PACE FOL K TIIVRDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1930 T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXEY. Editor Entered as seeond class matter, February 24. ISOS, at the postoffice, Springfield, Oregon. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION HATE One Year tn Advance ____ SI.76 Three Months ..........75c Six Months ............................$1.60 Single Copy 6c T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 13. 1930 HANDWRITING ON TH E WALL Build Now tl'o rilain l Journal of*Ceoplo are realizing th e tru th ’ light S pringfield people nttem led of reports on low building costs at th e present th e 'k ic k o f f lu n rh eo n g lte ii by the tim e, and are taking advantage of the existing price decline to carry out construction of hom es I.niie county c h a p te r of th e A m erican and buildings. Many, however, are hesitant Red t'ri i w hich was held at the about evincing th eir faith in a practical wav in O sborn hotel In Euxeiie on Friday. the general sta tistic s th at indicate the dow n­ Th- y w ere Mrs W K ll.irnell, M ik w ard trend of building prices. Som ething m ore C. E K enyon. Mrs «'. O. W ilson, M ik ('. E "Wheaton, Mrs M yrtle Loulaiw, concivte is needed to give them the final urge, Miss E dna S w a rls and M ajor and som ething of tangible n a tu re to bolster up their Mrs M It tlu n tly . half-form ed beliefs in the tru th of current low T he ann u al roll call drive for mein building costs. Itei-shlps Is being conducted betw een W hat will be effect of the independent elec­ tion upset on fu tu re Oregon politics? Meier, the overw helm ing winner, is drippingly wet. Mets- chan was for a condition about a s is, while Bailey w as supposed to be som ew hat drier. The Joseph platform will no doubt have van­ ished in the thin air from which it cam e by 1932 but this wet and dry issue will stan d out like a sore thum b. A rm istice day ami T h an k sg iv in g all Perhaps, then, the results obtuined by a Middle over th e P u tte d S ta te s Mrs K envon. West lum ber dealer m ay help them to cam«' to M ik W ilson and Mrs A II Van Vat a decision, for his findings are quite as applicable -ra h have been appointed c a p ta in s ot locally as in his own city. T his lum berm an, as ; the d riv e In S pringfield w hich Is be­ reported to the N ational Lum ber M an u factu rers’ ing headed 1" Mrs I foot ly and which association, recently called for an Itemized bid was stu rted here T uesday. on the co n struction of a fram e dwelling rep ro ­ ducing exactly «me that was eivct«'d in March and April, 1929, on which all cost «lata wen* M ISSION SO C IETY SENDS BOX TO KO R EAN PEOPLE Clever Al Sm ith passed the “ noble experim ent-’ available. T he c o n tra c to r subm itting the bid in prohibition square up to the Republican party, guaran teed to duplicate for $4349.46 a house A box of C h ristm a s things was which if it had its way would be no w etter or which last y e a r cost $5013.33, a decrease of I'Ackinl bv the m em ber« of the Worn $663.87. drier th an the dem ocrats. Prohibition is giving i n ’s Foreign M issionary society of the the Hoover adm inistration m ore trouble than It was found th at every item of m aterial, M ethod's* church at th e ir m eeting anything else. Despite wholesale a rre sts the country seem s to be drinking m ore and m ore equipm ent and labor. except gas service, s u r­ held nt the hom e of Mrs Win «1 every year. Prohibition is an issue th a t flour­ veying. insurant'« and the building perm it, which H ughes on Frtdav afternoon. The ishes even m ore than o th er th in g s when there were identical, w as lower th an a year ago The ¡box was shipped early th is week te g reatest decreases were in excavation and in 1 the m ission fields In K orea. Mrs is business depression and discontent. finish hardw are, both of which were 35 per «•- al i I. K l*ttge led the program discus A few m ore congressm en like G eneral M artin, less. Window shades were quoted at 33 per cent ' stun at th e m eetin g F riday. who beat Korrell in P ortland w ith nothing but less; tile. 24 per c e n t: w orked lum ber. 20 per a wet plank for the repeal of th e 18th am end­ c e n t; painting, 16 per c e n t: yard lum ber, 1.4 T R A P P IN G SFASO N OPENS m ent, and we will be at it again. per cent; m ason work. 12 iht c e n t; c a rp e n te r F IR S T OF N E X T M O N TH work, 10 per cent, and wiring, 10 per cent. The However, if th e co u n try sw ings back to pros­ item s in which th ere were only negligible re­ T rap p in g season In O regon begins perity again two years hence the drys will prob­ ductions were plastering, plumbing, h eatin g and on D ecem ber 1. and all trap p er* a re ably be able to hold th eir grounds, if depression rough hardw are. u tg ed to s»-< a re th e ir ap p licatio n s for continues— well we expect to see the battle of the century waged over wet and dry. Already While the above percentage of price declines license ns early as possible acco rd in g both sides are w hetting up th eir sw ords. m ay not be sim ilar to those th at exist in this to Rodn< y Roach, deputy gam e w ar city, yet th e principle of low er costs is m aterially den The a p p licath n blanks can be evident in local constru« tion circles, to th e great o b tain ed at th e office of th e lam e TH E EMPLOYMENT RACKET advantage of Jltose w ho realize th e opportunity countv clerk and th e licenses a re to build. This condition, however, m ay not be sent out from th e office of the S ta te An em ploym ent “ra c k e t-’ is reported to be expected to last very long, in the opinion of G am e com m ission at P ortland. No w orking on the McKenzie highw ay jobs, w here experts, who believe that the bottom has been trap p in g will bo p e rm itted before the there is a large tu rnover of men. T he highw ay reached. For those, then, who have any in te n ­ opening of the season and all rep o rts departm ent should check up on th is for under tion of building, it would be wise to lose no tim e of d e la tio n Will Is- lnve-.tlgal.-d close present conditions no one should charge a laborer in putting operations under way. f«»r a s surely ly says Roach. to get him a job, th en to get only a few days as activity increases, so will prices begin their work a fte r he travels 100 miles. upw ard climb. Delaying co n stru ctio n to a later What A Woman Nine out of every ten highw ay jobs could be date only m eans g re a te r costs to the eventual builder. Build NOW! filled anyw ay with com petent help from am ong the idle men in Springfield and Eugene. It could Should Weigh also be done by free agencies instead of by com ­ mission agents. TH E FARM BOARD IS LEARNING Are You G etting F a t? Oregon people in th e past have largely been T he Federal Farm Board has had sixteen “gipped” on a good m any highw ay jobs judging m onths of experience in its work of adm inister­ T h ese a re a u th e n tic figures look t h e tab le below if your w eigh' from the num ber of California licenses on cars ing the Cooperative M arketing law. its m em bers ov.-r and height m atch them C ongruhi parked around these works. have learned a g rea t deal in th a t tim e. In the late yourself jrour figure I -. a shape beginning they were new to th e job. Only one ly o ne free from fat weigh your of them , C hairm an Legee, had anything which self today. Ages 40 to 44 A sheep m an sta te s th a t it cost m ore to ship m ight be called national experience in agricul­ his wool from Yoncalla to P ortland, 165 miles tu ral problems. Tiie oth ers w ere able enough 4 Ft 11 In lì« Pound by rail, than from Portland to Boston, 6065 miles men, but their individual experience was limited 5 Ft. 0 In 124 130 by w ater. T h a t is one of th e p ertinent reasons to territorial activities or to the m arketing of 5 Ft. 1 In 5 F t. 2 In. 133 why barge navigation on the W illam ette river certain com m odities. 5 F t. 3 In. 13« •’ would be m oney in the pockets of farm ers and 5 Ft. 4 In 139 T here is evidence th a t th e Farm Board m em ­ stock raisers in this p a rt of Oregon. 5 Ft 5 In. 143 bers are acquiring a national point of view, and 6 Ft. 6 In. 147 th at they have discovered several fundam ental 6 Ft. 7 111. 151 facts, concerning which th ere seem ed at the 5 Ft. S In. 166 The population of Robinson C rusoe’s i.dand beginning to be som e doubt am ong the Board 6 Ft. 9 In. 169 " has arisen to 24,000, we are told. B ut they have m em bers. Those facts, as stated by Mr. Teagm 6 Ft. 10 In. 162 We T h is given Includes o rd in ary no bank, dentist or new spaper am ong other in a recent address, are: Indpor clothing. things m issing. Must be a happy and painless If you a re o verw eight ut nut pies, place to live. A gricultural problem s will not be solved by p a strie s and cake- also enndv for 4 legislation. , week then weigh yourself ag a in — ' V isit a t Ju n ctio n City Mr and Mrs. Ja c k I arson and fam ily and Mrs Tony C h u rrct of New York i lly, aunt of Mr L arson. spent Sunday at Ju n e lion City at th e hom e of Mrs L a r­ son's p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs C harles Toftdalfl C loses for Punersi The Hprlngfleld office of the Mountain p la te s Power company closed betw een the hours of I 30 and 4 00 o'clock Monday for the funeral of Seth M McPherson, brother of Miss l.ulu McPherson, book­ k e e p e r for the power company. T h e Candy you eat for pleasure is a marvelously useful footf . . . . Candy lovers, have you e v e r thought of candy as a rein aik u b ly u-.eful, w holesom e final? Candy Is so ap p etisin g , so In g ra tia tin g th s t wo forget It plays th e serio u s rule of supply us w ith resistance and stre n g th to carry on. • T he ««Inntlsta tell us th at candy, which ull of us eat bta-ause It d elig h ts o u r lailuto and tickle« o u r ta s te . Is a fo-al th s t supplies a g reat laallly need Contrary to popular opinion, It Is very quickly and easily d ig ested For of all the finals th a t we esl. su g ar 1» most rcaih to tie burned In th e laaly us fuel. And besides sugur, candy co n tain s chocolate, m ilk, m ils, fru its and o th e r w holesom e esse n tia l foods. FGGIMANN’S W h e re th e S e l v t M Is D iffe re n t' Week-end Specials ...AT... Fulop’s Department Store 39c 15c Crown Jew el C otton 25c Fast Color P rints $*2 to $5 Wool Kerg« ». W orsteds ami Tweed* 25«- Yd. Wide Heavy Outing l-’lnum l $1* Silk Horn* 98c t0 51.48 15c 49c Fulop’s Department Store "W e glv«’ S. £ II. T rading Stam pa" 334 Main Street Springfield 44 YEARS OLD I SAIL FORTY Al NT N NOTH II T he law of supply and dem and c an n o t In- The H arrisburg Bulletin suggests th a t at next ignored. election som eone s ta rt an am endm ent to the constitution exem pting real e sta te from ta x a ­ T he g rea test assistan ce to ag riculture by the tion. Well, w e’ll bet it would get a whale of G overnm ent will be the gradual developm ent of a vote. grow er-ow ned m arketing system s. ÏT-WI SPC F IS I (SHIV! Now th a t the Farm Board has learned those things, and we have Mr. T e a g u e ’s word for it Many a m an has gone by a dollar chasing th a t all of the m em bers now accept them as an elusive dime. tru th , th ere is hope th a t m ore rapid progress m ay be m ade in bringing ag ricultural m arketing to a point where grow ers really get w hat their Time to s ta rt cultivating th a t T hankful spirit. products are w orth. PINKY DINKY Sy Te.ry Gilkison Go light on p o ta to e s— rice, b u tter, roam and ugar oat lean m eat th ic k e n , fish, salad green v e g e ta ­ bles and fruits. T ak e one h alf teaspoon of K rnsch •ii S u p s in a glnss of hot w ater ev ­ ery m o rn in g before b re a k fa st—T his s th e easy, safe and sen sib le way to lak e off fa t— and 45 cent b o ttle of K ruschen H alts la sts 4 w eeks—Get It at K etels' D rug S to re o r any d ru g sto re In th e world You’ll he gloriously alive— vigorous anil vivacious in 4 weeks.________________________________ WOW 9-A N t A L A U G H F O R LlTTLC VJILLÆ GAFF H e C A M N O T TA L K .— H l$ M O U T H ‘5 F U L L A CANON I TAFF / N earbyor Around the World C onsult y o u r a g e n t CARL OLSON Phone 65 You benefit yourself and your home town every nmc yioi patroniic your h aal Southern I ’autu agrni. Y'ini »sve yourwlf the tpirry and worry of buying at bu.y terminal« in large title». You «an plan and buy leisurely. the handling of your baggage is facilitated and made easier fur you Your whole trip hetontes umplitied. N o mailer where, by rail or steam­ ship, your haal agent can tell you your ticket, make reservations, ar­ range all other detail*. He ra n .(e ll you. tint, of any special fare* lhal would *ave you money. You can buy just a« cheaply from your h aal agrni a* in large lilie s — and your dollar« •tay ai home. Southern Facizic Getting Up Nights I f G e t tin g U p N ig h ts , B a c k a c h e , f r e q u e n t d a y c a lls , L e g P a in s, N e r v ­ o u s n e s s . or B u rn in g , duo to fu n c tio n ­ a l B la d d er Ir r ita tio n , In acid c o n d i­ t io n s m a k e s y o u f e e l tired , d e p r e sse d und d isc o u r a g e d , tr y th e (,'ystcx T e st. W o rk s fa s t , s t a r t s c ir c u la tin g th r u th e s y s te m in 16 m in u te s. P r a ise d b y th o u s a n d s fo r rap id an d p o s it iv e a c ­ tio n . D on 't g iv e up. T r y C y s tc x (p r o ­ n o u n ced H lss -tc x ) to d a y , u n d er t h e Iro n -C la d G u a ra n te e. M u st q u ic k ly a lla y th e s e c o n d itio n s , Im p rove r e s t ­ fu l s le e p a n d e n e r g y , or m o n e y back. O n ly £0c a t KETELS DRUG STORE 5th & Multi Springfield, Gre. c For your trip All Reboot children need an eye exam ina­ tion— Even witJi tw en­ ty-tw entieth v is io n there may be e y e strain. DR XC.MEADE O P T O ^ E T R I/T 14- W c r r 3 th A V t is it a l-o -n -g way to your Telephone? Even the shortest of hallways seems too long, when the telephone’s to be answered. Why not have an extension tele­ phone right where you most likely are? In the bedroom, the sun porch, or the kitchen—wherever it will save the most steps. An extension costs bat a few cents a day. It is so convenient. Tire P acific T euctionk A h d T elbchaju C ompany