PAOB PIVE T U B 8PR1NGFIBLD NEWS THURSDAY. JANUARY 1, 11»3I back three months, and was making her IPre those few hours of complete happiness once more. "That's the Monastery—” she said. “You could hardly see It tor snow when we were there—” ” We’ r 8chofleld said quickly. "You were not alone then.” "There are always a great many tourists,” Julie answered. A newsboy came along crying hla news. Tragic death of a well-known so­ ciety beauty. . . .” "I’ll get a paper," Schofield sold. sympathetic. I know a great deal more than you think I do. For In- They stopped under a lamp to read atane—our mutual friend, tbe charm­ tbe short paragraph on the front page. ing little American. . . "What Is it?" Juile aeked. Sho bent "What the hell do you mean?" lower to read tbe words. Then sud­ "Only that 1 overheard last night— denly she gave a cry. "It's Jewel! quite by accident—something which My cousin Julie! Oh, poor Julie . . ." both of you apparently are most anx- The details were meagre, and with- lous to keep from the rest of the ant entlre corroboration, but It ap- world. I've always found that It's peared that Julie—the other Julie who most dangerous to talk secrets In a had unwittingly brought about the crowded room, and your wife, you tragedy of her cousin’s Ilf»—while on will agree, has rather an insistent her way to India, where she bad been voice—" going for a holiday—was suddenly "You sneaking hound—” missed from the ship, and was pre­ Iximbard shrugged his shoulders. sumed to have fallen overboard. There “As you please! I'm not In a posi­ followed a brief account of her life— tion to resent anything you say. After her popularity In society—her mar­ all, it's common knowledge that op­ riage and divorce—her vogue as a portunity makes the thief—" beauty—her tremendous luck and good "And If I refuse to give you any­ fortune In every way. thing at all?" “Every way except In happiness—” “Then probably Mrs. Chlttenham Julie said passionately. "She never will be very pleased to buy the infor­ had any happiness . . . oh, poor Julie!” mation I have to sell." The tears were running down her "Then go to her, and be damned cheeks. to you.’’ ' They drove back to the flat and she 'So JuUe Farrow's reputation Is , bade hlm good n ight nothing to you. after all?” | ghe wondwed ,f BIm had heard Giles went very white. He knew about the tragedy. She opened the be was In Lombard's power. “Get | door. She held the newspaper still out, or . . .” The door closed hur­ clutched In her hand. There was a riedly between them. little movement In the room and some By Ruby Estate of M. H. May, Dacaaaaa, NO TIC E N O TIC E TO C R EDITO RS Noth« la hereby given that 0. F. May liu« bean by the County Court of the Hint» of Oregon, In mid for Lane County, apiiolnled admlatrator of th« «»tat« of M II. May, deceased. All peraona bavin« claim« agalnat th« ««tat» of Multi ilci eaniM] aro hereby notified to proaent the «nine, duly «luted and verified, ut the realdence of A E Wheeler, 710 Lawrence atreet in Eugene, Oregon, within elx mouth« from the llth liny of December, 1830 <5. F. MAY, Admlnlatrator, Eat of M. II. May, I lecenned. A K. Wheeler, Attorney. D.ll-18 26-J.1-8 N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S N otice la hereby «Ivon that the un doratgned hna been duly appointed Executrix of the eatate of Abraham Layton, deMMUMd, nnd any anil ull peraona having claims agalnat the »«Id eatate are hereby required to present »aid claim», duly verified aa by law required, at the law office of iny attorney. II E Slattery, 717 Wll lu m e ite St„ in Eugene, In l*ane Coun • y, Oregon, within alx month» from the dale of thia notice. Dated and flrat publlahed December IXth. 1830 EMMA LAYTON, Executrix of the eatate of Abraham Ixiyton. deceased. Addreaa 783 Weal 5th Hl. II. E Hlattory, Attorney for Executrix. D.1H 26 J.1-8-15 Eatata of Charlaa E. Brattain, Dec’d N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S Notice la hereby given that Elva M Brown ha» been by the County Court of the Hint« of Oregon In und fur Lane County, appointed Executrix of the laat will and teatmnent of Charlea E. Brattain, decoaaed. All peraona having claim» agalnat the eatate of aalil deceased are hereby notified to present the aunio duly »lated nnd verified, at the realdence of A. E. Wheeler, 710 Ixiwrence 8t. In Eugene, Oregou, within alx month« from thia 18th day of December, 1830. ELVA M BROWN, Executrix of the I mat Will and Teatmnent of Charlea E. Brattain, De­ ceased. A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. D. 18 2 5J.18I5 N O TIC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G Notice 1» hereby given that Edna It. Whlaler hna filed In the county court uf Lane county, Oregon, her riual oeooant «« ndmlntatralrlx of the eatate of D. It. Whlaler, Deceased, und that tho court boa act 10:00 A M. of Friday, January 8, 1831, aa the time when «aid account will come up • x. u n l i i . i l l .......... uni allowance. All peraona Inlereet therein may appear before aald court at aald time and be heard In reference there to. EDNA It. WIIJSLKR, Admlnintratrlx. 8. D. Allen, Attorney for Eatate. D. 11 18-25- J.1-8 NO TIC E OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT The undersigned, Admlnlatrator of (be eatate of John Waring, deceaaed. haa filed hla Final Account In tho mailer of aald eatute with the County Clerk of lain« County, Oregon, and un order haa been made and entered of record by the County County of aatd County, directing thia notice and .iplxiiiilliig Saturday, the 10th day of January. 1831, at ten o'clock A. M. for the hearing of objections to aald account and the settlement of sold «»late. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, thia llth day of December, 1830. H O ¡»OTTER. Admlnlatrator of the Estate of John Waring, Deceaaed. __________ _______________ D.11-18-25-J.1-8 Eatate of Laura L. Brattain, Dec'd. N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S Notice is hereby given that Elva M. Brown ha» been by the County Court of tho State of Oregon In nnd for Lane County, appointed administratrix of the Eatate of lxiura L. Brattain, deceased, AU peraona having claims agalnat the anld eatate are hereby notified to present the anme duly atnted and verified, nt the realdence of A. E. Wheeler, 710 Lawrence atreet In Eu­ gene, Oregon, within alx months from till» 18th day of D e ce m b er, 1930. ELVA M. BROWN, Administratrix of the Estate of Laura L. Brattain, Deceased. A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. B U S IN E S S General Law l’ractlee 1. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law City Hall Building Springfield, Ore. D. W. Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon NELSON LEGHORN FARM Lene County’e Oldest Breeders of 8. C. WHITE LEGHORNS SPRINGFIELD OREGON Phone I1-F-14 OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT M. Ayres WHAT HAS OONE BEFORE Giles Chlttenham swears to avenge NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN That the death of hla young half brother Muudu E. Culey, tho executrix of the The Community Canter haa the fol­ Rodney, driven to suicide by the no­ laat will and tiialument and eatate of hall I h Caley, decoaaed, has rendered lowing people Hated who need work: bis love. He will make Julie love lilm, then throw her aside aa she uud filed In the County Court of the threw Rodney. He meets her tn Swit­ One Painter and Paper Hanger State of Oregon for the County of zerland. goes wINi her to the hotel on lutnu her final account and on Sat­ Four Compton lot borer the St Bernard Pass, and succeed» urday, the 10th day of January, 1831, Due Skilled Steel Sharpener In winning her love. To hla amaze at the County Court room In the Court One Stationary Engineer ment. he discovers that he haa fallen Houae In the City of Eugene, Oregon, overwhelmingly In love with her him One Skilled Hock Man at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore­ self! And he la married, to an Amer­ noon of aald day haa been by order of Four Women for Houae Work. ican girl with whom he haa nothing aald Court filed and appointed aa the Anyone wanting wood cut on share» In common. day, time and place for the hearing of objection» to aald final account and or by conticat call Community Center. * 1 Then he discovers that thia girl la the aeltlemenl thereof. All objection» Men with full equipment need work. ! not the same Juile Farrow who ruined Rodney, but her cousin of the same iiiuh I be In writing and filed with the Clerk of aald Court on or before -------------------------------------- -— ------ _ _ _ | name. She scorns him when be con fesses hla love and hla Inability to aald day mid time. COOS FOLK PLANNING marry her. They meet later In Lon­ Duted thia llth day of December, HARBOR CELEBRATION don. Another man, Lawrence Scho­ 1830. field wants to marry her, In spite of MAUDE E. CALEY. Tbe dates for the large celebration , her wild life. D. 11 18-25J.18 Through hla friend Lombard. OIL-« being planned at Coos Kay In obaerv Chlttenham meets tbe "other Julie,” ance of the removal of Pigeon Point NO TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T the notorious woman who had ruined NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN That shoal from the Inner harbor of Coos Rodney's life. She tells him that she Fred E. la-mley, Executor of tho laat Bay have been aet on July 3, 4 aud 6, i Is going to die; the doctors have will und teatmnent and eatate uf Vina according to a letter received by the given her up as Incurable and she Mclx _ i ! little choking cry, for It was not Blm the man she had been a physical . “ that the court haa aet the time for NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY who rose to meet her, but Giles Chit- N O TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T the hearing thereof at the hour of one. tenham. NOTICE IS HEREBY U1VEN That 10 o'clock A. ,M January 30, 1931; Lawrence Schofield's kindly devo "My dear fellow, isn’t It almost the Cornelia S. Chase, as executrix of the and all peraona having any objections There was a tragic silence. lust will and teatmnent mid eatate of (hereto »hall file the same in writing c nly thing any one Is ever In a fix tlon was like a cool hand laid on her Chlttenham made a quick step for- on nr before the time set for the feverishness, and when once again he lliuiry W. Chase, deceased, haa filed about? How much do you want?" her final account In said estate, and the hearing. asked If she could not make up her "’»rd- FRED L. BEARD, Iximbard gulped down his whisky. mind to marry him, she suddenly County Court of Ixine County, Ore “Julie . . . what Is It— ?” gun haa fixed Monday, the 12lh day Executor. •It's awfully sporting of you . . . If I gave hi— Julie laughed sobbingly. H. E. Slattery. Attorney for Executor. of Jmiuury, 1931 at the hour of 10:00 J. 1-8-15-22-29 •i) ild have five hundred. It’s only a “Very well—if you are willing to o'clock in the forenoon of said day “My cousin—the other Juile . . . the temporary lo ,n. , . .” at the County Courthuuae In Eugene, take the risk.” NO TIC E OF F IN A L ACCOUNT one you wanted to punish—you’ll lame County, Oregon as the time and Giles laughed shortly. "Do you never be able to hurt her now—she’s In the County Court of the 8tate of “I am quite willing.” place for the hearing of said final take me for a millionaire'’" Oregon for Lane County. He wanted to go straight away S"'’ dead. , . account "1 tell you It's only temporary." In Probate. Case No. 5132 All peraona having objections to buy her the finest diamond ring lh , She almost threw the newspaper at In the Matter of the Estate of "t ¡1 l« nd you fifty If It's any use." auld final account are notified to London, but Julie would not allow IL him, and, dropping Into a chair, she HAMPEL J ROBERSTON. Deceased. present the same In writing on or There was eloquent all'nee, th.*n "Not yet. You must give me a little hid her face in her out-Gung arms, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; before sold time. Notice Is hereby given that the un Lombard turned. time to get used to IL I don’t want He laid the paper down on the table Ihitcd this llth day of December, deralgned executor of the above en "Look here. Chlttenham. It s serious. people to know Just y e t ” 1930. and looked at Julie. He could not titled estate has filed herein his final I'm frightfully up against It. You've CORNELIA S. CHASE. He was disappointed, but he fell In think of anything save that she was Executrix of lxi»t Will and Testa­ account In said proceedings; that the got to let me have It,” he said deeper with her wishes. j unhappy, and with sudden impulse he ment and Estate of Henry W. Chose, court ordered the hearing upon the »aid final account to be had before ately. deceased. “Just as you like. Everything shall went down on his kneec beside her “Got to»" Harris, Smith and Bryson, Eugene, the »aid court on January 23. 1931, and took her Into his arms. always be Just as you like.” at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.; and Oregon, Attorneys for Executrix. For a moment the two men looked " J u liet” Sudden tears filled her eyes. that all person» having any objections D. 11 18-25-J.1-8 thereto shall file the same In said pro­ at one another silently, then Chltten­ "That's foolish of you,” she told him. | For a moment she resisted violently. ceeding» In writing on or before the ham laughed. "Don’t- how dare you! leave me "But It’s dear of you too. I'm not N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S time set for the hearing. alone. . . half good enough for you. Lawrence.” "Sorry, but that's a thing no man WALTER E ROBERTSON, Notice Is hereby given that the un­ Then quite suddenly her resistance It was a bright, sunny afternoon, so Executor. can say to me." He made another dersigned haa been appointed by the order of the County Court of the State H. E. Slattery, Attorney for the Ex­ move to the door, but Lombard caught he would not let her go back to the was gone, and she ceased to struggle. She looked at him with tragic eyee. of Oregon for Ixuie County, as ndmln ecutor. flat when they had lunched. D.85 J.l 8-15-22 his arm. 1st rat or of the eatate of Harry C. “If only It had been me—” she sold “I'm going to take you for a drive "Chlttenham." Jackson, deceaaed; ull persons having in the country. London Is racketing wildly. "If only I could die too—" Chlttenham stood still. claim» against said eatate are hereby N O TIC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON “You don't mean that There's much "What do you want It for? What your nerves to pieces.” notified to present the same properly E X E C U T IO N IN FORECLOSURE verified to the undersigned adminis­ They stopped at a little country Inn happiness in store for us—and to- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That have you been up to?” trator at the office of Fred E. »mlth, by virtue of an execution and order for tea. in one of the rooms some- gether. Listen to me—Julie, you must The other man's eyes fell. Attorney at Law. 445-6 Miner Build­ body was playing a gramophone, and listen—” "I can't tell you.” ing. Eugene, Oregon, within alx month» of sale In foreclosure Issued out of the Circuit Court of Ixine County, She shivered away from him, her after the date of thia notice. "All right, then you won't get any­ there was the sound of laughter and Oregon, on the 13th day of December, CHAS. W. JOHNSON. shoulders hunched, her face averted. dancing feeL thing.” 1930, In a suit wherein, on the 6th Administrator. day of December, 1930. In said Court "I suppose I can't stoop you saying "They sound happy, don’t they?” Lombard looked up suddenly. Fred B. Smith, what you want to, but It’s not use. 1 the plaintiff therein, C. T. Beach re­ "Oh, yes, I shall," he said with de­ Julie said with an effort. Attorney for Admlnlatrator. "I hope they are as happy as we don't know why you have come hock. D .ll 18-25 J.1-8 covered Judgment against the defend­ testable Inflection. ants Otto Norton and Louise Norton are," Schofield answered impulsively. I told you I never wished to see you There was an ugly silence. for the sum of Three Hundred and N O TIC E O F H E A R IN G ON "My greatest happiness will be In again—” "Oh. yes, 1 shall—” he said again no-100 Dollars ($350.00); for the fur­ F IN A L ACCO UNT "I came because 1 love you.and be­ ther sum of Seventy and 75-100 Dol­ giving you everything you want" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That lars ($70.76) as Interest; for the as Chlttenham did not speak. “And It cause I know you love me—” Julie laughed brokenly. the undemlgned administratrix of the further sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) you refuse I shall tell Schofield and "You are very sure of that!" she It was on her lips to say that If she estate of J. W. Ish, deceased, has attorney's fees, and for the costs and any one else who might be Interesteu, filed her account for the final settle­ disbursements of this suit, taxed at that you and Julie Farrow spent the had been rich she would not have con- said bitterly. ment of aald estate In the County $17.55. nnd said execution to me dl-( sented to marry him. It was more "I am proud to be sure. Look at Court for Ixine County, Oregon, and reeled, commanding me In the name night together up at St. Bernard." It was such an unexpected challenge than she could bear; she started r e st-! me, Julie—” that Saturday, tho 3rd day of Jan of the State of Oregon, in order to "No.” She bit her lip to keep back nary, 1931, at the Court Room of said sntisfy said Judgment, Interest, attor­ that for a moment Chlttenham could lessly to her feeL "Shall we go? It's getting dark, the sobs that would rise to her throat Court, In the County Court House, ney's fees, costs of suit, and accruing find no words. Then with a great In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, at costs, to sell the following described effort he pulled himself together. and the country is so dreary when It If only you would go away and leave tun o'clock In (he foreno n, has been real property, t o wit: me—’’ gets dark." "And do you think any one will be­ by aald Court flxi >l aa the time and Beginning at a point In the center "1 am not going. You belong to They drove back to London and place for hearing objections thereto, of the County Rond 235 feet South lieve you?" he asked. me—” dined together. mid for the flnul settlement of aald of the Northeast corner of the South Lombard laughed. "Your wife would not he pleased to eatate. "What shall we do now?" Schofield east fourth of tho Northwest quarter "They'll be glad enough to believe BIRDIE L. ISH, hear you say th a t” Julie said hoarsely. of Section thirty-six (36) In Township me. Scandal is the salt of life to asked. Admlnintratrlx of the Estate. Twenty-one (21) South, Range Three Chlttenham put his hands on her "I don't mind what we do,” JuUe L. L. Ray, Attorney for Estate. (3) East of Willamette Meridian; and Julie's friends. She's not altogether D.4-11-18 25-J.l running thence South 750 feet to th6 popular as it is, and if I tell them . . , said. "Go to a theatre, if you like. I shoulders and forced her to turn to him. middle of Kltson Creek; thence down It's no use getting violent ” he can go home and change." “If you can look me In the eyes and the center of said creek In a general added hurriedly as he saw Chitten- But he would not allow that; he course of about North 56 degrees West hani's hands clench Into fists. “I'm said he could not bear to let her out say honestly that you do not love me, 400 feet; thence North 474 feet to and that you wish me to go away and the center of said County Road; nnd In a position to prove what I say, of his sight on this day of all days. In the end they went to a cinema. never come back, I will believe you,” thence Easterly along center of said remember.” road 325 feet, more or less, to the Julie did not care for the pictures; but he said. "Prove It, then, and be damned!" place of beginning, containing 4.55 Thehre was poignant silence. Julie "Very well—•” Iximbard shrugged at any rate It did away with the need acres, more or less, of land In said raised her tear-drowned eyes with Section Thirty-six (36) and In Ixuie his shoulders with well-assumed In­ to talk, and the darkness was restful. difference and turned to the door. She only looked at the screen when weary defiance, and her lips moved, County, Oregon, NOW. THEREFORE, In the name Chlttenham let him open It, then he Schofield drew her attention to some but no words came. of the State of Oregon. In compliance called after 'him sharply: Chlttenham laughed triumphantly. thing being shown upon It. It was as with the said execution and order of (Continued Next Week) If Fate were relentlessly pursuing her, "Lombard. Come hack.” 228 Main 8t. Residence 128 C BL sale, nnd in order to satisfy said determined to torment her and keep Chlttenham caught him by the Judgment, Including Interest, attorney «2 J 11M "So you’ve put Fred off till Decem­ • fees, costs of suit and accruing costs, shoulder and Jerked him back Into the her pain alive, for the second picture I will, on Saturday, the 17th day of center of the room. was of the Monastery at St. Bernard ber?” January, 1931, at the hour of one "Yes, I told him 1 wouldn’t give and of the snow-clad mountains. Full Auto Equipment "I'll make It a hundred,” he said. o’clock In the afternoon of said day, him a definite answer till then.” Julie sat up stiffly, her heart beat­ A slyly amused smile crossed Lom­ Lady Assistant at the Shiuthweat front door of the "Why not till then?" County Court House In Eugene, Ixine bard's face, and Giles broke out sav ing fast. County. State of Oregon, offer for agely: "I want to wait and see how he ‘Tve been there—" she said In a sale and sell for cash, at public auc­ “Damn you; do you think I'm afraid strange little voice. "I drove my car looks after the football season Is tion, subject to redemption as pro­ vided by law. all of the right title for myself? If It were only a question up there only a month or two ago.” over.” and Interest of the said defendants of that. I'd give you tho biggest thrash­ She laughed with shaken excitement. FRANK A. DE PUE Otto Norton, Ixmlse Norton, O. F. ing you ever had, and kick you out In “I stayed at the hotel . . . It's so cold Rich Widow—"So many men want ATTORNEY AT LAW Bevore and Zelpha R. Bevere and all me only for my money, I fear. and cheerless.” persons claiming by, through or under the street. But as there Is some one NOTARY PUBLIC Poor Sultor—' Darling, so little do "It lookB wonderful,” Juile whis­ else In the case . . them or any or either of them, In and to the said premises. “And some one for whom you have pered. She sat with her hands clasped I care for money that 1 can hoa- Button Springfield H. L. BOWN, a great regard, eh?” Iximbard sneered. together, her eyes fixed on the screen. estly say I’ve never earned a cent In Building Oregon S h e r iff of L ane C ounty, O regon, “My dear fellow, don’t think I’m not It was as If some one had taken her myy life. Wanted Work IH R E C T O R Y Walkar-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors i D.18-25-J.1-8-15 275479