PAOE THREE THE HPRINOFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. DK('EMHER 28. 193« "It's all my fault,” he broke oat agitatedly. “And there’s’ nothing I can do to put It right— nothing.” The telephone rang suddenly and Him went across the room to answer ¡It. (BUYING «RSELUNG “ Y R llk v i\u u j 1 NOTICE OF FIN AL HEARINO N otice I k hereby given that the m i­ l l e r " g n e il In » « f | | e i | her fluul account .1» uiliu nlatrutrik of the E state of Frank W. Khluiiors, Deceased, nnd ‘but the court baa net 10:00 A M. of Friday, Dec, ¡18, 1930, at the time when at the chamber* of the county court Io the Court llouao, in Eugene. ( n gun, the court will tuko up said final account for exam ination anti a I lowiiuce and niuke an order for the iinnlKiiuient of thu residue of aald ■ tote. All persons Inturcated therein muy appear at anld hearing and be heard In reference thereto. BRIDGET HIIINNERH, Administratrix. H D All' ll, alorney for Estate. N27 D4 il-18 25 NOTICE TO CREOITOR8 N otice I k hereby given that the un deraigned b i t e been duly appointed Executrix of the entate o f Abraham Layton, deceased, and any and ull perKoiiM haring claim* against the i.ald « sista are hereby required to , rcKonl aald claim*, duly verified uh by luw required, nt the taw office of my attorney, II K. Slattery, 717 Wll lam etta Hl , In Eugene, In Lane Coun­ ty, Oregon, within alx month* from the dute of thia notice. Dated and flrat published December IMth, I#30. EMMA LAYTON. Executrix of the eatale of Abraham l.aylon. deceased. Address 793 West 5th Ht. 11 E. Slattery. Attorney for Executrix. D 18 25 J . I 8-15 Estate of Charles E. Brattaln, Dec’d NOTICE TO CREDITORS N otice la hereby given thut Elva M Brown ban been by the County Court of the State of Oregon lu and for Ia n « County, appointed Executrix of the laat will and testament of Charles E. Brattaln. deceased. All persons having claim» agalnat the eatate of auld deceuaed are hereby notified to pregent the aatne duly alated and verified, at th«- residence of A. E. W heeler. 71« Lawrence Ht. In Eugene. Oregon, within alx month» rrom thia IHth duy of December, 1 »30. ELVA M. BROWN, E xecutrix of the Last W ill and T estam ent of Charles E. Brattaln, De­ ceased. A E W heeler. Attorney D. 18-25 J .1-8-15 SHERIFF SALE N otice Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution to me directed, taaued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for Lane county, upon a Judgment entered lu aald court on tbe 2l»t day ot October. l»30. and dot-ki ted therein up the 22ml day of of October 1830, lu an action wherein Hugh Kdwurda was plaintiff and J. H Heron was defendant. 1 have levied upon and will aell at public auction to tbe h igh est bidder for cash, on the 27th day of December, 1830, ut one o’clock In the ufternooli. ut the front door of the court house In the city of Eugene, Oregon, the following property, and undivided one half part of the following tract; Beginning at a point 30 Unit» south of a point 7.23 chains ««»t of a atone net lu county survey No. 1170 of the recorded surveys of Lane county, Ore­ gon, for thu center of section 30 In Tow nship 18 south of Rango 4 west of the W illam ette morldiuu. and run thence east 10.87 chains to the middle of the county road thence along the center of »aid county road aa fol­ low s, South 6 degrees 32 minute» west 4.74 chains, south 41 degrees west 2.12 chains, south 54 degree» weal 2 94 chains, south 58 degrees w est 5 00 chain», aouth 70 degrees w est 2.47 chains thence leaving said road and running north 12.71 chains to the place of beginning, situated In Lent county, Oregon, said tract containing about 12 acres, and all the right, title and estate which the defendant had therein on said 21st day of Oc­ tober, 1930 or any subsequent ila’o, to satisfy the follow ing sum s adjudged to be due plulntlff, »300 dam ages, »56 dollars ¿lists of said action, »30 at torneys fees, with Interest on said several sum s nt legal rate since Del 21st, 1930, together with tile costs ol making such sale. Said Halo will b“ subject to redemption as by law al­ lowed. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lano county. N27 1)4 11-18-26 B U S IN E S S Generiti Law Practise I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law City Hall Building NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Maude E. t'ttley, the executrix of the luat will uud tealuinout and eatate of Edith Culey, deceuaed, baa rendered and filed In the County Court of the Stute of Oregon for the County of Lane her final account and au S at­ urday, the 10th day uf January, 1031, ut the County Court room In the Court llouao In the City of Eugene, Oregon, ut thu hour of ten o'clock In the fore- maul of auld duy has been by order of anld Court filed and appointed u* the duy, tim e uud place for thu hearing of objection* to aald final account and the settlem en t thereof. All objections must be In writing uud filed with the Clerk of aald Court on or before auld duy uud time. Duled thia 11th day of December, IM0. MAUDE E. CALEY. D. 11 I8-25J 18 ___ NOTICE OF. FIN AL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thai Fred E. Lem ley, Executor of the last wilt and teatam ent aud estate of Vina MeLesn, deceased, has rendered uud filed lii th County Court of the State nt Oregon for the County of L an e, fluul account unit on S a tu rd a y , tbe 17th duy of January, 1931, at the County Court rismi In tbe Court House In the City of Eugene, Oregon, a l the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of suid day Its* been by order of said Court fixed uud appointed as the duy, tune amt place for the beurlng of objections to said final account and tbe settlem en t thereof. All objection* must be in writing and filed w ith the Clerk of said Court on or before said day aud time. Dated this 15th day of December, 1930. FRED. K. LEMLEY, Executor. D.1S 25 J 1 -8 15 NOTICE OF FIN AL SETTLEM EN T NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Cornelia 8. Chase, us executrix of tbe last will ami testam ent and esta te of Hoary W. Chase, del-eased, has filed her final account In -uid estate, und tbe County Court of lam e County, Ore gon has fixed Monday, the 12th day of January, 1931 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of aald duy at the County Courthouse ln Eugene, lam e County, Oregon as the tim e and place for the hearing ot said final uccount. All persons having objections to said final account are notified to present the sam e In writing on or before said time. Dated this llt h day of December, 1930. CORNELIA 8 . CHASE. Executrix of Last Will and T esta ­ ment anil E state of Henry W. Chase, deceased. Karris, Sm ith and Bryson, Eugene, Oregon, A ttorneys for Executrix D. 11 18-25-J I 8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the uu- deraigned has been appointed by the order of the County Court of the Stute of Oregon for iouie County, us admin Istrator of the esta te of Harry C. Jackson, deceased; all persons having claim s against said esta te are hereby notified to present the »ante properly vprtfled to the undersigned uilminls trutor at the office of Fred E. Smith, Attorney at Luw, 445« Miner Build­ ing, Eugene, Oregon, within six months after the dale of this notice. CHAS W JOHNSON. Administrator. Fre1 as the tim e nnd pince for hearing objections thereto, nnd for the final settlem en t of said estate. BIRDIE L. ISH, Adm inistratrix of the Estate. L. L. Ray, Attorney for Estate. D.4-11-18-25-J.l D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors Springfield, Ore. 228 Main St. 83 .1 D. W. Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon Retldsnee 12S C 8t. «2 M ‘UH Viito Equlpmeni l.sdy A ssistant NELSON LEGHORN FARM FRANK A. DE PUE Lane A T T O R N E Y A T LAW County’s Oldest of Breeder* N O TAR * PUBLIC 8. C. W H IT E LEGHORNS SPRINGFIELD OREGON Phone J1-F-14 Sutton Building Springfield Oregon WHAT HAH GONE BEFORE Giles Chlttenham »wears to avenge the death of hl* young half brother The Community Center baa the fol­ Rodney, driven to suicide by the no­ bis love. He will make Julie love lowing peoplu Dated who need work: him, then throw her aside as she threw Rodney. He m eets her In Sw it­ One Painter uud Paper Hanger zerland, goes with her to the hotel on Four Common Laborer the Ht Bernard Pass, and succeed* In winning her love. To his amaze Duo Skilled S teer Sharpener rnent, he discovers that he has fallen One Stationary Engineer , overwhelm ingly In love with her him o n e Skilled Hock Man : Keif! And he Is married, to an Amer- Four Women for House Work. : lean girl with whom he has nothing , In common. Help the unemployed w henever you Then he discovers that this girl Is i an. L ist your Jobs with the Com- not the »»me Julie Farrow who rained munity Red Cross Center at the Cham »‘««I»«*. b i. a n o »ale (»sued out of the Circuit Court Throng», his friend Lombard. O la« of the S tale of Oregon for Lane ‘’hlttenham m eets the other Julie, ( ouuty Novem ber 21»t, 1830, upon uud th e notorious woman who had ruined purnuuni to u decree duly given and R od n ey h life. She tells him that she mad- by the aald Court November «oln< 10 dl,’: , the d octor, have 20th. 1930, In a suit pending therein her “P aH *n c“’? W® a,,d 8h® In which Mary U nstick was plalntift 18 leaving England. She Is worried mid Carl Murks. H. C. Kenney mid ab°u t her cousin, the girl Chlttenham Ella Kenney, pis wife, were defend lo»p8 Thal Julio—1x1» Ju lie—Is going unt», which execution and order of ln ^aBt company, among them a com- sale was to me directed and cam mon American girl nomed Svatlie Bar- manded me to aell the real property row'- hereinafter described to satisfy cer And Sadie Barrow Is Giles ( bitten - luiii Ileus and charges in said decree hum * wlfc- , . Hp d*,d specified, I will on Saturday, the 27th Kbp waH ln Ln gland. ,at night day of December, 1930, at the hour m eets her at a party at his m oth ers of o n e o'clock I’. M. at the southw est h m »e They pretend to bp B‘5a"Ber8„ door ot the County Court-house In Giles learns that Sadie Ba > . • Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer w lfe' ba* *one ,n for 8pJ ‘ for sale mid sell at public auction 1» attending sean ces by a medium for cash, subject to redemption as named Chryer. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY provided by law, all of the right, title and lu terest of the defendants lu said suit and of all parties claim ­ A maid tapped at the door and ing by, through or under them or entered. utiy of them since the 20th day of '•Please, Miss Farrow, will you see November, 1930, in or to the follow ­ Mr. Chlttenham?" ing described real property, to-wlt: Tbe North half of the Southeast Julie sw ung around from the con- quarter. and the South half of the la, |on nf her pale face beneath N ortheast quarter of Sec. twenty-one ‘ , _.h(_h ahe (21) In Township F ifteen (16) South, «»« bri"> of ,b e BTPpn hat h‘ a * Range One (1) W est of the Wiliam had picked up from the bed to ette Merldlun, Lane County, Oregon, try on xceptlng therefrom forty two acres No," she said sharply. "I'm Just* sold to D. F. Murks as shown by deed dated April 25th, 1922, and rec­ going out. Say I am engaged.” “Very good. Miss." orded in Book 131, page 616 Lane The door closed quietly behind the County Deed Records, together with the water right therein reserved. maid and Blm said a trifle malicl- Dated this 26th day of November, 1930. , ously: H. L. BOWN, “He will think you are afraid ot Sheriff of Lane County, O regon .' him, Julie.” _______________________ N27 D4 ll-is-2 e cheeks flamed. "Afraid— !” Estate of Elizabeth Morehouee, She made an impetuous rush to the Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that L ew is door and opened It. H. Morehouse lias been by tbe County "Wait a moment— ’’ Court of the S tate of Oregon, tn an d , The maid, already half-way across for Lune County, appointed executor ___ c l ih e la: v will aud testam en t ol ,hp "n ,e pns‘ K ' ' E l.xubeth M orehouse, d eceased "Tell Mr Chlttenham I will see him All persons having claim s against in five minutes," Julie said and went the esta te of said deceused are here back to her bedroom, by notified to present the sam e, duly r h ltte n ,.am was standig by the stated and verified ut the residence ‘ «Ittennam wa. « -s • of A. E. W heeler, 710 Lawrence street, m antel-shelf looking a b in Eugene, Oregon, within six months alonlst photograph of Bim Lennox, but trom this 27th day of November, 1930. tle turned at once when the door LEWIS H. MOREHOUSE Executor of the Last W ill uud Testa- op. . . , H u llo!” Julie greeted him with a mvnt of Elizabeth M orehouse, de­ casual nod. “What ln the world ceased. brings you here at such an early hour? A. E. W heeler, Attorney. N27 D 4-ll-lfr25 oniy just crawled out of bed my NOTICE OF S H E R IFF’S SALE „cif •• NOTICE Is hereby given that by sh e spoke rather loudly and de­ virtue of an execution and order of n an t|y> and sh e deliberately left tbe sale issued out of the Circuit Court . ' ' . , ... of the State of Oregon for Lane d<*‘r "Pen behlnd herj , . „ n . County Novem ber 21st, 1930, upon and Chittenhom stepped past her pursuant to a decree duly given and closed It, then he cam e back to where mude by the said Court November „he stood 20th, 1930, in a suit pending therein . ( , j u l l e h e said in which Mary H ostick was plaintiff 11118 nas K 1. , p and D. F. Marks and Jennie V. Marks, without preamble. his wife, were defendants, which ex Julie opened her eyes wide. ccutiou uud order of sale was to me ••Stop?" she echoed blankly. "What directed and commanded me to sell (o gtop? mv Bettlng up so the real property hereinafter de- , , .... . scribed to satisfy certain liens and 'a ,e ' dt> you n,ean • * - charges In said decree specified, 1 w ill, He Interrupted ruthlessly. on Saturday the 27th day of Decern "The w hole of this m iserable, damft her, 1930, at the hour of one o'clock nh,e c|ay.ncting has got to stop. F. M at the southw est door of t h e , ; yourself and me body < ounty Court house in Eugene, Lane ,WUI ,UI1 » • .» ,1W4»A, County, Oregon, offer for sale and 1 and soul. Do you think I don t un sell at public auction for cash, sub stand? do you think I’m such a fool Ject to redemption ns provided by law, ,hnt you can take me in for one minute all of the right, title and interest ot „ th)g_ th ,„ c h ild is h n e s s -? ” the defendants ln said su it and of • . ,. all parties claim ing by, through or Before she could prevent under them or any of them since the move a step from him he caught her 20th day of December, 1930, in or by the shoulders, Toughly turning her to the follow ing described real prop rollI)(, , o thp morn| ng sunlight which ' ' A llUtlmtt:part of the bouth half of stream ed through the window. "Look Wanted Work M h i . A v rn * "Yea? . . . No, Bim Lennox speak­ ing. Oh—yes, Miss Barrow. No, sh e’s Just gone out. Can I give bar a m essage? Oh . . . yes, very well— to- morrow afternoon at four.” Bim hung up the receiver and tudned There was a little angry rrown betw # en her le T el b I.0W1. "Has she made a conquest o f you Do you believe in spiritualism , Mr. already? W’ell, good luck to her, she's Chlttenham?" she asked. welcome. And If you've only come "No." here to behave like a bully you’d "Nor do I, but It seem s all the better go— I’ve a lunch appointm ent— ” i fashion Just now. There is to be a "With S c h o fie ld r seance or w hatever you call It at "That’s my affair.” your m other’s house tomorrow after- “If he was a decent fellow he’d stop ^oon. That was Miss Barrow ’phoning your nonsense. H e’d never have al- gh e’s an ardent believer— ’’ lowed you to do what you ott W1U lry U“ a“^ e Mu“ Is? . Do you think It’s nothing to iroul he adde’ experience, t t e can only Just wind, and being up there so far away 6° on hoping that som ething w ill from every one . . . In the morning turn up to straighten things out, and it hrd all gone, and as I said then, it so seldom does. I often wonder we had com e back to earth again.” if it isn't because we lack courage." Her voice w as studiously cold and What do you m ean?” "I mean courage to face facts and quiet alm ost expressionless. “You w ill m ake your name a by­ see things as they really are— " She word. even am ongst these— th ese ridic­ looked away from him. "Mr. Chitten- ham, you know Julie doesn’t really . . . ulous people you call your friends.” hate you— ” "And that, of course, w ill break my S h e laughed rather sadly. heart. If it is not already broken." “I suppose 1 ought not to h are told Julie sneered. “It m atters so much what people like Doris Gardner and you that, but 1 can't bear to se e her Sadie Barrow say . . . They haven't as she is now, so reckless, so broken . . any vices th em selves, have they?” She stopped, afraid sh e had said too “A least Sadie does not drink,” Chlttenham interrupted unthinkingly. much, and for a mom ent th ere w as a H e saw the sudden look of angry profound silen ce, then Chlttenham suprise that flashed into Julie's eyes. held out his hand again. "Thank yon,” he said. “You seem to have found out a As Chittenham walked away from great deal about Sadie in a short the flat he made up his mind to one tim e,’ she said sharply. One does not have to be either thing. He would ask Sadie to (li­ very quick or very inquisitive to find vorce him. out such a thing." Giles answ ered. “As If Julie still loved him . . . ln his a matter of fact 1 find her very charm- heart he was sure that sh e did, and tng.” he added with an alm ost childish nothing else mattered. He had promised to lunch w ith his desire to stin g her. mother, but ln h is eargerness he for- But Julie cajmly agreed. So do I. She and I have a great got about it, and w ent straigh t to the deal in common. Chiefly our dislike hotel where Sadie w as staying, of your noble sex ,” She was out and they did not know "Schofield alw ays excepted, I sup- when sh e would be back. Gflee left pOSe_” a m essage ask in g her to ring him up. Julie laughed. He waited till six o'clock and rang "Lawrence Schofield certainly ex up Julie's flat. cepted. He Is b great friend of mine "No, Julle Is not ln. She rang Just —he is rich, and m oreover he is anx now to say she w as dining ou t and ious to marry me— ” j not com ing home to change. I think “You don't care two straw s about sh e is with Mr. Schofield still.” the man.” Giles hung the receiver and turned “On the contrary, I care a great away. He was pow erless, and yet he many straw s. Not that it is any bust- know that be could never be content n ess of yours— ” | to let things rem ain as th ey w ere. the N ortheast quarter and the North nt the stu ff on your fa ce. lo u d “It is my business when the woman He must see Julle again, som ehow . . . half of the Southeast quarter of Sec. have sebrned to use that much two Some on e tapped at hi« door. tion 21 tp. 15. S. R. 1 W. W. M., Lane nlon, hg ag0. Look at the life you’re I love talks of rushing into a rldlcu Mr. Lombard to see you sir. County, Oregon, lying eat t of the lpadln_ _ When von left my m other’s Ious marriage." County Road, and more particularly n,1'ng wn • __ . . "The woman you love»” Ju lie’s face "Counfound! . . . Oh, well, show him described as follow s to-wit: Begl-i-1 bouse last night you were hor flamed. "How Infinitely touching! and up.” ning at a point in the E ast line o f } drunk—” what a pity you are not free to marry Lombard seem ed nervous and apeló­ Section 21, Tp. 15 S. R. 1 W. W. M. j ulie laughed In his face. Think of the divine getic. “I say— ” he broke out sud- 20.00 chains South of the N o rth ea st; "Delightfully drunk!” she mocked me yourself. corner thereof and running thence ■ , bllss we should experience— think of denly. "I'm ln th e devil of a fix—” along the section line, nouth 40.00 him coolly. But go on. go on D on t Chlttenham looked up. chains; thence w est 10.25 chains to , let me spoil th is soul-saving lecture, the hnppy-ever-after ending. . . . ” Julle slipped past him and opened “Money?” tho conter of the County road; thence You've m istaken your vocation. You "How did you know?” Northerly along the c e n te r ' ot the ought to have been a low-church par- the door. i (Continued Next Week) "Please go,’ sh e said. »> y r * “ ’ - Blm spoke from the narrow hall 11.74 chains to the place of beginning; nrd and a cheat. . . . I can just picture Teacher—"If Columbus were alive containing 42.00 acres of land ln Lane , you In a clerical collar, with all the rather nervously: “Julle, dear, Mr. Schofield has Just today, wouldn't he be looked upon County, Oregon, together with the use o)(J (ahbles in the congregation—” as a remarkable man? of the water from the spring on the ¡ " Julie— t” driven up— ” land adjoining the above described Jim my—I’ll tell the world. He “I'm com ing at once.” She wrenched herself free of him. property tn Sec. 21, Tp. IB S. R. 1 There w as an eloquent silen ce aftei would be 500 years old. \V. W. M. twine County, Oregon, which i “I object to being called by my said land belonged to Carl Marks as j Christian name by you. I hat the the door had slam m ed behind her Boxcar Bill— Why Is Atchle stand- shown by that certain deed dated ngme anvwny You can keep It for then Blm half shrugggd her shoulders April 25th, 1922 and recorded In Book and went into the sitting-room where lng? my estim able cousin—sh e’ll appre­ 131 page 626 Lane Couhty Deed Sldedoor Sam— They’re playing hU ciate your cave-mnn attentions and I Giles stood staring out of the window. Records. "Don’t he too angry with her, Mr. Alma Mater Dated this 26th day of November, don’t—sh e . . Boxcar Bill—What is that? “I am so 1930. "She’s a braver woman than you Chlttenham," she said. Sldedoor Sam — The "Prisoner’« II. L. BOWN, sorry, so dreadfully sorry.” are— ” G iles said savagely. Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. Song.” He turned and looked at her. Julle shrugged her shoulders. Nov.27-D.4-ll.-18 25