Try the Home P rint Shop Firat THF SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWHNTY-8KVBNTH YKAK. H. S. BASKETBALL 8PK1NGFIBL1), LANK COUNTY, OKBOON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1931 Union Services on Independent Team Sunday Evening IVins Five Games Armlets Judge Five victories and one defeat la six bunduy evening at the Ibiptlst church It waa announced thia morning by Rev. Pike, pastor of the Methodist church who haa charge of the speak­ ing arrangements. Mr. Knott was a faculty member of the Eugene Bible university before his tour of the world which took al­ most u year. He haa not announced the subject of hla talk, but It la prob- uble that It will deal with experiences. The union service Is sponsored by the member» of the W. C. T. U. and Is an annual affair. Veltle Pruitt, pastor of the ChrlHtlan church, will alng a solo, and the Baptist quartet, constating of Norton Pengru, Wilfred Cook. Paul Freae, and T. Burris, will King "Make Me Clean." Regular services will be held at each Of the churches In the morning. At the Baptist church Rev. Mul­ holland will speak on "The Church Itk-h In Poverty." The Young l"eople will meet at 6:46 In the evening. Members of the Christian church wll hear their paator apeak on "Seeing Jesus." The choir will sing "Knuck lag With Nall Pierced Hands." The Christian Endeavor will meet at 6:30. {lev. I*lke w ill IMe "B lu nd ers" as bis sermon topic at the Methodist church at 11:00 o'clock. The Epworth league will meet at 6:30. ball players who have styled them­ selves the Town team. The conquests to date Include game» with Crow high school and the Thur­ ston Independents which they won a week ago Monday before and after the regular high school game against Estacada high; two games at Thur ton Friday evening against both tbe high school and Independent squads; and Pleasant lllll high school here Monday evening. They lost the game with Walker high school the same evening by one point, 40 1« 41. Harold delger ha« been named new »Indent manager lu the place of Jack Hulett, realgned. Another game ban been acheduled with the Pleasant Hill high school to In- played there next Wedneeday. ACCIDENT VICTIM WAS FORMER RESIDENT HERE Mra. Inhaba Huff, 77, who woa It I llixl in Portland Juat after Chrlat- maa when »be waa »truck by a truck while croaalng a street waa a former rnaldent of thia vicinity and waa known to several of the local resi­ dent» She lived In the Fairmount dlatrlct and In Jaaper for many years before moving to Portland. Four children survived her. They were Blanche Phelpa. Mra. IVraea Van Vlete, Holla Huff and Scott Huff. The funeral waa held Wednesday of laat week front the Crematorium In Portland where the Ixtdy waa placed In a vault. KLAMATH MAN MAY BE NEW LANE CLUB LEADER OF CITY FIRE CHIEF The folowlng payers performed against the Walker team: William Cox, Francis Deeds, Harry Harrington, Freeman Squires, and Everett Bqulres The Town team Is composed of former high school players and other young men of the city who play and enjoy the game. They either play games at the high school gymnasium every Monday night or hold practice GORRIE-VAN VALZAH sessions at that time. They are at­ WEDDING IS EVENT OF tracting quite a bit of attention among NEW YEAR'S AFTERNOON the followers of the game In this county. tine of the large surprises of tbe holiday aeaaon was tbe marriage on ELITE CAFE AND HOTEL New Year's day of Mlsa Anne Gorrte CHANGES MANAGEMENT lu Hr. Caryl Gerald Van Valxah. Only a few «lose friends of the Immediate DURING PAST WEEK-END families knew of the forthcoming The Elite hotel and cafe has been event until It took place. The ceremony waa perfronxvl at the purchased during the past week ,by home of the bride's mother, Mrs. C. I. W. L. Coates of Junction City from Gorrle t+r , by Rev. C. J. Pike, paator Mrs. Joel Smyth. Mrs. Smyth pur­ of the Methodist church. In the pres chased the business establishments ence of Immediate family members. last September from Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Brewer who are now living at Mrs. Van Valxah la a graduate of Fall Creek. Only the cafe equipment the Monmouth normal achool and of and the furnishings In the rooms of the University of Oregon whore she the hotel are Involved In the trans­ la a member of Alpha XI Della so­ action. rority. Mr. Van Valxah la a graduate Mr. Coates will be assisted In the of the North Pacific dental college at Ibirtland. He Is a eon of Mrs. operation of his new business by his A. U Vau Valxah and Is practicing mother. Mrs. Pearl Coates and bis sister. They will continue to feature hla profession In Portland. the combination of room and board which was started by Mr. Brewer. J. E. EBBERT PASSES AT PORTLAND WEDNESDAY; SCHOOL BOARD NAMES FUNERAL IS SATURDAY TRUANT OFFICER MONDAY J. E. Ebbert, pioneer resident of Springfield, died at his borne at Port­ land yesterday at the age of 72 years. He waa the husband of Mary E. Eb­ bert and the father of Chester A. Ebbert of Porterville, California. He was a charter member of the Spring- field I. O. O. F. bulge number 70. He also leave two slaters, Mrs. John Wlnx- enreld of Springfield and Mrs. Frank Powers of Eugene, The funeral will be held Saturday at 2:30 Walker-Poole wll have charge and Interment will be made in the old I. O. O. F. cemetery at Eugene. The Springfield Odd Fellows bulge will conduct the funeral services. The realgnatlon of Arnold 0. Col­ lier aa l.nne county club leader waa received and accepted by tbe officials of the Oregon Mate College last week­ end. State duh officials have Indi­ cated that they will urge the appoint­ ment of H. C. Keuhner, present as- Blatant to the county agent at Klam­ ath Fnlla, aa Collier's suoCeeaor. The appointment hna to be made by the »late hoard of higher education. MANY ATTEND STAR PARTY Keuhner la a graduate of Oregon HERE TUESDAY EVENING State college. Sixty people attended the New Year's party of the Eastern Star SCARLET FEVER CLAIMS which was held Tuesday evening. A SMALL BOY ON TUESDAY regular lodge session, the first of the Dean, the small son of Mr. and year and the first to be presided Mrs. Clarence E Caudell of Spring- over by the new officers, was held field, died of acarlet fever, Tuesday at 8:00 o'clock and the husbands and al the home of hla parents. Orave- family members were then Invited In alde funeral services will he held this for the social evoning which consisted afternoon at the I-aurel Grove ceme of games and refreshments. Mrs. C. tery with Rev. Ralph Mulholland of­ E. Wheaton. E. E. Fraedrtcks, Mrs, ficiating. Walker-I*oole chapel will Sidney Ward, Mrs. Clifford Wilson, Mrs. John Ketels, Mrs, C. F. Eggl- have charge. mann, Miss Margaret Gorrle, Mrs. C. O. Van Valxah, end Miss Lillian Olson To Meat At Cottage Grove had charge of arrangements for the party, The I-ane County Chamber of Com­ merce wll meet Friday, November 16, at Cottage Grove. Tho chamber In PAST STAR OFFICERS TO ' that city wll have charge of the pro­ BE ENTERTAINED HERE gram. Mrs. Gertrude Wilson will entertain at her home on Emerald Heights Speaks tq Lions Saturday afternoon with a compli­ A. F. 8. Steele, aocretnry of the mentary party honoring Mrs. W. C. Eugene Chamber of Commerce, will Wright, retiring worthy matron of apeak to the Lions club at tomorrow the Eastern Star lodge. Mrs. Wilson, noon'a meeting. Mr. Steele will talk who la the new worthy matron, has on development of Lane county for also invited all of the officers who the mutual benefit of all communities. served under Mrs. Wright. Municipal Court Judge David Moylan of Cleveland, who lost both arms In a railroad accident, dis­ poses of 400 cases a day and makes entries in his record with a pen held in hla teeth. Victory over the Pleasant Hill high group waa a surprise os the Hill Billies are rated among the strongest of the district this year, having won STRANGER WANTS WORK; two games from Eugene high before SUGGESTS DISCHARGE Christmas. The lineup In this game was luiwr ence Roof, center; Dale Summers and Francis Deeds, guards; Harry Harring­ ton. and Ix>Roy Nice, forwards. The final score was 37 to 46 for Spring field. Lum Anderson was named truant officer for the Springfield school dis­ trict at the meeting of the school board on Monday evening. The meet­ ing was devoted to a consideration of bills. The district recently called !n a outstanding warrants and had a cash surplus. Another check has t c .a received by tbe clerk since that time making the financial standing of the district very good. CHORAL GROUP SENTIMENT ASKED BY FORMER LEADER No. 62 New Committees Made a t Chamber a meeting of the officers and di­ rectors. 1. M. Peterson was re-appointed sec­ retary of the Chamber by Mr. Barnell This is the only official post that was not filled by election. F. B. Hamlin. W. A. Taylor, two former presidents of the Springfield organization, and Mr. Barnell, will be the delegates to the monthly meet­ ings of the I-ane County Chamber of Commerce. H. E. Maxey, president of the county organization, will alao attend these meetings. Taylor, Hamlin, and Carl Olson were appointed on the honor com­ mittee. They have the management of the Community hall under their supervision. Any person or persons desiring to use the rooms for any purpose will have to confer with the members of this committee. W. C. Wright. C. B. Wheaton and M. B. Huntley are the new members of the membership committee. H. E. Maxey, Welby Stevens and W. P. Tyson are members of the roads and highways committee. The new In­ dustrial committee consists of Maxey, I. M. Peterson, Stevens, Wright and Dr. W. C. Rebhan. The executive committee of the Chamber of Commence Is considering the publication of an advertising folder telling about Springfield and this com­ munity. The regular monthly meeting of tbe Chamber of Commerce will be held on January 23. People who read tbe egotistical ad­ vertisement which a New York young man ran In a paper there and which was later carried In the news columns of many dally papers as a humorous news item should listen to Mayor Tyson explain an incident which oc­ curred here Tuesday. Acordlng to the mayor, a stranger accosted him and told him that he had come to apply for the position of fire chief, stating that he was not a resident of the city, but that he would move here. When he was In­ formed that a man bad already been appointed to tbe position he replied that he knew that, and added that he had heard some criticism of the appointment so he had come to tell the mayor to oust him and appoint NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT himself. PLAN FOR INSTALLATION He produced credentials to show that he was qualified for the position, Old and new officers of the Neigh­ states the mayor. bors of Woodcraft met at the I. O. O. F. hall last night to practice their WALTERVILLE RESIDENT work for installation which will be PASSES AT HOME SUNDAY held at the next meeting. A short program will be prepared for the night A. L. Vaughn. 80. resident of Wal­ of the Installation. tervllle for the past nine years, died All of the lodge furniture has been suddenly at his home at Waltervllle taken out of the W. O. W. hall and on Sunday evening at 9:00 o'clock. stored. The building has been sold Mr. Vaughn was born In Harrisburg to the Masonic lodge and it is making on June 12. 1850 and spent his entire plans to refinish the upstairs for lifetime In the Willamette valley. In their own lodge quarters. 1872 he married Miss Ellen Hallaway who survives him. He also leaves three sons, Ed Vaughn of Springfield; COWART HOME RAZED John Vaughn, Crow, and Frank BY FLAMES ON SUNDAY Vaughn, at Waltervllle; besides 17 An overheated heater Is believed to grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednes­ have been responsible for the Ore day afternoon at 2:00 o’clock from which badly gutted the interior of the Walker-Poole funeral home In the A. J. Cowart home at Fifth and Springfield. Rev. Velile Pruitt of­ Wall streets on Sunday evening at ficiated. and Interment was made In 7:30. The Cowart family was not at home at the time of the fire, neigh­ the Mount Vernon cemetery. bors turning In tbe alarm. About 31,000 damages was done to the prop­ PETER LAFFERTY PASSES AT HOME OF SON SUNDAY erty by the fire and the water used in extinguishing the flames. Wall Peter Lafferty died at the home of paper near the stove caught tire and his son, Cleve, at Lowell Sunday eve­ soon the whole Interior of the living ning at the age of 89 years. He was room was a mass of flames. born at St. Paul, Oregon, and had the distinction of being one of the HAND CAUGHT IN WRINGER first persons to be born In what Is ONE FINGER LACERATED now known as Marlon county. He married Marian Plueard In 1890 and The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs they made their home near Molalla Isaac Webb met with a painful ac­ until three years ago. He was a mem­ cident early Saturday evening while ber of the Catholic church, and Is playing with the clothes wringer. She survived by two sons, John and Cleve. managed to get the wringer started both of Lowell; one daughter, Mrs and taught her hand In It. One finger Katherine Abercrombie, of Modesto. was cut open by the pressure of the California; twelve grandchildren and rollers and it was necessary to take four great grandchildren. several stitches. The remains were sblpped to Mo­ lalla by the Walker-Poole chapel In MAN GASHES HIS FINGER Eugene. Funeral services were held WHILE CHOPPING WOOD from the Catholic church there. Several people have been asking Erneet McKinney whether he planned to direct another choral group In Springfield this year and he Is anxious to find out the sentiment of the ma­ jority of the singers. He is willing Io direct or participate In such a vciduro i f there are sufficient people who are willing to attend practice regularly. McKinney requests that mi mhers of last year’s group let him GLEE CLUBS TO PRESENT know their desire by phoning him OPERETTA AT HIGH SCHOOL at 182M. The combined glee clubs of the high school will start practice Mon­ CIVIC CLUB WILL ELECT day on tho operetta, “The King’s NEW OFFICERS TUESDAY Wardrobe”, according to Ernest Me Kinney, director, who will have charge New officers of the year 1931 will of the performance. The date for be elected at the meeting of the Civic the presentation has not been decided. club on Tuesday. This will be the There will be eight principals and a first meeting of the group since the chorus of about twenty voices in the first week In December, they having operetta. Mr. McKinney has gone taken a recess during the holiday over nearly twenty different operettas season. In selecting "The King’s Wardrobe” for presentation here. BRIDGE CLUB TO MEET AT ADRIAN HOME ON FRIDAY MR. AND MRS. WRIGHT TO SPEND WINTER IN SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adrian will entertain for the members of the Bridge club at their home on Friday evening. The club was to have met with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson, but Mrs. Wilson was called out of town Tuesday and will not be hero Friday evening. L I V I NKW SPAPKR IN A L I V I T O W N I. J. C O W NEW Peteraen Re-appointed Secre­ tary; Other Committee« Re­ viled by New Official*. New Roster of City Employee* Announced Monday by Mayor Standing committees for the Spring at Special Meeting of Council; field Chamber of Commerce for the year 1931 were appointed Friday night Take Over Duties Tuesday; by W. K. Barnell, new president, at Tyson Thanks Hinson. Division« to Cot First Trial juat returned to Eugene from a world games played In a period of two This Year; First Cams with tour, will apeak at the union service weeks Is the record set here this week Albany on January 16. of tho Springfield churches to bo held by the Independent group of btsket Hpringflnld high mhuol ha» eight basket hall gum*» nn It» schedule which was announced at the high Nt hiwl thia week by W. E Buell, prln- i I [ml. and Norval May, coach. The local player» will open their attempt for the dlalrlrt champlonahlp at Al- lutny on January 16 when they meet I ho Alhntiy high achonl quintet. The »chedule (or the local team icud» u h follow» January 16, Albany there; January 23, University high at Eugene; January 30, Cottage drove here; February 6, Eugene high there; February 13. University high here; February 20, Cottage drove there; February 27, Eugene high here; March 6, Abany high here. A new dlvl»lnn of the dlatrlct haa been worked out by the high achnol athletic officials and 1« being tried thia year It divide» tbe dlatrlct Into two division», the north and eouth, with la n e county and Albany con »tltutlng the Mouth division. They will play their game» andethen a aerie» o f conteat» will be urranged to deter­ mine the winner» between the two division». The successful team will represent the entire dl»trl»t. Hpringflnld high »chooi defeated the lllll Billie« from Pleanant lllll here last night 16 to 12. llert Tomaeth do­ ing uio»t of the basket making for the oi al team Tbe lineup was Hersey ToniHiith and I4oyd Mattison, for- warda; dllbert Ernatlng, renter; Bert Tomaeth and John l.ym h, guard». A aurceaaful year 1» anticipated by the local high acbool team. Their victory laat night place» them strong er than the Eugene high team which haa bowed twice already thia aeaaon to tin- lllll Billie». A NIGHT POLICEMAN World Traveler to Address Con­ Two Thurston Squad« and Plea­ gregation at W. C. T. U. sant Hill Bow to Local Star«; Walker Cop« Victory. Annual Service. Harold E Kuntt, traveler who has " T lw People's Pap er" Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Wright and Mrs. Wright's sister, Mrs. Barrett, from Canada, left Springfield Tuesday morning for Portland where they took a boat to California. They expect to spend the balance of the winter visiting In the Golden state. A. J. Cowart was named night policeman for the city of Springfield Monday night at a special meeting of the city council. He takds the place of Fred Hinson, veteran night officer, who has served the city for the past eleven year» under five dif­ ferent mayors. The only other change In the per­ sonnel of the city officials made Monday night was that of street com­ missioner. Robert Pirrle waa named to this post succeeding George Vallier. Dther officials renamed to th«fr posts are Lum F. Anderson, police chief; Hugh Joliff, fire chief; L M. Peterson, city attorney; Dr. W. H. Pollard, health officer; E. E. Kepner, city engineer, and Mrs. Frances M. Saltsman, librarian. The appointments were made by W. P. Tyson and were ratified by the members of the common council. They became effective on Tuesday morning. Two new members of the city coun­ cil took their oaths of office at the meeting Monday. They were G. H. Jarrett, appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of W. C. Mc- I^igan to North Bend, and Fred Freee, elected last fall to take the place ot W. C. McKlln. Holdover members of the council are Herbert Cox, and W. A. Taylor. Council committees for the year 1931 will be announced by the mayor at the regular monthly meeting of the council on Monday evening of next week. In making the appointment of Cow­ art to the night watchman position, Tyson declared that he and the city of Springfield owed a great deal to Fred Hinson, incumbent, and that his record has been very satisfactory In every respect. The cnange was made because oi a desire to distribute the city positions among several people and to those who needed gainful em­ ployment the m ost LOCAL LODGE GROUP AT COBURG INSTALLATION A large delegation from the Spring- field Rebekah lodge went to Coburg Tuesday night to witness the Joint Installation ot officers of the Rebekah and L O. O. F. lodges there. Those making the trip included Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Black, Mrs. Johns, Mrs. Sam Richmond and daughter Helene, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Findley, Alice Doane, Mrs. Clara Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Peddicord. Mrs. Wanda Barnes, Doris Girard, Dorothy Girard, Mrs. Enoch Stuart, Meda Catching, and Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah. MILL TO OPERATE FOUR DAYS OF TH IS WEEK The Springfield mill of the Booth- Kelly lumber company is operating 4 days this week, having started Wed­ nesday morning. No annuncement has been made as to the future operations of the local plant. SPRINGFIELD MAN AGAIN HEADS SAFETY COMMITTEE L. E. Danks was re-elected chair­ man of the safety committee of the Southern Oregon district of the Moun­ tain States Power company employees at a meeting held here on Monday evening. The other members elected to the committee for the year 1931 are E. W. Albers, Springfield, C. R. Michaels, Junction City, and W. R. Frank Ingersoll severely cut the Smith of Cottage Grove. index finger on his left hand Monday while he was cutting some kindling MISSION SOCIETY MEETS wood at the home of his sister at TUESDAY AFTERNOON Glenwood. It was necessary for a local physician to take several stitches Mrs. Emma Olson entertained the to close the wound. Mr. Ingersoll members of the Women's Foreign Mis­ lives at Mohawk. sionary society at her home Tuesday afternoon. The study group was led SCHOOL BOY INJURES ARM by Mrs. L. K. Page. Refreshment ON PLAYGROUND MONDAY were served. The next meeting of the group will LaVerne McPherson, student at the be held on the first Tueoday ot Feb­ Lincoln school, received a dislocated ruary at the home of Mrs. Will Maybe arm Monday when he was playing oa on C street. the school grounds. He was taken to a local physician’s office for medi­ REBEKAH’S MAKE PLANS cal attention. FOR INSTALLATION SOON Meeting Postponed The meeting of the Chysanthemum club which was to have been held at the home of Mrs. Mande Bryan last night has been Indefinitely post­ poned because of the Illness of Mrs. Bryan. V Plans for the installation of officer« of the Rebekah lodge were discussed at the regulary weekly meeting of the group which was held at the I. O. O F. hall on Monday evening. Doro­ thy Girard will be the Installing of­ ficer. Tbe Installation will probably take place on Monday of next week.