PAGE FOUR T U E SPRING Fl EI.D NEWS THURSDAY. DKt'KMItER 25. l!»30 Springfield Busi ness People Wish Happy N a w Year. friend an J patrvn, Joy, success, good luck untold! ■ Every bright wish for .V'-'ur ¡ T f ) future, \ Everv joy voui w u r heart can hold! ?>. e ho|ie the year that'» fin is h e d -Sj • & M«y »II good frlrnds »urrnund you Ha» brought you h a p p in e » » ! V e hope that nineteen • thirty- one G ood luck Bring« every new »u ee»»! Frosty C h ristm as night! E v er? joy an d all success p i s May »II uood things be with you _ _ . W o with you wealth. Kt J H olly-K ung living rooms! ^ , ! . T in ,lU g h i.u l itlr lint N t« V t .r l boyend all re a io n l 'A ll 1931 To bring you Chrliinias * cheer I W . with you health, IU C C O II, , ? . | H a p p i t, « 1 1 , M a k e y o u r M ew Y e ar bright! For the Chiiitmas teoionl '8 5 0 1«. 1831 ’ 4>C Commercial State New Home Bakery Bank J. C. McKee, Prop. “A Good Bank in a Good C ountry” Springfield Electric Supply W. A. HALL Flanery’s Drug Store "T he Shoe D octor” Al Polii C larence Cooley Y ou’v« dealt w ith us the w hole year through, A ccep t congratulation! , M erry C hristm as! H appy N ew Year! D elightful com bination! = !& Jk To our patrons and frle m ts , To our customers, too, Here's the wish we «re tnslung a u lita li Y "S3 Tins C hm tm »i for you: < 1 M»y the pleasure th»i lasts. And the |oy that endures, Let’s make every day, dear friend, O f nineteen-tkirtyone, f A better day than yesterday1, • A nJ success for the New Veer t ) ' Forever be yoursl V a . A day of deeds well done. X, Z S 1 6Î EAGLE CAFE Mr. and Mrs. Win. Goodman Irish-Murphy Co. Northwest Cities Gas Company DALLAS MURPHY, Mgr. Springfield. Oregon U e thank you for your patronage during the past year. ’** e can t locate m en one o i ÿo*t To with you CI r’sfmaj glory, S o here « the w ay we advertise A, 52^ If»* J The «ame old ha ppy «tory: Chrutma* bright with loyalty, ‘ * * |Ring, old bell, ------- ^ e w fnend«, old love*, and all good Junto T Lo o keep the N ew Ù ear happy. UCao-o Christmas Belli T o our friends a message tell; ¡Send misfortune on the run. Y ou’re been our friend the whole year through Anti tec send happy thoughts Io you, May every heart be filled with joy. Glad welcome for the New Year ftoy! Bring success fo r "T h irty -O n e ." 1931 • • D r. W . C . R e b h a n White Front Grocery W. A. TAYLOR, Prop. If all our Christmas wishes For your holidays come true, You will have success, 1 good fortune, And the joys of.friend­ ship, too! KENNETT’S W c hope your homes arc decked w ith joy, And hung w ith Christmas cheer, W c hope a ll good things com e to you, J his and every year' A friend or two, • Ghristmas gay with A firelit Hook, a favorite hook, holly, To make your N e w Year jo lly I w . N. LO N G EXPERT PLUMBING and HEATING Wright & Sons HARDWARE - - RADIOS FURNITURE Dr. W. N. Dow