OF GENERAL INTEREST DURING PAST YEAR . - - — --------- in» in a sister role, Lloyd Ingrahsm ' lluenos Mtii hui lius de l.as" Is the as the heroine's father, while ample The establishment of two abortion name of a new social club which girls Principal Events of the Week control districts, the preparation of a comedy is afforded by a laugh-trio of the high school formed Friday composed of Karl Hnue, Cliff Ed petition for another district, contln Assembled for Information night at an Initial tnoeilng at the wards and Benny Rubin. uation of poultry, livestock, alfalfa, home of Adalltie I'e rk llis . The offi­ of Our Readers. clover, fruit, weed killing, and fer­ cers of (lie club are Barbara Adams, tiliser demonstrations are just a few NEW SMALL LOAN‘BUSINESS president; Evelyn Harris, secretary of the many activities which O. 8. STARTED IN LANE COUNTY and treasurer; Helen Mersdorf, news A 19-pound turnip from the C. W. Fletcher. la n e county agricultural reporter; Lola Rogers, social p ro Cntaforth ranch near Eddyville la on ugvnt has devoted himself to dering Announcement of the establishment muter; and Adultly t'erklns, chairman display at Gervais. the year ending December 1. 1930. of a lleiiefieiul Iatan Society in Eu of the friendship committee, The Hera's one for the family breakfast gene is curried in this week's issue group will meet every two weeks at Much time was devoted to the or­ A pullet owned by Otto Lebeck, of i»f the News, lame county lienitqiinr the home of different members. The ganisation of alfalfa seed pools and Astoria, laid an eg« 9 H by 7 H Inches. the education of farmers in the proper tera have been eatabllshed in room time Friday was spent dancing and Douglas county's assessed valuation method of planting the seed. He con 10» Tiffany building, Eugene. making candy. Including public utilities. Is *33,494,- ducted one demonstration and showed I The purpose of the new company, 173. This Is an increase of *40,033 that the use of 200 pounds of nitrate which is licensed by the slate, Is to E state of Charles E. B ra tta in , Dec'd over last year. of soda per acre doubled the carry-! N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ixxtend udviuiiuges of the monthly N e llie Is hereby given thul Elva M Gertrude Geer, six-year-old daughter ing capacity of a pasture of Ladlno i repayment system to those who need of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Geer of near clover. A campaign was also launched to borrow money for necessities, hut Brown has been the County Court «if the State of Oregon In and for Lain, Cottage GroTe, was burned to death. to have Lane farmerc sow a new I whose only crqdlt Is honesty and C o u til), appointed Executrix of thi- strain of hardy clover the seed of A stump fire Ignited her dress. character. Loans up to »300 will lie last will and testament of Charlea E. made. The cost Ixdiig fixed by law. Ri al lain, deceased. Deschutes county’s valuation for tax which could be sold in the middle All persons liuving claims against west. only lawful Interest being changed, purposes has passed the ten million the estate of said deceased are hereby Two potato grading schools were calculated on the unpaid monthly bal mark for the first time. Including notified to present the same duly Joan C raw fo rd and John M ack B row n In "M o n ta n a Moon". A M etro ante, No deductions are made, the stated ami verified, at the residence public utilities the total Is *10,341,334. conducted during the fall to educate Goldyn M ay e r P ic tu re which comes to the C olonial F rid a y applicant receiving the full amount of of A. E, Wheeler, 710 Lawrence HI. Marshfield will have a municipal the growers in the proper methods Eugene. Oregon, within alx months made for as many as Testam ent of Charles E. Ilrallain, Da* streets. Superphosphates greatly increased CLEAN UP PROPERTY 20 months, hut It Is expected that the ceased. A E Wheeler, A ttorney. Joan Crawford does her beat bit La Grande and the Colon Pacific the yield of mangels In the coast dis­ | 10 payment plan will he the moat D. 18 26 J. 1-8 16 of acting lo date in 'Montana Moon." system are making plans for a grand trict, but did not tncreane the yield There was another large fire at popular. ' of turnips. her new musical Western offering opening of the new union station there the site of the old Springfield .Mill Forty two fnrmers purchased 14.18« December 37. The depot is of two A Grain company on Friday of lasr which opens Friday nt the Colonial N. O. W HAVE FINAL pounds of sodium chlorate and 66 stories and cost *150.000. week. It was not one of the many theatre. Seen as the daughter of a farmers bought 5 400 pounds of cal­ M EETING OF THE YEAR School taxes amounting to *493,087 recurrent blazes which have frequent millluMire ranch owner who Is vtalt- cium chlorate weed killer In pools ——— I ing her father's properties in Montana have been voted by 113 Lane county ly been discovered, hut was set under handled by the county agent. The special Christmas party of the with a group of Eastern friends and school districts. This amount will be the supervision of Hugh Jollff, chief A special campaign of the Lane of the Springfield fire department fur fallM in love with a cowboy who ig Neighbors of Woodcraft was held last raised by taxpayers and will be sup­ county horticultural society to control the purpose of clearing up the mill obviously out of place In her Sophie Wednesday at the W. C), W hall with plemented with other funds. the spead of the cherry fruit fly site. Most of the inflammable ma Heated circles. Miss Crawford gives j a Christmas tree and the exchange of Elimination of the health unit and was taken up by Mr. Fletcher and terials were gathered together and in Inspired performance in a picture j gifts for each member present Mrs cuts In other departments, making a the farmers were notified when to destroyed under the supervision of which for plot Interest, expert dV j Anna I’ Hawkins, of Toledo, Oregon, total reduction of »7616. have been spray their trees. rectlon and sterling acting may be grand manager of the the grand lodge, several assistants. The fire was still recommended to the county court by place«! way up on the Hat of beat - »as a special guest Mrs W C Special stress was made by the burning briskly the first part of this the Douglas County Taxpayers league. pictures of 1930. i MeLngan, who is moving to North agent this year on the use of as week. Astoria had an oil gusher recently The scenes of the wide valleys, the I Bend soon was presented with a gift All of the old Iron and other things on one of Its main business Inter­ much home grown feed as possible. ravines and precipices and the huge j by the lodge members. Hhe has been sections. A truck delivering fuel oil He stressed the need for certain which could be salvaged has been mountain^ in the background being active In the work of the lodge nnd balanced rations and showed many removed, and when the present fire lost its tank and traffic was halted among the finest ever «-aptured by drill team for several yenrs by oil which sprayed the streets and farmers how they could obtain the dies out a clean site with only the the camera Furthermore the firm is j The men prepared nnd served I he desired results with their own feeds old foundation walls and lange piles sidewalks. permeated with a number of intriguing refreshments during the soc ial gather A notalle example of this was the of ashes will remain. Thirty-five road districts of Lane songs and lyrics among which '■lluppy i Ing This was the final meeting of use of barley in poultry rations. He ’ county have voted to raise a total of 1 °wboy, "The Moon Is Ixiw" and I he group f«,r the year was assisted in the poultry demon- ’ »86,689 to improve district roads. The stratlons by H. B. Crosby of t h e ! GIRLS LEAGUE TO SELL 'Trailin' In Old Montan' ” will he amount raised last year was *93.328. heard from one end of the country C A L L FO R W A R R A N T S HEALTH STAMPS IN BOOTH Oregon State Agricultural collage. j Ten districts voted down special tax to the other. Notice is hereby given thut School A total of 65 rodent control super' proposals. Miss Crawford's performance Is well District No. 19, In Springfield. Lane because we know It’s the mort The sale of Christmas Health seals I visors were appointed by the county County, Oregon, will pay at the office The Pacific Co-operative Poultry radio you can 1« P ro g ressin g v ery fav o rab ly in supported by the other members of of clerk of said district, all warrants court and ton of them poisoned squtr- Producers announced the purchase of Springfield. Most of the schoola sold the cast, John Mack Brown making to and including Number 1408, dated g e t fo r th e rels on 45 neglected tracts containing the Stancllffe property in Roseburg as Interest all they had last week and had to an appealing cowpunrher, Ricardo December 10. 1930 money anywhere after Ifcx’ember 20. 1930. the site for an egg packing station. 9.721 acres at the expense of the I «’all for Increased quantities. The owners of the land. In America. W ith Tub«« Construction will start soon after the down town district has been can , The county agent spent 176 days first of the year. vassed and last Saturday the girls TO N E C O N T R O L Ben F. Keeney, Lane county as­ in the field and 128 In his office league of the high school sold them during the year. He traveled 12.335 1 group dresses *5.00; values to ! Screen-grid circuit sessor. won two third prixes and a at « booth at the Irl.h-Murphv store $18.75. A ll o th er dresses g re a tly I tenth award on his exhibits of Barred miles and made 273 farm visits. He They will continue the sale of the Push-pull 245’» reduced. f Rock chickens at the Chicago coliseum wrote 2,019 individual letters for his stamps next Saturday. This will be Full dynamic speaker poultry show, according to word re­ office and sent out 15.613 copies of the final attempt to sell the stamps All-steel chassis 44 circular letters. He succeeded In ceived at Eugene. to shoppers from out-of-town. C learance of all Coats— , group securing specialists from the Oregon Illuminated dial *8.95-*9.90. A II coats g reatly re­ An organization has been formed at Agricultural college and the United duce«! fo ri quick clearance. Phonograph jack Pendleton to combat unemployment N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S States department of agriculture who by some 34 representatives of 17 dif­ Notice is hereby given that the un cooperated with his office for a total See C L A R IO N J U N IO R |n ferent service clubs, labor organiza­ I of 50 days. He held 23 demonstra­ ir i7 o f "th ,laH b'‘"n ■«•C« I *1-00 and up. tions, churches, welfare societies, action. Payments so small you T" a'*‘ "f Er'"1 W- isM. ,|.- tion meetings, and spoke at 117 ceased, by the Women are forever seek­ County Court of Ume lodges and other groups. Silk Host, full fashioned 98e and up won t miss the money. meetings. ing the best and easiest County. Oregon. All persons haring The city council of Salem has adopt­ means of preserving their claims against the said estate are C h ild ren 's fleece lined Rain-coats youthful charm. You can ed a resolution providing for a four- N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON hereby notified to present the same »1-00; values to »5.95. Free rain- Buy Your Radio for be of invaluable ass;s- hat. properly verified, to the Executrix at hour day for workers on city construc­ E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E tanre to them If you will Christinas NOW! the office of Wells * W ells. Bank of tion projects and to use men instead NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Commerce Bldg. Eugene. Lane county include among your gifts of machinery when practicable. In or­ by virtue of an execution and order ? 8 th 'd a v Wr,h|‘i • lx um o n th " from this' dainty toilet requlsit«*«, A2 E ighth Avenue W est or sale in foreclosure Issued out of der to relieve unemployment face powder, rouge, per f , *’t’en>’’<’r. 1930, the d ate | Phone 567 Eugene, Oregon the Circuit Court of i-ane County Of the first publication of this notice fume, toilet water, beauty Lane county received from the state ?„r„e5°"- On the 13th da7 of December Hardware Furniture creams. Gel them in the MARY WEISS. treasurer a check for *37,103.12, which 1930, In a suit wherein, on the 6th special Christmas pack­ Wells A Wells, Attome vs.^* "Hrlx. day of December. 1930. in said Court Is the county's share of the second ages now on display here. 1» M 25-J.l 8-15 I payment of the state market road the plaintiff therein. C. T Beach re­ j ~ ~ covered judgment against the defend­ fund. The money will be used by the ants Otto Norton and L ou I rp Norton E state of L au ra L. B ra tta in , Oec’d. county to pay market road warrants. for the sum of Three Hundred and N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S One of the largest eggs to be exhib­ no-100 Dollars (»350.00); for the far­ ther sum of Seventy and 75-100 Dol­ Notice is hereby given that Elva M ited in Albany is from the flock of lars (*70.75) as interest; for the Brown has been by the County Court i Mrs. E. O. Truax of Dever. The egg, further sum of Fifty Dollars (»50 00» rtf the State of Oregon in and for attorney’s fees, and for the costs and which was laid by a 7H-months-old Lane County, appointed administratrix V disbursements of this suit, taxed at, White Leghorn pullet, weighed six of the Estate of Laura L. Brattain and said execution to me di­ deceased. ounces and was 8 7-8 by 7 7-8 Inches In »17.56. rected, commanding me In the name All persons having claims against i size. of the State of Oregon, In order to the said estate are hereby notified You’ve heard it Raid ho many tlmea thin year IT ’S satisfy said Judgment. Interest, attor­ to present the same duly stated and Checks aggregating *9821.28, repre­ T O ILE T SETS senting a dividend of 10 per cent., ney s fees, costs of suit, and accruing verified, at the residence of A. E. ™ BE SOMR ’’“ actical g ift t h is C h r is t ­ costs, to sell the following described Wheeler, 710 Lawrence street In Eu­ were mailed by A. A. Schramm, super­ real property, to wit: mas , There are a lot of thing« we could auggeat . . . gene, Oregon, within six months from | intendent of banks, to the 381 de­ Beginning at a point in the center this 18th day of December, 1930, nut if you want Homethlng for the W HOLE EAMII Y positors of the defunct First Bank of the County Road 235 feet South ELVA M BROWN, something you’ll enjoy before «« well an a long long DRUG STORE Administratrix of the Estate of of Joseph. The bank was closed May of the Northeast corner of the South Phone 15 east fourth of the Northwest quarter Laura L. Brattain, Deceased. , ' X A Cmh ? ; n‘a 8 • • • , h e ” hv BHY A 13, 1927. of Section thirty-six (36) in Township A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. I W - H I I» -. LAD-.I -I, CHAIN OF| B LA N K E T A T HR EIER ’S. Twenty-one (21) South. Range Three D. 18-25 J.1-8-15 I T H E M ARKETS (3) East of Willamette Meridian- and W HAT VALUES! Portland running thence South 750 feet to the Wheat — Big Bend bluestem, 79c; middle of Kitson Creek; thence down ■oft white, western white, 69c; hard the center of said creek In a genera) course of about North 56 degrees West winter, northern spring, western red, 400 feet; thence North 474 feet to ........ 67c. the center of said County Road; and D B P A B T M B N T « S T O R B Hay—Buying price. f. o. b. Portland: thence Easterly along center of said rohi'r»““ 1""" 'ln'H" K “ n “ "Mind. Aanortod Alfalfa, *17.50 018; valley timothy, road 325 feet, more or less, to the Eugene, Oregon 942 Willamette St.. place of beginning, containing 4 55 *17.50; eastern Oregon timothy, *19® acres, more or less, of land in said »20; clover, 14; oat hay, *14; oata and Section Thirty-six (36) and in Lane County, Oregon, vetch, »13.50® 14. THEREFORE, In the name Butterfat—30 ® 33c. State Oregon, in compliance - art woo ., Eggs—Ranch, 18025c. with the said execution and order of Cattle—Steers, good, *8 25 0 9. sale, and in order to satisfy said Hogs—Good to choice, *9.25®9.60. Judgment, including Interest, attorney Lamb«—Good to choice, »6.50 0 7.00. fees, costs of suit and accruing costs I will, on Saturday, the 17th day of Seattle January, 1931, at the hour of one Wheat—Soft white, western white, o clock In the afternoon of said day northern spring, hard winter, western at the Southwest front door of the but P‘ r l w" ° l " * " " -'"»Ign.. County Court House In Eugene, Lane red, 68c; bluestem, 76c; County, State of Oregon, offer for j Eggs—Ranch, 22®31c. Quite unusual. A1 sale and sell for cash, at public auc­ quality Butterfat—34c. tion, subject to redemption as pro­ Cattle—Choice steers, *7.7508.50. vided by law, all of the right, title and interest of the said defendants Hogs—Good to choice, *9.50®9.60. Otto Norton, Ixiuise Norton, O. F DEPT. 8TORE8 Lambs—Choice, *5.50 0 6.50. Bevere and Zelpha R. Bevere and all Spokane persons claiming by, through or under Warm bath rube with ■nur .Up­ Cattle—Steers, good, *7.2507.75. | them or any or either of them, in per« to match—each set |n In­ and to the said premises. Hogs—Good to choice, *8.75. dividual fldft box. Bath robe has H. L. BOWN, «bawl collar, ii full rod Lambs—Medium to good,* 5 0 6 . M fM W ItY Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon.! trimmed, with rayou cord girdle to match. D.18-25-J.1-8 15 I 968 Willamette Eugene ‘ W e ll Be Mighty G la d Xmas Specials ! te’i. 1 Gifts of Beauty Aids win feminine approval Coats Hat« . LADIES SHOP Wright & Sons BLANKETS ARE ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE XMAS GIFTS Flanery’s J. C. Penney Co. <««• Bath Robe and S lip p er Set «4.98 $4.95 Value $3.95 Value i’iaid""" f',r " $2 87 $3.95 Value $2-87