.m ir i n n n i K T n p i p i tx THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1030 PAGE THREE TH E SPRINOFÍEIJ) NEWS Bon Born Mr. und Mrs. J. F. Yocum of Wultervllle are the parent« of a ■ baby »on born to them at the Pacific ¡Christian hospital In Eugene on 8at- 1 unlay. NOTICE fefTRESUHSj ROOM and board, family stylo, *40 per month. Elite Hotel. N.30 N O TIC E OF F IN A L H EA R IN G K V 7 1 IZ C HEALTH UNIT MEMBERS OF S H E R IF F ’S 8A LE Rfgams Hh Sight ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane Coun­ ty October 22nd, 1930, upon and pur­ suant to a decree duly given and made by said Coirt October 21st, 1*30, in a suit pending therein In j which J. R. Hill and Ellen Hill are plaintiffs and Ruth M. Cooper, also known as Ruth Cooper, Dorothy E I Cooper, Charlotte C. Cooper, and I Harry W. Neet, Administrator of the , Estate of W. B. Cooper, deceased, j were defendants, which execution and ; Order of sale was to me directed and I Booth 1 arkington, famous novelist, commanded me to sell the real prop I who has been blind for several years, • rty hereinafter described to satisfy is now able to read alter an operatxai certain liens and charges in sa id ! y Jf>hn Seavey. Mrs. Toney The funeral services were held at ut One o'clock P. M , at the Southwest tor of the Estate of Andrew J. Sheri­ work. tiff and Lafe M. Chetwood and Veda '^barrett of New York City and Mrs. the Branstetter chapel Tuesday after­ dan. deceased, by the County Court front door of the County Court House Regular meetings of the committees t his wife, were defendants R. L. Jones »fere guests during the noon at 2:00 o’clock. Rev. Bryant of Lane County, Oregon, sell at public of Ia»ne County, Oregon. All persons . ,, „ , , ... and wherein the Plaintiff recovered afternoon uuctlon, subject to redumption to the having clnlnis against said estate are will be held and reports of the prog judgment against said defendants for 15 Wilson, pastor of the First Baptist hereby notified to present the same, highest bidder for cash In hand, all ress of the service work will be made, the sum of *203.74 with interest there- 1 np next me«*>ng will be held at church In Eugene officiated and inter­ the right,.title and Interest which the property verified, to the undersigned <>n from the 26th day of September, f**e home of Mrs. John Parker on ment was made in the new I. O. O. F. at the office of Wells A Wells. Bank within named defendant» hud on the Purchases Feed—Joe O’Dell of Wal 1930 at the rate of 8% cent per annum December 18. cemetery. 13lh day of November, 1*26, the date of Commerce Bldg, Eugene, lame until paid and the sum of *50.00 as . of the mortgage h 'eln foivclosed, or County, Oregon, within six months tervtlle purchased feed for his stock attorney’s fees together with the costs from the dnto of the first publication since said date hud In and to the while In Springfield on Monday. and disbursements of the suit taxed above des ribud real property or any of this notice. at *17.70 which Judgment was en­ Date of first publication. Nov. 13. A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S NO TIC E portion thereof to a. tlsfy said Judg rolled and docketed in the office of £ . ur ‘y Court of the State of the~Cle~rk* of ¡Zhi "court on The'23rd ment order, decree and execution. In­ 1930. The Ri.rte-ot ^PflnKfield, Oregon. November 12th, 1930. WENDELL P. SHERIDAN. Oregon, for the County of Lane. terest, costs and accruing costa. day of October, 1930 and said execu­ November « 19M «n m?‘eL n,et ,at. J he^City Ha" at 7:30 R M Wednesday, Executor. In I*robate. Dated this 22nd day of October, Wells A Wells, Attorneys. non was to me directed, commanding j> Tv-ion'eL’ i»’t mpmbt'rs the Committee present except H. J. Cox. tion RE: THE MATTER AF THE ' me in the name of the State of Ore- |a thc ¿„^get Fsrim i’« 1*30. a"d C' Wheaton, Secretary. The following N.13-20 27 D 4 11 IN ESTATE OF JOHN W. CUBIT, • gon that In order to satisfy said Judg- Snringfield for Th., First publication October 23, 1*30. expenditures and receipts for the Town of Deceased. , ment an(j accruing costs to sell the Springfield for the year 1931 Last publication November 20, 1*30. NO TIC E OF F IN A L ACCOUNT IMPROVEMENT: H. L. B O W N , Notice Is hereby given that I, the following described real property to- STREET Lumber .... ........... In the County Court of the State of underslgned, have been duly appoint- wit: Sheriff of Lane County, Oiegon. * 50.00 Street cleaning and flushing, labor on streets? O. 23-30-N.6-13-20 Oregon In and for the County of Lane. ed by the above entitled Court to All of Lot numbered seventeen in man and t e a m ... ................... In Probate act as tho administrator of the above Block numbered one hundred and two . 2030.00 Crushed rock _____________ IN HE: THE ESTATE OF HENRY estate, and anyone owing anything (102) In Washburne's sub-Divlsion of SUMMONS 300.00 Cement alley crossings McCOLLVM. Deceased. to tho said estate shall pay the same the Springfield Investment and Power In the Circuit Court of the State of 50.00 Cutting weeds ........ ....... ............ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: to me, and anyone having any claims Company’s Addition to Springfield, .. 200.00 Oregon for Lsns County. Surveying streets ......... . . Notice Is hereby given that I. the against the said estate shall present Lane County. Oregon together with .. 75.00 Suit for Divorce. Equipment and supplies .. undersigned, as administratrix of the samo to me with vouchers attached the tenements, hereditaments and ap- . 100.00 SARAH VIOLA GROW, Plaintiff, Sewer pipes ........... ..... ..... ........... ’ ’ above entitled estate, hnve filed in at my office located at 717 Wiliam- purtenances thereunto belonging or in ve. 75.00 Incidentals ________ the above entitled estate proceeding ette St., Eugene, Oregon, within six anywise appertaining and that the WILLIAM H. GROW. Defendant. 250.00 niv final account: nnd that the Pro­ months from the date of the Prst proceeds of the sale be applied In; To WILLIAM H. GROW Defendant; bate Court has set the time for the publication of this notice, which Is satisfaction of said Judgment POLICF D E P A R t i u p v t ' *3130.00 You are hereby required to appear heating upon the snld final account October 30, 1930. N o w , THEREFORE, IN TH E ' ' -?hiE .E£A^ T iiE?tT.' nnd answer the complaint filed at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. Do J A M m i l t ' T ill? G T A T V m s iA D m O V l n !® t O f P o lic e a t * H. E. SLATTERY, k . . v - ,137-60 ppr «»n th ................ .............. *1650.00 NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON against you In tho above entitled comber 6. 1930. and notice is hereby Administrator. and in compliance with said execu­ One Nightwatchman at *105.00 per month ________ 1260.00 divorce suit within four (4) weeks given that any persons having any Extra help, supplies and expenses .................. ............. . 205.00 0.30 N.6 13-20-27 tion and order of sale I will on Sat­ from the date of the first publics objections thereto shall file the same urday the 22nd day of November, 1930 S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON FORE­ tlon of this summons In the Spring In writing on or before said date. *3115.00 CLOSURE between the hours of nine o’clock A. FIRE DEPARTMENT: field News, which date of first pub­ ISABELLA. McCOLLVM ERICKSON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That M. and four o’clock P. M. of said lication Is November 6, 1930. Administratrix. Fire Chief at *125.00 per month ________________ *1500 00 by virtue of an execution and order day at the southwest door of the And you ure hereby notified that B. Slattery, Attorney Soda and acid ..................... .............. 50 00 of sale issued out of the Circuit Court County Court House In the City of If you fall so to appear and answer for ndmlsltrntrix. Extra help 100.00 the said complaint your defuult will Laundry ..... N.6 13 20 27; P.4 of the State of Oregon for the County Eugene, Lane County, Oregon offer 10.00 of Lane on the 10th day of Novem for sale In one parcel for cash, sub-' bo entered and tho plaintiff will make Supplies 50.00 her, 1930, upon a Judgment duly ren­ Ject to the statutory redemption all the application to the Court for the relief Telephone ............. ............. NO TIC E OF H E A R IN G ON 24.00 dered In said Court on the 5th day defendants, Lafe M. Chetwood and prayed within the said complaint F IN A L ACCOUNT of November 1930 in a suit wherein Veda Chetwood. his wife, right, title, which Is as follows:That plaintiff have NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That George Colcord was plalntltf and Slim interest claim, estate and equity of RECORDER'S SALARY . »1734.00 a divorce from you nnd thnt the mar­ ----------- * 900.00 riage contract now existing between the undersigned administrator of the uej M. McCullough and Ruth McCul­ redemption In and to said lands and TREASURER'S SALARY ------------ 18000 . ATTORNEY ---------------- --------- you and the plaintiff be forever dis­ estate of Arthur Hartman, deceased, lough, his wife, Lloyd Saubert and premises and every part thereof. FEES __ _ 240.00 H. L. BOWN, solved. The Circuit Court of Lane has filed hls account for the final .............. Saubert, his wife, were d e , LIGHTS AND WATER: Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon, i County, Oregon. In the above entitled settlement of said estate In the Coun fendants and wherein the plaintiff Lights: Mountain States Power Company. Lights for 023-30 N6-13-20. suit, made iluteil and entered an order ty Coourt for Lane County, Oregon, recovered a Judgment against the de streets and public buildings, 12 months ....... *2114.00 November 6, 1*30. directing that this and that Saturday, the 6th day of fendants Samuel M. McCullough and Water: Mountain States Power Company, fire hydrants, sumons be published In the Spring December, 1930, at the Court Room Ruth McCullough, hls wife, fur the N O TIC E OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE ON street cleaning, public buildings, 12 months . . 1150.00 field News, once each week for a of said Court. In tho County Court sum ot *542.00 anil interest thereon E X E C U T IO N IN FORECLOSURE period of four (4) successive weoks House, In Eugene, Lane County, Ore from the 14th day of October, 1930, *3264.00 and that you appear and answer the gon, nt ten o’clock In the forenoon, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum NOTICE is hereby given that by TOWN LIBRARY: raid complaint within four (4) weeks hns been by snld Court fixed as the until paid anil for *100.00 as attor­ Services, rent, wood, supplies and expenses ............. J 643.00 from the date of the first publication time ad place for hearing objections ney's tees anil the costs and dis­ virtue of an execution and order of ANNUAL CLEANUP ... ..» 90.00 thereto, and for final settlement of bursements taxed at *21.75 which sale issued out of the Circuit Court of said summons. HEALTH OFFICER: said ©state. H. E SLATTERY, Judgment was enrolled und docketed of the State of Oregon for Lane Coun Salary, 12 months ............... ......... _ _ L. L. RAY, ..» 120.00 Attorney for plaintiff, nnd my resi­ In the office of the Clerk of said ty October 22nd, 1930, upon and pur­ ADVERTISING ......................................... .......................... Administrator of the Estate of Court on the 6th day of November, suant to a decree duly given and ...............................* 100.00 dence and postofflce address Is Eu- CARE OF POOR ........................................ .. ' ~ ____ * 10.00 __________ Arthur Hartman, deceased. 1930, and that said execution was to made by saiu Court October 21st, MUNICIPAL AIRPORT geno. Ore. * 50.00 nte directed commanding me in the 1830, in a suit pending therein in EMERGENCY FUND ................................................... _________________ 366 i 8 name ot the State of Oregon In order which The Pacific Savings & Loan to satisfy said Judgment and accruing Association, a Washington corporation INTEREST ON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS: General Improvement, First issue *20,000.00 .... ...... * 1,200.00 costs to sell the following described was plaintiff and Ruth M. Cooper, also General Improvement, Second issue, »35,000.00 ....... 2,100.00 known as Ruth Cooper, Dorothy E. real property, to-wlt: Refunding Bonds, Due 1932, *35,000.00 ....................... 2,450.00 All of Lots numbered six, »even' Chwlotte C C o ^ r a n d Harry • Refunding Bonds, Due 1944, *50,000.00 .... ........ 3,000.00 and eigh in Block two In re-p.at of W. „Neet. « Admlnlstrator^of ^Ue Improvement Bonds, 1927 issue, *13.000.00 ........... 543.04 Estate of W. B. Cooper, deceased, Lot 22 ot Clark and Washburn s Ad General Law Practise improvement Bonds 1928, Issue, *13.000.00 ...... 780.00 ditlon to Springfield, l^ine County, were defendants, which execution and Bond Sinking Fund ..................................................... 8,000.00 order of sale was to me directed and Oregon, together with the tenements, 1. M. PETERSON hereditaments and appurtenances commanded me to sell the real piop- Attorney-at-Law thereunto belonging or In anywise ap erty hereinafter described to satisfy Special Airport Tax Levy voted by the people ........................................ * »18,073.04 2,000.00 City Hall Building pertaining and that the proceeds of certain liens and charges in said Gross estimated expenditures .......................................................................*34,015.22 the sale be applied in satisfaction of decree specified, 1 will on Saturday, the 22nd of November, 1930, at the ANTICIPATED REVENUES: Springfield, Ore. said Judgment. 228 Main SL Rssldsnos 125 C 8t. Lcrnses, pool and billiard halls, etc. 200.00 NOW THEREFORE. IN THE hour of ONE o'clock P. M. at the 350.00 Fines, 12 months .................................... 62 J 62M NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE southwest door of the County Court­ 2000.00 Road Funds, 12 months ......................... GON and in compliance with said house In Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ execution and order of sale. I will gon, offer for sale and sell at public * 2,550.00 Roof on Saturday the 13th day of Decern auction for cash, subject to redemp­ TOTAL NET EXPENDITURES (Proposed tax levy) ........................ *31,465.22 Full Auto Equipment JEWELER her, 1930. between the houors of 9 tion as provided by law, all of the Lady Assistant The Common Council, sitting as a levying board, will meet on Monday. o’clock A. M. and 4 o'clock p. m. of right, title and Interest of the de- December 8th, 1930. at the City Hall in Springfield at the hour of 7:30 P. M. Repairing a Specialty a a id d a v „ w at the hour of 1' fondant« in said suit and of all parties where and when any anil all taxpayers of the Town of Springfield shall be Springfield, Oregon ,,r r n o n i v P n n r t lin n s ,, in E u o r any of thorn since the 21st day heard in favor or against such proposed tax levy or any part thereof. Adopted by the Committee this November 12th, 1930. gene Lane Coplay Oregon, offer for of October. 1930, In or to the-following W. P. TYSON, Chairman of the Budget Committee. sale in one parcel for cash, subject described real property, torwlt. GEO. W. PERKINS FRANK A. DE PUE to back taxes all the right, title, Lots one 1) and Two (2) in Block NELSON LEGHORN FARM W. C. McLAGAN Interest, claim or estate of the de- (7) In West Moreland Adintlon, a sub- ATTORNEY AT LAW Lane County’s Oldest Breeders O. H. JARRETT division In Lane County, Oregon. fendants or either or any nnd all of W. A. TAYLOR NOTARY PUBLIC Dated this 22nd day of October, of them In and to said lands and S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS F. O. FRESE 1930. premises heretofore described. L. L. MAY Button Springfield H. L. BOWN, H. L. BOWN, 8PRINQFIELD OREGON M. J. McKLIN Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. Sheriff of I^ano County, Oregon. Building Oregon Phons SI-P-14 C. E. WHEATON, Secretary. O. 23-30 N.6-13-20 to Estimated Budget for Town of Springfield for 1931 | B U S IN E S S IM R E C T O R Y Walker-Poote Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . N.6-13-20-27-D.4