THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County. Oregon. by T H E W ILLA M ETTE P R E S S 11. E. MAXEY, E d ito r E ntered as seeond class m a tte r, F eb ru ary 21. 1903. a t th e postofftce. S pringfield. Oregon. M A IL SU B SC R IPTIO N R A TE One Y ear In A dvance ......... $1.75 Six M onths ........ .......- .........$1.00 T il I'KS DAY. NOVEMBER -‘7. 1930 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS VAGE FOUR T h re e M onths S in g le Copy 75c Be T i l l RSDAY. N O V E M B E R -7. 193'' BORROW FOR ROAD WORK The county court has said that it probably vMould be able to carry on very little county road work this w inter due to la tk of funds tin t;! money is available on the 1931 budget. In the m eantim e the sta te and federal governm ents have m ade available road m oneys several m onths ahead of the usual tim e so as to aid em ploy­ m ent. President Hoover has called on state, county and m unicipal governm ents to do as m uch work as possible this w inter in order to help th e jobless. While it is tru e th a t the county has no m oney available in the road fund for th is work at present the county h as m any th o u san d s of dollars in the sinking fund. Under present conditions of unem ploym ent it seem s justifiable to us to borrow from the sinking fund for road work until taxes com e in to replace the m oney in the sin k ­ ing fund. By borrow ing projects carried in the budget for 1931 m ight be started now. Clearing and other work th at w eather would perm it to be done this w inter would furnish em ploym ent for m any men. who would otherw ise have no occupation. Cities and school districts have borrow ed from their sinking funds w ithout th e validity of the practice being a ttack ed and a t a tim e like this it is un­ likely th a t there would be opposition to the county borrow ing from itself in order to expedite em ploym ent. • • • The loss of Councilm an W. C. M cLagan. who is m oving to N orth Bend w here he can better supervise the power com pany’s big new steam plant, will be felt in Springfield. He brought a technical trained mind to the council which it had not had heretofore and also a willingness to do. His was a service th a t will be hard to replace. • • • THANKSGIVING Once m ore the people of th e United S tales have been called upon by th eir IT etldent to »»list rve th - last T hursday in Novem ber as a day on which to give th an k s for the m anifold blessings which we have been vouchsafed. BroKen (C ontinued from Page 3» WEDDING SOLEMNIZED AT GOSHEN ON SUNDAY Vlalta F riend» J. M Htilvnly "f Jasp er vlalled with frinitila In thl« ••Ity on Monday. A p re tty hom e w edding wna »oit» u* m o m evening." tw een m an and m an. and think we are pretty Ju lie »napped badly off. but we n n u m b e r that by com j,.,( u n n y - u wm h,< parison with any o th er part ot the world we nicp have a fre*h man u> go out are exceedingly well off. th at the inequalities wlth- which divide our people into th e sucessful and nim ro»e to h e r feet w ith a little the unsuccessful a re far less m arked th an the »hlver. i n. going to b e d ." »he »«id "A ll right. I*|ea»i(nt dream », and inequalities which exist elsew here betw een the ih an k you for w aitin g up." .• upper and the low er classes. Him got a» far a» th e door, then »he Mr» II I'. W ickham , becam e the bride f Lewi» E. Doughty of G oshen Th»' The Pilgrim i'a th e rs gave th a n k s to God on cam e back. '•Julie-’' T hanksgiving Day for m aterial blessings with •W ell’" which their physical condition had been am elior­ "D on't be a little fool. Ju lie d e a r — ated. We are all to prone today to tak e all of »bout Olle» C h ltten h am . . . W hen ttie credit for m aterial progress to ourselves. we left Sw lixerlnnd you »aid you Few today rely upon Divine Providence to take im. i him and th a t yon hoped you care of them , in spite of th e express pro m ise. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Gtxl and 'l ils hUt •• righteousness and all these things shall be added "I « I n t know why e ith er." Ju lie In te rru p te d ruthlr»»ly. "I'm chunged, q u ite changed. . . . I used to tic auch n f.„,i priggish! u n so p h isticated Rut that'» a'l gone now. and I'm much happier." "H a p p ie r!" "T hat'» » h a t I »aid." Ju lie »aid de- ,, I f n e t t in g U B N J g h ta n a e k je h is vrddoiK was perform ed In the arch vuy h> q ,« living room of the hom e mill vl. t r y th e I y»t«» Tn »L nf the b rid e’» b ro th er. Jo h n P utm an, W ork« f« » t. » ta rt» o lro u la U B M A h ru th e system in IB m ln u tea. I ™ " « " / a t 2:30 T he ring cerem ony wa» per th u iiM iid » fo r ra p id »n d iw w ltlv » a c ­ form ed by Rev H arry R enton of Ku tio n l i w - t g tv» up. T r v <-V»t»« < P ~ - neiinced H l» » - t e if «>d»r. u n d e r th e tie t'r e h ld and w hite crep e »troam- Iro n -C la d G u a ra n te e . M u s t q u ic k ly a lla y theae co nd ition », Im p ro v e rua«- ■r» aud flower» form ed th e beautiful f ill » In ’ll an d e u e rg y , o r la u u a y ea r* lecorntlon» In th e room Ml»» E dna O n ly <0o a t P eter of Plea»ant Hill, »erved a» KE'I'EI.M D lll'tl BTOBB S pringfield. O re hrlib »maid while W illiam W allace of Mb 41 Main G oshen wa» the b est man. A recep­ ■ ... . tion wa» held for the couple Iminedl ntelv a fte r the w edding and the couple |.l(4 r ,or ii«y w here they u n to you. D ur taitli is less simple th a n th a t of o u r fore- bears. We do not look tor direct and in stan tan é- ous answ er to piaycr. Butd own deep in our h e a rts we, as a ixople, still believe th a t some- how, if each does his individual best to live up to the spirit of religion, he will not suffer for fiantly. lack of food and shelti r and the norm al com- mm t. forts of life. nii'ii'. then wilt upend th eir honeym oon, The»» p resen t for th e w edding In etude Mr and Mr». Il C W ickham Vlr and Mr». J II D oughty. Mr. and Mr» t ’urti» H anaon and faintly of , „ ,, , « .___ C ottage Drove. Mr and Mr» G eorge ......... We»t of T ren t, Mr» Mildred Eaton nid Ml»» Edna l*eter»on of P leasan t Itili. W illiam W allace of Go»hun. Mr and Mr» G eorge P u tm an of P resco tt. W ashington. Mr and Mr*, t'h a» Pad man of C ottage G rove, Mr and Mrs l.eo P ulm an and fam ily of Sprlug I eld. Mr and Mrs. Jo e S tym an unit Mr. an d Mr». H ohert P utm an and »on». Mr and Mr». Ray H ayden and d au g h ter. D elores, »II of M arshfield, Mr and Mr», Jo h n P n tm a n and faintly . f S pringfield. Ja m e s Tow er, and Dek via D oughty of Go»hen. .11 school children 1 need an eyu ex am in a­ tion Even w i t h tw e n tv t w e iillo t h th e re m ay -J V I .Io n ho eye toyT"-"’-____ DR.E Ç.MEADF. O P T O M CTR1ZT nk w s r r a ™ a v i d I. »■king a t her tor a m o with a little helple»» »hrug sh e tu rn ed aw ay. ’ T he door closed betw een them T here is still faith in the w ords of the 1 salm ist. "I have been young, and now I afn old; yet J»H e .U y e d w here a h . wM . h - r e y w Changud. quite have 1 not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his *P. J è " . '?.P. . m hanged." sh e told h e rse lf fiercely. "I seed begging b read.” ' don't eare about an y th in g any more. T his p articular T hanksgiving Day of 193© Noth ng can h u rt me W hat'» the u«e seem s to u s .to be one upon which the religious of try in g to go stra ig h t and be what origin of thè occasion should be kept in mind, inopie call god’! If» much b e tte r We have been th rough a hard year. We a re still not to car. for any one not to not "o u t of th e woods” so far a s m aterial pros- cure. peritv is concerned. But we have lost nothing sio hit her lip hard, and d o s e d her which counts if we have n ot lost the faith in -ve» a« if sudden puli, ourselves, in our neighbors, in our nation and its "I'll m ake him su ffer—I’ll make ultim ated high desting, which all of our history him suffer—" »he whispered justifies. So long a s we hold to th a t faith and • • • continue to believe th a t som ething higher th an A chance tw ist in the w heel m hum an power is still guiding us. we have every F ate th rew L aw rence Schofield acro»» cause to be thankful. ’•'arrow'» pathw ay in the Fan., And Last But Not Least -- CANDY T here's alw ays room for a few pieces of candy, even a fte r a big turkey dinner. Try a I xjx of pure, delirious, chocolate covered hom e-m ade dainties for real enjoym ent. FG G IM A N N ’S A m i "W here th e flervlce 1» D ifferent" We have had all the details of the Portland stabbing case even to a description of the well cafe. Schofield was a w idow er. HI» kept half m oons on th e accused girl's fingers. * wife had been neurotl« and fretful. Good looks is an asset before any jury w hether It costs $735 duty to bring a Ford c ar into an<> f,'r eleven year» »he had done the accused is innocent o r guilty. We im agine Italy. Some people tell us th at U. S. tariff rate s b‘'"< c r u .h ev ery in stin ct of th a t is the reason such m inute detail is essential. a r e ' high. Com paratively we would say they I’»' »"«’ rheorlue»» on. of h er hi.»- 7 band heart, are not. H a w .» n»nrlv fifty, and he could Com m ittees to help the jobless are form ed all over the country, according to news reports. Many em ployers of labor a re strain in g a point L et’s have one good story about some com m ittee now in order to provide em ploym ent and I lie county m ight well do likewise. finding a job for som eone out of work. i t rem em b er th a t he had e v e r had 'm t called “a good tim e" In all hl» ! • iialll th a t ni. h t when »ome chance a • 'I n r t >-ik him along to the | n I Introduced him to Julie. To i. ni ho wa» like a c re a tu re from >nie t n ’lrelv d iffe r nt world He wa i n efficien tly veraed In m odern way» t» r-co g n lze h er recklca» artlfl- I 'a l lty ; to him »he wa» a c re n tu re of T ht and happlne»». Tile »hort ride me with h er in th e ehlll, e arly hour» m orning had been a revelation Io Poland has evicted 900,000 Jew s for not paying Som eone sent the Spokane .Yssociated press tax xes es on their pi property. T his is i>oll tax in more office a bomb by expr> .¿s. Weil, th a t was one wavs th an one. live story some rep o rter did not have to go out after. St. Louis gai ste rs call them selves cuckoos. • • • To th e average citizen all th is g an g ster stu ff him. T o-night j is cuckoo. Have you joined th e Red Cross? The FeliA W ell ,- i h p S T ALWAYS 6ET S ometh C e fi The Turkey Ity Albert T. Heid he felt younger th a n he ' had ev er felt. If Ju lie would m arry him . . . he »w oke from hl» dream » w ith a »tart t hl» own audacity. (C ontinued N ext W ee kJ T h e Charm of ' Soft and Shaded Lights COOKING CLUB NAMES NOMINATING GROUP M em ber* of th e cooking club of llie C h ristian ch u rch eboae Mr». J. •der»on, Mr». N ettleton, and Mr». John H arris a t th e ir »ocial m eeting held F riday ev en in g a t th e ham e of Mr». E J. Rprigg», to serv e on n nom ln ling co m m ittee for the club T hey will p re s e n t th e ir nom ination» f< r officers a t the m eeting of the ult which will ho held on Ite n tnlier I!!. R efreshm ent» w ere »erved fol­ low ing the m eeting. T he cooking club him charg e of the preparation of the w :ek 'y luncheon» of the Lion» club. What m agic there RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION A B attle C reek physician say». “Con­ stip a tio n 1» re»pon»ihlo for m ore: mlHory th an any o th er cau se.” But. Im m ediate relief has been found. A tu b le t called Itexiril O rder Ilea ha» heen discovered. T his tab let a ttra c ts w ater from the system Intel the lazy, dry evacuating bowel called »he colon. T he w ater loosens th e dry food w aste and cau ses a gentle thorough, n a tu ra l m ovem ent w ithout | form ing a h a b it o r ever increasing th e dose. S top su fferin g from co n stip atio n »'hew a Roxall O rderlle a t night. Next day b right. G et 24 for 26c today at Flanery’a R cxall D rug S tore. in a lam p! How each fam iliar object gaina enchantm ent through Hie traiuiform ing touch of har- tnonioiiH light! T here id a lamp th at will lend jiiHt the right note of (h arm w herever In your home you may choose to place It. That lamp you 11 find at your electric dealer’s k I io ; S hedd People H ere —Mr. and Mr». A. M. Snodgra»» and »on. Ja c k , of S hedd, and Ml»» Dori» Hnye« of '! own»vlllo w ere w e e k - e n d g u e sts at • l e Itlley Snodgra»» hom e In till» city. T hey re tu rn e d to th e ir home» on ' inday afternoon. I h am ong I lie m any lovely ones they have on display. Why not go In today and look them over? new, old, slender large, . . . They have them small, squat, slends. In every size and style. T hey’ll’ selling fit very special prices . . . so don't delay . . . go in while there's still a varied asso rtm en t from which to select. Mountain States f e ; J Power Company - » » U H PAUrNI.UK tN PUOI.BUS- (N D U IU U « . » -