PA G E P O U R THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS JUDGE TH E FUTURE FROM TH E PAST TWENTY-TWO ATTEND U. OF O. FROM CITY DURING FALL TERM THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1H. 1BSO W a lte rv llle Resident H s rs E L. Estate o f M. H. M ay, Dacaasad, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that C. F. SprlngMeld. Ijin e County. Oregon, by May has been by the County Court of the Statu of Oregon. In and for T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T lam e County, appointed ndmlatrator A new «ml corrected Hui ot stu H. E. M A X E Y . Editor NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That of the estu te of M II. May, deceased. dents attending I he U niversity of Ore Fred E Lemley, Executor of Ihe Inst All persons having clnlnis against Entered as second class matter. February 24. 1903, at the gen from Springfield show s that there will and testam ent and estate of Vina Ihe estate of said deceased are hereby postoffice. Springfield, Oregon. are now tw en ty two enrolled front McLean, deceased, has rendered und notified to present the sam e, duly filed In th County Court of Ihe Slate staled and verified, at the residence t h s city. The lint and additional In of Oregon for the County of Lull«, of A E W heeler, 710 Lawrence street M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E formation wn» furnished by the nrwa final accotmt and on Saturday, «the In Eugene, Oregon, within six months Pne Year In Advance ...... $1.76 Three Months 76. bureau of the U niversity. It follow s: 17th day of January, 1931, st the | from the 11th day of December, 1930. Six Months -------------------- $1.90 Single Copy C F. MAY, ___________ ________ _____________ nothing but improvement behind us we are to Maude Hrugtuln, a uophomore In County Court mom In the Court Itousi In the City of Eugene, Oregon. n( the Administrator. Est. of M II. May, THURSDAY, DECEMBER is . 1930 expect nothing but deterioration before u s? " the school of physical education, who hour of ten o'clock In Ihe forenoon Deceased. W heeler, Attorney H um an progress. w hether in m aterial achieve­ graduated front Springfield high of said day has been by order of said ' TH E INDUSTRIAL TRACT AS A GIFT Court fixed und appointed us the day. I D 11-19 J W .1-9 m ents o r social m orality, is continuous. It has school In 1939 Fred S. Buell, a freshman In pre Cine and place for the hearing of T here is a m ovem ent in Eugene to deed the been continuous from the beginning of tim e, and SUMMONS m edics, graduated from Springfield objections to said final account and Ihe settlem ent thereof All objection* e> » x- . . , industrial tra c t in Snringfield to this city which be continuous to th e end of tim e. Rut w« high school, and is now a member must he In writing and riled with ths - ln County Court of th . S t .t s of we think is a sensible solution to a muddled do not alw ays move at the sam e pace. We might Clerk of wild Court on or bi’foro milil 1/*.?°^, «n $>, ,1«? h « m ° U i ? i \ « iff condition. Eugene m ust pay taxes on the prop- liken the path of the hum an race to a flight of the university orchestra. 11 ’ 8< " ” «” «D ER . Plaintiff, Katharyn E Buell, a freshman In day and lim e vs. ertv while Springfield holds it on a 49-year lease of stairs on which, at irregular intervals' there Hated this tftth day of December. the English department, a pledge Io 1930 IVY SCHROEDER Defendant. and b\ virtue of the round about m ethod the nr»' long landings across which we m ust proceed To IVY SI'HROEHKR. Defendant FRED. E. LEMLEY. title was acquired to the property business men without gaining any height, until we com e to Theta Omega, local sorority, and a IN THE NAME OE THE STATE member of the university orehestra. Executor hesitate to use the tra c t for industrial purposes, the next flight of stairs. OF OREGON- You are hereby re- D 18 26 J I 8 16 Ijeonard John Fran, a freshman In ntilri-d to appear and answ er the coin With the litle resting with th e City of Spring-1 Rut the next flight, when we get to it, alw ays m nthema’lcs graduated from Spring plaint filed »gainst you In Ihe above field the land could be used for the purpose leads up. never down! N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T entitled suit on or before four weeks f eltl high In 1929 it is intended and not be held in idleness With Í , . , , .. . , The undersigned. Administrator of f fr,',n '•"•« of Ihe first publication Virginia Mary Frans, a freshman the title resting in Springfield th e property in I . Ju8t no?' the w V>,c worl,‘ ** *?" ° ne of the the estate of John Waring, deceased, i ,,f •M« sum m ons In lb - Springfield the airport would escape taxation and no doubt ’'lopping-places on the upw ard flight of progress In ihe English departm ent, who grad bus riled his Final Account In the I News the dnte of the first publication the developm ent on o th er parts of it would m ore \\ e do not know how long we m ay have m erely uated from the t'heney high school matter of said estate with the County , "f which Is December II, 1930. and Clerk of Lane County. Oregon, nnd ' If *"U fall • " *” appear nnd answer th an off set any loss in taxes resulting to the to keep on an even keel, as it were, but we can In Washington. an be very positive th a t w herever we m av go from Lloyd Oray, a freshman In Ihe uni- . order . ha* . been .. ~ made and entered ‘"’ ’•l complaint, for wnnl thereof the city, county and school districts. of record by the County County of plaintiff will apply to the court for here it will be to a higher level of nil th a t counts vers tv. who graduated from the Thur said County, directing this notice and the relief pmved for In plaintiff's At the present tim e a substantial industry has in hum an life. ston high schoor In 1930. appointing Saturday, the 10th day of complaint which Is that the bond* of A.------------ Evan E. H ashes, a senior In Ihe January. 1931, al ten o clock A. M matrlmonv heretofore existin g be­ its eyes on the property and there have been for the hearing of objections Io said tween plaintiff and defendant be dis­ others in the past. No doubt the peoplA of Eu­ school of business adm inistration, a sellhdnenl of said solved and plaintiff be d'vorced from PERSHING OR WOOD gene would be glad to give this property to graduate of Springfield high estate. defendant and that the rare and cub - Springfield in order th a t it might be put to work. Ralph L. Hughes, a freshman In Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 11th todv of the minor child Hetty lx»n’ T he old question of w hether General Pershing Schroeder In- awarded to the plaintiff | ,lny ”r December, 1930 Since the title to the property was acquired by or General Wood should have com m anded our business administration. This sum mons Is served upon yon a vote of the people it will also tak e a vote to troops overseas in the would was has revived H Dorene lavrlmer, a junior In Eng . Administrator . . . - - of the Estntc of John hv publication thereof In the Spring dispose of it. itself in the publication of articles by Form er Hah. a member of Uhl Mu. national Waring. Deceased. j field Nows, n newspaper published ----------------#--------------- Secretary of W ar B aker and General March. social sorority, and treasurer of the _______________________ D l l 18 26 J I 8 | and of geeernl circulation In laine Countv. Oregon, once each week fer Having perform ed a type of duty w here we s a w , '1"' Htdlenlc association on this ANOTHER RUSSIAN MENACE four su ccessive w eeks, pursuant to General Pershing often overseas we would say <»mpua >n order of the llonerahl« C p The R ussian lum ber m enace confronts our th at General Wood had not the stam ina to have Nadine McMurray, a sophomore In Bernard. Judse of the Countv Court of lim e County Oregon made and lum berm en now and is the cause of considerable filled th e arduous job of com m and overseas. language and literature, a member of ,I nn the »th dav of December agitation. A nother m enace far m ore reaching Pershing traveled a pace th at w ore out his staff Alpha Omicron PI, and of Thespian, l » < • ( (p ro ­ V tnrnev for Plaintiff. Poal Office i uate of Springfield high In 1930. He of living, cheap labor and the introduction of nounced H ls s -te x ) to d ay , under th e Address 817 W illam ette SI., Eugene, Ir o n -C la d G u a ra n te e . M u st q u ic k ly •daved frosh football. m odern m achinery is p u tting R ussia in a place PLIGHT OE LUMBER a lla y th ese co n d itio n s. Im p ro v s i r s t - r'regen. Margaret Elisabeth Mortensen, a fu t Sleep an d eu o rg y , o r W uosy b a ck . w here she can feed the world Indications a re (Oregon Voter) D II 18-I6-J 1 9 O n ly 10o a t freshman In Fine Arts, and a grad th a t she will be a heavy exporter in a few years KETEL8 DRUG STOKE SUMMONS Fittingly, U. S. C ham ber of Com m erce set u a te of U niversity high school, Eu 5th A Mitin w hen 250 million acres of governm ent lands are Springfield, Ore In the C irc u it Court o f th» State of aside a principal session of its w estern division gene. in production. Orennn fo r the County of Lan» Ralph R Mulholland, who Is a spe EDWARD TUHY. Plaintiff. This country exports 20 per cent of its w heat m eeting for a conference on lum ber. Som e of vs. yield. T he tim e is com ing when we will need the best brains of th e industry participated in d a l student In the history depart DOROTHY TUHY. Defendant to reduce our production 20 per cent and protect th e discussion. In this w eek’s V oter we review; ment. To DOROTHY TUHY. the shove William Theodore Pollard, n senloi our grow ers with an equalizing tariff against also s c a tte r brief excepts from com m ent. named Defendant: Lum ber operato r m ust purchase all his raw in biology, nnd a member of Askel Russia. We will also need to find out how to IN THE NAME OF TH E STATE ' F OREGON, Yon are hereby required produce w heat even cheaper th an we do now. m aterial for 3ft years- in the form of a stand nnlds, pre medics honorary. Richard Max Prochnow, a freshman to appear and answ er the complaint The R ussian w heat m enace is real and the wise of tim ber, unless he locates at a national forest filed against you In the above entltl-d farm er will be looking ahead now in order th a t or unless somebody else invests in the raw m a­ 'n business administration. Court nnd Cause on or before the terial w ithout his own sawmill outlet. Im agine Lawrence William Roof, a spoho- ■ he m ay tu rn w heat lands into some o ther pro Sth day of January, 1931. said dale a factory having to pile up a 30-year supply of more In business adm inistration, nnd ductive crop. I being more than four w eeks from Ihe raw m aterial before it sta rte d operating! And a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, na­ dav of the first publication of this Summona herein entered of record The railroad unions are preparing to go out then having to pay an annual property tax on tional social fraternity. nnd If you fall so to appear and Wlti’fr'd C. Tyson, a freshman In a fte r a six-day week which of course m ust raise the full value of unused supply, plus the annual answ er for wnnl there of the pi?In the cost of operating th e railroads. Shippers of fire prevention costs and annual interest on the school of music, n pledge to K a p -i tiff will apply to the Court for the the country everyw here are organizing to force m oney borrow ed for the purchase of the supply! Delta, a member of the Polyphonic relief In hla complaint agulnat you choir, and an organist. Lum ber now is held responsible for conserving rate s down. The governm ent is subsidizing w ater demanded to wit: For a Judgment and Uhnr'rers Jew ell W illis, a junior In decree of Divorce d issolving the bonds carriers in com petition to the railroads. Busses forests, but under the S herm an a n ti-tru s t law of matrimony now nnd heretofore and auto tru ck lines are also tak in g m uch of is not perm itted to ad ju st prices and production Enrl'sh. existing betw een you and Ihe plaintiff John Hobart Wilson, a Junior ln their business. We can im agine th a t a railroad a t a rtolnt that will conserve itself as an industry. o n the grounds of desertion and for Relief m ust be had, in the public interest of p relaw , n member of I*hl Sigma executive is a busy m an these days. W hat will such other relief ss lo the Court may seem meet This sum mons .Is be the outcom e of all this agitation and what a region chiefly dependent upon lum ber pros­ Ksrpa a member of Qie frosh debate perity for its own incom e and prosperity. Lum ­ I” 1928-'929 end of varsity debate In served upon you by publication thereof effect will it have on the country as a whole? o p t o m 2 t r i / t In Ihe Springfield Nows, a newspaper , I 4 ( W 4 / T f liH A v t berm en are divided am ong them selves on tax '»'’9 1930. of general circulation pursuant to an relief. They are agreed on necessity for m odifi­ Hoba-t Wilson, a Junior In pre-lai order of the Judge of the County W e're inclined to think th a t if the police of cation of Sherm an law sufficiently to perm it co- |» member of Phi sigm a Kappa, frosh Court of the State of Oregon for Ihe this tow n spent a little m ore tim e trying to j operation, under public regulation' on price con- I debate t—m in 1929 and nsslatant County of laine duly made and entered o n ttllfhVAC anrl o llttlrx loan nrxsl r>w/AzLi/ttfz\», FO l_ _ _ i t t_.i catch gasoline syphon thieves and a little less trol and production control. They also agree • Irr-nls’Hn manager of the Dregana of record on the Sth day of December 1930 ordering that thia sum m ons be checking up on persons who do not park just th a t regional m ergers are essential. In propor- 'or 1930-1931. published once each week for four right the com m unity would be b e tte r off. Good tlon as the public understands, it will follow their Dorothy Jean W ithers, a spohomore su ccessive and consecutive w eeks In officers know the difference betw een m inor in- ■ leadership. It is up to lum berm en to acquaint n languages and literature. the Springfield News nnd that the date fractions of the law by good citizens and felonies, the public with th eir problem s; they will find of the first publication shall be the and conduct them selves accordingly. L et’s catch eager suport, if they them selves tak e the COMMITTEES APPOINTED 11th day of December, 1930 and the d ale of the last publication shall be some of the real crim inals. initiative. with the Issue of sth day of Jan­ FOR KENSINGTON PARTY uary, 1931. FRANK A DePUE, The annual Christmas party of the Attorney for P laintiff. Residence, Kensington club will be held at the Springfield, Oregon. home of Mra. ». C. W right on Monday Dll-19-26-J.1-8 evening of next week. Final plans for the event wer made at the meet Ing which was held at the home of Mrs. C. E. Sw arts on Friday. Mrs. I,. L. May, Mrs. C. E. Kenyon and Mrs. W. E. Buell were appointed on the refreshm ents com m ittee. Mrs. W. K. Barnell and Mrs. A. J. Morgan will | t-lan the entertainm ent. A Christmas tree will be decorated at the Wright home and members will exchange gifts. Mrs. Alice Barrett and Mrs, B. A. W ashburne were guests at the m eet­ ing on Friday. It is a com m on hum an failing to believe that w henever a lull occurs in the progress of hu­ m anity, conditions are going to continue to get worse instead of picking up again ami going on as before. N othing like th at has ever happened yet. Just IOC years ago T hom as Habington M acaulay, the fatuous historian and essayist, phrased the thought this way: “ On what principle' is it that when we see Zuner of W altervllle was a business visitor In Springfield on Monday. Backache Leg Pains OREC.MEADE xyR » ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m m Plenty o f Horses I f They'U AU PuU Insulation! FARES CUT (JheRi^7\(ew advancement in gas range design TAPPAN MEASLES CONTINUE TO BOTHER LOCAL PEOPLE M easles continue to hold the center of Interest In Springfield There are about as many new cases reported each week as there are releases from quarantine. Several of the older peo pie are having them for the second and third tlm. All o f the children In a fam ily usually com e down with them after one of the children has Introduced the germ In the home. M R S . F L A N E R Y F L IE S T O P O R T L A N D O N F R ID A Y Mrs. F. B. Flanery and son, Richard, flew to Portland Friday In one of the large airplanes being operated by Ihe Bennett Air Transport company. She had planned to take the morn Ing plane, but It was unable to get here from North Bend on account of the fog, so she went north In the afternoon plane from Tacoma. They returned by train Saturday. ln-òo-lop GAS RANGE /o r ÍTUulatlon,th«»ecret of retain­ ing cold in your refrigerator, la the secret of retaining heat in the new Tappan In-8o-Top Goa Range. Twenty pounds of rock wool insulation keeps the heat in the oven andout of the k itchen, making for kitchen comfort and gas economy. The oven is uentilated for the better bak­ ing of foods, C h ristm a s I Liberal Allowance on Your Present Stove Northwest Cities Gas Company j For only a third more than the regular one-way fare you can buy a roundtrip to points in California, O rc-on , Wash­ ington and neighboring states. These tickets arc good leav­ ing December 18 to 29. Re­ turn lim it January 6. Sim ilar reduced fares to all Southern Par ifit points in Ore­ gon with sale dates of Decem­ ber IK to January I. Return lim it January 6. Yo ur Southern Pacific agent w ill gladly give you the fare to the place yod want to visit. Phone him today. Soisfhem Pacific CARL OLSON, Agent Phone 65