~ ' P age six TIIE SPRING FIELD NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER IK. 193(1 Baldwin, Billy Burnett, Bert t'urrle. "TOM SAWYER" LAUDED Jewel Farnaworth. Harold Foaa, Don AS GREAT TALKIE FILM aid House, Kllae Ingram, Angela Krup 1 ka. Helen Lyon«, Barbara Nealon. i Every boy In America from six to Muriel Tyson, sixty will get a thrill out of seeing Attendance — Eva Brink. Gordon Murk Twain's Immortal story of Tom Freddie Neet, Rose Ogden. Karl Fed Sawyi’r lived again upon the screen erson. Robert Perry, Anita lhjgh. Dor-' All the carefree Joys of boyhood ,-irst Grade at Lincoln Lists No orthy Rausdell, Helen Putman. Lloyd days such ns Tom thiwyer and every Seamans, Ikuina Jean Severson, lk>an Names on Scholarship Due to other redblnoded youth enjoyed are Poor Attendance; Entire List Vaughn. Teacher, Mrs. Riddle. brought bark with a rush when the Seventh Smaller This Time Than i Scholarship—Frances, Keeler, Bar­ lives of t hese never-to tie-forgotten characters are viewed through the for First Period. bara Barnell. Florence May. acting of Jackie Coogan as Tom Saw Attendance—Donald Bldwell, Ken­ Measles has struck a wide swathe yer, Mltxi Green us Becky Thatcher, neth Cos, Howard Fritts. Sammie in the honor rools of the two grade ’ Gott, Donald Kendall. Eugene May and Junior Durkin ns Huckleberry schools of Springfield during the last Howard Nesbett, Barbara Barnell, lai Finn. .k t ***** wadin', writin', and 'nth.net?« beTS nugrw in thU modest little log cabin at Mt. Lebanon, Pa . western P e B ftly lv a a u ! six weeks period, in the first gTade Moyne Black, Deloris Castile, Colene "Tom Sawyer" Is the kind of ma oldest school Structure. I t wss moved to M t Lebanon nark frrxJ at the Lincoln school there are no 1 Cornell, Fern Fisher. Pearl Hllter ' terlal that the talking eernen was Beadling. and dedicated Armistice Day. P " '• greateal atory ever told In audlhl Eighth B "AUNT LUCIA" PLAY CAST over Sunday of last weak. , celluloid. The only pleture that ever had been out so much of the time Scholarship—Irvin Darr. Velma Ped that It was not fair to judge them d|cord g j ,,,' s eTerson News of .he arrival of a baby girl. «»PPr«m< h«wl It for sheer magnificence The American Legion wants to S a r a h on the work they had actually com Kltsabelh. on November ‘,r,“lur"'*" «»<1 •»<«»..« Is Attendance — Charles Cole. Irvin thank all of those who contributed ,'Peter Pan" but "Peter Pan” wuH a pleted during the time they were In thirr. Edwin Miller, Bisque Smith. 28 to Mr and Mrs. L. 1». Garmlre , of their time and talent to make the silent pleture. school. Ray Smith. Allen Sneed. Carl Steven at Tigard, Oregon. has been received '•Tom Sawyer" Is. and perhaps will The measles have kept many stu­ son. Franklin Wardlow. Dick Wright. showing of "Aunt Lucia" the success at Pleasant HUI. Mr». Garmlre was dents out o f school for several times Eugene Ma Losh. Essel Adams, Vir­ that It was. Officers of the Legion formerly Belle Wimmer who lived at I remain, the talk of the talkie age for the period of quarantine as two 01 ginia Brink, Lucile Davis. Winifred were more than pleased with the cast Pleasant Hill and had a large class Hom»» time to come. three other members of the family Frani, Margaret Haack Ix>ls Johan and their performance. They also of music pupils. usually come down with it at about son. Viola Robertson. Edna Severson, wish to thank those who assisted Miss Three 4 H clubs were formed among PIONEER RESIDENT DIES i _,. , , Graft with the rehearsals and the the time the first one is ready to ^m kins ‘ “ Bk- Up W° rk b*fop” '*>’’ AT WEST SPRINGFIELD the girls of Pleasant Hill high school per- return to school. last week. Camp cooking, sewing and formances. The complete list for the three John W Huke. 81. died at his home Eighth A ________________ room Improvement. Mrs. Cope-land Is schools follows: nt West Springfield Monday evening Scholarship—Clair Hadly. Evelyn p R iS C | . , » h h i i t a ' leader for all three clubs. They meet Johnson. Verlin Posey. Faye Stratton. CLUB TO BRATTAIN SCHOOL Wednesday afternoon at the high He hud been a resident of the dis HAVE MEETING TODAY trlt-t since 1884, and Is survived by Mary Smltson. Pearl Wills. Sixth A school. his widow, Mrs. Alice Hake; two sons, Attendance — Clair Hadley, Irvin Scholarship—Elisabeth Johnson. Ev­ Miss Josephine Mathews, who has Members of the Priscilla club will elyn McKlIn. Margaret, Meek Vila House, Ellen Moskop. Mary Smitson. hold their regular meeting tlhs after­ employment In Portland, spent the Fred Hake of Kula, and Ira Hake of Fall Creek; two daughter, Mrs. Mary Tate. Weight. Lois Wilson. noon at the home of Mrs. John Parker last weekend with her parents, Mr Myrtle Petri of Portland, and Mrs. Attendance—Bernice Barnes, Ros HIGH SCHOOL Members of the club win furnish the and Mrs. Ross Mathews. Il C, Dean of West Springfield; a coe Cole. Gordon Gillett. Margaret ■ Freshmen—Evelyn Bacus, Beatrice various courses for their luncheon An There will be a Christmas program Meek. Stephen Rice. Vila Weight. Lois Elmer. Betty Mersdorf De Etta Sand exchange of gifts will be made after at the church next week. The young brother, Israel Hake, and a sister, Mrs. Susan Felbel, both of Fort At gathe, Elizabeth. Wilson, Clarence Clark. the luncheon. folks are practicing a play and the kins. Wisconsin. Sixth B Sophomores— Virginia Christie, Le- Pleasant Hill high school glee club The deceased was horn at Fort Scholarship—Louisa Cowden. Junior H* Clark. Robert Elmer. Leola Gates. Is practicing Christmas carols. Atkins on February 13, 184» and came * UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ Steinhäuser. Melba Harris, Bertha Keenan. Lela At a meeting of the Girl Scouts to Gregon in 1884. settling in West Attendance—James Young, Lucille Maxwell, Marjorie Prochnow. Marcel- Tuesday several more received theli Springfield at that time lie was Two very interesting and exciting Tenderfoot pins. Gerber. Shirley Lowery. Mary Fritts. , ine Seavey, Florence Vail. married to Miss Alice Gordon on N< ll-all were played at Jessica Lawson. Louise Cogill, Ila Juniors—Doris Chace. Beulah Rlch- games of The Pleasant Hill high school has Putman. Louisa Cowden, and Edward ardson, Hazel Shelley, Lela Squires. *^e Pleasant Hill high school gymnas- ketball teams will go to Florence vember 7, 1887. ., . The funeral services were held from him lust Friday night when the Mo­ Blick. • George Thatcher. . / r !•*••• — .........................., Sixth B Seniors—Mvrna Bartholomew. Down hawk and the Pleasant Hill teams Friday night and Mapleton high on on Wednesday afternoon Interment Scholarship — Clifford Hornberger. Church. June Clover, Dale Daniels. met. The girls game was nip and Saturday night. was made In Laurel Grove cemetery. Roy Steele. Sadie Gott, Ethel Gott, Franklin Elmer, Gilbert Ernsting, Dor- tuck throughout the game bu the last The high schol class of the Pleas­ Bemiece Smith, Ruth Keeler, Clara othy Fisher, Mary Hadley, Ruth Lee, quarter Pleasant Hill weakened and ant Hill Christian church held an NOTICE TO CREOITORS Brooks. Irene Smith. Irene Manley, Daisy Tomseth. Nellie the score at the end of the game open house meeting at the home of Notice Is hereby given that the on stood 31 to 21 In favor of Mohawk Attendance—Dale Carson, Bessie Stuart. Bonnie Jeon Tinker Sunday afternoon dershtned has been duly appointed The Pleasant Hill boys were In the December 4. As many of the young Kxecutrlx of the estate of Abraham Cox, Jean Daniels. Sadie Gott. Ethel ----------------------------- lead throughout the game but the folks are practicing for the Christmas I .ay ton. deceased, and any and all Gott. Earl House. Clifford Hornberger, , ________________________________ last quarter the Mohawk boys scored exercises only a few were present. persons having claims against the Ruth Keeler. Neal Pedersen, Berniece ‘ _ - - - At Fox McDonald said estate are hereby required to U points to Pleasant Hill 4 Keller Those present were I-ore luilrd, Verna present said claims, duly verified as Smith. Irene Smyth, Clara Brooks. +. of Mohawk made a sensational basket Wiley, Veda Daley, Kvelyn Phelps. by law required, at the law office of Hattie Clark. Leroy Garvin. by throwing the ball almost to the Luclle Jordan, Nancy Barnum and my attorney. II. K Slattery, 717 WII Fifth B lamette St.. In Eugene, In laine Conn celling, through the rafters and down Helen Settle. Scholarship—Henry Chase. Leland ty. Oregon, within six months from for a clean basket. The score was Neher. Edgar Trotter, Tommy Uchytll. the date of this notice. 31 to 21 in favor of Pleasant Hill, SPRINGFIELD MILL DOWN: Attendance— Edgar Trotter. Wesley Dated and first published December 18th, 1830. Mohawk won the preliminary second Robertson. Alvin McBee. Robert Horn WENDLING PLANT STARTS EMMA LAYTON, string game by 13 to 12 berger. James Hebert, Floyd Cornell. Executrix of the estate of Abraham The Lowell high school boys basket- Wayne Woolley. Enda June Yarnall. The Springfield plant of the Bootn- laiyton, deceased. 1 ball team was defeated by the Lorane Kelly Lumber company closed down Address 793 West 5th St. Teddy Wright. Maxine Smltson. Mar team at Lorane Friday evening by last week-end and will not operate II. K. Slattery. Attorney for Kxecutrlx. gle Mulligan. Marjorie Inman. Francis D.18 25 J I 8 If. a score of 24 to 21. The score was again until the first of the new year. Cornell. 21 to 21 until the last of the game. Fourth B At the same time the mill at Wend- In the last four minutes 2 long shots Scholarship—Peter Ohace. Frank ling started again on Monday and won the game for Lorane Bennett. Paul Nott. Violet Steele. Mil­ w! I operate while the mill here Is On the afternoon of Friday, Decem­ c’oaed. dred Billings. The Springfield mill has ber 12, the Lowell high school enter­ closed down a week or two before Attendance—Carl Blick. P e t e r tained the girls of Walker, Croswell Christmas for several years. Chace. Alice Clark. Betty Currie. Mar­ and Pleasant Hill at a "play day." garet Hornberger. Paul Nott. Harold Trotter. Carmel Waddell, and Leroy The afternoon was spent playing CO. CHAMBER TO MEET AT Church. Constance Bennett starring in "Sin games, tennis, basketball, volleyball JUNCTION CITY TONIGHT Third B In the spacious gymnasium. Refresh­ Takes A Holiday”, a Pathe Scholarship—Milo Severson, Chester ments were served at 4 o’clock by Picture. The monthly meeting of lho I^ine Schiewe, Arthur Prochnow. Eugene the Lowell girls. ■ounty Chamber of Commerce will be Fulop. Mae Etta Moon. Bertha Law- At the regular session of the Low­ held at Junction City this evening. son, Dallas Knight ell Grange held at the Lowell high Icverai business men plan to attend. • Attendance— Irene Gerber, Commo­ school the following officers were F. Steele, secretary of the Eugene dore Bird. Marion Phair, Andrew Gott, elected: Master, H. W. Veatch, re­ hamber of Commerce will be the Dallas Knight. elected; chaplain, Mrs. C. E. Warner, i inrlpal speaker. Second B re-elected; lecturer, Mrs. M. E. Ed Scholarship — Bob Adams, John wards; secretary, Joe Walker, re With the razing or the old post- Carrels. Dorothy Flanery, Ethel Ruth Principal Events of the Week elected; treasurer, Emery Hyland, re­ office building, the last of Cove's old Fulop, Billie Haek, June Mulholland, Assembled for Inform atien elected; steward, C. A. Hamilton, re­ Peggy Wright. Virginia Leep. elected; gate keeper, Earl Drury; landmarks Is rapidly disappearing. of Our Readers. Attendance—Bob Adams, Margaret assistant steward, R. A. Templeton, Part of the building was the old Dixie Bird. John Carrels. Albert Clark, Ethel Oris Ruby Hyland, Flora Juanita Ed­ schoolhouse built In the late '60s, and pioneers recall the time they attend­ Ruth Fulop, Ralph Gerber, Peggy The old town pump In Jacksonville, wards; Pomona, Mrs. T. P. Powers; Wright. which has served thirsty residents of lady assistant steward, Mrs. Orover ed school there. The main part of the building has stood for mors than First Grade the pioneer town for 75 years, Is be­ Walker. 60 years. This Is the only one of the Scholarship—Howard Carrels, A1 ing replaced by a modern drinking Miss Margaret Dent of Roseburg six old landmarks not destroyed by berta Williams, Betty Jean Jacobson, fountain. The pump has stood beside "A---------------------------- ----------------------- Tommy Thomas, Betty Pat Aldrich, the Beekman bank, oldest bank In Dick Gott, Peggy Anderson. Ofegon, since 1855, and In its time Attendance—Betty Pat Aldrich, Peg­ drew water from Its well for stage gy Anderson, Betty Jean Jacobson, . coach passengers and horses. Presi­ Beulah Martin, Lois Phair, Genevieve 1 dent U. 8. Grant Is among the famous Robertson, Lois Mae Rodenbough, persons known to have used the Claire Trotter, Alberta Williams water. Howard Carrelg, Fritts Smltson. Peacock spit, one of the most profit­ LINCOLN SCHOOL able fishing grounds at the mouth of First Grade the Columbia river, is rapidly disap­ Scholarship—No scholarships due to ! pearing under tidal action. The spit 8TORE NO. 1 poor attendance. Is now leased by the Columbia River 125 East Broadway, Eugene Attendance—Margie Severson. Wil­ Packers association at a rental of |36,- ma Knight, John Ogilvie. Teacher 000 a year. STORE NO. 2 88-86 West Broadway, Eugene A FEW SUGGESTIONS Opal Roberts. One large sawmill, the plant of the Second Grade Umpqua Mills & Timber company, Is Scholarship—Iva Gillette, Gladys i running full time at Reedsport. The Potted Plants Cut Flowers Pederson, Flora Bertsch, Olive Johan­ plant will close for the holidays and son, Nancy Davis, Sidney Ward. Billy POINSETTIAS ROSES then resume. The three other mills G. G. Blend Dawson. at Reedsport are closed for an In­ CYCLAMEN 1 lb. SNAP DRAGON Attendance—Willard House, Warren definite time. Ingram, Eva Severson, Aretha Young. BEGONIAS CARNATION The proposal that local business Teacher, Crystal M. Bryan. houses supply Oregon-made products KERNS Variety of Others Fourth Grade Scholarship—Karl Scott Jr., Bob free for Oregon products dinners that 16 Oz. Davis, Robert Nice, Lawrence Thomp­ are to be served by churches of the Can city has been approved by the mer­ son. Attendance—Junior Endicott, Frank chants' committee of the Baker Cham ber of Commerce. Howes. Robert Nice, Maxine Cogill, ■ We are taking order now for Christmas Delivery. Jerry Lee, 7-year-old daughter of Lillie Tate. Teacher, Miss Edna Platt Minnesota Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller of near Cor­ Fifth Grade «¿Cans vallis, wag cut and brul.ed when she Scholarship—Oliver Adams, Gordon ' was mauled by an enraged cow. She Baldwin, Billy Bernett, Elise Ingram, was putting her pony In the barn Helen Lyons,, Margaret Nelson, La when the cow, which had a young; • U I O C I I , la . . . . . _ . Verne McPherson, Leonard Pursell, Minnesota West end Eugene Springfield Bridge Phone 86-W Lloyd Seamans, Donna Jean a .™ ,™ . Cans ................ MEASLES EPIDEMIC . HITS HONOR ROLLS BROTHERHOOD ELECTS NEW OFICERS MONDAY Frank Bartholomew was reelected president of the Men's llrotherhool of the Methodist church nt the meeting of that orgunluliou which was held ett Monday evening Other officer« elected for 1831 are Rev. C, J, Pike, first vice president; W. K llilell, sec­ ond vice president; Dr. N. W. Emery, reelected third vlee president; Dr. W II Pollard, fourth ♦lee president; <| It. Wood, siaretary; J F Vaughn, treasurer; and Sam Bartholomew, chaplain and song lender. COLONIAL FRIDAY <& SATURDAY OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Gary Cooper in “ONLY the BRAVE” FL O WERS Are Always Appreciated They Make’.'Ideal Gifts Good Coffee 19c Pink Salmon 10c Pea« Q Kirkland’s Floral Co. 25c Golden Corn 2 QC ZuC STORE NO. 3 960 Charnelton St., Eugene STORE NO. 4 500 Main 8treet, 8prlngfleld Heinz White Vinegar o - ZdC Quart ........... Dili Pickles r> 4ZC No. 10 "Gallon Can jt Minton’s Pumpkin 2 Cans - 25c Sorguhm Packed in Yakima Valley *■> A 2’/ a lb. can O4C