rmUtSDAY. JANUARY S, 1931 T U B S P R IN G F IE L D NEW S a HUNTING POSTPONEMENT REAL PROGRESS MADE NOT LEGAL SAYS STATE IN 1930 SETTLEMENT SUPREME COURT MONDAY ON OREGON LANDS TWAS I nota < Concrete evidence of the substantial growth in new people and new wealth In all parts of Oregon is contained in the December report of the State Chamber of Commerce, which shows a total of 138 out-of state families who arrived and who bought 8.312 acres of land and invested $425.884 The annual report. Just Issued by m (for W. tl Ido, shows a total of 1993 new families for the year who bought 98.533 acres of land and who invested in this land, equipment, household goods and other forms of property a total of $3.703.660. The six year period Just closed by the State Chamber shows a grand total of 5.292 amply financed, practical farm families that have been attracted to this state who have purchased 262.535 acres of land in all counties of Ore­ gon who have brought $21,576 538 in new capital. Manager Ide points out that these 5.292 families have in­ creased the annual purchasing power of our cltivens by at least $5,000,000. Interesting features of the report the the increase of out-of-state auto­ mobile registrations from California, which rose from 53.336 in 1929 to 57.320 In 1930. while total registra tions showed a slight decrease; an increase in new families coming from California to Oregon, which was prac­ tically nothing five years ago to approximately 40 per cent of all new people coming into Oregon in 1930. During the first year's operation of the Los Angeles office of the State Chamber over 100 farms were pur­ chased by Californians who were sent to this state. Manager Ide reports that because of the consistent adver­ tising and follow-up work of the State Chamber in past years, even greater results may be expected in 1931. POWER COMPANY AD -BOOSTS” OREGON FARMS Agricultural conditions in the Wil­ lamette valley and in fact the whole Btate of Oregon were given some good publicity, in the Mountain States Power company's page advertisement which appeared recently In the Oregon Voter magazine. The ad which was entitled "Oregon Farmers Earn 20 Per Cent More than the U. S. Average” contained some interesting facts and figures and is quoted herewith as follows; "The United States department of agriculture figures show lhat the Ore­ gon farmers earn 20 per cent more than the national average and the per capita earnings of the Oregon farmers are over 50 per cent above national average. It is a significant fact that the Pacific Coast has far more electrical development on farms than any other section of the United Stats This means that Oregon farm­ ers together with their neighbors of Washington and California are con­ ducting their farm operations on a modern and efficient business-like basis. "In the Willamette valley will be found many electrical farms served by this company—successful farms which yield their owners a substantial return on their. Investment. Oregon may well be proud of her progressive farmrs and orchardists who are build­ ing a nation-wide reputation for the excellence of Oregon products. "This company is indeed proud of the part it Is taking in Increasing profits for our rural customers and in greatly improving working and living conditions on the farm through supplying adequate electric service at reasonable rates.” — K a $IO to $3OO B I-'.N E I'IC I a l E ggimanns C hocolates F G G IM A N N ’ S Commercial State Bank of Springfield C O L O N IA L ‘¿«"'VCOOPl?/ COUNTY TREASURER GETS FINAL LICENSE FEE CHECK Total ______________________ $207,671 65 VICTORIA A DeLuxe Type of Unusual Appeal How One Woman Lost 2C Pounds of Fat Gained in Vivaciousness THURSTON 24 HOURS The New Ford Gained a Shapely Figure ELECTRIC COW SHOWN IN LOCAL STORE WINDOW • WE CAN ARRANGE A LOAN ITS HERE! Gained Physical Vigor a The U illn g COW which the Alpine William Harnett and Mr» Margaret Milk company 1« using tor advertising Lien were married New Year« dsv, purl ' > ' was placed III Ihe window One of the final acts of the state The young people of the ne ghhoi of the Wliile Front Grocery on Mou supreme court beiore the change in hood gave them a ehlvail on Fthtoy day and d e w the allenllon of many the personnel which took place Mou evening t .»Isstrlsne. Ih e cow la motivated by day. was to uphold the right of in­ The high school and grade school an eleclrb motor and moves Its tail dividuals to hunt during the time set I started again Monday after several and lo ad ut frequent Intervals. It also aside by the law of the state regard­ day* of vacation. Gape Ils ears unit chews a cud besides less of prooJamatlons by state of­ Mrs A. W Weaver has been III Idling out a low bellow. ficials. The decision was handed down with flu (or several day« in the case against George ilurckhard Mr» Way Baugh entei^alned for of Tillamook who was tried for hunt­ dinner tost Sunday In honor of lor ing in a closed season In 1929 when husband. Ray Baugh's birthday Mr the tote Governor Patterson had post­ and Mrs dtnnlrv Baugh from Donna. poned the opening of the hunting Mi and Mis D <>. Baugh. Mi and i season. Mrs Wllilum Culver and Mr» Hill four! members ruled that the post­ slutter from Eugene were present. 4 ponement by the governor was illegal Miss Mildred I’rlce return to The as it did not specify any date on Du'lee lust Sunday after spending hull which the hunters could enter the days here with her parents, Mr and woods. Mr*. John Prlvo Roland Edward from Oregon City State forest officials, on hearing of . visited si Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hart Iasi the decision, declare that they cannot see why a hunter is any more of a | G ary Cooper and B e tty Compeon in a acene from “ T he Spoilers,” Tuesday. Last Friday Mr and Mrs. Ray Baugh ftre menace in the woods than most Rex Beach. A P aram o un t production p layin g at the and family motored to Junction City of the less experienced campers. Colonial F rid a y and Saturday. I ami spent the day with Mrs H uuk I i ' m It is improbable that Oregon hunters parents, Mr and Mrs James Culvert will have to. worry about delayed cost a quarter of a million dollars Mr and Mrs John Endicott gave opening of the hunting season in the DARE DEVILS MAKE to put this single scene on the screen future, except in the national forests. “HELL’S ANGELS"; and uvlntlpn authorities, military anil a party at their homo Inst Wednesday ACES STAGE BATTLES civil, declare It Is the most miraculous evening In honor of their son, Wayne INTERESTING PAMPHLET achievement In the history of both Endicott and Ihmalil Wool wine's birth­ days. After spending the evening ; Au event of more than usual stg aeronoutlcs and motion pictures. DEALS W ITH SURVEY OF with games refreshments of punch, niflcance Is lated for movle-goocrs For the first time the exploits of cake, fruit, candy und nuts were I OREGON STATE ROADS the Colonial theatre, starting Sunda., the now world famous Baron von served at u tale hour. for one week when "Hell's At gel's," A very interesting pamphlet on the the most outstanding film achieve­ Richthofen’s Hying Circus are accur­ Miss Marjorie Grunt has returned ately reproduced, and for the first I to her school at Marshfield after roadsides of Oregon, .embodying a re­ ment of all time, is the attraction. time the sensational wartime Zeppelin spending the holidays hero. port of the survey of the highways IO A N SO C IETY "Hell's Angels" is the stupendous in this state which was made last drama of air-war which Howard raid on txmdon is depleted reuilstl TIFFANY » U H 0 IN O , S IC O N O F t O O t Mr, and Mrs Hubert Gray have summer by Mrs W. L. Lawton, has Hughes produced and personally di­ 1 rally. returned from Klamuth ► ’alls where : Cor. Wlllamotto A Eighth Sts. Upwards of 20.000 persons took Just been published by The American rected at the staggering cost of ttiey visited Mrs Gray's parents. Mr . P H O N E i 3 0 4 0 Nature association of Washington. D. $4.000.000, and which required three l>art in the making of "Hell's Angels," and Mrs. Robert Herrington during EUGENE. OREGON C. for the National Council for Pro­ years of continuous filming to com­ and more than 3,000,000 feet of film Licensed by the S tate. ware ground through the cameras to the holidays. tection of Roadside Beauty. plete. ohtuln the astounding realism dis- The booklet contains thirty six pages It is admittedly the ace spectacle and is profusely illustvated with both of wartime aviation — a graphic I closed In the completed picture. commendable and disgraceful scenes glorificatioon of the World War In which Mrs. Lawson found along the the air. PHYSICAL. MENTAL TEST highways while on her visit to this More than 100 daring pilots. In­ URGED BY NEW GOVERNOR state. The purpose of the publication cluding many of America's foremost is to point out the effects of bill stunt flyers, took part in the thrill­ Julius L. Meier, governor elect of boards and other commercial adver­ ing air battles which are a spectac­ Oregon, will udvocate Ihe passage of tising on the scenic effectiveness and ular feature of "Hell's Angels.” a state law at the forthcoming term N o th in g q u ite equals the rich , dcllcltiu», wholesom e the safety of the state highways. A flying fleet of exactly 87 real of the legislature providing (or both fla v o r o f real chocolate caiuly, properly made We have Many scenes of the McKenzie high­ wartime planes, including a giant pnyslcal and mental tests before a had w orlds o f ex|>erlence in candy m aking and fin d th a t way are included in the pamphlet. An German Gotha bomber and a German license to drive a motor vehicle muy It alw aya pays to m ake and Hell the best. O ur choeolates illustration of the Rose Gray Tea dirigible, was brought together from be obtained. The large number of sim p ly can not l>e beaten as o u r m any custom ers know . Room Just across the river has this all parts of the world and flown In serious accidents during the post year I f yon have not yet tasted l'2gglniann'H chocoloutes, you makes necessary some radical chunge inscription below it. "Proving that this picture. have a real tre a t co m in g up. In one scene alone 50 planes are In the motor laws, thinks the gov the roadside establishment can be an addition.” and picturing other less in­ shown in combat simultaneously. It ernor. viting stands on the opposite page. R E P O R T O F C O N D IT IO N O F T H E The Pacific highway between Goshen Ewd W here the Service Is Different'' and Eugene is mentioned in the pamphlet. Mrs. Lawson state, Eugene has an unusual opportunity for a at Springfield, County of Lane, State of Oregon, at the close of business beautiful approach on the south along December 31, 1930 the Willamette river. Already there are twenty-eight hoards on the last RESOURCES two miles, fifteen of them are or­ $106,867.52 Loans and discounts .......... ................................... ....................... ganized. 450.61 Overdrafts 47.657 05 Copies of the report may be obtained B o n d s , s e c u r itie s , e tc . 181067 00 Banking house $14,900.00, furniture und fixtures $3,157.00 from the National Council for the Pro­ Real estate owned other than banking house 9,066 31 tection of Roadside Beauty at 119 Cash, due from bunks and cash items 25.573.16 • • i X r.ii\ * Every one who has seen this sensation— concedes Its unequalled pre-eminence In the history ™ of the Screen I I HOWARD HUGHES Thrilling Air Spectacle HELLS ANGELS the first multi-million dollar talking picture ’ with JEAN IIARLOW BEN LYON — JAMES HALL PREMIER EUGENE RUN! ATTEND THE MATINEES! Anderson Motors, Inc. Oving io the big night crowd«, you will be aasured of !< ’•