. E. trator at the office of Fred E. Smith, real property, to-wit: head down against his shoulder, she be your fault. I suppose I haven't] Q1ies guffawed. Wheeler, 710 Lawrence street In Eu­ Attorney at la w , 446-8 Miner Build­ Beginning at a point in the center qt tekes all sorts to make * world.” gene, Oregon, within six months front ing, Eugene, Oregon, within six months of the County Road 236 feet South closed her eyee with a little sigh of any pride, or I should Just have gone on and got over it—” spent resignation. after the date of this notice. this 18th day of December, 1830. of the Northeast corner of the South his mother went on. “So you will be CHAS. W. JOHNSON. ELVA M. BROWN, It was a long time before either of I'm glad you didn’t Julie.” east fourth of the Northwest quarter nice and polite to her, won’t you, Administrator. of Administratrix of the Eatate of Section thirty-six (36) In Township them spoke again. Chlttenham did not With sudden Impulse, Julie raised dear?” Fred H. Smith, I - a l i r a L. Brattaln, Deceased. Twenty-one (21) South, Range Three attempt to kiss her, he Just held her his hand to her lips and kissed It, “I think I can safely promise you Attorney for Administrator. A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. D.ll-18-26-J.1-8 (3) East of Willamette Meridian; and In hla arms, his cheek against her hair, then with revulsion of feeling she al- that.” D. 18-26-J.1-8-15 running thence South 760 feet to the J ' » 111 ■ ■ 1 ................. He rmlled to himself as he hung np middle of Kitson Creek; thence down as If she had been a tired child who most angrily pushed it from her. the center of said creek In a general had come to him for comfort and pro­ He took her face between his hands, the receiver. It seemed absurd that course of about North 56 degrees West tection. and kissed her passionately. his mother should have thought It 400 feet; thence Ntftth 474 feet to It was Julie who moved first. Nothing shall ever part ns any necessary to ask him to be polite to the center of said County Road; and '»lm will be ln soon. Poor Blm, more.” he whispered against her lips. Julie. thence Easterly along center of snld road 326 feet, more or less, to the I’ve been such a beast to her lately.” But she was not satisfied. General Law Practise He had hardly finished dieestng place of beginning, containing 4.66 She drew a little back from him, “Giles—supposing she won't divorce when s message came to say that acres, more or less, of land In said 1. M. PETERSON you?” Lombard was downstairs waiting to Section Thirty-six (36) and In I>ane looking at him with eyes that were all Attorney-at-Law wet and ashamed, and yet happier 'I am not afraid of that.” County, Oregon, see him. City Hall Building NOW. THEREFORE, In the name than he had seen them since that 'But supposing she won’t?" Julie In­ (Continued Next W eek) of the Stake of Oregon, In compliance night tn Switzerland. sisted feverishly. Springfield, Ore. with the said execution and order of It was typical of Julie that now she 228 Main «L Rssldsnos 128 C B t 'Need we suppose any such thing?” NEW TRAINS SCHEDULES salo, and ln order to satisfy said 8»J 88M Judgment, Including Interest, attorney had given In, she was ready to ac­ 'I want to suppose everything. I ANNOUNCED AT DEPOT fees, costs of suit and accruing costs, knowledge herself fully beaten. With want to know what the worst is that • I will, on Saturday, the 17th day of Chlttenham's first kiss she put the we may have to face.” Two new schedules for malnlllne January, 1931, at the hour of one Full Auto Equipment Chlttenham looked away from her, trains of the Southern Pacific operat­ JEWELER o’clock In the afternoon of said day, past behind her and kept her eyes la d y Assistant at the Southwest front door of the closed to the future. For the moment and there was a hard line about his ing over the Cascade line were an­ Repairing a Specialty County Court House In Eugene, Lane the present was all sufficient. The mouth. nounced at the depot this week and County, State of Oregon, offer for great ache and unhappiness of her Springfield, Oregon ~"If such a thing happened—It would are effective Immediately. Train num­ sale and sell for cash, at public auc­ tion, subject to redemption as pro­ heart had been taken away; he was be for you to say—” he answered at ber it to Klamath Falls and points vided by law, all of the right, title here aud he loved her. The happiness last. south will stop here when flagged to and Interest of the said defendants of that knowledge and the relief of NELSON LEGHORN FARM FRANK A. DE PUE “What do you mean?” pick up pasengers Lt 11:19 p. m. Otto Norton, Louise Norton, O. F. Lane County’s Oldest Breeders her own admission that she loved him, ATTORNEY AT LAW He looked at her sadly. Train number 6 operating to Cali­ Bevere and Zelpha R. Bevere and all of "That then there would be only one fornia now stops at 1:97 p. m. The persons claiming by, through or under for a little while blinded her to every­ NOTARY PUBLIC C. WHITE LEGHORNS them or any or either of them, In thing else. way in which we could belong to each new schedules are the result of an and to the said premises. “Blm Is away—” Chlttenham said. other, Julie.” Button Springfield SPRINGFIILD OREGON effort being made to speed up the H. L. BOWN, Phono 81-F-H Building Oregon She did not pretend to •misunder- operating time to San Francisco and Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. “I rang her up before I came here. D.18-26-J. 1-8-16 8he waa called out of town—I forget sand him but the hot blood rose to Los Acgelea. By Ruby Wanted Work B U S IN E S S M. Ayres 1 H R E C T O R Y Walker-Pool« Cbapol Funeral Directors D. W . Roof 9. v