•ANtYTHt? KING A few days after Kangy’s adventure with th’ sword­ fish we landed on th’ island of New Guinea. Tops’l Barney, an old shipmate of mirte, who owned th’ schoon­ er, said th’ natives on this island w e r e treacherous savages, but thnt they had plenty of pearls, taken from th’ pearl-oysters on th ’ bot­ toms of th ’ lagoons. Th’ pearls was th’ reason for this trip of Barney’s. He had brought along plen­ ty of cheap beads, bright colored calicoes, and all kinds of trinkets to trade for these pearls. It was a risky business, havin’ any­ thing to do with th’ natives. Early th* next morning Barney, Kangy and I land­ ed on th’ island. Th’ silence of th’ jungle gave me th* shivers, as though somethin* wus waitin’ there to grab us. We hadn’t gone far into th’ Jungle when all a t once I saw that Kangy was mlssln’. Barney and I couldn’t figure what nad become of him. Then, just an we were goin’ to turn back to look for him, about fifty fuzzy-headed, fierce- eyed navagen, armed with spears and clubs, leaped out of th’ jungle, and In no time at all we were tied up tlghtcr'n a topn‘1 in a gale. To their village o f grant huts they marched as, and soon we were facin’ their big, fat, ugly king. Bar­ ney was pretty fat, too, and that king grinned all over. Just an we’d given up all hope of livin’, there wan a loud yike, and out of th ’ Jungle leaped Kangy. You nhould have neen those scared savages run. To make a long story short, they thought Kangy was a god. We knew we were nafe then, and Barney got a bowl full of pearls for his trin­ kets. When we got back aboard th’ schooner Kangy was a hero. OM THKT ►Wc-T M L .L • T------i fS/XtA ------r IS ? V 5^. MttS A 4 o t > ?] TH* U lt s K t B S '.r L [ who THREW TUAT? - 4 f one r ? e ei. K A H 6Y OC S H k P W X T B , M A K E S 1 * ^ BO SV T O T H E Y T K IH K H A W R - H W It 1. THEY'VC NtVtfc. i A )KAM(»AU.00l ) X < g L OH. \K 'v v » A f 4 1 T hb B a ck of COAT- , ■>r»T A .H t> vMKfi \NHAT* yJflOMQ iNtTM VT f A BiO «SPOT. OH HT NXO NEuu Su»~r ' Go«,* HAMO IT*. T h a t oaakcg cd» s o R E x 0 0 5 % IT €»HOW SOP.B '. A "Bxe oJHvre SP o t .- x.oo c a h t s e e i t , CAH YOU • of No 1 co on se NOT- S r t o u t o X 0 9 \AioRRt ■