PAGE TWO I I 11 HPl 1 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAUNTEREST Principal Events of the W re\ Assembled tor Information of Our Readers. Early day mining scenea will be re enacted In the m >tion picture of plo neer Jacksonville activities to b* filmed soon. The picture is being sponsored by the American Legion and chamber of commerce of the old southern Oregon metropolis. Jasper Resident Here H I I Nesbitt of Jusper was a caller In Bprlligfleld Tuesday. EASTERN STAR PARTY TO BE HELD NEXT TUESBX y tnilsiandlng among the social ac­ Transacts Business J M Plummer tivities for the «'otillng week will he of Walterville transuded hus'hess In ill« New Year's parly which the East Springfield Tuesday afternoon in S tar »11 give Tuesday evening V is it- Friends W . I ’ Eastwood ol Ihe iiieinhi'rs will gather for their Eugene h | s i i ( Tuesday in Springfield hiisltli «-< meeting at K o'clock and thia will Im followed by a program and visiting friends. social t'tne to which the husband* M ere from Camp Creek II D and guests of metnhera wilt bo wal- Devers of Camp Creek was a business '• me visitor In this city Tuesday. lonunltlees working on the nffair trv Entertulnment Mrs C, K Whoa W a lte rv ille Resident Here Em it Clifford Wilson. Mrs. Hld ton, M Bauer of Walterville visjled friends noy Ward Mr» K IC Frneilricks, and In Springfield Tueuday. Mm John F Hotel»; refreslimunt»— A n t i • Gorrta. Mr*. C. F. Eggl Ml V is ito r from Mabel T II Metti of I Mabel wus u business visitor In in.mii. M’*« Mnrtfnr« t Gorrle. and Mia* Gross motor vehicle receipts in Ore gon for November totaled »98. 944,95, and brought the ti tai so far this fiscal year to »8,001.057.95. There were 366, 020 motor vehicles registered In Ore gon up to November 30. according to records of the state motor vehicle di­ vision. While other parts of the coast boast of their unusual climate, Chris Isell of Astoria picks fresh raspberries out of his garden for his Christmas table. C. Anderson, employe of the Bald­ Indications are that the gasoline tax win Land & Sheep company, in Jeffer­ for 1930 will run over »8.000.000. For son county, was recovering at Bend the first 10 months there has been col­ from the effects of five days of hic­ lected »5.802.380. of which »5.884.448 coughing. goes Into the state highway fund. The Mabel (Raon. Fir trees by the thousands have receipts for the 10 months are in ex­ I Springfield Tuesday. been taken from the forests of Joseph­ cess of the full year of 1929 by »1.- ine county this season to provide de­ 200.000. Vida Resldsnt Here F A Weed of IUKA CIRCLE TO MISS mands for Christmas trees in south­ j Vida was u visitor In Springfield on Oregon and Washington now stand FIRST MONTHLY MEETING ern California. Tuesday. pre-eminent 'in the output of canned Ira Ellis Purdin, one time president berries in the United States, having The first monthly tnmdliig of Ihe of the Washington County Pioneer as­ Increased their share of the nation's luku i li-rle number 28 which was to CARD CLUB ENTERTAINED sociation and resident of the Forest output from 7 per cent of the total to have been held mi the first Thura- Grove vicinity for 78 years, died at his 74 per cent in less than 20 years, with WITH NEW YEAR S PARTY d»v of the month will not be held Oregon leading Washington and all home recently. lonlghl heiuu»« of Ihe New Year's other states. M rs A lic t Bell ol Eaton Rapid» Michigan, with the »liter cup tn Mr ami Mrs. C. K Kenyon enter- holiday They will Just miss one Newcomers to Silverton during 1930 which »he won by «ohmit is a jai ol Cuthbert rupherites in j talned the members of the bridge meeting und hold their nett one on enjoyed a turkey dinner when the Sil­ The 77th year of the chartered exist­ National Canning Conies- . <> ,|, > „.» \ | r> |'„ - ||w. , , { club at a New Year's evo dinner unit he third Thursday In the month. verton chamber of commerce enter­ ence of Pacific university at Forest tups, the title o l G-and Ch w. , $cUl .» J , pri/v . card party at their home at Fifth lo r the best ja r of fruit tained In their honor at the annual Grove will be observed January 9. and E afreets last night. Members WESTFIR BOY INJURED newcomers' dinner. i The theme of the Founder's day ad­ and guests present for the evening Marion county timber lands patroled dress, to be delivered by Dr. W. N. WHEN CLOTHES BURN were Mr and Mrs Welby Stevens. Ferrin, former president of the uni­ by state foresters will be taxed 5 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts, Mr and versity. will be Harvey W. Scott, the cents an acre, according to notice Elm er L Arnold, nine year-old West­ M. M. I’eery. Dr. and .Mrs. It M given the county court. The levy was first graduate of the university. fir youth, wus painfully burned about Peery of Eugene. Mrs Helen Reyn a cent higher than last year. his body early Saturday morning when For the first time in several years j olds, Earl Luckey, and .Mr. and Mrs his night cloth«* caught fire as he Only Coos county labor will be em­ Lane county farmers will not buy cer­ Goes to Portland— Dr. W N. Dow Leavea for California Miss llaacl Kenyon. wus standing i-loae to a fireplace at ployed in the construction of the »300,- tified alfalfa seed through a pool next spent the week-end In Portland, Murphy, sister of Dallas B. Murphy, his home 11« was taken to Eugene 000 bridge from Bunker Hill to East- year. Unsettled prices and general left Saturday for a short trip to San • • • • • • • • » » a Portland Resident Hera—Joe Lem­ whi-r-- lil-< «ti. inline pin »I, Ian it«, lures side. for which the contract was re­ unfavorable conditions in the alfalfa Francisco. • THURSTON that he will suffer no permanent er- market are given as reasons. The mons of Ihirtlund spent the week-end cently let to local contractors. here transacting business. Dinner Guests — Mr. and Mr», According to the report of the na­ pool was started five years ago to Dwaln Buell* left last *W«*lnesda* f«Mts from the fire. Thomas l*utrick of Ganlcn Way were tional forest officials a total of 445«) stimulate the growing of alfalfa. Fall C reek Resident H e r» — F. H. evening to spend the holidays In T ransacts Business J II E llio tt of hunters killed 700 deer in the Whit­ Trapped in bed when his house Drury of Fall Creek was a business dinner guests Sunday at the home of Klnmuth Fulls. Dr and Mrs. H. P. Mortensen. Jasper was a business visitor lu man forest this year. This is an in­ caught fire, James K. Polk May. 81, visitor lu Springfield on Saturday. Miss Mildred l*rlce, who teaches at Springfield Tuesday. crease of 40 per cent over 1929. was burned to death. He lived alone I • R eturns to Home in California--J. The Dalles, Is spending holidays al W ashington Resident H e r e — Ed Salem has the meanest person In In a house on Cedar creek, seven miles H. Duvlnall of Compton. California, her home here. Frost of Woodlawn, Washington, Is the world. E. T. Barkis», on visiting southeast of Cottage Grove. He was left Sunday for hts home. He bus •Miss Marjorie Grant, who teaches visiting here with hts mother. a local cemetery, found that some per­ very deaf and it is thought likely he becm visiting at Jasper for some time at Marshfield, Is spending holidays son had stolen a holly tree which he was asleep and was suffocated by the with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coburg People Here--Mr. and Mrs. Stanfield Resident Here — Eldon Grant. planted on his wife's grave a week be­ smoke before the fire reached his bed. Nels Whitaker of Coburg were visitors Sloan of Stanfield, Oregon, spent Sat­ The Dalles boasted of the first mod- | n Springfield on Monday. fore. Frank Catppbell from Signal visited urday transacting business In Spring relatives here during the holidays. The organization of a national guard ! ern lighted landing field In the mid- Visit Friday— Mr. and Mrs. J. W field. Mr. and Mrs. It L. Garrison from company is being discussed at Bend Columbia, following connection of the Mullins of Eugnne visited with friends field lights and flashing beacon of the Marcola visited Mrs. Baxter on Christ­ preliminary to a move to secure an Has Pneumonia — The 13-moonlhold In Springfield on Friday. inas day. armory, in which all local grout« of department of commerce’s intermedi­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs Edwin John ate airport. More than 3000 feet In Mr. and Mrs. Ray llnugh enter­ veterans and auxiliaries can have a Small Boy III—Robert, the young on of Coburg Bridge Is seriously III length, this field has been the haven •son of Mr and Mrs. Phillip Saul, is III at home with pneumonia. tained for Christmas dinner Mr. und meeting place. Mrs D. o . Baugh. Mr. and Mrs John Construction operations at Camp of refuge almost daily during stormy at his home this week. Going to Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. Edmlston and son, Jumes. and Mr Clatsop, under a federal appropriation weather for planes traversing the Co­ Visitor Friday— Elmer Mitchell of Marlon Adams and son. Bob. will and Mrs. Ralph Bonney. lumbia gorge. of 330.000, will get under way soon, Crow Stage was a visitor in Spring- spend the week-end at Roseburg. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William Platt enjoyed The Lake county chamber of com­ according to a telegram received by field on Friday. Adams Is interested In a fur shop In | a family reunion with their children Major-General White from, the war de­ merce requested the state highway that city. ami grandchildren on Christmas day. commission that Oregon’s share of partment at Washington. Undergoes Operation—Guy Gabriel Mr. and Mrs Arch Shough and the »5.000,000 appropriated by congress underwent a major operation at the The city of Warrenton has called Spend Week-end in Portland—Mrs daughter. Putty, Mr and Mrs John to construct roads across unappropri­ Eugene hospital on Monday evening for bids for the wrecking of a large C. I Gorrle, Sr.. Miss Annie Link Price and daughter. Mildred and eon building known as the clay plant ated public lands ba used in construct­ Goea to Texa«—Mrs. Frances Zachry later. M I hh Lillian England, and Miss Parry, and Miss Bisbee from Bugene ing a highway from I.akeview to building. It was built for the manu­ and son, Lyle, left last week for Jeannlne Withers spent the week end motored to Blue River and took Christ facture of sewer pipe. It is now being Burns, the only two county seats In Mountain Home, Texas, for a visit. n Portland returning to their home mas dinner with Mr and Mrs. Felix Oregon not connected with even ■ torn down, for reasons of safety. Sparks. on Sunday evening. graveled road. Visiting at Maroola—Margaret Mor­ The lumber mill at Wauna will re­ Miss Hlerma entertained for Christ- Twenty-three dead and 445 injured tensen spent the week-end visiting C h ristm as D in n e r Guest»—Mr. and mas dinner, Mr. and Mrs Morris open In February, according to reports is Oregon’s traffic toll for November, with Mrs. Dorah Hall at Marcola. Mrs. Carl Steen, Jr , of Eugene and Brown and family and Mrs. Beanie received recently. The mill, owned according to the report of Kent Shoe­ Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hans« n and two Brown. by the Crossett-Western lumber inter­ Visitor from Lowell—F. C. Drury maker, chief of the state traffic divi­ children, Virgil and Virginia, were ests, has Just installed several pieces Thurston high school basketball sion. Nine of the 23 who lost their of Lowell was a visitor in Springfield dinner guests at the home of Dr. and A N .SOCIETY of new equipment for February opera­ lean, motored to Springfield Monday TIFFANY I » O Tuesday morning. U llD IN G , SECOND F lO O * lives during the month as a result of Mrs. W. H. Pollard on Christmas day evening where they met defeat with tions. automobile accidents were pedestrians. Cor. W illa m e tte & Eighth St*. Purchases Feed—Charles Carter of one of the Springfield teams The Jaite company of St. Helens, Of a total of 2695 accidents reported Spend Day at Corvallis—Mr. and Walterville was In Springfield to pur­ Harvey Calvert la spending holidays P H O N E , 3 0 4 0 manufacturers of paper cement bags, during the month 1213 were due to chase feed for his stock on Tuesday. Mrs F. B. Flanery and two children, with his father. Anda Calvert, near is installing two large new machines, EUG ENE, OREGON carelessness and 96 others to reckless Richard and Dorothy, spent Christmas Junction City. one a ten-ton press for printing and a driving. Licensed by the State. Jasper Resident Here—Vic Castle- day at Corvallis where they visited tuber which will speed up production. A new-born calf with two heads was man of Jasper was a visitor in this Mrs. Flanery's mother, Mrs. E V The machinery cost approximately Lilley, and Mr. Flanery's p: rents, Mr. found recently in the pasture of Claud city Tuesday. »40,000. and Mrs. H. B. Flanery. Christ, central Oregon stockman. The Return to Tacoma—John Hallin and An addition, to cost »20,000, to the calf was dead- when found. The heads Sam Galloway returned to their homes present cannery belonging to the Co­ City Recorder Returns—Mr. and were perfect from the ears down. at Tacoma on Saturday after having lumbia River Fishermen's Co-opera­ There were four eyes, two mouths spent the Christmas holidays here at Mrs. I M. Peterson returned Monday tive Packers will be started immedi­ afternoon from Hillsboro where they with jaws that could be moved freely, the home of Mrs. Emma Olson. ately after January 1, it has been an­ spent the Christmas holidays with but only two ears as the heads started nounced by officials of the organiza­ to form at the ears. Christ believes Doctor at San Francisco—Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bendler. parents K ilt M a ? ™ . i X " n c 7 g w " l ^ ' c a n ’ i r " " " tion. The plant is located at Warren­ W. P. Tyson, that the calf stood up, as both tongues Mrs. W. H. Pollard are spending the of Mrs. Peterson. ton. were a trifle extended. week tn San Francisco and other mayor, acted as recorder during Mr. Federal emergency advance funds of California cities. They expect to re Peterson's absence. The Crystal Springs water system, »1,320,000 allotted to the etate of Ore­ supplying domestic water for the east turn the latter part of the week. Return from Montana—Mrs. George gon cut of a total appropriation of side rural section of the Hood River ,- n M Ä L ä ä - »7 Shedd People Here—Mrs. A. M. I rochnow and three children, Richard, approximately »80,000,000, are now valley, has been completed and approx­ Snodgrass and her two sons, Jack Arthur and Marjorie, returned Mou available and can be used for highway imately 400 fruit growers in the rural and Merle, of Shedd, are spending day from Glasgow. Montana, where construction prior to September 1 of section are using the Crystal 8prings the holidays at the home of Mr. and they have been spending the past ten next year, according to a telegram re­ water, which Is brought down from the Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. days visiting relatives. Mrs. Proch ceived from government officials at mountains in a 20-mile iron main. The now went to Montana to visit a sister the offices of the state highway de­ Return from Portland—Mr. and Mrs who Is 111. system cost approximately »100,000. partment in Salem. Where the Service Is Different'' The water company is co-operative, W. F. Walker returned from Portland I TOWN AND VICINITY B e n e f ic ia l New Year Candy Rem em brance FG G ÏM ANN’ S THE MARKET8 Portland Wheat — Big Bend bluestem, 70c; soft white, western white, 66c; hard winter, northern spring, western red, 63c. Hay—Buying price, t. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, »17.50018; valley timothy, »17.50; eastern Oregon timothy, »190 »20; clover, 14; oat hay, »14; oats and vetch, »13.60014. Butterfat—27 0 30c. Eggs—Ranch, 14@23c. Cattle—Steers, good, »8.5009. Hogs—Good to choice, »8.2509.50. Lambs—Good to choice, »8.5007.00. Seattle Wheat—Soft white, western wblte, 65c; northern spring, hard winter, western red, 64c; bluestem, 68c. Eggs—Ranch, 11023c. Butterfat—32c. Cattle—Choice steers, »7.50 0 8.5«. Hogs—Good to choice, »9.6009.85. Lambs—Choice, »6.50 0 7. Spokane Cattle—Steers, good, »7.26 0 8. Hogs—Good to choice, »8.75. Lambs—Medium to good,»506. and was financed through bond Issue. Harney county cowboys are aban­ doning the practice of using "chuck” wagons and establishing roundup camps in remote cattle ranges, accord- '■ ing to Information received from Bbrns. Using a light automobile and a trailer. Link Hutton of Wagon Tire manages to do his work on the cattle ranges and sleep every night at his ranch. Hutton places his saddle horse in the trailer, drives far out into Har­ ney county, does a day’s work, puts his horse back in the trailer and re turns home. Steps to curb the encroachment of solicitors and salesmen on the time of rural teachers of Polk county have been recommended by Polk county school officials. Placards will posted requesting agents not to call during school hours. Mrs. Mary A. Carter, one of Oregon's oldest pioneers and a resident Wells, Benton county, prepared and served a family dinner on her 98th birthday. She has lived on the same farm for nearly 80 years and still does her own housework. Thursday of last week after spending Released from Hospital-M rs. Virgil Christmas there as guests of Mr. Moon was removed from the Eugene Walker’s sister. - hospital, where she recently under­ went a major operation, to the home Longview People Here—Mr. and of her sister in-law, Mrs. Herbert Mrs. Ernest Skinner of 1-ongvlew are Moon In Springfield on Sunday. She spending a few days In Springfield will remain here for some time be-1 visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert fore returning to her home at Oood- I Bid well. pasture Island. Cottage Grove People Here— Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parker of Cottage WIFE, GAS, SCARE MAN Grove spent the week-end hero with IN DEAD OF NIGHT their daughter and her family, Mr. 1 / . )Vei CO? ^ by Ht<,marh in the and Mrs. J. V. Stewart. t i n oi , n,Kht- 1 "cared my husband badly. He got Adlerlka and It ended Spend Christmas with Father— Mrs the gas."—Mrs. M. Owen. Adlerlka relieves stomach gas In 1 May Soule and her brother, Ed Trot­ TEN minutest Acts on BOTH upper ter, spent Christmas with their father, and lower bowel, removing old pol Clinton Trotter at Walterville. Ed sonous waste you never knew was Soule spent the day with his father there. Don’t fool with medicine which cleans only PART of bowels, at. Hoskins. hut let Adlerlka give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and get rid Attend Anniversary—Mr. and Mrs. of all gas! Flanery's Drug »tore. Arthur Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Townsend and son, Raymond, went to Harrisburg for Christmas and to also observe the silver wedding Your old discarded Tricycles anniversary of Mr. Peterson's brother and Bicycles? and wife, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Peter­ WANTED son. HimnwoRMniwnuinu Monday, January Five 1 9 3 1- in business there are opportunities for young men and women who have a B usiness College Training. T he above .late m aik» Ihe beginning ,,r ,,„ t w in u .r tern , and th ere 1» „ „ better .......... .. enroll. A»k ....... „ It s a Good School.