The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 20, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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Colonial Next Week
A large number of fathers and sons
; sathered at the Methodist church
Monday evening for (he regular
monthly meeting of (he Men’s Brother­
hood with which was combined the
annual father and son banquet ot
thee hurt h The ladles of the con
gregatlon served the dinner at 6:45.
Following the meal the men and
their sons heard a quartet from the
Baptist church sing several numbers
and listened to and watcher an Il­
lustrated lecture on astronomy by
Dougins Knox of Eugene.
Thurston People Here— Mr. and
Visits from Fall Creek—Charles
Mrs. R. R. Hart of Thurston shopped McBee of Fall C nek was a visitor
in Springfield on Tuesday.
in Springfield on Monday.
To Entertain Club— Mr. and Mrs.
Visits from Mohawk—Raymond Hill
of Mohawk transferred business in L D. Larimer will entertain members
of the bridge club at their home here
Springfield on Monday.
Friday evening.
Ill at Home Mrs. R. P. Mortensen
Visit In C ity- Herbert Hayes and
has been kept at her home by Illness
Richard Scott of Holly wood are visit
for the past week.
ing here at the home ot Mr. and
Visitor from Harrisburg— Mrs. Pearl Mrs. M. B. Huntley.
Fawver of Harrisburg was a visitor
Form r Resident Here— Mrs. Bertha
in Springfield on Saturday.
Frost, a former resident of Spring-
Lowell Man Hers—C. L. Qlaspey ot field, was registered at the Spring-
Lowell was a visitor in Springfield field hotel on Saturday. She has
on Saturday.
been living in Alaska since leaving
Visits from Marcola—Mrs. Fred Springfield.
Crabtree of Mareola was a visitor in
Visits Grandparents—Miss Junta
Springfield on Saturday.
May returned Sunday from Portland
’E i
Drive to Dextei— Dr. and Mrs. W
H. Pollard and Mrs. A. B. Van Val
drove to Dexter Sunday evening.
Plumbing Inspector V isits—W. H
Holmes, state plumbing inspector, was
a visitor in Springfield on Monday
Small Boy III— Don. the small son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murphy who
live on D street, is confined to his
home because of illness.
Teaches—Mrs. Marion Adams is
teaching the fifth B grade at the
Lincoln school this week during the
illness of Mrs. Mabel Riddle.
at the
Major Operation— Mrs. Erma
underwent a major operation
Pacific Christian hospital in
on Monday morning.
Dinner Guest—Mrs. A. B. Van
Vaizah was a dinner guest Sunday
at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. H
Admitted to Hospital— Mrs. W. H.
Bacus was admitted to the Pacific
Christian hospital in Eugene for treat
ment on Sunday.
Visits from Thurston— S. W. Rich­
ardson of Thurston was a business
visitor in Springfield Monday after­
Attend Game— Dr. and Mrs. W. C.
Rebhan, and Mrs. and Mrs. Claude
Ford of Eugene attended the Oregon-
Oregon State college football game
at Corvallis on Saturday.
A Battle Creek physician any a. "Con-
stiputlou la responsible fur more
misery than auy other cases."
But Immediate relief has bees
found. A tablet called Keiisil Order
lies has been discovered. Thia tablet
attracts water from the system Into
the iasy, dry evacuating bowel called
(he colon The water loosens the dry
total waste and causes ■
a c
thorough, natural movement without
torming a habit or ever increasing
sy op .„ffering from constipation
teh„w a R,,xall Orderlle at night. Next
day bright. Get 24 for 25c today at
Flattery's Rexall l>rug Store.
undersigned, administrator of
tl„, ..«lute of HARRY L. SPENCER,
deceased, has filed hia final account in
Hie matter of said estate, with the
County Clerk of latne County. Oregon,
af> ordpr haR b#en ma(, p a„(,
, pred ,,f rv„ ,rd by the County Court of
said County, directing this notice, and
appointing the 20th day of December,
1930. at ten o'clock, A. M.. as the
time for the hearing of objections to
HUl(1 a,.vount. and the settlement of
said estate.
Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 20th
ll‘,y of
Administrator of the estate of Harry
l , Spencer, deceased.
Immel A Evans, attorneys for JCatate^
N2O-37 IH-U-18
where she had been visiting with her
grandparents. Cot and Mrs. John L,
May. Her grandfather accompanied
Miss Maude Edmiston was married
to Ralph Bonney in Eugene Thursday
her to Springfield for a short visit
Daughter Born—Mr. aud Mrs. A. November 13. by Rev. t hllders at
tlie parsonage of the First Christian
H. Murrell arc the parents of a baby
church. The young people of Thurs
daughter born to them at the home ton greeted them with a Charivari
of Mrs. Mabel Gott on Monday eve­
I V d .y ’ evening. M ss K.lmlston Is
ning, November 17, 1930.
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
To Return Saturday -Mrs. Eugene Edmiston of Thurston and was for-
Kester will return to her borne here merly a school teacher, Sir Bonney
Saturday following an extended visit is the son of Mrs. Blanche Wise
. „
i i
He formerly attended
in Portland. She will be accompanied of Eugene.
by Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Jarvis and business college In Portland but spent
the past summer In «he employment
daughter, Betty, of Portland.
of the forest reserve at McKenzie
Son Born—Mr. and Mrs. Harry . . ,
Harbert of route 2, Springfield, ars
The Sunday school contest ended
the parents of a baby son born to las’ Sunday. The red side with Mrs
them at the Pacific Christian hos­ Hubert Gray as captain won with
pital in Eugene on Saturday, No­ t few points over the blue side with
vember 15, 1930.
Mrs. Richard Hart as captain. There
wore 148 present Sunday. Rev. Hoven
See Football Game— Harry Stewart, from Eug ne delivered the sermon
Dallas Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
followed b y a basket dinner. The
Maxey, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Barnell
defeated side entertaining the win
and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Larson all
ners next Thursday evening.
. ..
. .
Notice is hereby given that by
attended the Oregon-Oregon State
Mrs Felix Sparks and Mrs.
Arch v(r, ue
an execution to me directed.
foottball game at Corvallis on Sat­
Shough and daughter. Patty, motored issued out of the circuit court of the
to Tillamook last Monday to spend State of Oregon for t-ane county, upon
,i,v .
“ Judgment entered In said court on
the 2lat day of October. 1930. and
Sunday School Class Meets— Mem several days.
Mr and Mrs. G. \4 Iaimbert from docketed therein <>n the 22nd day of
bers of the Bethany Sunday school
Alma spent Sunday at Bert Weaver’s of October 1930. In an action wherein
class of the Baptist church will have
Farrell McQulnn drove to Port Hugh Edwards was plaintiff and J.
their regular monthly social gathering land last Friday.
H. Heron was defendant, 1 have levied
. . . .
_ ,
upon and will sell at public auction
at the church on uesday evening. Mrs.
Mrs Margaret Engles and son from
, hp h)gh„ t bidder for cash, on
Marvin Chase is in charge of the
Washington arrived last week for an the 20th day of December, 1930, at
extended visit with her parents. Mr one o’clock In the afternoon, at the
and Mrs. A. B Mathews
front d,*,r ° f the. court ’»ou*®
i he
Legion to Dance—The third of a
city of Eugene, Oregon, the following
Siuslaw high school basketball property, and undivided one half part
series of dances to be sponsored by
the American Legion this fall and ’earns played the high school teams of the following tract:
last Friday eve
Beginning at« a point 30 links south
winter will be held at the Thurston on , the local floor
. . _
i of a ,>>
7.25 , chains
east u of
urTey N„
7 0 a of stone
, ha
hall on Saturday evening according to nlrg. Thuston boy. team won while
recorded survey» of Lane county, O f^
Jack Larson, manager. Dancing will the Siuslaw girls team won.
Miss Dorothv Travis, teacher of K»n. for the center of section 3« in I
be from 9:00 to 12:00.
n.oetuino i K
saw Township
18 south
prlmarv grade, , entertained
. .
aa __ of Range 4 west ■
_ of the Willamette meridian, and run
room with a party last Wednesday thence east 10 87 chains to the middle
afternoon In honor of Orville Hub of the county road thence along the
AT LOWELL ON FRIDAY bard. Margaret Dilley, and Bonney center of said county road as fol-
Jean Weise birthdays. She was as­ lows, South 5 degrees 32 minutes west
The regular meetings of the Amer­
4.74 chains, south 41 degrees west
2.12 chains, south 54 degrees west
ican Legion and the Legion Auxiliary sisted by their mothers.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell drove 2 94 chains, south 56 degrees west
will be held at Lowell on Friday
| to W altervllle last Tuesday and at­ 5 00 chains, south 70 degrees west 2.47
night It has been enounced by Major
tended a party at Tom Carney's In cha ns thence leaving said rood anil
M. B. Huntley. The local Legion
running north 12.71 chains to the
honor of Mrs. Carney's birthday.
place r f beginning, situated In Lane
groups were well pleased with the
Mr. and Mrs. Ijiurence Gossier county, Oregon, said tract containing
success of their venture in having the spent the week-end at the cnoat , about 12 acres, and all the right.
meetings In various communities and
Gossler’s brother, Jack title and estate which the defendant
“ I had therein on said 21st day of Oc-
have decided to alternate their meet­
tober, 1930 or any subsequent date.
ings between Waltervllle. Lowell and Harbit. and wife.
Miss Maude Russell, who Is teach- to satisfy the following sums adjudged
Springfield in the future.
ing at Prineville, spent the week-end to be due plaintiff. |300 damages, $56
virgil M c P herson gets
Clara Bow starring In the Para­
mount comedy, "Love Among
The Millionaires. ”
The sight of snow lying on the
hills east of Springfield, snow on
most of the trains coming dowD from
Oakridge, and even snow on auto­
mobiles coming in from Waltervllle
Monday morning all served to remind
local people that winter is fast ap­
More than one inch of rain fell
here on Saturday alon« and more
than that fell Sunday and early Mon­
day morning. The heavy rain and
snow fall In the mountains Is already
having Its effect on the rivers. The
W'llamette rising almost to its banks
In low places on Monday as the soft
snows began melting.
Monday afternoon the weather
with her parents here. They drove
changed for the better and usual fall
Marriage Licenses Issued
over the pass by Bend but It snowed
days with snappy mornings and eve­
During the past week marriage li­ and the pass was closed, bo In re-
nings have been felt.
censes have been issued to the fol­ turning they had to drive via Port-
lowing: Andrew McWillians and Doris jand
Christmas, both of McArthur, Cali­
Hugh Doolittle visited his aunt,
ELECT NEW OFFICIALS fornia; Lee Kirby and Vonda Hub­ Mrs. Ellen Needham, last week Mrs.
bard,Eugene; Alfred Kays and Velma ' Needham motored to Cottage Grove
Three Four-H clubs at the Lincoln Vaughn, both of McGlynn; Laurence with him on Friday and spent the
school held meetings during the past Smith and Ethyl Smith, both of Gold wpek-end with her mother, Mrs.
week and eleqted officers for the Hill; Claude Davis and Florence Teeters.
school year.
Toman, both of Eugene; Forrest Had-
Miss Hazel Edmiston attended the
The Bachelor Sewing club elected sail and Helga Schonberg, both of football game at Corvallis last Sat
Charies Cole, president; Ronald Farns­ Eugene; Ralph Bonney, Eugene and urday and spent the week-end with
worth, vice-president; and Disque Pearl Edmiston, Thurston.
Mrs. Jack Hill.
Smith, secretary.
The Jolly Workers group met at
the home of Margaret Haak and
elected Joan Seavey, president; Thel­
ma Llpes. vice-president and secretary.
The Cooking club held Its first
meeting at the home of Doris Girard
and elected the following officers:
Viola Robertson, president; Faye
Squires, vice-president; Essell Adams,
secretary; Velma Peddlcord, treas­
urer; Margaret Jarrett, news reporter
and Doris Worley, song and yell
Virgil McPherson, assistant princi­
pal of the Dallas junior high school
was elected president of the Polk
county Oregon State Teacher’s asso­
ciation at their annual Institute meet­
ing held last week at Dallas. Mr.
McPherson has been active In the
work of the Oregon State Teacher’s
association for several years and last
year was a delegate to the annual
meeting at Portlnd. He Is an alumnus
of the Springfield high school and of
the Oregon Normal school at Mon­
mouth. He was a teacher In the
Rprlngfield schools In 1925-28.
Mr. McPherson spent the past week-
«lid In Springfield visiting with his
mother. Mrs. Bud McPherson.
«' '"ars costs of said action. $30 at-
torneys fees, with Interest on said
H,.VPral sum(, at |egH, rale alnt.e Oct
21st, 1930, together with the costs ol
making such sale. Said sale will be
subject to redemption as by law al­
Sheriff of Isine county.
Phone 63
I am an experienced barber and will guarantee to give
you satisfaction.
My motto la "Live and Bel Live.”
In view of the prevailing low wages and acarclty of work
I am making the following price«:—
Hair Cut, Men and Women
Neck Shave
All other service at corresponding rates.
Your patronage Is respectfully solicited.
H enry G. W esby
Ford Owners
Bring your cars to us for Lubrication. Service and
Repairs, and be assured of
Genuine F o rd P a rts
All work done by authorized Ford Hlantlartl Hehedulen
uMHuriiiK you fair prlcen. Drive In and let uh estimate
your Job.
Courteous Treatment
All Work Guaranteed
Anderson Motors, Inc.
Phone 49
1th anti A Street
Springfield Ford Dealern
Store will be CLOSED all day
Thursday, 20th, getting
ready far
Sale Start» Friday morning,
November 21 at 9 o'clock
968 Willamette
Dine Well, for Less
This Thankgiving
The delicacies t h a t m a k e
Thanksgiving the biggest feast
of the year, will cost you less this
year than ever.
We have pre­
pared to serve you well, for less
money with everything the o c -
casion demands.
Irish-Murphy Co.
Give us your order early and we will guarantee
you will get a good bird.
4th and Main Sts.
I uni opening it Barber 8ht»p In Springfield In the Com­
mercial State Bank building next door to the Poatofflco,
Saturday morning.
To Men and Women of Springfield
The Finest We’ve Ever Had.
All Corn and Milk Fattened.
Formerly Gray’s Grocery
5th and Main St.