> ANt> H t •— w h w w rrH J A. TAJ<-V>C)-r 1 I J _______________ W ell, kid«. th‘ yarn to­ day has to do with a fight on th' high seas, and how a big bully met hi« match. Topa'I Barney's schoon­ er. on which Kaugy and I were takin' a cruise, had sailed from Thursday Is­ land and was In th' Java Sea. nearing Bornao. One mornin’ Kangy was peekin’ into a barrel near th' galley, which is th' ship's kitchen, when Big Pete, one of th’ crew, lit a match, and from behind an end of th ’ fo'c’stle held th ’ burning match to th* end of Kangy’s tail From th’ break of th’ quarter-deck I saw ih' whole thing, but it happened before I could in­ terfere. Poor Kangy yip- ped and jumped abolit th ’ deck. Th' sailors thought it a rich joke, and Big Pete laughed louder than any. I was good and mad, for Kangy was my pal, and be­ sides, I can't stand by and see animals cruelly treated. TM,' B lC »W A tS B o P k T Kix»A< •'< '> ' W 'T W A M M ' S « Tops’l Barney had heard th' rumpus and came on deck from below. When I told him what Big Pete had done he was for keelhaulin' th' bully. But Kangy, knowin' who had burned his tail took th' punish­ ment of th' big sailor into his own hands, as you might say. With his eyes fairly shootin* fire he made for Big Pete. Bein’ a fighter. Pete hauled off and landed his fist on Kangy’s tender nose. But Kangy was a fighter, too. Orabbin* a bucket of tar in his paws he jumped again and clap­ ped th' bucket, ta r and all, over Pete's head. That was too much for th’ big bully. With a tarry yell, spittln* tar at every jum p, he ran, with Kangy after him. Well s’r that sailor was so scared that he Jumped over th' rail and into th’ sea. O f course we fished him out. but after that he left Kangy alone. kzawri Y IK E / 7X AMV, t W 'JZ O N l \ A V ,N e ,w o ’ p u k \x /r r ' T H ’ B L O O K IM KAMfeAfcOO'. E ' r t , w o~ r Z .H O M P I------- Y U K A . t>A U E IA .W O T T tH ^ P V tE tU 'i o u H A N D Q U E ^ T h E PRICE ro n a neuj .f/jE C E - v- P~ O » l \N lL U U tK E F O H ,- M a k e •T h a t G u y PAV FOR- iT , h e h a d n o "B u s in e s s G E T T tN ’ o u t o f -T h e v J A y