T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published _Kvsry Thursday at SpringHeld. Lane County, Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S H. E MAXEY, Editor Entered as second class matter, February 24, 1903, at the postoffice. Springfield. Oregon, M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N One Year In A dvan ce........ >1 75 Six Months >1.00 RATE Three Months Single Copy 75c 5c THURSDAY. DECEMBER 11, 19",0 NAMING TH E BRIDGE The Eugene C ham ber of Com m erce is backing a movement to nam e the Springfield bridge a fte r H R. Van Dnzer chairm an of the highw ay com ­ mission. We have the utm ost respect for Mr. Van Dnzer and his g reat service to the state, but it does not seem Quite fitting to us for the highway commission to nam e a s tru c tu re a fte r one of its present m em bers. It would a m ore lasting m onum ent and finer tribute if an act of this kind were done by som e succeeding com ­ mission in appreciation of Mr. Van D uzer's splen­ did service. If we feel like nam ing the Springfield bridge a fte r som eone to perp etu ate a m em ory, let it be the late G overnor I. L aP terson. in whose a d ­ m inistration it was built and one of w hose last public acts was to dedicate the Springfield bridge. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25. IMP III at Homa Mrs. !.. H. Morehouse OUTDOOR TREE LIGHTING Is III at her home In this city. HAS COLORFUL HISTORY ii a- . _ ——. . . R egular taxes on m unicipal property used for N O T IC I O F F IN A L H E A R IN G com m ercial purposes is proposed lu a hill to be Outdoor Christmas lighting I k rap- Notice Is hereby given that Edna introduced in th e W ashington legislature. T his Idly gaining favor In thia stnte as It Whlsler hna filed In the county hill is aim ed at the large properties in public of tamo county, Oregon, hai utilities of S eattle and T acom a, O ther p a rts of well aa throughout the entire nation court end this year sees ninny more beau final occount as administratrix of the the sla te now believe that their tax e s a re higher of D II Whlsler, Deceased, decorated homes than over ho calate and thut tho court has set 10:00 A by reason of the heavy exem ptions of these tlfuilv fore. Thia t opulnr now custom 1» M. of Friday, January 9. 1931, as the m unicipal properties. If they can m u ster the line with a national program time when salii account will come up stren g th outside of these a re a s this hill will likely In All adopted by tunny of the leading cities (or examination and allowance becom e a law. it is said. Aside front equalizing of the United Stales and which la persons Interest therein may uppear tax burdens this hill should put m unicipal prop­ n<-w being followed by enterprising before said court nt said time and he heard In reference there to. erties in the right light. A fter the tax es are communities everywhere. EDNA It WIIISLER. paid everyone will know w hether the public plant Administratrix. It la Interesting to note thut thia I is m aking a real saving over private owned lieuuttful Vulotldo custom ortftmitcxt S. D. Allen, Attorney for Estate. I). 11 IN 25 J I S utilities. T he public then can m ake an in ­ lu Washington, l> our national i telligent decision as to which Is beat m unicipal vupltol. some yeara ugo. In the year E state of Laura L. B ra tta ln , Osc'd. or private ow nership am i the "h u n k " put up 1923 a beautiful evergreen true, out : N O T IC E T O C R E O IT O R 8 hv both sides will largely disappear. Notice la hereby given that Klva M lu tho wood» of Vermont, wss sent MAY TAX MUNICIPAL UTILITIES N O T IC E OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT The undersigned, administrator of the Estate of Elisabeth E Mcl'oriiuck. deceasisl, has filed his Final Aecount In the mailer of said estate with th-< Countv Clerk of lan e County, Oregon, and m order has been mud« and co h ied of record by the County four of snld County, directing this noth and appointing Friday. Ihe iwooty 'bird day of January, 1931. at 10 o' dock A M for Ihe healing of oh Jrctlons to suhl account and the settle ment of said estate. Haled at Ellgoii«. Oregon, (tils twenty fifth day "f December. 1930. KENNETH Mct’ORNACK, Administrator of the Estate of Elisabeth E McCornack, deceased James K King 410 II 13 Miner Building Eugene, Oregon Attorney for Administrator. 1) 36 J i m 6-22 N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S to Washington to set tip III Sherman Brown ban been hy the County Court Notice Is hereby given lhat Ihe un of tho Statu of Oregon in and for Square. Thia tree waa a gift from Lane County, appointed administratrix derslgned has been appointed Execu EVEN IN CHICAGO Middlebury eollege to tho President of of the Estate of Laura L. Brattaln. trlx of the estate of Fred Weiss, de- A news dispatch says th a t 182 deputy sheriffs the Cnttml States. Thia aplondld tree | deceased. censed, hy the County Court of lame All persons having claims against County. Oregon. All persons having in Chicago are being exam ined to see if they waa decorated and wired with hun said estate are hereby notified ( claims against Ihe said estate are have crim inal records. If so they a re to he dis­ ilreds of tiny electric lights, and on the to present the aume duly sluted and hereby notified to present the same, charged. H ere in O regon we used convicted I'hriatmaa eve President Coolidge, verified, nt the residence of A E properly verified, to the Executrix at bootleggers to enforce the prohibition law. Armed with appropriate ceremonies, switched Wheeler. 710 Lawrence street In Eu the office of Well« A Wells, Bank of w ith a gun. a s ta r and a hottie of moonshine, on the lights of tho first national gene, Oregon, within six months from 1 Commerce llhlg . Eugene, Lane county, Oregon, within six months from this I'hriatmaa tree. The following yeur this ISth day of December, 1930 they go about to m ake our s ta te dry. ■ Nth day of Dorember, 1930, the dale KLVA M BROWN. a beautiful living tree was planted Administratrix of the Batuta of of the ftnrt publication of thia notice -------------«------------- In Sherman Plata behind the White (.aura 1* Brattaln. Deceased. MARY WEI HR, Executrix. House and a permanent undergound A E Wheeler, Attorney. D. IS 25 J I S 15 Wells 4t Wells. Athirne ys. electric service Installed so thut each _________ O18 26-J.1815 yeur tLe same living tree can he E atata of M. H. M ay, Deceased, S U M M O N S decorated and Illuminated, a perfect N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R ^ In the County Court of the State of symbol of national good will. Thia A LITTLE MORE AND MORE Notice Is hereby given that C F Oregon for Lane County. splond d example was quickly followed May has been hy the County Court It. P SCHROEDER, Plaintiff. The Yakima valley is perhaps the m ost p ro s­ by many a llie s and communities and of the State of Oregon, In and for va. perous place in the N orthw est at present. Y a­ It la now and established annual cum l,ane County, appointed ndmlstralor IVY SCHROEDER. Defendant. of tho estate of M II May. deceased. kim a has grown and th e sm aller cities of the To IVY HCHHOKDKR. Defendant: tom In ay parts of America. All persons having claims against valley as well have m ade su b stan tial gains. T he IN THE NAME OF THE STATE For some years now a number of the eatata of said deceased are hereby basis of this grow th and prosperity is a g ric u ltu re rltltena have been decorating their notified to present the same, duly OF OREGON: You are horehy re WHY PRIDE? qulred to appear and answer the com even at this tim e when fa n n in g is not paying homes on the outside, and these homes stated and verified, at the residence plaint flhsl against you In the above A E. Wheeler. 710 latwrenee street so well. A griculture in the final analysis m ust As 1 stepped out of the G rand C entral station have been gay and numerable spots of In Eugene. Dragon, within six months entitled null on or before four weeks be the basi^ on which Lane county will grow the o th er day I saw enterin g it a m an whose of color on the Christmas scene. Thia from the llth day of December, 1930 from the date of ihe first publication of this summons In the Springfield and be prosperous if she ever reaches th e m axi­ face seem ed fam iliar, and a fte r a m om ent’s ■•ear thte'e are many more homes C. F MAY. News, the date of Ihe first publication Administrator. Kst. of M. II May m um possible developm ent. thought 1 placed him. He is one of th e m ost sending out their niissagn of "Merry of which Is December t l. 1930, and Deceased. In the Yakima valley tow ns is seen the c a n ­ distinguished m em bers of the legal profession Christmas'1 by means of strings of A E Wheeler, Attorney. If you fall to an appear and answer 1)11 IS 25 J I N sulil mimplalnt, for want thereof, the neries and packing plants for m any bran d s of in America. He was a m em ber of the Cabinet colored llghta festooned about their plaintiff will apply to the court tor goods th at are to be found on ou r grocery store j of a form er President, and w as him self m en­ lawns and homes. the relief prayed for In plaintiff's H Is anticipated that by next N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T complaint which Is that the bonds of shelves—right here in a country th a t n a tu re has tioned for the Presidency. Christmas, outdoor lighting programs undersigned. Administrator, of matrimony heretofore existing be­ been kinder too than the Yakima. A little m ore On a sudden impulse I turned and followed him. will lie established In practically every the The estate of John Waring, deceased, tween plaintiff and defendant tie dis care in cultivation and p reparation for m ark et of T he statio n was full of com m uters hurrying progressive community in the nation, has filed his Final Account In the solved and plaintiff tie divorced from a little better article- a tittle b e tte r salesm anship to their trains. They looked a t him, and through creating not only a beautiful civic matter of salii estate with the County defendant nnd that the care and cus- and a little m ore faith and loyalty on th e part Clerk of laine Comity, Oregon, and tielv of the minor child Belly Ism him and around him, but ap p aren tly nobody of the Oregon buying public would work wonders recognized him. He jostled his way across the Yuletldo spirit but also attracting an order has been made and entered Schroeder bn awarded to the plaintiff This summons Is served upon you much favorable attention- from out­ of record hy tho County Comity of in this Oregon country. said County, directing this notice ami by publication thereof In Ihe Spring g reat floor, down a pair of steps to the plat­ side visitors. appointing Saturday, the 10th day of field News, a newspaper published form of th e subw ay. And th e re the crowd Il-re In Oregon, where evergreen TH E AIRWAY 1931, nt ten o'ctock A M ami of general rlrculatkm In lainn crushed him into the m inim um num ber of cubic trees and more than twenty varieties January. for the hearing of objections to said Conntv, Oregon, once each week for After floating down th e W illam ette valley, inches am i flung him into an express train. of Christmas greens for decorating aecount and the settlement of said four suci esslve weeks, pursuant to estate. an order of the Honorable C. P. down the Columbia and over P u g et Sound in My last view of him w as a s he stood with are so easily obtainable, the problem Dated at Eugene. Oregon, th[* llth Barnard. Judge of the County Court the a ir we have come to th e conclusioon th a t his face pressed ag a in st the glass of th e doorr, of beautifying the home for Christ dny of December. 1930 of Lane County, Oregon, made and there is only one way to travel— by airplane. a com pletely squeezed and harassed looking m an, mas la a comparatively simple one K O. poTTER. entered on the 6th day of December. Administrator of the Estate of John 1930. directing puhllrallon thereof once W ithout physical effort or being jostled about in no way different from th e sw eltering o th ers Waring. Deceased. each week for four succeaalvn weeks as in ground travel, one floats along as n a tu re NEEDLECRAFT GROUP HAS D l l 18 25 J 1 8 111 said newspaper, nnd which order in tlje car. unfolds large, delightful panoram as, and is as you Io appear and answer PARTY HERE LAST WEEK N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E ON requires fresh when arriving a t th e destin atio n ^ h u n ­ Not one of those o th ers knew th a t he had plaintiff's complaint within four weeks dreds of miles away as w hen boarding th e plane. been a C abinet M inister, helping to shajM) the from the date of the first publication E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E The annual Christinas party of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That thereof which Is December II. 1930 It took us 10 hours h ard travel on m o to r destinies of a nation during th e g re a te st war. Neddlecraft sewing orgnnlxutloon was DAN JOHNSTON. hy virtue of an execution and order stages to retace the distance m ade by tw o hours Nor would they have cared, probably, if they held last Thursday afternoon. The of Attorney for Plaintiff, Post Office sail« In foreclosure Issued out of travel by the Bennett airplane. Not only does had known. 817 Willamette S t . Eugene. meeting was held in two parts. The the Circuit Court of Lane County < Address iregnn. the plane travel three o r four tim es as fast as Oregon, on tho 13th dny of December. It has been rem arked frequently th a t the really early' part of the meeting consisted D. It 18-264.1-8 does autom obile or train b u t it goes in a stra ig h t big m an is alm ost alw ays m odest. T ne reasons of a luncheon at the home of Mrs. 1930, In a suit wherein, on the 8th day of December. 1930. In said Court line, saving m uch distance. From th e a ir the SUMMONS for this a re two-fold. In the first place, he Lloyd Thompson. Following the lunch­ the plaintiff therein, C. T Beach re highw ays and railroads in Oregon and W ashing­ In the C irc u it Court of the Stats of covered Judgment against the defend eon the members went to the home knows how m uch of his success has been due ton look crooked enough to put a kink in a to causes beyond his own control his birth, of Mrs. Gertrude Wilson on Emerald ants Otto Norton nnd Louise Norton Oregon for the County of Lsne. for the sum of Three Hundred and EDWARD TCIIY. Plaintiff. snake’s back as one crosses and recrosses tlmm his education, his business opportunities. And Heights where the Christmas party no-100 Dollars (>350 001; for the fur vs. in air travel. was held. Stunts and games formed Iher sum of Seventy and 75-100 Dol­ DOROTHY TCIIY, Defendant. he know s, too- w h at a thin and evanescent To DOROTHY TCIIY. tho abovo the greater part of the entertainment lars (>70.75) ns Interest; for the thing is fam e. further sum of Fifty Dollars 050 00» named Defendant; “W atch T acom a G row ” , used to be th e slo­ for tho afternoon. attorney’s fees, nnd for the costs and IN THE NAME OF THE STATE gan in W ashington when th e w riter w as a boy. He h a s walked th ro u g h places like C entral disbursements of this suit, taxed at OREGON. You are hereby required Tacom a has grown som e since then b u t nothing Park and looked a t the statu es. T hese a re g rea t MRS. PARKER ENTERTAINS >17.55. nnd said execution to me di­ | , OF ti) appear and answer the complaint like it was expected before S eattle boom ed. m en w ho lived only y esterday— fifty or a h u n ­ rected. commanding me In the name filed against you In the above entitled FOR CLUB LAST WEEK of the State of Oregon. In order to Court “Tacom a is broke and don’t know it,” said a dred o r a hundred and fifty y ears ago. Yet and Cause on or before Hie satisfy said Judgment, Interest, attor­ 3th day of January. 1931, said date m erchant in th at city last week. He said th a t how few of them one can recognize w ithout Mrs. John Parker entertained for ney’s fees, costs of suit, and accruing being more than four weeks from Ihe the city’s high tax rate w as driving o ut indus­ looking a t the nam es. And if their fam e is the regular meeting of the Priscilla costs, to sell the following described day of the first publication of this try. (A fam iliar sound here in O regon.) “ W hat already so faded, w h at will it. be in a thousand club at her home last Thurslay after real property, to wit: Beginning nt a point In the center Summons herein entered of record about your cheap power bringing them in,” we years, or tw o thousand, o r ten ? noon. Tho members of thp club of tho County Road 235 feet South and If you fall so to appear and querried. He smiled and said “Cheap pow er is brought the various courses for the of the Northeast corner of the South answer for want there of the plain A braham Lincoln’s favorite song was a m o u rn ­ tiff will apply to tho Court for the being paid for by tax a tio n .” A ssessm ents and unchcon and a social time with an east fourth of the Northwest quarter liens, he complained, were eating up property ful hym n entitled, “ W hy Should the Spirit of • exchnngo of gifts w.fk Iw Id Immedi­ of Section thirty six (38) In Township relief In his complaint against you Twenty-one (21) South. Range Three demanded to w ll: For a Judgment and values. W ater, sewer, stre e t, alley and sidew alk M ortal Be P ro u d ? ” He knew th a t th e river of ately following the Inncheftn. life races on, and th a t even the m ost im portant (3) East of Willamette Merldlnn; and decree of Divorce dlsaolvlng the bonds liens in m any cases am o u n t to m ore th an th e running thence South 750 feet to the of matrimony now nnd heretofore of us is soon w ashed o u t into th e big sea of im provem ents on the property could be sold for middle of Kitson Creek; (hence down existing between you and tho plaintiff E n te rta in s Bible Group if the land were given aw ay, according to the oblivion. the center of snld creek In a general <> n the grounds of desertion and for taxpayer. W hether or not this m an w'as wholly i He knew it because he was really big. It is, The members of the Bible Study course of about North 58 degrees West auch other relief as to the Court feet; thence North 474 feet to may seem meet. This summons Is right we do not know', but a fte r reading the de­ only the littler men who a c t a s if they were class of the Christian church were 400 the center of said County Road; and i served upon you hy publication thereof entertained at the homo of Mr. and p erm an en t rocks in the river, tow ering high scription of Taoom a as a city of paradise in th e thence Easterly along center of snld In the Springfield News, a newspoper Portland Journal he m ade an im pression on us. above the level, and destined never to he moved. Mrs. Map-ion Adame on Thursday eve­ road 325 feet, more nr less, to the of general circulation pursuant to an ning of last week Each member of place of beginning, containing 4.55 order of the Judge of the County the class brought an Inexpensive gift acres, more or less, of land In said I'ourt of the State of Oregon for the which was exchanged. Refreshments Section Thlrtyslx (36) nnd In Lane County of Lane duly made and entered County, Oregon, of record on the 8th day of December were served. NOW, THEREFORE, In the name 1930 ordering that this summons he of the Stnte of Oregon, In compliance published once <>sch week for four N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T In the C ounty C o urt of the State of with the said execution and order of successive and consecutive weeks In sale, and in order to satisfy snld the Springfield News und that the date Oregon fo r Lane County. Judgment, Including Interest, attorney of the first publication shnll be the In Probate. Case No. 5132 In the Matter of the Estate of fees, costs of suit and accruing costs, llth day of Decemlier, 1930 and the will, on Saturday, the 17th day of date of the Inst publication shall be SAMUEL J. ROBERSTON, Deceased I January, 1931, at the hour of one with tin- Issue of sth day of Jan­ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: o'clock In the afternoon of said day uary, 1931, Notice Is hereby given that the nn at. tho Southwest front door of the FRANK A DePUE, derslgned executor of the above en Attorney for Plaintiff, llosldonce, titled estate has filed herein his final County Court. House In Eugene, lame County, State of Oregon, offer for Springfield, Oregon. account In sqld proceedings; that the Dll-18 25-J.18 court ordered the hearing upon the sale and sell for cash, at public auc­ tion, subject to redemption ns pro­ said final account to be hnd before vided hy law, all of the right, title the said court on January 23, 1931, I at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.; and and Interest of the said defendants that all persons having any objections Otto Norton, Ixiulsn Norton, (), F. thereto shall file the same in said pro-1 Revere and Zelplia II. Bevere and all coalings In writing on or before the persona claiming by, through or under them or any or either of them, In time set for the hearing. nnd to tho said premises. WALTER E ROBERTSON, H. L. IIOWN, Executor. Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. II. E. Slattery, Attorney for the Ex- j ____________ __________P.I8-25-J1-S 15 ecu tor. D.25 J.I 8-15-22 PINKY DINKY - - By T e,ry Gilkison Your Favorite Photo Enlarged and Hand Colored in Beauti­ ful Easel Frame (5x7 in.) Only $1.49 Bladder • Weakness Think of It; a regular >5.50 value for i n i rtin n . in < >1.49 Just to Introduce. Mnkes Ideal lurnlng, dun to funetl nl Bladder Irritation, In acid