IW THURSDAY. JANUARY 1, 1931 T TUE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAO® FIVE MR. AND MRS. BARNES HAVE BERTSCH HAS CONTRACT CHRISTMAS DINNER GUESTS TO HAUL FREIGHT FOR SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. One of the larger Christmas dinners Ten Children Who Have O nly Five Rhrthdayi Among Them e /IQ N IC T CAMPJQ NEW YUHK— Among his many u musing trail» you mual credit Jos Cook, the comedian, with remarkable I rnscnc« of mind During a riKMiit psrtormaBce of hl» i mu»b hit. ”F1n« and Dundy,” hl» gift for fuel thinking prevented a would- be panic Hmoke, coming from some where, boiled Into the theatre. Almost the entire audience »prang to their feet. Many ruahed for ezlta. Confu- «ion reigned and poured. tin the stage, Dora Maughan wna Just emerging from the wing» for a Mr and Mr» Andrew Kroger with their five »et» of twin» Clyde and Claude, thr oldest, are 18, Addle and round of wisecracks with the Irrepres­ Abbie are 16, Floyd and Lloyd are 11, Jean and Jeanette are 7, and the babies, Donald Dean and Norma Jean, are sible Cook Hut J imi , sensing the altua Ihrer month» Mr Kroger I» a carpenter in a railroad car »hop and earn» $175 a month "We gat along UM." «ay» Mrs Kroger “Ail the children help” Th« Kroger» live at Council Bluflt, Iowa lion beyond the footllghta, signalled to the orchestra to play "Un« and Dundy,” one of the featured song hlta WISE GEESE ELUDE ALL MANY ENJOY CHRISTMAS of the »bow LOCAL HUNTERS SUNDAY DINNER HERE THURSDAY Joe and Dora sang with uuthuala»m, while the audience, reassured, broke tleeee hunting Just wasn't any fun A large number of friend» and rela­ Hy MAHY MARSHALL Into a ripple of applauae and aettled Sunday for a party of local men in­ tive» of Mr. and Mr». Paul Bastard back Into their neola, Il saved the A touch nt whit« on the black cos­ cluding W. K llarni-ll, Frank Smit- were entertained at their home with performance, The atnokeT Only a tume makes for smartne»»— and now M(«n, Itiley Knodgra»», and Frank a Christina» dinner last Thursday. The furnace cutting up. The men want out wu see white used In the »am« way on Schaffenberg. a e e guests were Mr. and Mr». Fred Lud brown. Ecru or beige wuh once con­ early and waited patiently for hours, tlOO A WEEK IN T IP S hut never »aw a goose. Finally they ford, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moses and sidered the correct tone of contrast Hoda clerk» must guffam hoarsely for brown but now It la pure white. started a fire to warm themselves daughter» Virginia and Jane, and son up their »leave» when u boob like me The collar and cuffs In today's and had set their guns aside when Jimmy, all of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. t in idly I I | m them a dime after being »ketch are another variation of the aeveral geese flew low overhead. They L. E. Bastard, Mr. and Mr». Geo. Bas­ nerved Many New York foam flinger» petal type that has proved so useful were gone when the hunters retrieved tard and daughter,, Kathryn, all of could buy out me—and you and you— and becoming. The sections are two their gun». Springfield. Mr. and Mr». T. W Trems u dozen time«. of Forest Grove, and Earl DeLong Inch«» long, an Inch wide. They are of Marshfield. one of them, who mlzea a wicked RAILROAD INSURANCE fronted chocolate at a certain Park REPRESENTATIVE HERE Avenue drudgery, earn» a »alary of MR. AND MRS. PADDOCK only $36 a week Hut—and here'» the i C. F. Meeker, representative» ot ENTERTAIN W ITH DINNER '’catch '— ho pull» down a 1100 a week the Order of Railway Employee»' Mu­ In tip». tual Insurance association for Oregon Relative» of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Very Latest a a a and California, Is »pending two weeks In Springfield and Eugene meeting the local member» of the organlxa tlon. Many railroad workers In Lane county are members. M Y S T E R Y — AN D H O W I It hapened rweontly while Maurice Muacovltch wuh giving at the Time« Square theatre hl» famou» Interpreta­ tion of "Hhylock” In Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice." At the theatre next door, one of the uaherelte» »topped the director to a»k. "Bay. can I get off early tonight— 1 want to see that mystery play next door?” "What mystery playT" the director Inquired. "Hhylock Holme«." ahe replied. . . . FAMILIES ARE PLANNING DINNER ON NEW YEARS Mrs. M. A. Pohl and Mrs. Thomas l*atrick aro entertaining at the home of Mrs. Pohl today with a New Year'» dinner tar the various members of their families and relatives. Those attending are Major and Mrs. M B Huntley and Mrs. Myrtle l>>abow. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sclmetzky, Dr. and ; Mrs. IL P Mortensen, MargBret Mor­ tensen. Ixiulse and Joel Cowden, Mr. and Mrs. Pohl and two children, and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick. H O T FROM H A R L E M Strolling through Harlem one night recently. I found myaelf walking be- | hind a resplendent darktown dude and hla »epla sweetie, out to make a night of i t Dressed to kill, the boy friend went frisking along with a 32-'.ooth grin, highly »atlsfled with the world In gen­ eral and himself In particular. But the dusky damsel at hl» side didn't »e«m to »hare the «pirlt of the occasion. She was not enjoying It at all. Fact Is, »lie wa« pouting. Tho black boy looked down at her with »nrae anxiety. "Wliaasa matta, honey 7" he In­ quired. "Ain't um »pendin' monoy on yaT” s e e Marriage Licenses Issued During the past week marriage li­ censes have been granted to the fol­ lowing by the county clerk: Leland Adams, San Francisco, and Gertrude Coe, Eugene; Paul Woodroffe, Port­ land. and Helen Fletcher, Eugene; W illis Link and Lavelle Owen, both of Eugene; Arthur Slemann, and Esther Holmes, both of Cottage Grove; Eldon Sloan. Stanfield, and Jean Weber, Yoncalla; Kenneth Paul­ seamed up. two together. In a narrow son and Esther Goodwin, both of seam and turned right aide out, so Goshen; Herman Treff, Garibaldi, and 6,000 W A TC H PUP T R E A T E D Carrie Sunkler, Eugene; Richard that when they are turned and pressed There wa» a commotion at the cor­ Large. Klamath Falls, and Ruth Por­ ner of fith Avenue and 42nd ntreet they measure about an Inch and three- ter, Harrisburg; Denzel Godard and quarter» by n little less than two An accident. . . . Women screamed. Lillian Word, both of Leaburg. Inches. The crowd gasped. They »aw a homeless mongrel pup, For the cuff, nine of these petals brown and white and dirty running are put Into an Inch-wide band that around without a license, struck by encircles the wrist. The petal seg the fender of a speeding automobile mei|te are overlapped so that the and hurled fifteen feet nine fit evenly and noatly Into the Out of a passing automobile popped a veterinary. He placed the whimper­ ing pup on Pullceman Daniel Sulli­ van'« folded overcoat, where he lay quite still. "A broken rib,” the doc announced. Five thousand people looked on while the doctor set the rib and ban­ daged the tiny Invalid. The Police­ man Sullivan carried him to tho West 4th Street police station, where—we hope- his canine friend» remembered him with flowor» and a great big bone. wrist band, which will measure »lx or seven Inches In length. The collar Is made of a bios band, folded double like the cuff band. Into which the petals are slipped, over­ lapping to help shape the collar to the line of the dress. The collar and cuff bauds are both stitcher neatly along the edge after thep etnla are basted neatly In posi­ tion. Then bnstlngs are removed and the band Is pressed lightly. The petals do not need pressing unless the ma­ terial of which they are mode Is • • « wrinkled. HAW ' HAWI HAWI Satin is an excellent material for "Aged, Wealthy Couple Live Together Year Without Speaking"— this collar and cuff». For the little dress, that you can wear on almost headline. any occasion, we suggest chiffon taf­ One way to stay married! Together Year Without Speaking"— feta made with a fairly high waist­ line and a slightly flarln-g skirt. HOSPITAL MAN TO TALK METHODIST BOARD WILL AT CHURCH HERE SUNDAY HAVE MEETING TUESDAY W. J. Morrow, field secretary of the Wesley hospital at Marshfield will speak nt the morning service at the Methodist church according to Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor. Rev. Pike will preach on the subject, “The Living Past" at the evening service. The church choir will sing special music at both services. The Sunday school meets at 9:46 and the Epworth league at <1:30. The official monthly board meeting of tho Methodist church will be held at the church on Tuesday evening of next week. This Is their first meet­ ing of the board In the new year and a full attendance Is requested by Rev. Pike, pastor, ns there are several Im­ portant things to be discussed at that time. Mission Society to Mast Members of te Women’s Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist The regular monthly meeting of the church will gather nt the home of ladles' Aid of the Methodist church Mrs. Emma Olson on Tuesday after­ wll i,a held nt the church- on Wed noon of next week. A devotional and nesday of next week. Regular busi­ study program will be features of the ness will he transacted. afternoon. Ladles Aid to M«»t m 1 S Paddock were entertained at a Christ­ mas dinner at their home on Christ­ mas day. Those present Included Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lightfoot, Mr. and Mr». John Henderer, P. H. Emery, Mr. and Mrs. John onaman, Wade I*addock, Bertha I*addock, Dr. and Mr». N. W. Emery and William Paddock. BABY SON JUST MISSES CHRISTMAS BIRTHDAY Springfield Just missed having a Christmas baby this year by one short hour. A young »on was born to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin McElfresh at their home here at 1:00 o'clock Friday morning. There have been no reports made of any babies being born on Thursday, Christmas day, in this city. in Springfield this aeason was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cal Barnes on Christmas day. They had as their guests tar the day, Mrs. 8u»an King, Bert Hodson, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Olson, and daughters, Lucy and Marie of Portland, John Kjng and daughters. Margaret and Jean of Wal- tervllle, and T. C. Johnson and John Schultz. FIRST COLD WEATHER OF YEAR HITS SPRINGFIELD Springfield and Lane county Is ex­ periencing the first real cold weather of the »t-ason this week. The ther­ mometer having dropped to 26 degrees above on two nights this week. Most ,