*. H l w T r i i r c Try tho H om t Print Shop Fir»t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-SrcVKNTH YEAH. SUTHERLAND KILLED INQUEST IS FRIDAY H H tlN G H K b h . LANK COUNTY. OREGON , T IU RSUAV. NOV EM BER 27, l!l3<>________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ School Board Seta Holiday Vacation McLACAN IS TRANSFERRED TO PLANT AT COOS BAY L egion fo SpOOSOT |CUARD UNIT C0L0RS ARE .. ___ i o I , DECORATED AT PORTLAND “T h e P . o p l . ’s Papar" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N No. 46 THANKSGIVING DAY OBSERVED QDIETLY W C Me I .«gun. superintendent of I ____ I The Headquarter» company of the .team plant, of the Mountain Htate. . ‘«2nd Infantry, .tattooed at Spring Teacher» and Student» to Clo«e -ow. r company, baa been tran.ferred L o ca l Business Men Will Strut fleld w#Bt lo portUnd In a body laat from Springfield lo North Bend where Wares on Stage at High Friday afternoon to be pre.ent at the Book« on December 24, School Next Month | draping of their color, by Major Gen Football Gam« at Eugene Draw« will have direct charge of the Classes Start Jan. 5 Marcóla Killer Located Near eral White of 8alem. All unit, of new Coos Bay plant. Many; Large Dinner Gather­ Aunt Duda’’ Is the name of the the 162nd Infantry In the state were Oakridge Tueeday and Pre­ Mr McLagan ha. taken an active Springfield .ch o o l. will be closed ing« Held; Baskets Provided fer« to Shoot It Out with eleven d ay. for the annual Chrl.tma. part In city affair, during h l. real-i home talent play which the American assembled In Portland Friday evening for Needy; Business Houses dance here. He ba» »erred one term Laglon has »elected to present In th l. for the program which wa» followed Officer«; Autopay Show« a vacation It wa. decided at the meeting on the city council and ha« Just been ' city the flr.t part of December. Jack by a large dance. The Springfield Closed Entire Day. Wound Received in August... of the »chool board which wa. held re-elected for another term. He has Larson. flnanse officer of the local men under command of Lieutenant at the high Mhool on Monday eve­ been actively Interested In the de legion post, »Igned a contract thl. C. A. Swart«, returned to Springfield Springfield U spending a quiet Itay Sutherland I. dead. No longer ning Cla.se« In the .ch o o l. will con­ Thanksgiving day today. A few large will bla gun. bark flum e, and bla.e tinue until the afternoon of December velopment of the munlclpul airport week with a representative of a pro- early Saturday. d u rin g company which will have com Thp Headquarter, company color. | fam„y dlnnerg otber gocUI denlh for thoae whom he believed 24, when they will be dismissed and and wa» a member of the airport plete charge of the production. The were decorated with four streamer» ' ommlttee. will »tart again on January 6. Thl. lo bn h l. persecutor«, men who .ought gatherings are being held In various Mr». Mclstgan 1» an active worker play, which 1» a comedy of college indicating participation In four major him ever «Ince that dark night of I. a vacation of »lx teaching day. and home. In the city. Thee hnrehes are life, will be given at the high school | battle. .Ince It wa« established, the N. O. W. lodge, and other Augu.l 2H, at Marcola when he .hot elev«n day. In all. It I. two more auditorium. The tentative date» set not holding services, except the Bap They have two .o n ., and hilled linear Uuley. Eugene po­ day. than wa» allowed the teacher, civic groups for the event are December 11 and 12 list church will haa the usual prayer liceman and deputy .herlff, while at­ laat year when the schools dosed on both attending school here. "Aunt Lucia" will be portrayed by Mrs. Mef-agan and her «on» will meeting this evening at 7:30. The tempting to arreat bis »on. Vaude, for December 24. and started on Jan­ not move until the first of the year. a complete cast of local people. One aelllng liquor, and who later .hot and uary 8. Christian church cooking club it en­ hundred and fifty people can be used killed J»« Maunder«, deputy game Few of the teacher» In the Spring- tertaining the member, of the Culture In the scenes according to Larson, warden, and wounded Kodney Roach, field »chool system live w> far from who expect» the director to arrive club of the Eugene Bible university another game officer and In-e Bown, their home, that they cannot be with here the latter part of the week to Thankskiving Day Game to End with a Thanksgiving dinner at the deputy .herlff, when they, unaware their relative« for Chrl.tma» eve If begin »election of a cast and directing Football Season in This church thia evening. This 1. the sec­ of hl. preaenre. entered the open door they loav« the city Immediately after the play. | Vicinity for High Schools. ond year that this organization has of h l. home and met h l. face to face. »chool. They also make up an extra entertained thl. group of students Thl« 1» the name play which was Hix deputlea, John Carllle, theater day of teaching which they are losing Carllle, Walter Edml.ton, Clayton In­ by not having cla..«» meet on the Five Clubs in Third District t o put on by the business and profes- I A» a grand finale to the 1930 foot- while away from their homes on Convene at Community Hall »¡onal women's club of Eugene a few ball season at the Springfield high Thanksgiving. man, Fried Peterson, and Ward Lan. Friday after Thanksgiving. Next Saturday week» ago. Included In the cast at school, the squad is In Eugene thU M any Baskets Prepared. bery, working on tlpa from the Oak­ Monday wa. the night set to hear -------- that time was a large number of morning playing the University high The churches and most of the other ridge district, scoured the hill, be any objections to the budget as pre­ District number 3 of the Lions prominent businessmen and women, school team in the only Thanksgiving organizations In the city have pre­ tween that town and W e.tflr for al- pared by the budget board and pub­ day game ln thia part of the state. pared several baskets which have been club, of which Springfield Is a mem- meet a week. Sunday they discovered lished In the New». No one appeared Thia game is always one of the most taken to the homes of the needy. footprints, and on Tuc.day morning with any objection. so the budget ber will be entertained by the local WATERWAYS GROUP HAS Interesting and hardest fought battle« A quantity of foodstuff has been as­ at an afternoon and evening ic r r c c c i ii M F F T IN C at 1:11 met their man lying In h l. III stand and the dl.trlct will be club »«..Ion at the Community hall on SUCCESSFUL MEETINC which the Springfield boys have on sembled at the Service center at the bed In a lean to which had been called on to raise ,31,466 22 by «pedal Saturday, December q. It wa« an- AT OREGON CITY MONDAY I their schedule. Many local people are community hall and every needy fam­ built against a tree a abort dlatance levy for »chool expense.. nounced at the weekly luncheon of --------- I In Eugene this morning attending the ily in the city has been taken care from the Willamette highway about Routine business m atter, occupied V rgtng the Incorporation of many game. of where the need has been knowi*. half way between Oakridge and W e.t­ the balance of the time of the board that body Friday. Plan» for the event are not all other town» In the membership of Tb[a lg t»,e {ln,t meeting together In one instance every married man flr A bullet which went through tm mbers. completed as yet by W. F. Walker, the Willamette Valley Waterway» as- for ,jjege two teams thia season, an employed in a local manufacturing hl. watch and .topped It a 8:16 a. m district deputy governor, and Dr. W sociation H. O. Mitchell, district man- ear|,er game having been cancelled plant has received a large turkey Indicated the time of the «hooting. GEORGE W. LYTLE PASSES C. Rebhan, president of the local club ager of the department of commerce at the request of the D. H 8. player«, from the firm which he is employed. H e D ie . F ig h tin g The chief outdoor attraction of the AT HOME WEDNESDAY The district Include» clubs at Bend, with offices at Portland, .poke to the yjjere ¡g oniy one criterion by which Sutherland died facing thoae who Junction City, Cottage Grove, Eugene, third meeting of the group at Oregon tbe relative strength of the two teams day is the football game at Eugene nought him. He a«ked no quarter, He recom- (.an ju