PAGE fflOHT THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1980 THE 8PRINOFŒLD NEWS HILARIOUS COMEDY OPENS HERE TODAY at the M c D onald It you are inclined to shed fairs when you laugh, take a bath towel with you when you go to see Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey to Radio Pictures* wartime comedy, ’’Half Shot at Sunrise,” opening to­ day at the Bell Theatre. It la funnier than "The Cuckoos." Wheeler and Woolsey, cast na doughboy«. go A. W. 0 . L. In Varia and raise . . . well . , . everything but the dead fELEVISIO N They Impersonate officer« . , , pose Ten years ago the elect ton of aa heroes , . . elope with their President Harding was otic 01 ihe Colonel's daughter . . . aieal hia car first attempts at radio broadcasting Nobody could buy a radio receiving , . . pull down the wralh of the whole set in 1920, because there were none army on (heir necks . . . make on the market. Only amateur elec­ M V.'s wonder about themselves in tricians who made their own sets Jean H a rlo w and Ban Lyon fe a t­ connection with the Darwin theory could get anything "on the air" ured players In H o w ard Hughes' Television is in the same stage , . . and emerge HEROES! today as broadcasting was in 1920 th r illin g s ir spectacle " H e ll’s The cast includes Hugh Trevot The Chicago Daily News broad­ Angels.” a U n ited A rtis te ’ Ruth Chm terton, Puul I and Dorothy less, who also scored In casts pictures of election charts on Paramount Picture * picture. "The Cuckoos." Edna May Oliver, the night of November 4 Onlv those could pick them out of the the Varthy Ann Hawks of "Show- ’’HELL S ANGELS" COST who had built television rcceiv boat.” Roberta Robinson, ‘'Cinderella apparatus. There are no tele $4.000.000 AND TAKES 3 Girl" of the movies, George Mac- SPRINGFIELD TAKES vision receivers for sale But there YEARS TO PRODUCE Far lane. John Rutherford and the ire thousands of eager amateurs GOOD CARE OF NEEDY famous Tiller Sunshine girls, who do experimenting in television in 1930. IN CHRISTMAS SEASON (ust as there were thousands experi- •’Hell’s Angels" Is the supreme sen two unusual novelty number«. nting in ordinary radio reception screen enterprise of all time, has been 1920. And in another ten years Christmas In Springfield this yonr isrerybody may be able to stay at bixiked by the Colonial for Its Eugene is a happy time for most of the premier engagement starting January Some and see pictures of events as ■ esldunts. So far as Is known, there (hey happen, by means of souie sort llth . The spectacular air thriller was Is not one family to the entire city tf receiving device not yet iuvented. produced and personally directed by • • • < r neighborhood that is not well sup Howard Hughes, president of the .lied with food and the necessities roue Caddo company at a coet of $4.000.- of life. Most of the relief coming from A charitably-inclined association 000. ai d took three years to compleka. If apple g ro w e rs sent s< v. r.,! ir- various religious and civic orgnnlaa • Hell’s Angells" Is the supreme sen­ ■ads of apples to N ew Y o r k C ity . thins, many members of which do not ID he given to the u n em plo yed . sation of the film industry, beaklng have a great deal of money, but who w w e 1,500 men began peddling ap house records wherever shown. who are possessed with a desire to ts at a sickle apiece, and tn the Filming of ’’Hell’s Angels" began share that which they have. As a st wtek took in about 1 12,000, or October 31. 1917. following six months result of the united relief efforts, and about $8 each. This did not do them any good nor relieve the unemploy­ of preliminary research and prepara­ the assembling of food Instead of ment situation. It was charity and tion. Shooting proceeded steadily for money for the same purposes, the beggary, only slightly disguised. nearly three years, with 18 months erstwhile poor of the city will be On the other hand, the agreement 1 alone devoted to aviation and Zeppelin better fixed for a few days than a by a group of citizens to finance a urge number of those who are not general cleaning-up of parks, vacant sequences. Ben Lyon and James Hall, principal lots and unsightly rubbish-heaps, lassed as poor. actually provided wnrk for some players in this stupendous drama of The Christinas atmosphere settled thousands of unemployed. Any re­ air-war. are supported in the feminine lief measure which does not require over Springfield Sunday when most department by Jean Harlow, a com the recipient to work for what he of the churches held special pro­ gets is foolishly sentimental and ¡'aratlvely unknown actress who ap­ Cleveland Croxton, oi grams and services. Tuesday evening dangerous Once the average per­ pears to her first screen role in Colum bia, Ohio, appointed M id-W est the Baptist church wan filled with an son finds he can get something for •Hell’s Angels.” regional representative of the Presi nothing, he loses his taste for giving appreciative audience which tornivi dent’i Unemployment Cammisiiuo. Others who appear to the roster of the equivalent is work for every dol­ out to hear the only Christmas cantata players Include John Darrow. Lucien lar he receives. • • • Go to Junction City— Mr. and Mrs. to be presented in Springfield this Prlval. Jane Winton. Evelyn Hall, Marion Adams and son. Bob, and Mrs. year, and on Wednesday evening. PROHIBITION Douglas Gilmore, Stephen Carr, Lena Adam’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Christmas eve. the Sunday school and The election on November 4 was Malena and Wyndham Standing. young people of the Methodist church decidely a “ wet” victory in many Producer-Director Hughes, himself Carson, have gone to Junction City parts of the United States, including an expert licensed pilot, has estab­ today to be dinner guests at the home held their festival. the principal cities. of Mr. Adam's mother. Mrs. Sarah There is no question that millions lished a record for all time In motion of people who have heretofore al­ picture extravagance In the filming Adams. The largest shipment of fruit to ways voted "dry” and who are in of his air classic. On air scenes alone favor of prohibition in principle, ■ he has expended nearly $2.000.000. and Medford People Here— Mr. and Mrs. Europe to the history of the Rogue have become disgusted with the pro­ Joy Walker of Medford »pent Tues­ River valley has been started on Its hibition law and its enforcement as the total distances covered in the sky day evening in Springfield as guests rail and water Journey by the Binna­ battles was exactly 227.000 miles. it stands, and want a change. I personally know many ladies More than 20.000 extras were em­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. cle Tacking company. The train, con­ sisting of 21 cars of apples and four who have been ardent "dry" workers ployed in the various mob scenes of Walker. They went to Portland yes who voted for “wet” candidates for cars of pears, carried the fruit to Port­ terday to be guests at the home of the picture. Total cost of "Hell’s Congress on no other ground. land. where It was loaded on the Mr. Walker's sister. Angels" approximates $4.000.000. I have no solution to offer for the steamer Marenta. ft will reach Eu­ liquor problem. The control of traf­ The largest air fleet ever assembled, rope for the Christmas trade. fic in "hard liquor” is a problem except by governments, participated with which every civilized govern­ “The Oregon Trail” has been se­ to the picture. The aerial squadron C om fort Kits Sent 40,000 ment in the world is wrestling lected by the Oregon Historical soci­ e a • comprised 87 planes. Including more Service M en by Red Cross ety as the subject for the 1931 Beek- than 40 true war-type ships The air TREES man essay contest. Prizes will be fleet Included German Fokkers. Brit­ T h e Forest Service 1« with its Gay patterned cretonne bags, or annual warning ag- cplcting ish T. M.'s, S E. 5's, Avors, De Havi- comfort kits, containing articles use­ awarded for the four best original es­ says on this subject written between the forests by cutti many lands. Snipes, a German Gotha bomber ful and amusing, are sent by the Red young spruce, fir a inc-s for and a Zeppelin. the ages of 15 and 18, attending any Cross to 40,000 soldiers, sailors and Christmas trees Where they grow A total of 137 pilots, and as many Marines, on foreign service, as Christ­ public or private school, college, uni­ thickly it is good forestry practice versity or other educational Institu­ mechanics, were employed during the mas remembrances. to thin them out, j many tion within the state of Oregon. The little gift bags ere donated and 18 months filming of action above the farmers will clear off .. mire hill­ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Parker are the side top for the sake of sending clouds. The pilots Included every packed by women in Red Cross Chap their trees to a cash market stunt flyer and ex-war ace in America. ters all over the country. They are sponsors of a somewhat unique nurs­ This is not likely to be a good Thirty-five cinematographers. In­ despatched by Army transport to the ery at their farm near Monmouth, year in the Christmas-tree market, early autnmn to order to reach the where 12 little white pigs, bottle-fed cluding 26 aerial cameramen, were and farmers are warned not to be­ foreign ports sod posts of the D. 8 for four weeks, are squealing happily. gin cutting until they have made all required to film thia great picture. services In time to be hung on the arrangements for the sale of Christ­ Eight separate locations were Christmas trees. Giving the remem­ A litter of 18 waa farrowed by the mas trees to responsible huyera maintained for the aerial sequences, brances from home is the outgrowth mother pig. Six of the pigs left when I like the custom which prevails in the South, of decorating living i They included the main flying base of a plan adopted by the Red Cross the mother died. The remaining 12 trees at Christmas tima I have at Caddo Field, Van Nuys; a training prior to the World War when so many were brought up "on the bottle,” re­ seldom seen anything more beauti­ school at Inglewood; a German field National Guard regiments W < g on ceiving scheduled feedings every two ful than Riverside Avenue in Jack­ at Chatswarth; and other locations at the Mexican border. hours the first week. -9 sonville with the trees blazing with colored lights. It is much mors Santa Cruz. Enclna. Ryan Field, San sensible than the habit of denuding Diego, March Fieid, Riverside and T w o 8hows our forest areas for a sentimental Oakland airport, Oakland, California. TH E B E8T practice. At the latter airport the "Hell’s P IC T U R E S 7-9 P. M. • a e Angels” sky fleet was In action for A T A BIG CONGRESS 10c - 25c B T IT E R SOUND more than four monthB filming mass S A V IN G As I write, the Democratic party air battles in which 50 planes par Springfield, Oregon seems ’o have won practical control of both houses of Congress. Presi­ ttc'pated simultaneously. dent Hoover will not be the first president with a Congress of the Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Saturday Matinee Six Foreign Countries other party on his hands. Constructive legislation will not Receive Red Croa» Aid necessarily be held up by reason of that fact. Partisan measures un­ Relief was given by the American doubtedly will be blocked, and much Those very funny fellows in this political capital will be made by Red Cross during the year to six for­ year’s success— both parties out of the failure of eign nations to disasters ranging from the Democrats to approve the a tidal wars to Newfoundland, an President’s policies or, the one hand, and the refusal of the President to earthquake In Persia, floods to Franca, to help the refugees from Russia and approve Congressional action, on the other hand. prevention of a smallpox epidemic In Sunday and Monday In South America or Europe, an Costa Rica. election resulting as this one did The $5,000 Red Cross contribution would carry the head of the gov­ to Newfoundland, following ths tidal ernment out of office. The position of the President of the United wave, which took twenty-six lives and in the thrilling Sea Picture Ststes, serving for a fixed term, is destroyed many homes and fliblng almost unique. His office combines boats, was tbs first from sn outside tf that of a king and a premier, with oountry to reach the distressed people. the security in office—for a time Ths sum of $5,000 was given to ths —that a king enjoys, and the party fund for the relief of ths Mennonlts responsiblity of a prime minister. refugees of German descent, who had Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Visit from Vida—F. A. Weed of determined to leave Russia for naw Vida was a business visitor in Spring- lands. About 13,000 passed through Your old favorite— Germany, where the German Red field on Wednesday. Cross, aided by Red Cross societies of other nations, helped them. The ma­ Walterville Resident Here—Clar jority are being transported to new enee Singleton of Walterville visited countries In the western world and friends In Springfield yesterday. the American Red Cross has transmit­ ted contributions from Individuals In « There was once a young lady named this country. When Costa Rica was menaced by Luella, A big new picture, full of heart Interest. Don’t miss It. Fell In love with a bow legged fella, a smallpox epidemic, the American Red Cross sent fifty thousand tubes of This risky young chap let her sit on vaccine, in two airplane loads, un­ his lap, All the New Big Show» and always cheaper doubtedly saving the country from a And she fell clear through to the serious outbreak of the dread disease. cells. £ r C ikas in u scene front the I he Right to Love" RUTH CHATTERTON PLAYS at M c D onald S unday “ HALF SHOT AT SUNRISE” Murray II Cole and tlrunvlllo Mc­ Pherson huve purchased the Interest In the Bell theatre which waa held by C H. Benjamin of Eugene. The iiiiiiounceini-nl of the (ransactlon was made over Ihe week end. No change In the policy or Ihe theulre la planned Iiy ihe i wo remaining owners. Mr. Bciijiiinln has not announced Ills plans for Ihe Immediate future. Mr. Cob will assume all publicity w nk for ihe theatre and Mr. Me- Phi tsun will continue io a d as oper­ ator and technician. They have booked soma of Ihe larger pictures for immediate showing here. Tb dr new offerings Ini'AnV* "llajf Hb it at Sunrise" starring Wheelef nil I Woolsey, comeiBune, and “Com m in Clay.“ BRATTAIN TEACHERS TO ATTEND PORTLAND MEET Brnlluln leathers In Ihe llrattaln school are planing to attend Ihe see- h I i ii i m of ihe Oregon Slate Teachers association which are to be held In Pi -Hand on Monday. Tuesday and W dneaday of next week Those who ph n (<■ attend are Gteun B Wood, pi! Ipal, Ml< Maliel Olson, Ml»» Aline Gorrle, and Mrs Mary Walker. America's own "daso of drunia," at '»at Insofar as the "talkies" are cou­ nted. endows th,» screen at the Fox cDoiiald theatre Oils Sunday w llh new emotloual triumph that will clt all the nice things any photo- y audience cun say,. If there la more Io lie said utter those outstand lug productions. “Madame X." "Sarah FIOYD THOMPSON WINS and Son." "Anybody's Woman.’ LARGE TOY AUTOMOBILE The duse, of course, is Ruth Chat- lerton ; the drama, "The Right to Floyd 1» Thompson woo ihe large I nvs," which Richard Wallace has chl'd's automobile which lias been on camerled to dialogue for Paramount exhibition In the window of the from the Susan Ulu«|iell book. "Brook . Irish Murphy store for ihe past two E vans” And the whole Is an event months. 11« guessed that there were —which should not be missed by any 79.3000 dots lii the plpctore and his to Springfield who lake their enter­ guess was Ihe aearesl correct. tainment sccloualy. Miss Chatterton enacts two distinct LEGION PLANS CARNIVAL roles in "The Right to Love,” and In DANCE NEW YEAR S EVE one of them veers from girlhood to mother type, without a single error The next dance of the American In mood, coiffure, speech, costumes Legion at Thurston will be a gala and poise. This Is. at least, a triple New Year's eve hall according to Jack achievement. lair.on. financial officer in charge of The story, set to the farm lauds of ' the dances. Those dunces sponsored the Middle West, tells of a girl whose by the American I,eglon have been six-ret love trysts engender a tragic gaining popularity each succeeding sacrifice of happiness In later yenrs. next Wisliiesdny evening will pack a stale of affairs she determines will the lutll at Thurston. The dance will not be the heritage of her daughter. ha a carnival affair. The manner In which love finds a way. through two generations of H e re from W ln b e rry A. Adam s ol straight-jacketed repression. Is con vlnclngly narrated, and leads Io u I Wlnberry was a business visitor In Springfield Wednesday afternoon. most surprising climax. Paul Lukas. David Manners. George Spend Day In P o rtland M r. and Baxter. Irving Ptc-hel, Veda Buckland and Oscar Apfel, players of experience Mrs. Harry Stewart and son are and understanding, handle Ihelr as­ spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs Mrs signments In fine harmony with the Theron Suusser in Portland. Chatterton roles. Zoe Akins adapted Snusser is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. the screen play. MAYOR IS RECORDER FOR HOLIDAY WEEK-END FOR THAT FORGO TTEN G IF T £ The mayor Is now recorder. W. P. Tyson, mayor of Springfield. Is acting as recorder this week-end during the absence of I. M. Peterson who has gone lo Hillsboro to spent Ihe Christ­ mas holidays with Mrs. Peterson’s relatives. He is spending his other­ wise idle moments pondering over the law volumes In the shelves at the city hall. COLONIAL FRI, Ä SAT. Funny enough to m ake a horse Laugh. THE BELL Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey PARTNERS TAKE OVER BENJAMIN INTEREST IN LOCAL THEATER OTTENTOÏ m J aavev aura MILLI SUN. - MON. - TUE. The Bombshell of Mirth M ilton S ills “SE A W O L F B lack crows Moran ...Mack. C onstance B ennett COMMON CLAY” A M C R IC A T . N E W S W E E T H E A R T S In a H um an - Hum orous Comedy U ram a o f L ife ’s Ups and Downs. —-Also— WAR" “FLIP The FROG" and M. G. M. C O L O R rr4ZZ Talking REVUE ♦ Continuous 1 to 11 P. M. Sunday Comes — RUTH CHATTERTO N ...In... "THE RIGHT TO LOVE’