M T, riIURHDAY, DEt'EMIIER 25. 1930 T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S You A V ery P A G E F IV E M erry C hristm as « X ; We would wish you happy Christmas If w e could but grasp your hand. And a bright successful New Year. But w e Know you understand, So receive these words o f greeting A s a grip of friendship true. And accept our hearty w ishes For a glad New Year to you! First National Christmas grrcttngs! Happy greetings! We have tried to serve you well; Frost hells ring you, New Year bring you. All the joys your heart can tell! Bank We cannot see you each alone, And that’s the very reason, We coinè in pi int to wish you all Good wish»» for the season! ' o f S p rin g fie ld IS s^ :r ¡tfaiiiir__ F u lo p 's D e p a r tm e n t S to r e Mountain States -Tav» PABT*»“« J. FULOP. Prop. ~ r • 1 kJC*0i».rs r R ing out a greeting, friends to you! A wish for health, a wish for wealth, Power Company ■» K raoCKSS* X Success in every thing you do! l i c t t r r buiuteM a ra i year! 1 h r jo y o f cnoipeiuatiunl O u r w u li for you, •»»«J your« for uj, ’ *-***' A happy rotnL inaiiun! \ Holidays! Jolly Days! Joy to every friend 1 d a d New Y ear! HM Snow and holly! Friends to Cheer! A n d e r s o n M o to r Co. Success w ithout an end! JOHN ANDERSON, I Top. 1^ Christmas jolly! M erry Chris!me»! As ■ friend tried and true. Friends! good cheer! W e send greetings 1« you A gay New For success in the year thirty-one! Year! Father Christmas comes again, A l l b (decked with holly, J. NELSON N. A . R O W E Finest Shoem aklng Heal E state I It ith frien ds sincere from fa r and near T o make the season jollv! In City Ilrrt’ is what tee iri.i/i you For the New Year, thirty-one: Fidelity in frien d sh ip , Your share o f Christmas fa n , v The draw ing o f I L .W ^o