Try the Home Print Shop F ir at THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS twknty - bbvmnth ybak . HEW TOURIST CW T NEARS CDMPLETIDN s i ’RINOKlELI). LANE COUNTY, OREGON. FISHERMEN FIND BAD WEATHER AT HIDDEN LAKE ON SUNDAY TRIP I Guardsmen Go to TIH'KBItAV. NOVK.MBKK 2n. Hi:it. Albany Victor in Portland Review Football Friday “T h e People*» Paper" A L iv e NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N No. 45 NEW HANGAR DISES I I MUNICIPAL FIELD A ragius billiard greeted Oswald I Major General White to Decor- Listless Playing Blamed For Olson and George Prochnow. local | - „ ; m -oVwl C o lo r s o of f Defeat; Two Game« Left on ate D Regimental Color» Bennett Air Transport Begin» Southern Pacific employees, Sunday Football Schedule. 162nd Infantry Unit» Construction on New Build­ Ftr»t Unit of Fourteen Cabin» when they went to Hidden lake In quest of some of the many trout Uninterested playing on the part of ing; New Students at School; to Be Ready for Traveler» All members of the 162nd Head members of the high school football Which lohawt this body of water I „ „ c0|npaay of the national Advanced Students Pilot Ship Soon; Many Springfield Men The men left here about midnight <>f Hpr1ngfl(.,d w,„ leave h(>re team Is blamed by Norval May, coach, Through Storms. Get Employment During Con­ Saturday so as to be sure to get .. t(imorrow for Portland for the defeat of the locals at Albany struction of New Enterprise. there by daylight, but when they or-1 ' #((>nd (hg rpu„,(m BMer,.,WMI whlch on Friday. A complete shake-up In Erection of a large airplane hangar rived they found that It was so cold hp,d al tbg uud,Ujrlum al the personnel of the team Is now at the municipal airport by the Ben­ Construction work on th« first unit and blustery that the fish refused „venlng They being made and some new players nett Air Transport company 1» get­ i,f ii series of csbln« ut the Gold to bile. A regular old fashioned bill­ 8:00 o'clock In the evening. They are going to get a chance to show ting under way this week. The new will leave Portland Immediately after Hmr auto camp. located Just across iard as the iar.1 swept swept the the lake lake as the men , bB o, tb „ gathBrl ng and w ill be their stuff during the last two games hangar is being built Just west of U ik Willamette river »1 the Inter- started the downward desi eut to the | gprln|rf,BW ,.arly Saturday of the present school year. the road leading off from the Mc­ Mention of the M< Keusle »nil Pacific Southfork trail. The Springfield team was expected Kenzie highway onto the field. It morning. highways. 1» ° ,,w »earl“« completion Members of the Obsidian group hod will be used this fall and winter All national guard units In the to win the game Friday, having easily and It 1» expected that the ftral <>f planned a hike to the lake Sunday Miss Stella Willins ol Brook vn, defeat Cottage Grove after they had to bouse equipment and supplies for state belonging to the 182nd National who wrote 124 words a minute for Hiss« will be ready for traveler» but gnve It up when It rained here one consecutive hour ,and retamed the pilots and also serves as a shelter Infantry will assemble at Portland defeated Albany. All eyes are now aometlfne next week. all afternoon Saturday. the tftks td world champion.- for the places if they are forced to under order of Major General Oeorgj turned towards Junction City where There 1» »till a f»lr demand for remain here overnight for any reason. A. White of Jalem for the purpose the next contest will be played Fri­ cabins ainon» tourists, according to Next spring they will be used to of decorating the regimental colors day afternoon. This Is going to be BARBARA DUNN CHOSEN Arthur Morgan, builder and manager bouse ships which will make this Units from Roseburg, Springfield. Eu a hard game. The local team barely TO REPRESENT WESTERN of the tamp »round A half dosen | gene, Corvallis,. Dallas, Hillsboro, Me won the game with them here. Again, u u n o g Ithelr night base. Materials for the cabins could be rented every nigh» U ' S - IN F 0 U R - H hangar are already on the field and Mlnnvllle, Salem, Silverton and Port- they played a listless game until the If they were completed, he thinks. ■ and will be aasembed at the Port last few mlngtes when they seemed ? v. - Mr and carpenters are expected to start work Barbara Dunn, daughter of Mr. and Fourteen Cabins A man believed to be Ray Sutber- land auditorium while Major General to get going and came through with .Mrs. H. W. Dunn of Riverview road I The first unit to be constructed land, murderer of two men, died nt I White decorates the color» of each a lead Ships H aul Passengers north of Eugene, has been chosen the consists of eight partly furnished a hospital at I-a Grande, Oregon, yes I of the units with a streamer on which Thanksgiving Day Game Planes on the Tacoma-Springfield re pre»« nu ii i r e Four-H r u u i - n worker iu . . most representative in i cabins »ml six completely furnished terday afternoon. He came to the I will be recorded the names of all The final game of the season will moHL . . lap of the new Bennett Air Transport * * . . . __«. ones which will rent for slightly more hospLtal two weeks ago, clad only In battles In which the regiment has be played at Eugene on Thanksgiving eleven western states and will leave I I line lin o u iu r ta d f fylng v in c r r regular < > s n ila r H r n p d iiie started schedule than the others. All of the cabins light rugged doth«-« and almost dead participated from the Spanlsh-Amerl day when the local team meets the Eu gen Saturday for Chicago to com on Monday morning and have made pete with three other representatives i a«» aro very niodwrn Th<* ch«*ap*r oti«» from starvation. Ho was kept there I can war down to the present time, University high group. , ... i. j 1 the trip here and return every day various sections of the United i. buvi* on* room. wbll<* (h<* oth*ri liuv* while doctors attempted to restore The lineup for the game at Albany from Colonel Eugene Moshberger of „ . .. ... I this week. Hap Roundtree, who Is Sir Thomas Llpton . .. ___ . . . u kitchen In a room by Itself. his beulth and It was yesterday that I Woodburn Is the commanding officer consisted of Manwarfng, left end; An States for . the , . . , ... piloting the ship on this run, has also * pa8senKer wKh hlm on All of the cabins have garages Sheriff Jesse llreshears of Union I of u,B entire unit. He Is one of the derson. left tackle; Geiger, left guard; trophy which I. awarded only on the I I , fUght hprp go far th)g week Itpes have all been laid and each coungy saw the man for the first I f,.w men who will attend who has Thurman, center; Ware, right guard; basis of past work. A large rally program is belh„ ar- R Parmenter vlce pre8,dent of cabin 1« being fitted up with private time and Immediately recognised 8(Mjn service In each of the campaigns Sword, right tackle; Bert Tomseth, honor or of Miss Dunn tor f o r |. u_ alr transport company i. in nonor m iss ounn is „nn,inv piloting ohowers and running water toilets, many close resemblances of the man ,n whlch the 162nd regiment has taken right end; Frese, left half; Lynch, ranged In Qn tbp Coo8 Bay-Sprlngfield lluth hot and cold water will be to pictures and descriptions of Suth part. Immediately following the war quarterback; Ed Tomseth. right half; Friday evening by Arnold D. Collier. I available at all times The shower erland lie was put under guard and tbP national guard was reorganlied Hersey Tomseth. fullback. The final county club leader. Every club worker port,and night dally. He arrlve8 here or member In the county Is urged every morning moming except and toilet are being Installed In the died late In the afternoon. Colonel Creel Hammond. After he score was 13-0. except Sunday Sunday at at 9:30 9:30 Send fo r P ictures I ieft the state the leadership fell to Basketball practice started at the to attend the rally which will be and leave« immediately for Portland hack part of the garage of each cabin high school on Tuesday evening. All held at the Eugene armory. and are arranged so that the traveler la n e county has requested that pic I Colonel Moshberger. stopping here again on hls return at —------------—------ men who want to play basketball and can »i«P Prom the kitchen door Into lures of the man be taken from var-1 3:40 In the afternoon. who are not turning out for football PIONEER RESIDENT OF the shower rooms. lous positions and sent to the office SPRINGFIELD WOMAN HAS New Students at School of H. L. Down, sheriff. These will I -------------- - are urged to attend the evening pract Cabins Well, Furnished MacManiman and Neeley have six JASPER DIES LAST WEEK COPY OF THE ORIGINAL tlce sessions. Each cabin la fitted with gas range be compared with other pictures of I new new S i u u e u i a r enrolled u iu u c u a t the o school vu w . students at GETTYSBURG ADDRESS . John Amos Hills, 68. a resident of 8jnce they took over the management und with a sink The two-room cabins Hutherland and will be examined by also a complete breakfast set con those who actually knew the man to REBEKAHS TO ELECT Jasper vicinity alt of his life, died J t h e field a week ago. They are Mrs. A. B Van Valzah has a copy moss beds and spring filled mattresses ascertain If they are of the same NEW OFFICERS MONDAY at hls borne last Thursday following making preparations now for the of the original Gettysburg address have been purchased for each cabin, person. an accute attack of Indigestion. Mr. opening of their ground school work wo ____________ — — worded Just as Abroham Lincoln gave AZ the same time doctors at also a completed breaqfast set con­ Nominations for offices for the Hl,la had been having trouble with which will be conducted on the cadet sisting of a light table and five chairs, Grande will Investigate the cause of It at the dedication of the Civil war Rebekah lodge closed Monday evening hls heart for some time prior to I system, which is being used by most together with dishes, and a small the wouud which the dead man had battlefield on November 19. 1883. Just at the regular meeting of the lodge. hls death. of the ‘ larger schools in the country. dresser with mirror. Instead of the on bis hip, and the scar which he 67 years ago yesterday. The address Most of the nominations had been He was born at JaJaper on Jan Advanced students at the school usual wall looking glass. The fur­ hud on the forehead at the lime h e lls In the form of a newspaper cllp- made at the meeting the week earlier. uary 26, -o»., 1862, the of Mr. u»«; son w. — and « , bave been taking advantage of the nishings nt the cabins now being com­ LSQie to the hospital to ascertain If ping given to her son by* her father- Elections will be held at the next Mrs. Cornelius Hills. He Is survived ra)ny and stormy weather of the past pleted represents an Investments of elther or both of them were caused I In-law. Dr. S. L . Van Valzah, o meeting and all candidates will be by two sons; Amos Hills of Seattle. week to get In a few hours of flying by gunfire. Sutherland Is known to Mifflinburg. Pennsylvania. The ad alone. ■ lected with the exception of those and Virgil Hills of Lowell; four tn adverse conditions. The training have been wounded by Rodney Roach dress was printed In the Mlffllnburgh seeking the post of recording secre­ daughters, Mrs. Paul Ray. Lowell. Mrs. Rbip wa9 |n the air most of Sunday A laundry house (unwished with and Lee tow n In a shooting fray In Tribune from a copy of the original tary. the only office where there Webster Kincaid, Portlrnd. Mrs. Zella being piloted by several of the ad- regular laundry trays and all neces­ hia house after he had killed Joe received from Edward McPherson, a Is more than one candidate. The can­ Urlck of Seattle, and Arlene Hills of vanced group. sary clothes washing equipment Is Saunders and Oscar Dooley, deputy former clerk of the house of repre- didates are: Mrs. E. E. Pyne. noble Lowell: four brothers, J. B. Hills. Oak also being built on the grounds. The weather doesn't bother ua,” game warden und policeman, on the sentatlves al Washington, grand; Doris Girard; vice-grand ; Mrs. ridge, Sheridan Hills. Jasper, Joe says MacManiman, “for when It Is The service station, camp store and night of August 28. A comparison of the printed address Geneve,ve Louk. Mr«. Alice Doane, Hills. Jasper, and Ellzah of Port-1 good any of tbe students can fly lunch room has been completed for May Not Be Man with the old one reveals several recording secretary; Clarlne Putman, land; and two sisters. Mrs. Henrietta I nd wben lt ,R tbe more exper some while. This enterprise Is being "Of course wer are not sure the changes In the wording of ports of the financial secretary, and Alice Ixirah. | Jacoby and Mrs. Josie Humphreys. lenced onea want to try IL” (■Iterated by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gowan. deud man Is Sutherland,'’ aald Bown historic article. both of Jasper, and two grandchll-1 treasurer. Springfield Men Employed this morning, 'but all descriptions of I l(,ren ¡FUNERAL SERVICES HELD A shower was held after the elec­ Many Springfield men are being him, Including his suffering from ca KENSINGTON CLUB PLANS A large crowd attended the funeral tions for Mrs. Margaret Halsey Spore«, given employment during the con­ tarrh, his wounds, und his la^k of services which were held at the I FOR MRS. MOREHOUSE -------- -- struction of this camp which will be teeth, are strong Indications that he CHRISTMAS PARTY FRIDAY a recent bride. A birthday cake was Walker-Poole chapel In Springfield on . . .. also cut for Elmer Findley. Saturday. Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor of I Funeral services for . Mrs EUzabeth one of the finest In the entire state is the man, and we certainly hope Plans for the annual Christmas Most or the building materials and the Methodist church, officiated and Morehouse. 84. who died at the home so.” party of the Kensington club were furnishings are being furnished by , Interment . . was made J . In .v w . of her son, L. A. Morehouse, on Sat- Ills son. Vaude, Is now In the state discussed at the meeting of the club RADIO AERIAL CAUSES the Mount HI ’ . . . . Springfield and Rugene dealers. , _ . lurday were conducted at the penitentiary serving a sentence for held at the home of Mrs. J. T. Moore LIGHT TROUBLE SATURDAY | , Vernon cemetery. ' w X - P night, ^ l e chapel here Wednesday Mr. Morgan has purchased two his part In the crimes. on Friday. The Christmas party will C. J- A fallen radio antenna was respon­ CHRISTIAN CHURCH PLANS | X ^ X ' / o f 0^ ’'X h o d i Rev. acres for the campsite and plans to s t church be held at the home of Mrs 8. C. ----- ------- ------------------ --------- I Pike, pastor oi me meiuudlst church build more cabins in the future until sible for the blinking of the lights CHARLES WILLIAMS TO BE Wright, but the time was not de- THANKSGIVING SERVICE officiated and Interment was made tn he has them all around the other In this city on Saturday. Early Sat- BURIED HERE ON FRIDAY I elded A two- course luncheon ™ urdav the llghtg began to bllnk as edge of the plot. Thia makes a court Special Thanksgiving services will ------- L ... h . . . " V. 7 t e 7 bv Mw’ trouble was reported along the power shaped arrangement which will be Chari,u, NTedorlck William,, died a. who was assisted by Mrs | I be held a, the Christian church on I „ Qf and j . b . of Cath laid out with drives and walks. The at th ^ age of 68 years. He had been Helen Reynolds, and Miss Margu L )dpd , 0 gw,((.h thp ,oad to | Sunday morning by Veltle Pruitt, the I almpt WagbinKton; two daughters, I other part will be planted to grass hls home here Wednesday morning Hnrd. I th)g cange(1 g pastor. The choir will sing "Let Us Mrg Amanda Beckwith of Lousana, and kept green the entire year. a resident of Springfield for the past Mr„ Jobn Henderer will fpw morp bIlnk„ but Ju8t „ tb,8 | Give Thanks Unto Thee” at the morn Albprta and Mrg. George Moore of eight years and was a native Ore- thp p ,np at h w tom e on Novem l cotnpie.ed a radio antenna had been completed a radio antenna ing service and at the evening service | Agtorja LEGION GROUPS BENEFIT gonlan. having been bom at Oregon bpr 2s. In the vicinity of the power company there will be special music. The ------------ ---------------- CARD PARTY IS TONIGHT |ckty on September 20, 1862. He was I office was blown down across the pastor will speak on “Things that MANY VISITORS HERE a member of the Christian church BARBER SHOP TO -------------- ---------- i power lines causing the lights to go God did not put In the church," at The American Legion and Legion and of the W. O. W. lodge. 1 ---------- FOR O. E. S. MEETING OPEN HERE SATURDAY out for a very short while. Very | the evening service. The orchestra Auxiliary will sponsor a large benefit He la survived by hls wife, Mrs. , will give a short concert at 7:20 pre­ ... — ------- -- - ------- - I uttie trouble has been reported along card party at the Community hall More than one hundred people at­ sons. Lloyd. Sarah Williams, three sona, H p Wpaby announces this week tbp power nneg fronl tbe Rogue river ceding the evening service. Barbara tonight for the purpose of raising tended the meeting of the Eastern Springfield. Carl and Harold, both of 1 ^ bp wtl] ()pp|1 R now barb<>r8 hop * tatlon at c re8Cent as a result of the | Adams and Evelyn Harris will lead funds for the purchase of new furni­ The the meeting of the Christian Endeavor | Star here Tuesday evening. Eugene; hl« mother. Mrs. Anne Wll- I (bg Commercial State Bank build- ftrgf gnOw faJ, ture for the building. Tickets for Hams of The Dalles; six bothers, Bert, Cascade chapter had as their guests t(j (hp pogtotftce on Saturday. I ----------------------------- - at 6:30. Ihe parly have been on sale for some members of the Evangeline and Blue Leavenworth, Washington. L. K., Free- Wesby hns been barberlng accident. m viuc,,.. Hls Injury —. i organization ohs ag as t(g purpose the prominent speakers has been secured terment will he made In the lau rel | I was ___ treated at the office q{ ___ __ o( water wnfpr trgngnortatlon of a [ocal local | I dev{dopmpnt transportation for the sessions of the group which E. E. May and W- C. Cowart were SPRINGFIELD GIRLS Grove cemetery- physician. He will be unable to con I n ,bp W|llamette river from Oregon Is composed of pastors and laymen chosen new managers for the Wood­ START SWIMMING CLASS of the Methodist church. Among the ¡llnue hls work for two weeks. City to Springfield. men of the World at a meeting held MISS PEARL SHEARER more prominent of these speakers are on Tuesday. They replace L. E. Twenty high school girls have form MARRIED LAST SUMMER Dr. C. C. Polling of Salem, and Dr. Drill Team Meets NEW G. A. R. CIRCLE WILL Thompson and George Cox whose ed a swimming class and will meet Edward Mott president of the Port­ The Progressive 22 drill team of terms have expired. A special m eet­ Erlends of Miss Pearl t’ean nnoarer wn<, ..... . . .. „ „ „ ,h iv Friends Shnarer who HOLD SECOND MEETING land Bible Institute. every Wednesday evening at Oerllnger became acquainted with her during the Rebekah lodge held their mont ing of the W. O. W. and Neighbors hall on the university campus for a X Z t summer while she was a drill pract.ce . . d al « .e t ln g on of Woodcraft will he held at the W A regular meeting of the Iuka circle swimming period. Miss Angelina Brat- CRESWELL MAN WINNER guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Eggl- Friday evening at the t O. W. hall on Tuesday of next week. number 28 of the Ladles of the Grand tain Is leader of the group. mann will be surprised to learn « * » 4 ^ n’ xt ------- ---------------- OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAM Army of the Republic will be held Ladles* Aid Meets according to a newspapsir clipping December 12, w - Fdna at ,he Community hall on Thursday EUGENE CHAMBER GROUP John C Benton of Creswell received received here this week from Fort Mr«. Genevieve bo^ X t a . n m e n t g e n in g a. 8:00 o'clock it has been ladies' aid of the Baptiar The I the highest rating In the civil service announced by officers of the group, VISITS WESTFIR TODAY Wayne, Indiana. Miss Shearer was Swart» In charge of entertain conducted here this sum- church held an all-day meeting at the she cam« to - — — — — | l Thl" mvl. 18 the 8econd .„„„„a meetina of the I 1 examination married before sne co visit v ..» In i I Nurse iner to secure a waiting list for the church Wednesday. They spent the Members of the board of director» Springfield. Tccordlng to the news Qlrle Hear af newly reorganized group and any positions of assistant mall clork. He time making quilts. A birthday din­ of the Eugene chamber of commerce Hem. Miss Shearer was married on Members o . ' d Mlgg jane persons who think they ar« eligible ner was served at noon for the mem­ headed by A. F. 8. Steele, secretary, M„y 1 to Harold. Banner, son of the high school hPar* Ko belong to the circle are urged to I takes the place left vacant by Ira bers whose birthday« fell lr October r , c . cream "re. Edith La,ton. the circle Nice who ,s now a full time employee left Eugene this morning at 9:30 In and November. 'at the postoffice. a motor caravan for Westfir where Waymx The m a r t « » was kept R | gch