PAGE TWO PLANS NOW UNDER WAY FOR HIGH SCHOOL PREP CONFERENCE AT U. OF O. TIDE 8PRINGFIKLD NEWS Famous Jockey Diet I. TOWN AND VICINITY THURSDAY, HEX’EM 11 ER 26. IMO MANY CHRISTMAS GUESTS AT OLSON HOME TODAY A large family gathering and t'hrlsl Plans are already being made at mas dinner Is being held at the home V is its fro m C adar F ia t a —J. W. University of Oregon for the annual Visit from Jasper Mr and Mra M of Mrs. Emma Glenn and her son Plummer of Cedar Plats was a visiter | A. Haines of Jasper were visitors high school conference, the date* tor Oswald today The gueala Include Odin in Springfield on Meuduy ufteruoeii which have been set as January 8. 9 n Springf eld on Tuesday. Ison of llrldul Veil, Oregon, younger and 10. One of the Interesting fea­ brother of Oswald, who will remuln L eaburg M an H s rs A. W. Frasee V id a Man H e rs -C. W. Allen of tures of this gathering Is the Journal- here until after the first of the new of l.eaburg was a business visitor In Vida wss a business visitor in Spring Ism contest which is always a part year; John Hatln of Tacoma, uncle Springfield Monday. | fil'd on Tuesday. of the meet. This year the schools of Oswald's; Ham Galloway, also of which won cups last year are being Purchases Feed J W, Grimes ef Tacoma; Dorothy llallln, who la at V is its from Lowell Harry Veateli asked to drop out so as to provide Vida purchased feed for his stock I Lowell visited friends In Springfield tending the I’nlveralty of Oregon at more even competition for the other while In Springfield Monday. Eugene; and Mr and Mrs. 11 K lams on Tuesday. schools with smaller resources. berry und children ef Westfir. Yarnell Man Here It. E. Hill ef | P o rtla n d People H ere M r and Mrs It is necessary that two or more ' Yarnell was a business visitor In R. G. Jarvis and daughter, lletty Jane issue« of the paper published by the Springfield on Monday afternoon. ef Portland spent the week end here school be sent to the Journalism at the Eugene Kester home. tchool at the University together with Walterville Resident H ere— Emil a letter of entry before January 8. Hauer ef Walterville was a visiter lu Has Major Operation Wuyne, tin In order to properly qualify for the "Snapper* Garrison, world's mot Springfield on Monday. Mi»» Catherine McL'aftery. a strn- small son of Mr and Mrs. Earl Tuller famous racing man, long since retired contest which Is divided into several •grapher in the Government Printing who died recently at the age of seventy Visitor from Leaburg -A Johnston I un,’erw*’n* “ m#J°r opem tlen at the Onice, selected as the typical District divisions with cups and awards in Eugene hospital on Monday evening •d Columbia tourne»» airi lotaburg was a business visitor In each division. FOREST FUNDS PAID TO Springfield Monday morning. Other sections of the high school Hom e fo r C h ris tm a s l>r. C. G. Van ■ 1 i - conference will be the student body COUNTY ON SATURDAY Visitor from Signal Mra. II. P. Valsah Of Portland Is spending the FR UIT GROWERS CANNERY officers’ meeting; girls' league, and Christmas holidays with his mother, ENDS SEASON'S PACKING The sum of $24,234 was received Newman of Signal was a visiter In Mrs R. 0 . Van Valsah. high school principals. One large ban Springfield on Saturday. at the court house Saturday by Grace quet for all delegates will be held The Eugene Fruit Growers aeeocla* Visiting Parents Mr and Mrs E at the university on Saturday eve­ Svhiska. treasurer, as Lcne county's Leaburg Man Hare— Beryl Slavens | L. McKinney left early Wednesday ,,on «’MUterjt dosed down Tuesday share of the federal governments re­ ning. of Ixtaburg transacted business in morning for latkeview to spend the ,ll,,r»«iK. ending Its year's activities. ceipts from the rental of national Springfield Monday. and muklng It possible for workmen holidays with his parents. forest lands lying in the county. This OPPOSITION VOICED to overhaul the equipment and to Oakridge Residents Here Mr. and sum represents one-fourth of the total Moving to Springfield John An I „lake necessary repairs to the build TO NEW BUDGET AT income from the national forests In Mrs Charles Hill of Oakridge were j derson, proprietor of the Ford gnruge. ¡ Inga. TAXPAYER MEETING l-ane county during the past year. vl Hors in Springfield on Friday. In nu y tur his family from Eugene I he vegetable pack itas been larger In the distribution of the funds. Opposition to the county budget as * per cent w,„ he turned o v ? ;7 o ., 7 ' L b .K ' ' . » ^ . , 2 , ? ' " " ' ' ~ ~ H McBee of Lowell wag a shopper J S ix th and A «treets prepared by the budget committee ' , cordlng to J O, Moli, generai manager, the echool fund and the remaining T H IN 24 H O U R S and submitted to the voters was In Springfield Friday. three-fourths will be used for county . III with Pneumonia The small 'uranlpa. carrots, cubbage and cauli* voiced at the meeting held at the roads. Visitor from Lowell—Delmar Ray I daughter of Mr. and Mrs Edward r hav,* been in great demand 9 YOU GET THE FU ll 9 court house Saturday morning during The annual meeting of the associa­ • The Cascade forest was the heaviest of Lowell was a business visitor In | Johnson of the Coburg bridge ills AMOUNT OF YOUR 9 the annual taxpayers budget meeting, contributor to the fund. This forest this city on Monday morning, trlct is ill at her home with pneu tion will be held early In March. 9 I O A N IN C A S H . « but it was finally adopted as prepared. was responsible for 22.820 09. The | „toil la 9 N O D E D U C T IO N S ! 9 Thirty people attended the meeting Leaves for Callfornle—E. Bauer of Umpqua forest provided $928.62; the RELATIVES GATHER AT SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS and heard County Judge C. P. Barnard Returns Home Miss Elsie Fresh Santlam. $28837; and the Siuslaw, Jasper loft Saturday for Chico. Call outline the various Items of the bud­ $187.62. COURTEOUS SERVICE 9 fornia to spend the holidays with his | U,.MI|!IV evening for her home at LARSON HOME TODAY 9 get. W. G. McFarland of Cottage wife and daughter. lain* Beach ufter having spent some Mr. and Mr«. J. M I «aritnn wr»* Grove moved that the budget be re Harry Wright time here visiting at the A. L. Wade entertaining at their home today with V is its S aturday jected by the taxpayers, stating that MR. AND MRS. DAWSON home. She Is a sister of Mr« Wade ENTERTAIN BRIDGE CLUB »Pe"‘ Saturday visiting in Springfield a Christina« dinner for Mr. Charles several Increases in the county offices IO A N SOCIETY He Is engaged in highway work on were not Justified under the present Leaburg Man H e re Ira Elston of Toftdahl, father of Mrs Laraoa; hei TlffA N V B U IID IN G , SECOND flO O « Members of the Bridge club were the upper McKenxle now. Leaburg was u visitor In Springfield r‘" r brothor», Ed, Nets, Frank, and financial condition of the country. He Cor. W llla m e t t * A eighth St*. R eturns to California- Mr. Roy D I on Tuesday. He was accompanied Mr M™ I’ete Toftdahl. mid her motion was turned down by the tax­ entertained Friday evening with a Christmas party at the home of Mr. P H O N E i 3 0 4 0 Wright left Springfield Saturday for I by Marlon, Clarence, and J W Elston ' l*, "r ,,r<>lher in law. Mr and Mrs payers. Special E U G E N E . O R EGON His principal objection was lodged and Mrs. W. R. Dawson. her home at San Francisco. She lias all of Leaburg. All or t|,e guests live were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pol­ Licensed by the State. In the vicinity of Junction City against the county clerk's office where guests lard and Mr and Mrs Walter Scott heen T‘’ l“ n« fr,ends ,n Springfield ~ ----------------- - R eturns fro m K la m a th Falla Ml” one item called for a salary for one High scores were won by Mrs. Welby Coming from Portland—Mr and I Audrey McPherson returned last night employee. W. B. Dillard, clerk, ex­ plained that this clerk's salary had Stevens and Mrs. Maude Bryan. Each Mrs. E. G. Faye of Portland will I from Klamath Falls to spend (the member exchanged gifts and refresh- spend Christmas day here with Mrs. I Christmas holidays with her parents. been paid out of the election fund ments were served by the hostess. Faye's mother, Mrs. C. I. Gorrie, Sr. I She Is teaching In the Klamath Falls this year, and that It would have to The next meeting of the club will I schools. be paid out of another fund next Returns from Portland—Mrs. Mary year. He explained that there would be held on January 9. at the home C. Magill returned Saturday evening not be any actual Increase In the of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson. from Portland where she has been LANE FAIR DATES SET cost of operating his office or an AT PORTLAND MEETING spending several months. Increase in the tax levy for his em HIGH SCHOOL CLASS D in n er G uests- Mr. and Mrs. D. < I Ixino county fair dates WPre ployees. AIDS NEEDY OF CITY 'Tin Christmas Day and la our hearts The major argument at the meeting England and family of Eugene will I nt the annual m a tin g of the Souai 1‘roblems class of the be dinner guests today at the home I Cnun|y and District Fairs association centered about a $600 Increase in the Sweet thoughts o f you do rent, igh school which is taught by Ernest of Mrs. England's mother. Mrs. C. I-I which was held at Portland last week salary of the county fruit inspector And wishes that with huppiness The 1931 budget calls for $2600 to McKinney, is doing its bit this year Gorrie, Sr. end. The Lane fair will be held on be allotted to the work of the fruit to make Christmas a more enjoyable Thine every hour be blessed. Spends Christmas Hsrs—Russell Ol­ August 26, 27. 28 and 29. Inspector's office. C. E. Stewart Ime for gome of the needy families Mrs. Mabel Chadwick was chosen present fruit inspector, explained to of Springfield. The class has busy son. son of Mr and Mrs. Carl Olson. I secretary of the association. She Is those present that the program of for two weeks collecting old clothes *» "Pending the Christmas vacation also secretary of the Ixtne county fair sterlizing bulbs, making inspections and other useful articles for the ,n ,hi» ci,y w,th hls PRrpnt» He *» association. Where the Pervie« Is Différant' and carrying on of the work of the needy, and they prepared five Christ employed in Portland. An attempt will lie mad» Io have a office was mandatory because of state mas baskets for families in Spring- Mr. I uniform code for all exhibitions drawn Spend C h ris tm a s in Eugene and federal laws, and that the sums field. and Mrs. D. B Murphy are spending I and presented to the legislature sc- allotted In previous years had been Christmas day with Mr. Murphy’s I cording to those attending the meet w > w b LADIES OF G. A. R. HOLD Insufficient for the work. parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Murphy,Ing. Under the present method ot Prominent horticultnrallsts, includ operating fair.« each county or district CHRISTMAS PARTY HERE . at their home In Eugene. lug H. S. Merriam of Goshen, and has Its own system. The group also Visit Sunday Mr and Mrs. Sam I pnt nn r,,(.ord as favoring the require- George Dorris, came to the defense The members of the Iuka circle of the added appropriation declaring number 28 of the Ladles Auxiliary of M,ller of Junction City spent Sunday I mpnt |ha, a |, exhtblt|„n Btock shall that next to lumber the agricultural the GG A R. held their annual Christ- »‘»«¡ng at the home of Mr and Mrs. haV(, pBRMpd thp abortion tests and horticultural activity of this coun­ mas parfy at the Springfield armory J M Lasron. Mrs. Miller is a sister 1 ty was of major Importance and on Thursday evening of last week. of Mrs.'Larson. ¡EARLY MORNING BLAZE should be aided and promoted. They had a decorated Christmas tree Home for Holidays—The Misses DESTROYS TWO TRUCKS and exchanged gifts. Refreshments In business there are opportunities for young men and Lucille Richmond and Edith Eaton were served at Egglmann's following EUGENE ATTORNEY WILL returned to their home here Saturday One large truck belonging to the women who have a Business College Training. the program. for the holidays They are attending I maintenance department of the state LEAD SCOUT DISCUSSION the Southern Oregon normal school , highway commission was completely rite above (late marks the beginning of our Winter E. O. Immel, Eugene attorney, will STATE FIRE OFFICIALS at Ashland. [destroyed and another partlnlly burned lead the discussion at the fifth of the TO V ISIT CITY SOON early last Saturday morning when term and there I k no better time to enroll. Ask about It. --------- Home for Holiday«—Virgil McPher- aeries of meetings being held weekly | flames destroyed the garage at Blue Two deputies from the state fire w n - assistant principal of the Dallas ! River L. A. Stites, employee of the In Eugene for all Lane county scout It's a Good School. workers and those interested In the marshal’s office are expected In ■ Junior high school, arrived yesterday [department, suffered bad burns about ‘¿ ¡ T » whcn'he an.-mpt.-d . work of scoots. The meeting will be Springfield this week-end or the first aftern o o n to spend the Christmas holi- Information to this “ays with his mother. Mrs. S. M. Me I |Rh , lre He waR taken held on Friday evening at the Cham of next week I . . . • . I ffect waa was containori contained in a letter re- Phpr«on. Phorson. her of Commerce rooms at 7:45. His < frect to a hospital In Eugene where he discussion will center about the “De­ eelved here last week by Hugh Joilff. Attend Medical Meet—Dr. and Mrs. | was given medical care. velopment of 8couters and Scouts." fire chief. The letter did not state tho » .u * . N- w - F>ow drove to Portland S a t u r - --------------------------- A. E. ROBERTS, President The discussion will include a consider although it is thought th*v ere'conBng d“r m° rnln* Wh*re th*’ dOCt° r ’“ LOMBARD HOME SCENE atlon of leadership, merit badge pro­ 8 tended a ' meeting * j * . — of medical and Phono 666 OF FAMILY GATHERING gram, scout craft as leisure timet pro­ to inspect the schools. Eugene,.( Jregon Miner Building dental men. They returned the same j gram to vocation, and merit badge day. Many relatives of Mrs. Ella Ixim- M arriag e Licenses Issued examination. During the past week marriage 11- To Take Trip—-Dr. and Mrs W. H. hard are gathering at her home here censes have been Issued by the county Pollard will leave Springfield Friday, today for their Christmas dinner, COUNTY ROAD CLEAN-UP clerk to the following: Galen Oar- the day after Christmas, for San Th"»« ’>e»e are Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey GETS STARTED MONDAY outee. Cottage Orove, and Mary Ha- Francisco for a short visit. They have nrown' Mr an<1 Mr" Rvnn I'o^’ha^,, A general cleanup of all county zel Thomas. Los Angeles; Robert Earl not decided Just what date they will P f Eugene. Miss Geneva Benn of Gossler “ Portland, ' Mr. * and Mrs. « Walter r -i.— n . roads In Lane county was put under Austin and Lula Aydelott, both of Eu- return. and family, William Benn of Wiscon way Monday morning under the dl geen; Wilmer Overholzer, Westfir, E n te rta in Guesti -E u g en e, Oregon t,42 W illam ette S t , Mr. and Mrs. I H| n. and Maurlne and Frank Lombard rectlon of M. J. Thompson, county and Nellie Calvert, Eugene; L. C Cagle and Oeta Overholzer, both of (-‘yde Simpson and two daughters, | and Mrs. Iximbard road officer, when several trucks with R‘»«r three or more men on each were sent Westfir; William Saunders and Ina Betty and Ma*lne. »« »f out to travel over the roads and to McKay, both of Marcola; Joseph Sou and Ray Fa"lke of Salem were guests F|R £ HOSE TRUCK GETS •a, Carteria, California .and Orella Sat,,rday at the home of Mr. and gather all tin cans, paper, and other Mrs D B Murphy. ' NEW COATING OF PAINT refuse which mars the appearances Thllson, Hydesville, California. Stnartl Low PricecU ~~ ~ - Go to Portland—Mr. and Mrs. W. | The automobile which Ihe d ly fire of highways and roadsides. IM " 1 uttS ° h' Doctor’ hor' E Walker have gone to Portland department usee as an aulxllary hose Fresh, attractive wash dr»«««« jq _ a7 A gal“ed 15 pound" ln where they are spending Christmas "»»t ’» «‘’¡"K ktven a new coat of BROOMS AGAIN TROUBLED the last month. day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolfe. | red paint this week by Hugh Joilff. wear around the hotiae . . . well-made BY OFFICERS OF LAW Dr. Cutter—You shouldn't complain, The first coat of the of splendid cotton material« . . . and Mrs. Wolfe Is a sister of Mrs Walker Cf« c.h'ef. with chicken worth 30 cents a pound. She has Invited all of the Walker | i waf> “PPl'ed ‘a»‘ week and Ihe Mark Broom, well known In this they are priced at J, C Ptnngy finishing coat is being put on this families to her home for the day. vicinity for hls frequent arrests on “ 8» for Angus—Tavish MacTavish has a week. various charges has recently been canny way of heatin’ the mother-ln- Roseburg Man V is it» — Homer E sentenced at Tillamook to serve three law game. He encourages his mother-, Wright of Roseburg was a visitor In ] years In the state penitentiary on a inlaw to live In hls home instead Springfield on Monday. Mr. Wright charg of larceny on a person. He of drivln' her away. j Is operating a fur and taxidermy plant | has filed notice of appeal. Mrs Sandy—I don't see how that trick at Roseburg. He says that hls buel- Your old discarded T ricycles Broom, who was arrested with him and solves the problem. ness has been very good this fall. He ! and B icycles. tried was alto found guilty, but was Angus—Why, raon, hls mother In-law Is a former resident of this vicinity given a suspended sentence condi­ is such a dlvvil hls wife seems an and spent the day visiting with old tional upon good behavior. 120 W. 8th Eugene angel In comparison. ‘ frlen(lH and former nelghborR B E N E I IC IA L R G G IM A N N ’ v S J Monday, January Five - 1 9 3 1- Eugene Business College J. C. Penney Co. ■»«• D B P A B T M B N T « IT O R B Wash Dresses WANTED 2 for $1.00