ti i r uh da y , dhcwmhkr ih , u n o THE HPRINOFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE hind her. Julie lay back on the pillows. She was trembling In every limb. "How dared she say auch a thing! how dared sh e* she asked herself passionately. “In love with that man ’ I hate him— How dare she . . , how dare sh e!” She shut her eyes tightly, afraid of the scalding tears that suddenly seem­ ed to rise from her heart. Hate him' the man In whose arms she had found the meaning of love; the man whose tragic mistake had I WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE | about something else." C H R IS T M A S C A R O S | broken her. body and soul. Until now Giles Chlttenham swears to avenge I m et th e the death of his young half brother I Ver}r we" » “ P - » “ »« 1™ met lhe she had hardly realized how much There ure atlll Home nice Chrlat- she had suffered since that evening Thu Community Center has the fol­ Rodney, driven to suicide by the no- other Julie yet?' 111» carda In atock ut the Springfield "Yes. A night or two ago. I waa In Switzerland when Chlttenham had torloua Julie Farrow who had spurned lowing people listed who need work: Newa office. We can give prompt his love. He will make Julie love agreeably surplsed," he said at last. told her the truth. service In printing youT nemea on him, then throw her aside as she "You know she has gone abroad?” One Painter and Paper Hanger Hhe was morbidly afraid lest Giles threw Rodney. He meets her In Swit­ theae Individual carda. "I saw something about It In the should guess how he had hurt her, and Pour Common Mborer zerland. goes with her to the hotel on the Ht Bernard Pass, and succeeds paper.” One Hkllled Steel Sharpener to counteract that fear she sometimes N O T IC E OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T In winning her love. To bis amaze “Of course every one Is saying that, deliberately sought his society, cruci­ One Stationary Engineer NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN That inent, he discovers that he has fallen the has gone with some man.’’ fying herself In order to deceive him. One Hkllled Rock Man Maude E. Caley, the executrix of the overwhelmingly In love with her him Chlttenham made a swift gesture of And It had all been In vain, for Bim Pour Woman for House Work. laat will und testament and eatate self! And he Is married, to an Amer­ of Edith Caley, deccuaed, hua rendered ican girl with whom he has nothing anger, hut he Instantly controlled him­ knew! Help the unemployed whenever you In common. anil filed In the County Court of the self. With a swift little movement Julie Mate of Oregon for the County of can. List your Jobs with the Com ­ Then he discovers that this girl Is •'I know that Is absolutely untrue.” threw aside the bedclothes and caught M ne her final account and on Hat munity Red Cross Center at the Cham not the same Julie Farrow who ruined up a wrap. urday. the 10th day of January, 1931, Rodney, but her cousin of the same he «aid. Doris flushed. name. Hhe scorns him when he con­ at the County Court room In the Court her of Commerce. “Bim!" she went out of the room llouae In th e C ity of Eugene, Oregon, fesses his love and his Inability to “1 am only telling you what people and to Blm's door. Julie flung It marry her. They meet later In Lon­ are saying.” nt the hour of tiui o'clock In the fore- N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E open. She entered with a little rush, said flJ#d day hna upp time ttMI, pla<.„ for , h(, haarlng virtue of un execution and order Of her wild life. «aid with a sneer, and he thought of dropped down on her knees beside her. aale Issued out ut the Circuit Court of objections to said final account and of the Htalp of Oregon for Lane Through his friend Lombard, degrees 32 minutes west 4.74 chains, south 41 degrees west 2.12 chains, south 54 degrees west 2.94 chains, south 56 degrees west 5.00 chains, south 70 degrees west 2.47 chains thence leaving said road and running north 12.71 chains to the place of beginning, situated In lame county, Oregon, said tract containing about 12 acres, and all the right, title and eatute which the defendant had therein on said 21st day of Oc­ tober, 1930 or any subsequent date, to satisfy the following sums udjudgea to be due plaintiff, 8300 damages, $56 dollars coats of said action, $30 at­ torneys fees, with Interest on said several sums nt legal rate since Oct 21st, 1930, together with the costs ol making such aale. Said sale will be subject to redemption as by law al­ lowed. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane county. N27-D4 11-18-25 Wanted Work M. Ayres