PAGE THREE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THUIWAY. NOVUM BICIt IS, 19S0 ORDIR NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT A D M IN IS T R A T O R S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Notice Is hereby given that Harold I Notice Is hereby given that pursuant Oregon for thè County of Lane. J. Wells, Administrator of the Estate ’ to the Order of the County Court of of E Davison, deceased, has Hied b i. th„ state of Oregon ln and for the lu thè Mattar of -un Adoptlon of Final Account and Report a» such, HILDA ALEXANORA TURNEr and the Court has set Saturday, Novem­ County of Lane, sitting in probate, dated November 10, 1930, 1 Asher M. OLGA ROSE TURNBR, minor» ber 16. 1*30, at 10:00 A. M. at the Veach, as the administrator of the County Court Room In the Court estate of Frank M. Vernum. deceased, TO MR AND MRS. ALEXANDER House at Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ will sell at private sale, from and TURNER:— gon, as the time and ptacj to hear A petition for the adoption of the objections to the same. If afy, and after tbe hour of 10 o ’clock A. M., above named minors, together with for the final settlement of said Estate. Friday, December 12, 1*30, at tbe latw Office of H. E. Slattery, 717 Wil­ a change of names from Hilda Alex­ HAROLD J. WELLS. andra Turner to Enid Alexandra Good Administrator. lamette St., Eugene, Ortjgon, all of the Interest of said estate. In and to the and from Olga Rose Tuiue *0 Eliza Wells A Wells, Attorneys beth Olga Good having been filed 017-24 -31-N6.12 two folk,wing described tracts of real estate belonging to the said estate, herein, you may appear r ‘. the County to-wit: Court Room In the lAne Count/ Court Here from Rainbow- Mr». Perry House In Eugene, Lane Ct inty, Ore­ ROOM awl board, family »tyle, ,40 FARMER» Have five hundred 26 foot (1.) Lot 15 in Block 12, in the town NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT of Lowell, Lane County, Oregon, as por month. Eilte I lot vi. N.30 MEETING Split Cedar Telegraph Pele». Price William» of llalnlxiw »pent Friday gon, on or before the 8th day of platted and of record In the office December, 1*30, at 10 o’clcck A. M., oh »ale ,1 00 each. Make A-l tele­ v I n M iik friend» In thl» city. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: of the County Clerk of Lane County, then and there to show cause, if any phone polea. Notice is hereby given that a meet­ Oregon; Gu«»t» at Sprlngflald Hotel Mr» there be, why said p itltton should C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S ing of the legal voters being resident 12.) Lots 3-4-5-6 7-8 in Block 6 ln the Fell Creak Resident Here Mrs Lee Annie P. Hawkins of Toledo, Ore­ not be granted. Notice I» her>'by alvo» that School Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 23rd taxpayer» and owner of real property Town of Lowell, Ijine County, Ore­ gon. and H. IL Burn» of Seattle were In Road District No. 5, in Lane gon; District No. 10, lu Springfield, latno Stevens of Full Creek wun a Saturday day of October, 1*30. County, Oregon, will be held at tbe among tlie guests registered at the County, Oregon, will puy at tile office caller In this city. That tbe said tracts 1 and 2 will C. P. BARNARD, of 2:00 P. M. on the 16th day be separately sold to the highest bid­ of dork of »aid district, ull wurrant« Springfield liotol the pant week. County Judge. hour of November, A. D., 1*30, at the Io und Including 1223, dalnd Hopi 11, O.23-30-N.6-13 Lower Camp Creek School House in der for cash. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE OF FINALHEARING ikko lulereet eva«»» uflur Novumhur ASHER M. VEACH, said Road District, to determine 16, 1936. Administrator. In the County Court of the State of Notice I» hereby given that Je»»e NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON whether said road district shall levy N.13-20-27-D. 4-11 Oregon In and for the County of Lane. I Jones and Cora B. Jone», administra a special tax of 81108.66 upon all EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE NO TIC K OF S H K H IF F ’ S SALE In Probata. ! tor» of the estate of John W. Bar NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT NOTICE la hereby given that by taxable property ln said district for —- —- } ringer, Decease, have filed In the the purpose of providing funds for MEETING In the Circuit Court of the State of IN HE THE ESTATE OF J M ill Y office of the Clerk of the County virtue of an execution and order of resurfacing of road on Upper Camp Oregon for the County of Lane. I.ANGAN, Deceased 1 Court of Lane county, their final ac­ sale Issued out of the Circuit Court Creek starting at forks of road by TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: the State of Oregon for Lame Coun­ BENEFIT SAVINGS A LOAN AH SO Notice 1» hereby given that the un count as such administrators, and that | of Notice la hereby given that a meet­ ty October 22nd, 1930, upon and pur­ Lower Camp Creek School House. CIATION, a corporation. Plaintiff, ing of the legal voters being resident derilgni'd. a» the administrator of the the court has fixed 10:00 A. M. of ’ suant to a decree duly given and C. P. BARNARD, »1. above entitled estate duly filed In the November 21. 1*30, as the time when . County Judge. taxpayers and owner of real property L. CLARK AYDELoTT and MRS. U said estate proceeding, his final ax- said final account will be taken up made by said Corrt October 21st, in Road District No. 12, in Lane CLINTON HURD, 1*30, In a suit pending therein In CLARK AYDElAlTT, hl» wife. Du count oh October 11, 1930; that the for examination and allowance. All i County Commissioner. County, Oregon, will be held at the which J. R. HUI and Ellen Hill are feudanle. hour of 2:00 P.M. on the 15th day O. E. CROWE, said court fixed the time for the persona Interested therein may appear By virtue of an elocution. Judgment hearing of the said final account at at said time and be beard In reference ; plaintiffs and Ruth M. Cooper, also County Commissioner. of November, A. D., 1930, at the Zion known as Ruth Cooper, Dorothy E. order, decree and order of »ale l«»u«d the hour of 10 o"clock A. M. Novem­ thereto. O.30-N.6-13 School House lu said Road District, Cooper, Charlotte C. Cooper, and out of the above eulllled Court In ber 14, 1930; that all persons having JESSE JONES. to determine whether said road dis­ Harry W. Neet, Administrator of the the above entitled »ull to ine directed any objections thereto »hull file the CORA B JONES. trict shall levy a special tax of NOTICE OF ROAO DI8TRICT Estate of W. B. Cooper, deceased, Administrators. and dated the 31st day *P„.ent' ’7 NELSON LEGHORN FARM Administratrix. interest, claim, estate and equity of Interest, claim or eskate of the de summons which is October 16, 1930. redemption ln and to said lands and ATTORNKY AT LAW B. F. MULKEY Lane County’s Oldest Breeders fendants or either or any and all H. E. SLATTERY, premises and every Partu th£ £ w N , 601 Corbett Bldg. of of them In and to said lands and Attorney for plaintiff and my Resi­ NOTARY PURLIC promises heretofore described. 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN» dence and Post Office Address Is Eu­ Portland, Oregon. Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. Attorney for the E state. H. L. BOWN, gene, Lane County, Oregon. i! qta h Springfield 016-28-80 N6-18 8PE4NOFIKLD OREGON Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. 018-28-80 N6-13. Building Oregon N.6-13-20-27-D.4 Phono 81-F-14 In th» County Court o f the Stato of v ih iu j o 1 B U S IN E S S IH R E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Ghapel Funeral Directors D. W . Roof :