PAGE THREE THE SPRINOFTELD NEWS THURSDAY, NOVBMBHR 27. 1930 ■ i - »boulders. "Queer man! Let's talk of something pleasant shall we!” Chlttenham's face flamed. "Isn't all this rather— cheap. Julie?*" he asked quietly. "For you to deny that we had met before." She made a little grimace. "I thought you might not like to acknowledge me. I'm earning quite a reputation, you know, as the bad girl ; of the family. I believe even Blra— dear Birr, Is shocked sometimes! I believe even Julie— the other Julie ..... - would not be too pleased with me W H AT HAS GONE BEFORE to meet you.” If she knew some of the things 1 ROOM nod board, family style, >40 C A L L FO R W A R R A N T * FARMERS —Have five hundred 16-foot Olles Chlttnnham, distressed over Chlttenham's face hardened beneath : do—" Noth e Is hereby given that School ( Split Cedar Telegraph Peles. I*rlce pur month. Kilt» liutai. N.30 the suicide of his younger half-brother Dlstrlit No 18, In Springfield, Ia n « Its pallor. He felt as If he were In "What things, Julie?** N O T IC E O F F IN A L . H E A R IN G County, Oregon, will pay at the office ! on sale >1 00 each. Make A l tele­ Rodney, returns to Europe from the presence of a stranger who yet "Oh— Just things! men, and things America, where be made an unhappy Notlca 1« hereby given that the un­ o f c le rk of said illstrlct, all warrants | phone poles. marriage. Rodney had killed himself looked at him with well-beloved eyes. like that.” dersigned haa filed her final account to and Including 1260, dated October I because a notorious woman. Julie as administratrix of I ho Kstate of I I , 1830 “I think we have met before," he Interest ceases after No- I Chittenham caught her slender wrist LAWRENCE MOFFITT GETS Farrow, threw him over. Giles Is Frank W. Hhlnnnra, Deceased, and V I ! I he, :io, 1930 said with cool deliverance. In Iron fingers. that the court haa aet 10:00 A. M. _____________<’, F B A R B E R , C lerk FOUR-H LEADER EMBLEM Introduced to Julie Farrow by his Julie raised her brows. "I shout like to thrash you.” he said friend Lombard, In Swltxerland. He f t F rid ay, D M , 2«, 1930. a t H im tin»«- Sees Football Game- Fred Frese, | resolves to make her fall In love with I'm 1 savagely. "Have we? Oh, surely not when at the chambers of the county Five years' work In connection with him. then throw her over as she threw court In the Court llouae. In Eugene. local baker, attended the high school so good at remembering faces. Per- For a moment she struggled to free Oregon, the court will take up said football game at Junction City Frl Four II clubs In this vicinity was rec­ Rodney. She tells him she has made haps you are mistaking me for my her arm, then suddenly she stood very ognized at the armory In Eugene last a bet with her friend *'Blm'’ Lennox final account for examination uud al­ lowance and make an order for the day to see his son, bloyd play on Friday night when Ixiwrence Moffitt, that she can drive her car to the I cousin—the other Julie!" She laughed still looking up at him. top of the St. Bernard Pass and back. “You did thrash me— once,” she assignment of the residue of said the Hprlngfleld high school team. former principal of the Lincoln school, Giles challenges her to take him with Insolently. "That does happen some­ «stale. All persons Interested therein times 1 assure you," he said, turn­ said. H unt Gesse F ra n k tRnltson and W and now assistant county school su­ her and she accepts They start out may appear at said hearing aud be “Bye-bye, every one! I suppose we K Burnell spent Sunday hunting perintendent, wan award;»! a sliver In the face of a gathering snowstorm ing to Doris. "Julie probably wouldn't heard In reference thereto. Chittenham discovers, to his amaze- be flattered if she knew, bat all the shall meet again some day. Doris will g«vse. Four-H leader pin. Mrs. Frank Page IIIIIIM IE T 8 IIIN N K R 8. ment, that the girl beside him In the Administratrix. of Waltervllle was awarded a gold car appeals to him as no other woman same It happens occasionally. You tell you where I live, Mr. Chittenham, A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S S A L E O F 8 I). Allen, alorney for Estate. pin for more than five years' work has ever appealed. And something may not believe me, Mr. Chittenham, If you ever feel like running in for a REAL ESTATE N27 D4 I I 18 26 Intangible convinces him that her feel­ If you know my cousin that Is— but j cocktail, and if she doesn't remember Notice Is hereby given that pursuant with club groups. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T to the Order of the County Court of The presentations were mode dur­ ing toward him Is similar to hts own a man once kissed me In the most 1m- you've only got to enquire of the toward her "Do you believe In love The undersigned. Administratrix of the State of Oregon In and for the ing the large rally which wan held at first sigh?" he ssks her, as the passioned manner thinking I was the police» I'm well known to the police’’ she UuKhe<, asa(n reckIeag,y wared the estate of A. L. Yurnall. deceased, County of lame, sitting In probate, honoring Miss Barbara Dunn, Four-H car tolls up the mountain toward the other Julie! So very awkward, espe- lias filed her Final Account In the dated November 10. 1830, I Asher M. champion of eleven western states, hotel. d ally as he was a man whom I very hand an„ gtrolled back her Qwn matter of said estate i.tth the County Veach, as the administrator of the At the hotel, after refreshments. much dislike. : corner where she was greeted with who left Portland Saturday morning estate of Frank M Vernum. deceased, Clerk the County Court of •ifti- r th e h o u r of 10 o 'c lo c k A. M Thomas Llpton trophy, and to com­ Irresttble. In the morning they re­ “Shall we dance?” Doris asked, and said Couno .ltr-< ling this notice and Friday, December 12. 1830, at the I s » pete for a trip to Parts offered for turned to the town below. Julie ap but she only laughed. he rose at once. appointing Monday, the 22nd day of Office o f H E. Slattery, 717 W il­ parently Jubilantly happy Lombard “Oh, no, I don't think so. He was Itecember. 1830, at the hour of ten lamette St . Eugene, Oregon, all of the sewing and design ability. tells Chittenham that he has made not one of those who specialize In his He tried not to see Julie as they o'clock, A. M for the hearing of Interest of said estate. In and to the a mistake. that this Jull<- Farrow 1» went round the room, bat she seemed objections to said account and the two following described tracts of real Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hubert not the one who ruined Rodney, but women very much. I think a kiss the only real thing In a crowd of un- estate belonging to the said estate, settlement of said estate. are the parents of a baby son born her cousin of the same name. Chit­ was just a kiss to him ' Dated this 20th day of November. to-wlt: She slipped away and they saw her rea,*tie8. I-aughlng. always laughing tenham Is horrified. He calls at at the Pacific Christian hospital on (1.) Ixtt 16 In Block 12, In the town 1930. Julie's hotel and confesses that he Join Essen and Mrs. Ardron at the 'n »hat shrill, reckless fashion! He of biw ell, lame County, Oregon, as Monday. November 24, 1930. EDNA B. YARNALL. had tried to win her love for pur longed to go across to her and pick Administratrix of Ute Estate of A. platted and of record In the office poses of revenge, believing her to far table. her up In his arms and carry her of the County Clerk of Lane County, Doris glanced at Chittenham and b Yarnall, deceased. Registers at Hotel—George 8teele be the other Julie. N2O37 D4 U-18 Oregon; away from the noise and heat and Giles goes with his mother to a made a little grimace. of Portland was registered at the 12.) b its 3-4 6-6 7-8 In Block 6 In the glare, and soothe her into rest and London nlghtc lub. where be meets “Cocktails!” Hhq said eloquently. Springfield hotel on Friday N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T T ow n of Ixtwell, lame County, Ore­ Julie Farrow—his Julie— who Is drink­ Such a pity! It ’s not like Julie a sanity again. gon ; The undersigned, administrator of ing heavily and trying to appear to • • • Estate of E lizab eth Morehouse, That the said trarts 1 and 2 will the estate of IIA IIK Y L. SPENCER, be having a good time. A mutual bit. She used to be such a decent Deceased. be separately sold to the highest bid­ Biro Lennox »at by the fire, a ciga­ deceased, has filed his final account In friend Instroduces him. He says he sort, but now you really oan hardly Notice Is hereby given that Lewis haa met her before, but she laughs rette between her lips, and her feet the matter of said estate, with the der for cash. tell her from the other Julie. Bred ASHER M VEACH. H Morehouse has been by the County County Clerk of laiue County, Oregon, thrust Into a queer-shaped pair of Administrator. Court of the State of Oregon, In and In his face and declares they have in the bone 1 suppose!” and au order has been made and en­ never met. ____ _ _ _ Chinese embroidered slippers. N .13 2O-27-D.4-11 for Lane County, appointed executor 'Are the twa Julies really very tered of record by the County Court of NOW GO ON W IT H T H E STORY of (he Iasi will and testament of A clock on the narrow mantelshelf said County, directing this notice, and much alike. Miss Gardener?” he asked N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R * Elisabeth Morehouse, deceased Giles looked at the girl with the with an effort. had struck four, and JuUe was not appointing the 20th day of December. Notice Is hereby given that the un­ All persons having claim» against 1830. at ten o'clock, A. M., as the scarlet shoes. Doris hesitated, pursuing up her home, time for the hearing of objections to dersigned has been appointed Execu the extate of said deceased are here­ "Do yon dance. Mr. Chittenham?" scarlet Up. tor of the Estate of Andrew J. Sherl- ' 11 was the th*rd time running that by notified to present the same, duly said account, and the settlement of dnn, deceased, by the County Court stated and verified at the residence Dori» asked. •The other Julie Is really better J“ 11® had arrived home In the small said estate. "Yes. May I have the pleasure looking.” she said after a moment, hours of the morning. Jaded and pale. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 20th of Lane County, Oregon AU persons of A. E. Wheeler. 710 Lawrence street. having claims against said estate are In Eugene, Oregon, within six months day of November, 1830. Most men call her besutiful. but to and trying to pretend that she had hereby notified to present the same from ibis 27th day of November. 1930. 1C. R. MORRIS. I-E W I8 H. MOREHOUSE, They went away together through me . . . well. I used to prefer this enjoyed herself. Administrator of the estate of Harry property verified, to the undersigned nt the office of Wells A Wells. Bank Executor of the I-ast W ill and Testa the pillared partition to the room Julie until lately." b Spencer, deceased. ‘And no man la worth It!" Blm told Immel A Evans, attorneys for Estate. of Commerce Bldg. Eugene. Isine ment of Elizabeth Morehouse, de- where the Jazz band played. A sud "You mean—has she reaUy changed herself almost savagely as she threw County, Oregon, within six months ceased. N2O-27-D4-11-18 den scream rose shrilly above the so much!” from the date of the first publication A. E. Wheeler Attorney. her cigarette end In to the grate and of this notice. N27D4-11-18-26 noise, followed by a burst oT hysteri Doris laughed. rose to her feet. "No man Is worth S H E R IF F S A L E Date of first publication, Nov. 13. cal laughter and the clatter of break- “It may sound absurd, but she has! breaking yourself to pieces for!" And A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O TIC E Notice Is hereby given that by 1830 In tha County Court of the State of ,n* Flass. Every one is commenting upon the Blm knew! For three years she had virtue of an execution to me directed. W END ELL P. SHERIDAN, Chittenham fact. She used to be quite different waited and hoped and suffered and What on earth—" Executor. Oregon, for the County of Lane. Issued out of the circuit court of the In Probate. Htate of Oregon for lame county, upon Wells A Wells. Attorneys. began. Then quite suddenly she altered! She told herself that some day a miracle N.13-20-27-D.4 11 IN RE: T H E M A TTE R A F T H E a Judgment entered In said court on Doris Gardiner laughed. began to haunt places like this and would happen, but she had been wrong, ESTA TE OF JOHN W. CUBIT,, the 21st day of October, 1830, and I don't she began to drink too much. If I The only thing that had happened had Deceased. I on,F JuUe Farrow. docketed therein on the 22nd day of N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T Notice Is hereby given that I, the know what's happened to her lately didn't know her as well as I do I been that the man she loved had mar- of October 1830, In an ac tion wherein In the County C o urt of the State of undersigned, have been duly appoint- she was quite drunk here the other should say she has had some rotten r,ed another woman. Hugh Edwards was plaintiff and J. H. Heron was defendant, I have levied O regon In and fo r the County of Lane ed by the above entitled Court to . M I wonder they didn't turn her love affair, but Julie never liked men In Probate “We re such fools! Such pathetic act as the administrator of the above n „ upon and will sell at public auction She’s different to her cousin In that fools»" she told herself, as she walked to the highest bidder for cash, on IN RE: T H E ESTATE OF HENRY estate, and anyone owing anything out.” M c COLLUM. Deceased. to the said estate shall pay the same ' Julie Farrow!" Chlttenham's voice respect at all events.” the 27th day of December, 1930. al over to the window and pulled the one o'clock In the afternoon, at the TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: cUU“ lwa« calm and Indifferent, but he felt The music stopped once more on curtain aside. Notice Is hereby given that 1. the Presently a taxicab against the said estate shall present1 front door of the court house In the at his the fashionable Jarring, questioning turned Into the street and stopped city of Eugene, Oregon, the following undersigned, as administratrix of the same to me with vouchers attached I a* ,f some one had tugged property, and undivided one half part nbove entitled estate, have filed In at my office located at 717 Wiliam- heart note. with a squeaking of brakes outside the above entitled estate proceeding ette 8L, Eugene, Oregon, within six “Yes, do you know her? She used of the following tract: "I suppose we must Join the others.” the block of flats. my final account; and that the Pro- months from the date of the first to be rather afriend of mine, hut one Beginning at u point 30 links south Doris said. "Hark at Jello- you can Julie at last! of a point 7.26 chains east of a stone bate Court has set the time for the publication of tills notice, which Is has to draw the line somewhere. Just hear her voice above all this racket." healing upon the said final account October 30, 1930. Blm listened anxiously. She was set In county survey No. 1170 of the at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. De lately she seems to have taken leave H . E. S L A T T E R Y , Mrs. Ardron's face was a study. not alone. A man's voice was an­ recorded surveys of lan e county. Ore­ cember 6, 1830, and notice Is hereby Administrator, of her senses.” gon. for the center of section 36 In She was trying to smile and look as swering her laughing words, and pres­ O.30-N.6-13-20-27 Township 18 south of Range 4 west given that any persons having any Chlttenham's eyes were straining If she thoroughly enjoyed the situa­ ently the steps of two people ascended objections thereto shall file the same of the Willamette meridian, and run S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON F O R E ­ across the room In the direction from tion. and yet there was a timid look thes tone staircase. Blm went to the thence east 10.87 chains to the middle In writing on or before said date. CLOSURE I8ABELLA. McCOLLUM ERICKSON In her eyes as If she fere not quite door, turning up the light as she wenL of the county road thence along the Administratrix. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That which the noise had alsen. hut there center of »aid county road aa fol­ sure if it were the right thing to was too much of a crowd for him "1 thought you were lost!-’ she said. by virtue ot an execution and order lows, South 6 degrees 32 minutes west H. E. Slattery. Attorney of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court to distinguish any one face. laugh or not. "Lost!” Julie swept past her Into the 4.74 chains, south 41 degrees west tor admlsltratrtx. N.6 13-20-27; D.4 of the State of Oregon for the County “Miss Farrow has been telling us flat. "Why should we be lost? A fire! "You mean the famous Julie Far­ 2.12 chains, south 64 degree! west of Lane on the 10th day ot Novem chains, south 66 degrees west row, I suppose,” he submitted laconl that hse has a cousin so like her that How can you bear It! I ’m so hot I 2 84 her, 1930, upon a Judgment duly ren­ N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G ON 6.00 chains, south 70 degrees west 2.47 they are very often mistaken for one don't know what to do.” dered In said Court on the 6th day rally. F IN A L A C C O U N T chains thence leaving said rood and another." she said. Doris glanced across the room. The man who had come with her NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN: That of November 1930 In a suit wherein running north 12.71 chalna to the George Colcord was plaintiff and Sum "Yes. so 1 understand," Giles said was looking at Blm with enquiring place of beginning, situated In Lane the undersigned administrator of the uel M. McCullough and Ruth McCul­ "There she Is— ” she said. "In the county, Oregon, said tract containing estate of Arthur Hartman, deceased, eyes, hesitating In the doorway. green frock. No—over the other rather shortly. about 12 aert’s, and all the right, has filed his account for the final lough, his wife, Lloyd Saubert aud "It must be very awkward," Mrs. It's usual to Introduce people, ............. Saubert, his wife, were de side, sitting on the arm of the chair title and estate which the defendant settlement of said estate In the Coun fendants and wherein the plaintiff* laughing. . . . That’s what I call a Ardron murmured. Julie," Blm said. had therein on said 21st day of Oc­ ty Coourt for Lane County, Oregon, "I find It rather amusing.” Julie Julie turned. “Sorry, I forgot» tober, 1830 or uny subsequent date, and that Saturday, the 6th day of recovered a Judgment against the de cocktail laugh. Come aong. I'm to satisfy the following sums adjudged December, 1930, at the Court Room fendants Samuel M. McCullough and sure Essen and your mother are bored said flippantly. "Yon don’t know my This . . She broke Into a little Ruth McCullough, his wife, for the to be due plaintiff, >300 dnmages, >66 of said Court, In the County Court laugh. "I'm sorry, I ’ve forgotten your sum of >642.00 aud Interest thereon to tears with one another by this cousin, do you, Mr. Chittenham? dollars costs of said action, >30 at­ House, In Eugene, Ixine County. Ore “I have not that pleasure.” name,” she told the man. ‘One meets torneys fees, with Interest on said gon. at ten o'clock In the forenoon, from the 14th day ot October, 1930, time." at the rate of 10 per cent per annum "Oh, you'll love her,” Julie rattled so many people! This Is my friend, several sums at legal rate since Oct has been by said Court fixed as the But Chittenham did not move. He until paid and for >100.00 as attor­ on. "All the men do. She's got the Miss Lennox—" 21st, 1830, together with the costs ot lime ad place for hearing objections ney’s fees and the coBts and dis­ was looking at the girl In the green making such sale. Said sale will be thereto, and for final settlement ofi "My name Is Schofield— Lawrence bursements taxed at >21.76 which frock— a green frock of which there biggest scalp collection In London." subject to redemption as by law al­ said estate. Giles made a little movement to rise Schofield,” the man said. Judgment was enrolled and docketed seemed to be no very Utile with L. L. RAY, lowed. He was rather an ordinary-looking H. L. BOWN, Administrator of the Estate ot in the office of the Clerk of said which to cover her white neck and but Julie was too quick for him. Court on the 6th day of November, Sheriff of Ixine county. Arthur Hartman, deceased. Dance with me. Mr. Chittenham! man, obviously a gentleman, and not arms. H er lips were painted a vivid N27-D4-11-18-26 N.6-13-20-27; D.4 1930, and that said execution was to me directed commanding me In the red, and she was laughing noisily— she commanded. And before he was very young. He kept looking at Blm name ot the State ot Oregon in order Immoderately—laughter which died aware of It Giles found himself back tn a half-puzzled, half-apologetic way, to satisfy said Judgment and accruing again in the whirling throng, his arm and after a few desultory remarks he coats to sell the following described away suddenly aa she met his gaze across the room, and It was his Julie round Julie's slim body, her hand rest­ said good-night. real property, to-wlt: “Goodnight!" Julie twitted him. All ot Lots numbered six, seven —the woman who had said she loved ing lightly on hts shoulder. and eight In Block two In re-plat of him, and with whom he had spent He looked down at her and felt that 'Don't you mean good-morning? It's Lot 22 of Clark and Washburn's Ad­ General 1-aw Practlee It must be a dream nearly fire .’’ dition to Springfield, Lane County, that never to be forgotten night on The same, and yet such an utterly Without knowing why, Blm felt Oregon, together with the tenements the top of the world. 1. M. PETERSON different Julie to the girl he had held rather sorry for Schofield; she went hereditaments and appurtenances Doris Gardner tugged at Giles Chlt­ Attorney-at-Law thereunto belonging or In anywise ap­ tn his arms a few weeks ago to the door with him and offered her City Hall Building pertaining and that the proceeds of tenham's arm. He tried to think of something to hand. "Come along! I f Julie sees me the sale be applied In satisfaction ot "Good night, and thank you for see­ Springfield, Ore. she'll want to Join our party and say, but no words would come, and said Judgment 22S Main SL Realdenee C BL ing Julie home.” NOW THEREFORE, IN THE I ’m not anxious to have her. Oh, It was Julie who broke the silence. 63 J 42 M NAME OF T H E 8TA TE OF ORE­ damn—I knew It would happem—” "Isn’t this a filthy band?' she said Blm bolted the door and came back GON and In compliance with said disgustedly. into the room. She shrugged her shoulders resign­ execution and order of sale, I will He avoided her eyes as he answered Julie had lit a cigarette, but It had on Saturday the 13th day of Decem­ edly as JuUe suddenly detached her­ Full Auto Equipment "My thought were so far away. I gone out again, and she was leaning JEWELER ber, 1930, between the houors of 9 self from the noisy group she was lAdy Assistant o’clock A. M. and 4 o’clock p. m. of with and threaded her way across was thinking of a wonderful night you back amongst the cushions, her eyes Repairing a Specialty said day, to-wlt, at the hour of 1 and I spent together on the top of the closed, and her mouth drooping in Springfield, Oregon o'clock P. M. at the southwost door the room. dejected lines. Doris glanced at Chittenham. "Do world.” of the County Court House In Eu­ Blm stirred the fire Into a blaze. “Oh, th a t!” She laughed carelessly. gene, Lane County, Oregon, offer for you know Mr. Chittenham, Julie?" sale In one parcel for cash, subject She made the Introduction with ob­ "Fancy remembering It! I ’ve forgot­ “Who ts he?” she asked. FRANK. A. DE PUE NELSON LEGHORN FARM to back taxes all the right, title. Julie opened her eyes. “Who— Oh. ten all about It ages ago. Fearfully ATTORNEY AT LAW Interest, claim or estate of the de­ vious reluctance. Lane County’s Oldest Breeders Schofield. I don’t know. He was uncomfortable, wasn't It? and cold. . Julie had returned Chlttenham’s fendants or either or any and all of NOTARY PUBLIC Ugh!” she shivered. “And so boring, there to-night, and he seemed rather of them In and to said lands and formal how with a careless nod. S. C. W H IT E LEG HO RN * like a fish out of water, so I took premises heretofore described. wasn't it?” "How are you? I’ve heard of you." Button Springfield SPRINQFIKLO OREGON H. L. BOWN, compassion on him. N t very Inter "I was not bored, Building Oregon Sheriff of L&ne County, Oregon. she said casually. "Hodney Ardron’s Phone 31-P-14 (Continued on Page 4) "Really!** she shrugged her white N.4-18-2O-27-D.4 half brother, aren’t yon? Delighted CJLctssi (BUYING OR SELLER By Ruby | B U S IN E S S IIIR E C T O R Y Walker-Pool« Bhapol Funeral Directors It# D . W . Roof M. Ayrei