m i o n n iK T r < p ir i THURHDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1030 K V jilZ C TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FIVE ------------------------- r ----------------- ------ -— brushed his coat sleeve with her you any harm?” They had quarreled, loved, quarreled cheek. Chlttenham flushed crimson. again, then ktssed and been happy, "1 told Blm—'* she said. "I w "»he sent my brother to his death. and now the end had come. . . . so happy, I Just had to tell some I hail a right to make her pay.” Suddenly she spoke; she felt as If one. . . And then as If struck by "Your brother was as much of a she were choking. his silence ahe looked up swiftly to coward as you are.’’ The very stlll- "Please go away." ask: "You don't mind? you’re not d m i of her voice was like a knlfe- "Not like this. I can't go like this. angry?" cut Brave gentlemen both of you! Julie, there must be some way out "Aiyjry . . . T" How could he The one to die and leave the stigma n i do anything . . . anything . . ." answer? what could he say? He re­ of hie death upon a woman who i sh e laughed with white lips, leased her hands, and moved a step never wanted him and had often told ' "What can you do? I suppose you'll from her. him so and the other to break a „ay that yon are unhappily married, 'T’ve something to tell you,” he woman s whole life In order to satisfy and ask me to be sorry for you? Per- said abruptly. his petty pride and the thing I sup- haps you will even offer to divorce WHAT HAH OONB UEFORB him, told him of hla mistake. "Tell away then " pose he calls his honour. . . ." her?" Oil»« Chlttsnham, distressed over He knew now that when last night Chlttenham looked away from her. "Julie!" Chlttenham said passion "She would be as glad of he- free- the suicide of his younger half-brother "It's about last night . . . last night." at*ly. Rodney, returns to Europe from Julie had said she loved him It was dom aa j nhould," Chlttenham said And there was America, where he made an unhappy the truth also. "Yea." And then somehow, without either curtly, marriage. Rodney had killed himself Hadle. , , . "And about my brother , . . Rodney." of them being conscious of having Julie laughed In his face. because a notorious woman, Julia What a sport of the godst "Yes." moved, she was In his arms sobbing, I "Julie . . .” He caught hold of her Farrow, threw him oyer. Giles la He felt like a man In a dream "You told me you knew him." Introduced to Julie Farrow by his her face burled In his shoulder, her so roughly that she cried out "Do friend Lombard, In Hwltserland. He He tried to believe that he had only "Yes. I often met him when he arms about bis neck. you think you're going to be the only resolves to make her fall In love with to rub his eyes uud be would find was with my cousin Julie." "Oh. say you love me . . . say you one to suffer?’’ he asked savagely, him, then throw her over as ahe threw Chlttenham caught a hard breath, really love me—" she pleaded wildly. "Do you thing It doesn’t rebound on Rodney. Hhe tells him ahe has marie that the house before him had van­ a bet with her friend "Blm'' Lennox ished, find that he was back again then It was true. "Oh. do you really love me after all?" me too? Do you think I wanted to that she can drive her car to the lu Houth America, that he had never "You knew Iximbard, too? Do you Chlttenham answered between clench- care for you. or for any woman? I top of the Ht. Bernard Pass and back. come to Hwltierland with lxjmbard. know that at first he mistook you for ed teeth set a trap for you and I’ve been caught Giles challenges her to take him with never met Julie Farrow on the little your cousin—the other Julie Farrow?" In It myself." "I do, God help me." her and ahe accepts They start out In the face of a gathering snowstorm luke steamer. It was the truth; a truth of which "Iximbard told me that you were the Hhe Dung back her head and looked ( lilttenhiiin illaiovera, to hla amase And then one of the windows laud­ other Julie, that you were the woman he had never dreamed. at him with blazing eyes. iimiit, that the girl beelde him In the "I wish I could kill you. I wish He turned her face up to blm and car appeals to him as no other woman ing on to a balcony opened—the sound Rodney had cared so much about." has ever appealed And something of voices was wafted down to him I could kill you." sbe panted desper- Hhe met his gaze directly, but un­ klased her Bps. Intangible convinces him that her feel­ through the quiet evening, and a "I love you -w hatever happens,"^!- j ate,’r and wa" / onP suspectingly; suddenly she smiled. ing toward him la similar to his own woman's figure w u s silhouetted toward her. "Ho you believe In love "Well, what difference does that ways remember (hat I love you—” he at first alghT*' he asks her. aa the against the light. Glles Chlttenham's mother leaned make? I'm not, and you know It said hoarsely. car tolls up the mountain toward the Julie? For a moment the pounding now." Hhe frowned a little In per­ She freed herself from his arms. b“,k J " heru cha,r and applle,i an hotel. to ”er eyes At the hotel, after refreshments, of Chlttenham's heart almost choked plexity. "It's not anything to look so wiped her eyes, and pushed hack her Giles frowned and moved restlessly 4'hlttenho.m and Julie found their him, then with a breath of relief he tragic about surely. Is It?" hair. over to the window. mutual attraction so strong aa to saw that It was not Julie, but Blm Chlttenham’s eyes wavered, for a "I hope nothing else Is go-going Irrestlblc In the morning they re­ Lennox. He had all a man’s dislike for a moment he hesitated desperately, to happen,' she said, half sobbing still. turned to the town below, Julie ap­ scene, and for the past three days he Presently he heard her voice— parently Jubilantly happy. Lombard searching for yet some means of es-. I think I've had enough for one day. had been treated to one every time tells ('hlttenham that he has made quietly cynical. cape, then he told her. I'm not used to crying . . . it doesn't he was In bis mother’s presence. a mistake, that this Julie Farrow Is “I can't see any signs of your me. . . "I went up to Ht. Bernard with suit not the one who ruined Rodney, but _ . . . . . . He found himself remembering the her cousin of the same name. Chit- Romeo, Julie dear?" you yesterday believing you were the He caught her hand, holding her barely furnished room at the hotel ('hlttenham drew further back Into woman my brother had loved. tenham Is horrified He calls at Walt . Julie, there's som ethin, „„ fho be,Khtg gt B