I . T age t TIIUHPAY. NOVEMBER 13. I »30 TILE SPRINGEIKIJ1 NEWS two I «wmMP * WMMÉhi- HORTICULTURAL GROUP her 19 TOWN AND VICINITY THURSTON • * UPPER WILLAMETTE e * e e e e * * « e « e e e e e Mr and Mr». J A Phelps extended WILL DISCUSS DRIED an Informal Invitation io the members FRUIT AT FRIDAY MEET of the high school da»» of the Suu day school Io an open house Sunday Many Interesting problems con­ afetrniton Several of ihe young folks fronting the fruit anti vegetable gathered ai the Phelps home and grower of thia vldnlty are being dis- »pent ihe afternoon pupping corn and m issed at meetings of lha Oregon Hlale Horticultural sod ely being held making candy. Mrs Emm a I'ehraon, m other of Mrs lit Eugene Wednesday. Thursday, and \iidv Olson, ha» received em ploym ent Friday of this week Vegetable grow­ ing and burry problem» were dis in Eugene Mr. and Mrs Poulson are enjoying c u s s iil at the meetings yesterday a visit from two of Iheir sons from Erull und berry peels and problems are occupying Ihe program today, and Idaho. * » Paul Hardin, w’ o has been suffer dried fruit will occupy tho central lug from a relapri- Iroin typhoid fever, isirl of Ihe program tomorrow. Tlie Friday program wilt be held is Improving. under the auspices of Ihe Northwest Dried Frttlt association GLIDER CLUB OFFICIAL Thurston high school basketball' The American Eagles, tin girl scout teuins motored to Sluslaw lust Fllda) troup of the I’pper Willamette ills Visits at Jasper—M. La. Wallace of , evening where both teams met de- j trict met at their scout home on O riv e » to P o r tla n d — W C Mil-agan Jasper was a business visitor in »pent Friday in Portland on business feat, with the Sluslaw high school the C. E. Jordan ranch Tuesday night Springfield Monday. teams. On returning home one o i ' and sewed on the curtains for the Shop» Saturday—Mrs. W. H. Lari­ the ears in which seven students were house. Tho house has been wired M e rc h a n t I I I — G. S Turner has been mer of Fall Creek »pent Saturday ill for the past week. He is staying riding overturned in a ditch of water 1 and the girls are planning on raising shopping in this city. ' money to pay for the material. The but none were seriously hurt. in bed at his heme. V is ito r from Newport—W. A. Parks Clifford Weaver from Salem spent labor wus donated. As soon as the At Salem Fred Walker went to Thursday night with his parents. Mr girls finish Iheir curtains they will of Newport was a visitor in Spring Pendleton Friday to attend a meeting and Mrs. A W Weaver. field on Friday afternoon. begin making pillows and rugs for ef the Grand Lodge of the 1. O. O. F. Miss Luelle Wilson from Corvallis their house. Visitor from Veneta—Mrs. John There was no school in the upper Jasper People H e re M r. and Mrs. spent the week end with Miss Haxel Pettijohn of Veneta was a visitor in grades of the I'leasant Hill public George Hill of Jasper visited friends Edmlston. Springfield on Saturday. Arch Shough made a trip to Burns | sc I iimi I Wednesday. Thursday and Fri­ in this city on Friduy. day of Iasi week owing Io the death Monroe Resident Here—C M. Miller 1 last week Transacts Business Mrs. M L. of Monroe visited with friends here Enda June Travis has recovered of Mr Sheridan's fathers. Andrew J. Sebring of Jasper was a business from an attack of measles. Sheridan, who died at his home al Saturday. ADDRESSES LIONS CLUB visitor in Springfield on Friday. Creswell Wednesday morning at 2 .1« Bum Caruther has been suffering Visits from Walterville—E. E. Leh o'clock at the age of t>9 years. He lllalr Alderman of Eugene, president Doctor a t Salem — Dr. R. P. Mor­ from Infection in his hand caused by man of Walterville called on his was hurled Friday afternoon In the of the Western Glider < lull, was tin a barbed wire cut. tensen spent Tuesday in Salem. friends in Springfield on Friday. Mr. and Mrs John Wllllan from Laurel Hill cemetery. Rev 8. D Tref pr ndpal speaker al the weekly meet Visitor from Portland— Mrs. Ina Cottage Grove vlstled at John Ed fer conducting the services ing of the Lions dull Friday lie Transacts Business Friday—Mrs. A. Cn November 1. Mr. anil Mrs Mon told something of ’he work being H. Donohoe of Vida was a business I Elliott of Portland was a visitor in miston lust Saturday. J Springfield on uesday. visitor in this city on Friday. Next Friday evening the Sluslaw roe Hill were honored with a sur [ done by the dub and the result» high school basketball teams will play prise party at their home In Clover­ that are being accomplished Visits with Mother—Mr and Mrs. Coburg Man Here— James Russel of dale. Mrs. Tlvey and Mrs. Elliott the local teams on (heir own floor. Coburg transacted business In this E. G. Faye of Portland spent the caused much fun by appearing In The Ladies' Aid are making plans E n te r t a in W it h D in n e r week-end visiting at the home of city on Friday afternoon. Io hold a bazaar on Friday evening. ghost costumes. Those present were her mother, Mrs. C. 1. Gorrie Sr. Mr and Mrs D II Mitchell. Mr. and Mr and Mrs M A I’ohl entertained Visitor from Mohawk—W. J. Price November 21. Leaves for Canada— Mrs. lx*na Pol of Mohawk was a visitor in Spring Next Sunday will be rally day for Mrs. E C. Klell. Mrs. Ia< t sla y al I-lanery's Rexall Drug Store. her home later in the week. were promised. Visiting Parents—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Recovering — Charles Myers, who Bonner of Los Angeles are visiting underwent a major operation several at the home of his wife's parents, weeks ago, is making steady recovery Mr. and Mrs. Bench. at the Eugene hospital according to Shops Saturday—Mrs. Earl Paulos Mrs. Myers. It is not certain Just of Marcóla spent part of Saturday when he will be able to return to doing some shopping at some of the his home here. •* ^ a local stores. Has Quiney—Hilma, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Healey, of Marcóla was brought to Springfield Friday to receive medical care for an attach of quinsy which has been bothering her for some time. A d m itte d I SAIL POU.TY AlNT N NUTHI rr-\M i to H o sp ital— A. C. . a to a a Kugeue, Oregon R aincoats fo r W om en an d Misses $3.9S Ssnert n e id rii <>( irathsse e ttr w ith ib n n rl tietk tW ol iksddr triture irrwy . . with cemented w anw to m akr th rill aheolutetp vatrrprnni These .< gvinnd ui sily ti M il, M c­ Clain of Oakridge was admitted to the Pacific Christian hospital on Fri­ day. He was brought to a local physician's office in the forenoon and it was decided to place him in a hospital where he could receive regu­ lar treatments under observation. FORD BATTERY ONLY SPC $7-50 Parlor Bedroom Bath HEAR THE GAME All Clean as a Cake of Soap With Allowance for your old Battery A genuine 13-plate, 6-volt, 80-ampere-hour Ford bat­ tery! A remarkable value. Made of best materials; fine workmanship; rigidly tested and fully guaran­ teed. Drive ii> and let us install one In your car. We’ll give you an allow­ ance on your old battery. Anderson Motors F ifth and A Streets Every room in the house . . . clean as can be . . . the whole house made immaculate in the brief space of an hour or so. It’s so easy, you see, to whisk this Electric Cleaner through your rooms . . . over rugs, over carpets . . . eating up the dirt as it goes. So little effort for such a thorough job of cleaning. BOSCH RADIO Follow the man with the ball as he sprints for the goal — Bosch Radio will give you the whole gam e with a satisfaction never before possible in ratlin. The new Bosch Models prove Bosch Supremacy in the electrical and acoustical fields. Full tone control automatic volume control full sensitivity and other per­ fected modem improvements— No part of your house need be neglected . . . even drapes and furniture are radiant after a “once-over” with the handy cleaner attach­ ments. And the delightful part of it all is that it’s done without the slightest harm to rug fabrics or other surfaces . . . this powerful cleaner is gentle, too. (Jo in for a demonstration. Electric Vacuum Cleaner Come in and Hear Bosch Radio SM A LL DOW N P A Y M E N T — BALANCE E A 8Y M O N TH LY ( p Mountain States -raus PABTMcaa Power Company ««nr»»»»- M n o c a u t* W R IG H T & SONS HARDWARE FURNITURE PAINT t