pace four THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1930 T i r e SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Ijin e County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. E. M A X E Y . Editor Entered as second class matter. February 24. 1903. at the poatoffice, Springfield, Oregon. M A IL SUB SCRIPTIO N RATE MANY MONROE PEOPLE It is with a sense of regret we view the passing NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT HEALTH SEAL CAMPAIGN ot die Eugene Register, a new spaper which has INSTALL NEW OFFICERS WILL START NEXT WEEK ARE ENTERTAINED HERE been identified w ith the hlBtory of this part of INSTALL N tW O F F I C E R S W IL L S T A R T J M E A T W E E K Oregon since pioneer days. To m any people the Mrs. Jam es loixlon entertained a The new officers ot the Springfield The annual health Meal aale cant R egister rated next to the O regonian in excel- large number of Monroe people, mem hers of the Irish llend progressive li m . , i tot O re g o n jo u rn a lis m , capable ,,t,>i-t Ml gueata and friends at business of this country is foreign trade. Why A certain m an now stan d s near the top of colinty court are planning to attend ’••»»ling. should we be so immensely concerned with this his profession, w ith an incom e considerably in the dedication exercises. » Mr». Isaak 1» the daughter of Mr five per cent business except as if effects the excess of a hundred thousand dollars a year. ------------------------- and Mr» Karl Weber, and tha family o ther 95 per cent? Actually w e’re not so con­ He worked hard in college, but his health "was g o ^ Qp POSTMASTER GETS H»«! on South n street cerned as our tariff discussion would lead one poor; he was frequently despondent, and at his They now make their home near to believe. Take Russian lum ber for instance. graduation he felt th at he w as not trained for DIPLOMATIC ADVANCE Santa Clara. One Year in Advance ____ $1.76 Three Months ..........75c a a a Mary Richman, Maude Smith, It <’. Herron, Mra. II. ('. Herron. Mary Jen nlnga, biggie Thomas, Mra F M Htow, Mra. J G Hubbard. (Iladya Dodd. Janetta Edwards, Katherine Finley and Mina Dillard O n a Belle Emmons of Eugene also attended. Backache Leg Pains I f G e ttin g ■ V o N lg h t < TU e kaeb a, fr e q u e n t its , / r a ils , I ^ g r a in s , N » r v - oueneee, o r I Ilu r n ln g . d u e to f u n r tlo n - e l III» ,Id e r I r r l t a tlo n , In acid e o n d l- (Io n a , ________, m ek e e you fe e l tir e d , depreeeed an d d isco Iscou uraged, raged. t — r y th — e t'y _____ e te a T e a L * s “ t, s ta rts ‘ c ilrcutaC W o r k s fa ir c u la tin g th r u th e eyetem In 16 m in u tes. I'ra ia e d by th ou san ds f o r ra p id en d p o s itiv e mo­ tio n . D o n 't g iv e up. T r y t^ rete a (p r o ­ nounced H le e -te i) to d a y , under th e Ir o n -C la d G u a ra n te e . M u st q u ic k ly a lle y th ese c o n d itio n s. Im p ro v e te e t- fu l sleep en d e n e rg y , nr hum » / b e c k , (J u ly tuo a t 6th A KETE1.H DRUG STORE Main Springfield. Ora. The volume of this would not be great as com ­ anything. John N Hamlin, »on of F It flam pared with the total consum ption but it is the He took the first job offered, and m ade su r-I lln. Springfield postm aster, ha» been NEEDLECRAFT CLUB TO effect even this small am ount will have on all prisingly good progress. Ju st about the tim e made second secretary to the United lum ber prices th a t w’e are concerned with. MEET THIS AFTERNOON th a t his p arents thought he was well established. State» embussy at Buenos Aire» ac­ Few people realize th a t th e new Hawley- he suddenly chucked the job and sta rte d around cording to word received by hl» Mr». Harry M Stewart .will enter Sm oot bill just passed a tte m p ts a new policy the world. After a y e a r’s travel, which used up father here. The younger Hamlin lain for the member» of the Needle in regards to tariff— the restriction of those all of his savings, he started in a n o th e r posi- is now »erving hl» second year with craft club at her borne thl» after- OR .1 C .M C A D F products th at we m ust im port because of sh o rt­ tion. The com pany failed, and he w as out again, the diplomatic corp» In South America noon. Sew ing will he the prlnrlpal O P T O M z T R IZ T age. In other words the new tariff attem pts A third tim e he sta rte d in a different line, but and has Wltne»»e