I THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS. 1930 THE SPRINQFTELD NEWS TOWN AND VICINITY PAGE FIVE W a lte rv llls Man Hara—Charles Hyl - OUTDOOR ILLUM INATIO N vaster of Waltervllle was a business c u r r c c T im u c c iu c u vlaltor In Springfield yeeterday. SUGGESTIONS ARE GIVEN SPRINGFIELD MEN ATTEND EUGENE CHAMBER DINNER THURSTO N Wlnberry Rasldant Hara— Mrs. A. The decorations of home on the out­ Mrs. Ira Gray attended the Texas Mntbuny of Wlnberyy was a shopper side m well a» on the Inside Is rapidly club meeting at Mrs. M. J. McKlin’s III at Home Mra. Katie DrumaUa Ossrhorn Rasldant H a ra M rs J C. In this city yeaterday. becoming aa Important a manifesta­ In HprlngHeld last Wednesday. V la III nt h«r home this week. Hoffman of Dearborn wua a shopper tion of the Christmas spirit as the Clifford Weaver and Mrs Mary Me Visits Frlanda—C. 8. Mtxxney of Christmas tree Itself. Elroy of Salem visited the Weaver Visits Frlanda Mra. Wesley Hcrog In Springfield on Wednesday. Wlnberry vlalted with friends In No longer Is all the gaiety of the family several days last week. gins of Murciilu vlslteil will) friend» Spends Waak-and at Medford- Dr. Springfield Wednesday. holiday season closely shut within the Professors Ernest McKinney and in Hprlligflnld on Monday. It. I*. Mortensen spent the week-end walla of people's homes. Everywhere Glen Martin from Springfield visited at Medford on hualnesa. Purchases Feed—Oscar McMann ol Vida People Hara Mr. and Mr». j It haa become the custom to twine friends In Thurston last Wednesday. Thurston bought feed auppllea while Frank Mluney of Vida were vlaltor» strings of twinkling, colorful lights Visits Wadnaaday Mra. B. O. Smith In Springfield on Wednesday. Mra. Beulah Harblt has been 111 about the porches and eavea of the during the past week. In f*prliiRfleld »n Hnlurdny. of Natron waa a vlaltor In Spring- Held yesterday. Raturna for Winter—Hugh Ixin»- houses, to festoon them from the Miss Mary Allen from Eugene spent Vlalta from Nawman Mr». H. I*. hedge» and trees on the lawns, to Sunday night In Thurston. berry haa returned from California Newinun of Hlguul wu» u vlallor In Transact^ Bualnaaa —Charles Neet place In them wreaths at the windows. Hubert Gray has been III for sev­ of Wlnberry was u business visitor where he la employed by a large log- HprlngHeld on Friday. glng concrn during the summer. He Where once only darkness and gloom eral days with tonsllltls. In Springfield Wednesday. will spend the winter with friends ! Prevailed » » » these gay little lights Rev. Ooff took Sunday dinner at Ill at Home Ml»» Dorothea Fr«»« canoe hearts to beat higher with the Ray Baugh's. Thurston Rasldant Hara—Bart Mat­ In Springfield. wu» III at her home the flrat pert i pleasant consciousness that the sea- thew» of Thur»toii wu» a vlaltor In The St. Mary’s basketball teams of the week. Recovsrlng from Operation— Mr» »on Of friendliness, of hospitality and iron Eugene played the Thurston Mprlngflcld yesterday. Visitor from Westfir Mr» A. F. Virgil Moon, who recent underwent a good cheer la here again. high school teams on the local floor Transacts Bualnaaa Ira Gray of major operation at the Ilerrlek of Weatflr wnn u buslnus» Eugene boa It 1». pleasant to come to a festively last Friday evening. St. Mary's boys vlaltor In Springfield on Saturday Thuraton woe u business vlaltor In pltal. la recovering according to her lighted house. It In pleasant to go won. Thurston girls were victorious. Springfield yesterday. forenoon. attending phyalclan and will soon be calling at one. It la pleasant Just to Nert Friday evening the basketball uble to leave for her home. She | paea by one. One feels Instinctively teams from Dorena will play Thurston Shop» Wednesday Mrs. Charles Vlalta Parent» Mr». W. K. Hornell formerly lived In thia city, but now a warm friendliness towards the In­ high school teams on the local floor. and her daughter. llarltara, »pent Sun Carter of Doerborn waa a ahopper In makes her borne ut Goodpasture mates of such a dwelling and wishes There are Several new cases of day at Monmouth where they vlalted thia city yesterday. Island. them well—for haven't they, through n easles lu the neighborhood this with Mr» IturueU'a parent». Vlalta from Vida lleter Finn ot their Jolly little light», wished us week. The primary grade room 1c well? Ooaa to California- Ml»» Ituth Cruft, Vida spent part of Wednesday with the school was closed several days director of the American Ixigton play, friend» In Springfield. Substitute a red lamp for the cuat- ’ast week as all were III but tar J. At Fox McDonald + omary one In your entrance fixture "Aunt Lucia,** left HprlngHeld Salur Lawrence Gossler and children are Buy» Feed B F. Simmon» of Thur­ and put a wreath around It. day nlaht for San Francisco. rcavering from the measles. ston purchased feed for his stock Place electric candle« In Christmas Blue River basketball teams will Shop» Monday Mr«. Leonard Hog«» while In HprlngHeld yesterday. wreathe In your windows. (Electric olay the club basketball team on the of Marcvola »»« one of the many candles are far safer than the wax local floor Thursday evening. Vlaltor from Camp Creak—J. T. out oftow n women »hopping at the variety.) Miss Hazel Edmlston, who Is teach- Rossman of Camp Creek vlalted with local stores on Monday. Run colored lights through the trees Ing at Mount Vernon, is preparing a friends In Springfield on Wednesday. Christmas program to be held at the and shrubbery on your grounds. Her» from Chase Gardens- -Mr» Go to California-M r. and Mrs. W. Place Christmas trees In tubs In schoolhouse to be followed by a basket Thoms» Patrick, formerly Joaephlne the yard and trim them with strings social for Friday evening the proceeds John», until her marriage recently, I Smith have «one to California to •pmid the CbrlNtmaa holiday» with are to pay for an organ for the I of colored lights. wu» a visitor at the home of Mr». Mr. and Mr». A. Lane near Oakland. Indies are all Invited to Run strings of colored light« along school. M. A. I’ohl on Wednesday. bring baskets. your veranda. Hag Operation- Mrs. Wagner, a Falla from Blcycla Norton Pengra Place colored lights In your flowei received a had cut on lit» head and resident of East HprlngHeld. under­ i boxes. Your Favorite Photo Enlarged went a major operation at the Pacific ■mother one on hl» hand Monday noon Place illuminated stars over the Christian hospital on Wednesday. and Hand Colored in Beauti­ when he fell from a bicycle which he I doors or on the roof of your house. ful Eas’ l Frame (5x7 in.) wa» riding. Visiting Mother Odin Olson of Illuminate your Christmas trees. Only $1.49 Bridal Veil. Oregon. Is In Springfield I both those used Indoors and those In Think of It; a regular $5.50 value for Return» Horn» Mr» K. II Clark to spend the Christmas holiday» with I the yard, with strings of tiny electric $1.69 Just to introduce. Makes Ideal and two children left Friday evening his mother, Mr» Emma Olson, and hla Xmas Gifts—mailed postpaid. Send I lights for their home nt Oakland. California brother, Oswald, who la employed at Place colored lights, one red and is any good kodak negative (any size) They were gue»t» nt the home of Mr. state color of hair, eyes, clothes, etc. the Southern Pacific depot. ¡one green. In twin sockets and place and in a few days receive enlarge­ and Mr» J. Ix»»lte Clark while here. them In the windows. ment, in easel frame In Beautiful Entertain« with Dinner—Mra. A. B. Seville Colors, Natural, Lifelike and Eye Treated C Hall. driver of a Van Valxah entertained Dr and Mra. guaranteed non fading. Send I or bakery truck for the William» Bakery Jackie Coog»n, M in i Green FOOD AND RUMMAGE SALE W. H. Pollard and their fnmlly at a more negatives TODAY. Limited Time In (he Paramount Pieru ra of Kugene had r. bothersome foreign Offer. Lester Photo Service, 207 large dinner at her home on Sunday. '•T O M SAW YER" SUCCESSFUL SATURDAY Babette Manor Bldg., 835 East Ank­ partlcln removed from hl« eye Friday eny, Portland, Oregon. (DepL 1002) at the office of a local phyalclan. Doctor to Leave— Dr. Eugene Kester The cooked food and rummage sale will leave hla office Friday for an MR. AND MRS. McLAGAN Lowell Paopla Hara Mr«. W Briley which the women of the Iuka circle Indefinite period. Mrs Clara Fawyer HONORED W IT H DINNER number 28 of the Ladles of the G. A. mid her daughter, both of Iaburg Portlnnd Wednesday evening to meet the community ball at 6:30 to honor the back part of the salesroom. Mr. and Mr«. W. C. Mr Lagan, who were vlaltor» In Springfield Monday Mr» Miller*» father. They returned Tranaacta Bualnaaa II A. Ilowe of to thin city thl» morning. will Hoon leave for North Bend where Vida was a business vlaltor In Spring Mr Mclxtgan will manage the new Return from California—Mr» Riley Held on Saturday. power plant for the Mountain States Snodgrass nnd Mr». Wm. Curtiss re­ At Oregon City—John F Ketela Hr turned Tuesday from San Francisco Power company. »pent the week end nt Oregon City Dr. W. C. Rebhan, president of the where they »pent the week end vlalt- Motor to Portland—Mr nnd Mr«. Ing Mrs. Snodgrass' »on. Kenneth De Lions club, made a short address In J. C. IVderaon and daughter,« Dora Lassus. behalf of the organtatlnn. and Minn, nnd (Benn Vaughn drove to I'ortlnnd Sunday to visit relative». W. K. Ha meli. W. A. Taylor, W. H. Hobbs, and H. E. Maxey repre­ sented Springfield at the regular monthly dinner meeting of the Eu­ gene Chamber of Commerce on Mon­ day evening. J. M. Plummer and R. B Oldham represented West Spring- Held. The two group« had been In­ vited to send reprsentatlves to the meeting and to hear H. O. Mitchell, district manager of the department of commerce at Portland, discuss the canalization of the Willamette river from Oregon City to Springfield. Mr. Mitchell Is making a survey of the tonnage which may be expected should the government agree to canalize the river. He Is doing bis work at the request of the United States army engineers. t WANTED Visiting at Halfway- Mr«. Jim Mr Munlmnn left Friday for Halfway. Oregon where aho 1« spending the week vialtlng She will return early next week with her two children. Charles nnd Betty. Going to Roaeburg- Mrs. Marlon Adam» will drive to Roaeburg Sat urday to meet her parent», Mr. nnd Mr«. (1. W. Carson, who w ill-com e there from Marshfield nnd who will come to Springfield to be gue«t» at the Aduma* home here. To Vlalt Eastern Oregon—Mr. nnd Mrs. Hubert B. Sins left yesterdny for Dulta» where they will atop over­ night with relative» before proceeding on to F o « h II, Oregon, whero they will »pend the Christmas holidays visiting relative«. Everybody Both Big and Little LIKES CANDY It’s the Xmas gift that always cheers. Our counters are now heaped high with delicious Spend Week-end at 8alam—Mr. nnd Mrs, ,1. m . Ixirson and falmly nnd Mr. Larson's nunt, Mrs. Toney Char- ret of ew York, who Is visiting here, ‘ pent the week-end nt Salem where they were gusts of Mr. and Mra. I’rtihert Henderson. They also stopped Junction City to visit relatives Hun- 'hiy evening while returning to Spring- Hold. BY C O M IN G IN A N D LETTING HOW US EXPLAIN QUICKLY A N D E A S IL Y ARRANGE WE . CAN . . . € A f H LCANJ $10 T-° * 3 0 0 SMALL M O N TH LY REPAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR INCOME B e n e f ic ia l LOAN SOCIETY TIFFANY BUILDING, SECOND F lO O It Cor. W illa m e tte & Eighth Sts. P H O N E : 3 0 4 0 EU G EN E. OREGON or other modern household appliances Come and get yours today. FG G IM A N N ’ S "Where the Bervtca Is Different" w A Few Suggestions N othing h See the many other beautiful electrical gifts today— you’ll find one at most any price you wish to pay. more attractive, useful, more moderately priced than electric table gifts. M ake your Christmas shop­ Not Employed at Store- K. A. Aiken 1» not employed at the Ralph and Stnnley »tore ns was reported In the News of Inst wonk. Ho registered nt a local hotel and mr.de the state­ ment (lint ho was working for the local grocery store which Clive Stan­ ley denloa. Leaving for California—Mra. Mtnaie Ziegler of Ixwt Angeles, a daughter of Hr. Eugene Kester, will leave for her home nt lx»s Angeles Friday after having spent the week In this city with her father. She spent the two previous weeks In Portland and was with her mother, Mrs. Kester, at the time of her death Inat week. LOT OF TIME A N D WORRY If y o u r b u d get is lim ited ■ ch oose e le c tr ic a l ta b le gifts Xmas candies of all kinds. Haa the Maaalaa—Irene Anderson, daughter of Mr and Mrs Lum Ander­ son Is now recovering from the measles. Her brother had Just re­ covered when she caught them. Mrs. Anderson Is still 111 with the measles. Y O U ‘LL SAVE A ping easy. Look over our display of percolators, toasters, waffle irons and other finger tip appliances and you'll find appropriate gifts you can afford. Percolators Toasters Waffle Irons Egg Cookers Urn Sets Popcorn Poppers Automatic Irons Warming Pads Vacuum Cleaners Portable Heaters Table and Bridge Lamps Telechron Clocks OUR FAMOUS TURK EYS FOR CHRISTMAS Do not bother to pick out a turkey for your Christ­ mas dinner— Just tell us to select one for you. All we wish to know Is the size of bird you wish, and we guarantee your satisfaction with the turkey we select for you. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 4th and Main Sts. E. C. STUART Give Something Electrical A Gift th a t— Endures— Endears — Enriches. An Investment in Happiness Make your selections Today! Mountain States Power Company Phone 63 PRATT HOLVERSON ♦Electric»! gifts »l»o may b« p urchaxd from your M a rc tt dealer. «