Î ’AGÊ SIX n IVRDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1930 THE SPR IN G FIE IJ) NEWS SOUND EQUIPMENT ARMISTICE W EATHER FOR THEATRE HERE: REMINDS OLD TIM ERS WILL OPEN SOON OF FALL BACK IN 1918 SERVICE CENTER LOCAL HEALTH UNIT TO HAVE M EETING MONDAY WORKERS TO HAVE MEETING TO NIG HT Members of the Springfield unit ot the Lane County Health association will meet at the home of Mrs. C. O. Wilson on Emerald Heights Monday. November 17. and will be addressed by Miss BethKonkel. secretary for the county group. The sale of Christmas health seals will be discussed at the meeting All women who are Inter­ ested in this work are invited by Mrs. Wilson to attend this meeting. Chairmen of the various committees of the local unit are ¿Mrs. C. O. Wilson, general chairman; Mrs. Clark aid. Wheaton, secretary treasurer; Mrs. Major M B. Huntly Is anxious to Elizabeth l'âge, educational secretary ; have all representatives of each or­ Mrs. O. F. Thatcher, clinic; Mrs A. ganisation present for the meeting B Van Valzah. publicity; Mrs. Walter They will be given sn opportunity to J. Scott, supplies, and Mrs. William discuss various work that needs to Rodenbough, finance. be taken care of and will provide Special reports are to be given at Mr. Huntley with a group of field the meeting Include those of the pre­ workers who can help him. school clinic and the fall clinics by The work of the Service Center I Mrs. hacther. and membership by Mrs Is progressing very favorably accord­ Rodenbough. ing to Mr. Huntly. He spends a great Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Rodenbough deal of his time at the office In : will attend the meeting of county the Community bulding and Is doing workers In Eugene next Thursday to much to get all rellel and social ' plan the seal sale. work in this city united under one head The county court, the Red Cross, the county Juvenile officer FOOTBALL TEAM GUESTS AT DINNER ON FRIDAY the American Legion, and other or­ ganizations are working through this Members of the senior class at the unit high school entertained the members Plans will probably be formulated j of the football team with a dinner at the meeting tonight for the prep | at the Community hall on Friday eve aratlon of Thanksgiving baskets for i nlng The girls of the class cooked needy people of this city. the dinner themselves and invited the Many local i««>pie have commented thia week on the similarity of (he weather this fall with that of twelve years »go. In XJSIH when the Armistice ending the world struggle was signed. We have had a very dry and warm (all I Ills year and had alnioat the same kind of weather Tuesday that we had November 11, 191K, say the old timers. The greatest difference being that a hard frost had visited the valley twelve years ago and the gardens and other growing vegetation were all brown and black Instead of greeu as they are today. Representatives from each of the various organizations In the city which are Interested In the newly organized Service Center will father at the Community hall tontfht to organize and see a demonstration of ttrat aid work. Ralph E. Carlton, who ha« been appointed by the Na­ tional Red Cross as the Pacific Coast expert on first aid work, will be present and will conduct a demon­ stration of life saving work and Crst j members of the faculty as additional MRS. WALKER ENTERTAINS I guests. About 50 people were pres FOR NEEDLECRAFT GROUP 1 ent. Miss Daisy Tomseth had gen LEGION DANCE DRAWS ANOTHER LARGE CROWD WILLIAM HAINES «na MARY DORAN « ‘ REMOTE CONTROL' Novelty—always at a premium In motion picture stories—Is reported to figure prominently In William Haines' latest talking vehicle. “Kemote Con­ trol,” scheduled to open Sunday at the Fox McDonald theatre. The unusual aspect of thts film centers about the fact that It takes movie audiences "behind the scenes" of a radio broadcasting ata tlon. Introducing them to the little- known technicalities of "ether" per­ formance« and revealing to them at first hand Just what occurs when Graham McNamee, Amos 'n' Andy and other "wave-length" célébrités step up to the microphone to speak to the ladies and gentlemen of the radio audience. DEEP AFRICAN JUNGLE scenes at M c D onald ' oral charge of all arrangements fof Thrilling and rare entertainment Mrs. W. F. Walker entertained the the dinner. Games were played fol- occupies the screen of the Fox Me members of the Needleeraft club at ; lowing the dinner. ' Donald Friday where "Africa Speaks." her home here last Thursday after­ an African adventure film with sound noon. She was assisted by Mrs F. CHRISTIAN MISSION HEARS effects opens for a two day run. This B. Flanery. assistant hosteca The SPEAKERS ON MONDAY film, released by Columbia Pictures, next meeting will be held at the depicts the absorbing adventures of home of Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mrs. The monthly meeting of the Mis­ Paul L. Hoefler. Colorado explorer, on Emmallne Fisher will be the assist­ sion society of the Chrlstlon church a daring trip through the hitherto ant hostess. was held at the church on Monday- unexplored regions of the dark con­ evening. Mrs. Elsie Pollard led the tinent. From a scenic standpoint it CARD CLUB MEETS AT the study program Mrs. Schun aker is magnificent, while the Intimate of Salem, secretary of the Mission So­ glimpses of native life are fascinating WILSON HOME HERE ciety of Oregon, and Mrs. A. H. Nor­ i from a news value. ton of Eugene spoke at the meeting. Apparently Hoefler and his cour Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson enter talned with bridge at their home on ageous band managed to penetrate Ladies’ Aid Meets Friday evening. Prite for the high into the deepest Jungles of the big The regular monthly business meet­ score went to Mrs. W. H. Adrian. continent. Practically every type of Mrs. Welby Stevens was second. Mr. ing of the Methodist ladles' aid was native Is shown—from the giant held in the church parlors yesterday and Mrs. Arthur Roberts were spe­ Wasara of the French Congo, to the afternoon. A sliver tea was given cial guest for the evening. pygmies of the Ituri forest, who sel­ during the afternoon. dom reach a height of fifty-seven inches. Religious rites and tribal dances of these natives are among ' the feature of th production Many The Budget Commit»^ Springfield, Oregon. November 12th. 1930. of their customs, heretofore a mys- November 12. 1930 all membere^of^th her City ,Ha11 at 7:30 p- M Wednesday, , tery, are revealed. W. the p. Tyson 8tee SecreUr> Present except J. Cox. Is Budget elected E k tlm Chai™ itV f^ fZ^ th “ e^ J? M n d it^ ” *10^ ’ ^ e H. following Springfield for the year 1931 expen<’ltureg and receipts for the Town of STAR AT REX IS STREET IMPROVEMENT: FIG HTING ACTOR Lumber ......... ........ Street cleaning and flushing, lalw'r ------------* 60 00 on streets. He fought In the Boer and World man and team , ..... ...... 2030.00 Crushed rock ware; he was the boxing champion 300.00 Cement alley crossings ot eastern Canada; a wrestler of nore; 50.00 Cutting weeds ... : he partlclpater in the famous Kai- 200.00 Surveying streets 75.00 itoorie gold rush and he has traveled Equipment and supplies 100.00 ■ in rlmost every country In the world. Sewer pipes __ ______ 75.00 Incidentals .......... Quite a background, but Victor 250.00 Macl>aglen takes it all as a matter of »3130.00 course. It helps, however. In lending POLICE DEPARTMENT; realism to his hard boiled, screen por Chief of Police at »137.60 per month »1650.00 One Nightwatchman at »105.00 per month trayals, since his best roles are pri­ 1260.00 Extra help, supplies and expenses ...... ....... marily only plcturized versions of his .. 205.00 cwn career. His Captain Flagg In »3116.00 "What Price Olory,” his captain King FIRE DEPARTMENT: Fire Chief at »125.00 per month In "The Black Watch” and his Ser­ »1500.00 Soda and acid ... ............... geant Flagg In "The Cock-Eyed 50.00 Extra help __________.................. 100.00 World” contains little In the way of Laundry________ _ 10.00 su p p lie « __________ colorful experience that he has not .. 50.00 Telephone _________ _____ encountered In real life. .. 24.00 Such a role Is the one he plays In »1734.00 his latest Fox Movietone, "A Devil RECORDER S SALARY ... TREASURER'S SALARY ..................... "...................... ........................... » 900.00 with Women," opening Friday at the 180 00 ATTORNEY FEES ~ ~ ................................................................. 240.00 Fox theatre. Supporting Mclaiglen LIGHTS AND WATER:........................ ....... are Humphrey Bogart and those Lights: Mountain States Power Company, Lights for three Spanish beauties, Mona Maris, streets and public buildings, 12 months »2114.00 Water. Mounta n States Power Company, fire hydrants, Luana Alcanlz and Mona ltlco. Irv street cleaning, public buildings, 12 months 1160.00 Ing Cummings directed. CRESWELL BRIDGE TO BE DEDICATED NOVEMBER 20 Another large crowd turned out Set- ' urday night for the second of the The new bridge across the Wiliam American Legion dances at Thuraton ette river east ot Creswell has beeu hall. A large nutulior of people came completed with the exception of some ■ from the Waltervllle and Camp Creek painting and Is now open to traffic. | districts as well as from Springfield The bridge will be formally dedicated The success which theae dances have been meeting with almost assures on November 20. This span was built by lame county their continuation uurlng the winter from the steel taken out of the old i says Jack (.arson. manager. The next Springfield bridge which wus disman­ dance will be held on Saturday, No­ tled last spring The beami and other vember 22. heavy parts were taken to Portland , for refabrication before they were ! CIVIC CLUB POSTPONES TUESDAY NIG HT MEETING used In the new bridge. The regular hl monthly meeting of LOCAL PEOPLE PICNIC the Civic club which was to have ON ARMISTICE DÂV been held on Tuesday evening was Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard and family and Mr and Mrs Carl Steen Jr. of Eugene, spent Armistice day picnicking on the McKenzie river above Leaburg This will probably be the last picnic of the year for the group thinks Dr. Pollard. He caught several nice fish during the day. postponed because that was Armistice day. Members of the club are plan nlng another travel trip for the next sdtlal meeting of the club which will he held Inter In the month. Thia time the group will lake a trip to the Hawaiian Islands This trip will be similar to the one taken to Alaska by the members of the club EASTERN STAR WILL ENTERTAIN ON TUESDAY REBEKAH LODGE PLANS SOCIAL MEET MONDAY Membets of the Eastern iHar chap­ ters In Cottage Grove, Creswell, and the two Eugene chapters will be guests of the Cascade chapter here on Tuesday evening according to Mrs W. C. Wright, worthy matron. Regu lar degree work will be put on by the local group. This will be followed by a social program and musical en­ tertainment. Refreshments will also be serve»!. The regular social meeting of the Rebekah lodge will be held Monday evening of next w«»ek. Mrs. O. F Kiser Is general chnlrman of the en­ tertainment committee. Other mem hers are Mrs Ada Love and Mrs Kara Johns. Ba- )■ member Is asked to bring their nlckles along Mimdsy evening They will he used to help pay for a new electrical refrigerator for the I. O. O. F home In Portland. > Sound equipment for the ll