rr i t f c n n i M n p i r i rx k t i t i i tq T IIB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOE FIVE you may use an Interlining of the slae of the flnlahed belt. This Is made of heavy unbleached cotton or light­ weight canvaa, but It should not be too atlff. Uaually the belt la finished with a buckle at the stralgnt edge and eye­ lets finished with buttonhole atltch at the other. Three of these eyelets, placed an Inch or three quarter» of an Inch apart are uaually enough. GERBER FAMILY PLANS CLARA BOW MAKES “LOVE FISH AND GAME BODY GATHERING HERE SUNDAY AMONG THE MILLIONAIRES” TO RELEASE 300,000 trout in M c K enzie A large number of visitors will be Clara Bow baa discovered that love TIIUItHDAY, NOVHMHEH 27. 1 930 SPRINGFIELD COACH IN RIPLEY CARTOON ON TUESDAY MORNING Very Latest By MARY MARHHALL ■vary home dreaamaker abould know how to make a neat halt, be- i-auae ao many of the new draaaaa, both for daytime and evening, are finished with belta—uaually made of the material of the dreaa. The eualeat way to make a belt la to make It from a atrip of material twice aa wide aa the belt la to be when flnlahed, plua two-thrlda of an Inch, ao that the belt may be turned In a third of an Inch at each aide. The diagram ahowa how to cut a belt of thia alniple aort. Turn In tha edge» a third of an Inch—fold the belt In the center and for the entire length and turn In the end» ao that It will be pointed at one end. Do not turn In thp other end. Then baale the two aldea and one end together evenly and atltch fairly cloaa to the edge, The buckle la attached to the atratght Norval May, athletic roach at tha Hprlngftold high school, Indirectly re­ ceived conslderslile publicity In tha Itlpley cartoon tor Tuaaday. In hla cartoon on that data Itlplay ahowa a fool ball playdr named O'Brian who 6. Tha caat la aa follows: Mrs from tha same passer In tho laat four mlnutaa of a game. May, wboaa boma la at Hand, declare» that ba waa the person who threw tha passes The ■ sine waa played against Baaalde high school In 1926. ARMY SERGEANT WINS MANY POULTRY PRIZES A display of Auatrolarpa chickens will be aent to the Bandon poultry ahow, December 2 and 3, by L. H. McKey, who haa a farm near the Cal Young place Mr. McKay won 1» prizes iu the I'lu-ll^c International etook ahow lu I'oqtland, the state fulr and Dane county fair. Aa a raault of the tine »bowing made at thane fair» he haa had call» for chickens from many parta of the northwest Mr. McKey la a sergeant at the army recruiting office In Eu­ gene but la alao much Intereated In breeding fine poultry. FOUR-L MEMBERS HAVE GOOD PROGRAM MONDAY A large crowd attended the monthly neetlng of the local 4-L group which vaa held at the W (). W. hall Mon lay evening The member» held a ihort bualneaa meeting at 7:30 and hla waa followed by a program and -efreahmenta. The Girl Scout chorua inder the director of Mrs. W. K. larnell. made Its first public appear- Litre and sang several numbers. Mlae •*nye IXrsons gave a reading, Mrs. lohn Ketela offered a vocal aolo and vaa aecomi>anl»d at the piano by Mrs a v l Neet. The Murphy-Moahler quar et, consisting of Mr and Mrs. It K. doahler and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas blurphy, aang and Margaret Jarrett Hayed a piano aolo. Ray Daniela, laid worker for the 4-L group with teadquarters at Portland, waa the principal speaker. Ted l«enhart and ila hand furnished music during the -efreshments. SOUTHERN PACIFIC TO START MOTOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Rtore-door pickup and delivery of freight la shortly to be established on thel Ines of the Southern Pacific company through the medium of Its subalduary, the Pacific Motor Trana- port company, according to an an nouucement Issued by L. C. Young, vice-president and manager of the latter company. He has filed a sched­ ule of tariffs and notice of Intention to operate auch a line at the state cupltol In Salem The new service, explains Mr Young, will provide a complete service from the store door of the shippers at point of origin to the store door of the consignee at point of destination all for one rate, I the rale of the transport company , N. O. W. MEMBERS VISIT being comparable with thoee of other , AT CRESWELL SATURDAY carriers providing the same type of A large number of members of the service. The Pacific Motor Transport com­ Pine Circle of the Neighbors of Wood­ pany's method of operation la to use craft motored to Creswell Saturday motor truck» In cities and towns for night to put on Initiation work for pick-up and delivery work, performing the Creswell circle. The Springfield theh aul between towns by rail under women who participated In the Inltla contract arrangement with the South- tory work were Stella Findley, guard- ern Pacific company, according to the Ion neighbor; Nellie Carr, advisor, annocuncement. The service offered Edith Laxton. magician; Daisy Pugh. to Its patrons being complete In every attendant; Nellie Russell, Inner sen­ tinel, and Doris Girard, musician. The respect. One of the outstanding features of drill team of the Springfield circle this new service la the fact, aa ex­ was alao present. plained by Young, that Instead of purchasing their own trucks for uae In cltlesc and towns served and going Into competition with local draymen, the Pacific Motor Transport company In every Instance has made a con­ tract with local draymen to perform this service for the account of the Transport company. Carl Olson, agent for the Socthern Pacific company In Springfield, will act as Joint agent for the Pacific Motor Transport company and the company designated to handle the contract for the pick-up and delivery work In thia city. Operations are scheduled to commence on Decern ber 5. --------------- -------------- I COUNTY PRESIDENT ADDRESSES W. C. T. U. Is Just as exciting among the million­ aires aa It It with ordinary folk, and the “It" personality la at Its finest In the sparkling, comedy-full musical romance, “Love Among the Million­ aires," »bowing at the Colonial the­ atre for two days starting Friday next, aa It was when confined to the fleet In “True to the Navy.’’ Amide the clatter of dishes and the blatant tonea of a nlckel-ln-the-alot piano, "Love Among the Millionaires” gets underway. Clara sings a song, "Believe It or Not, I've Found My Man.” That's where Stanley Smith cornea In and transports the Redhead to a fairy paradise of the wealthy at Palm Beach. But, even then, every­ thing refuses to run smoothly. Stanley has a father, Claude King, who thinks a son of the rich shouldn’t marry a girl of the poor. and. like­ wise. Clara has a father, Charles Sellon, who declares no daughter of his will marry a wealthy man. While the old chaps get together, Clara and Stanley have a misunderstanding which almost breaks t«p the romance. Mrs. N K. Compton, county presi­ dent of the W. C. T. U. was the principal speaker at the meeting of the local W C. T. U. group which was held at the home of Mrs. Georgia Nettleton Mrs H. M Boaley. presi­ dent of the Cottage Orove branch, gave a report of the state convention which waa held at Roseburg recently. Refreshments were served. entertained at the II. K Gerber home Three hundred thousand rainbow (<|| Sunday h(>nor of tbe Wrthdayg trout will be released In the McKenxIe , f , Z Broken Slices 4 zx No. 2'/2 can...... - li f C Kerr’s Cake Flour zx Packages C Q « and Sifter OOC Pork and Beans Q O Libby’» Cans ....... Z * j C Canvas Gloves Peaches and Apricots No. 1 flat cans Each Alabama OC Cans .......... ZOC Extra Heavy Pair 4 zx 1UC Z vC KEEP YOUR MONEY IN TOWN TRADE IN SPRINGFIELD J T h r e e Q u a r te r s o f a M illio n P e o p le A r e VER Y FOR TUNA TE to be located within the 100,000 squares miles of Breier’s trading territory— and to be able to grasp this bona fide opportunity to get the things they need— at BREIER’S GENERAL SALE THE SUPREM E EFFORT OF 1930 COME! SAVE! Pepplrel Stamped PILLOW CA8E3 Pair 49c TRAVEL PRINT8 76c Values 59c and COME AGAIN! 65o PENDLETON WOOL-MIXED SOX 29c »5.00 MEN'S ALL- WOOL BLAZERS P.-T. A. NAMES NEW OFFICER AT MEETING Ladlee’ BLOOMERS and STEP-INS Non-run. $2.93 Roy P. Qulney was chosen vice- president of the Springfield Parent- Teacher association at their monthly meeting held at the Lincoln school on Friday of last week. Mr. Qulney Is the new principal of the Lincoln school succeeding Mr. Maffltt. This Is his first year as an Instructor In the Springfield achool system. Delegates to the county convention at Elmira made their reports and the association voted to assist the work of the Four-H clubs In every manner possible. 43c PRICES CUT 20% to 50% HOSE Ladles’ Pure Thread Silk Full Fashion »1.06 value. to Clean-Up All YARDAGE $1.00 WA8H FROCK8 LADIE8’ COATS 77c Va OFF MOLE SKIN PANTS Heavy weight Black with white stripes. Only— $1.59 MEN’8 SWEATER COAT8 Part wool. $1.49 Men's Horse Hide GLOVES »1.50 Value 69c Men's Part Wool UNIONS 13 OFF Boys’ All Wool MACKINAWS »4.08 Values. $3.98 C. J. BREIER CO.