ps ’ l barney S AW/ENTIM WtlTHE Iwn-Bw follow him. he crouched low and started for th' beach. Kangy and th’ kwee-kwee were gabblin’ away like two old maids and never noticed ua until we were between them and th’ lagoon. Right then things began to hap­ pen. That kwee-kwee got up on his hind legs, yipped and headed for us. Barney and I ran for th’ Jungle. Barney was out of Suck. Before he could get to a tree th’ kwee-kwee caught up with him—and that was how Barney lost moat of th' hind-part of his pants. But Barney tore loose, ahinned up a palm- tree, and when th’ kwee- kwee tried to grab him he kicked him on th nose. Yippin’ like a pup with th' tummyache, .he made for th’ lagoon and dove into th’ water. As wc were puliin’ o ff to th’ ship he came up once, yipped, then disap­ peared, and that was th’ last we saw of him. Th’ next mornln’ after our adventure with th’ kwee-kwee, t h a t strange creature, half animal, half fish, that fame out of th’ lagoon and made friend» with Kangy. my kangaroo pal. Tops’! Barney, Kangy, and I went ashore, thinkin’ we'd get another peep at him. Th’ minute we landed Kangy commenced callin’ for hi» friend. Slippin’ into th’ jungle, Barney and I kept a aharp lookout, to nee what would happen. All at once, at a spot on th’ Hurface of th’ lagoon, th' water commenced to boil and up popped th’ big horny head of th’ Jiwee-kwee. In another minute or two he waddled out onto th' beach where Kangy was waitin’ for him. It wan a Hight to see how tickled those two were to see each other. "Heave ahead, Bill,'' says Barney to me. ’'Thifi time I'm goin’ t’ grab that crit­ ter." Motionin’ for me to R I 4» HOMO' t-5 OOt< TO H tH HIM, TLiA -r'F) fH C V b /J . 1 MY HusB a n o B o u g h t T h is A tA /? /M CLOCK H E R E . por h im s e l f , a mo — I'M R e t u r n i n g IT , S i r - M IH A T 'S \M R O N G I T \H O N T ! T FO R K E D . D / d N 'T r T ? oh i y e s ' i r