T ry Hom a P rin t Shop F ira t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS m O T Y . ¿¿E Ò W TW K N TV -H BV E N TH “The People's Rapar" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N No. 44 TIIVHIMY. NÒVBMBEB 13. MW ykah . «. • r> I brotherhood to have Alumni Uriasters FATH er - son banquet Defeat H .S. Team AT CHURCH MONDAY COT BUB6ET HIGHER POLICE M I cm Masonic Members Buy W .O.W .Hall BENNETT AIR IINES LI Deal Which Involves $5,500 The regular monthly mooting of Game at Albany Friday is Next | the Brotherhood of the Methodist Closed Tuesday; Will Be Regular Schedule Flying Starts on Schedule for Local Play­ 1 church to be held Monday night will Effective December 6 Airport Levy and Shift In Immediately; Four Stops to take the form of a "Father and Son" ers; Three More Games Amount of Anticipated Rev­ banquet and program according to The option which the Liberty Ma Be Made Daily; Prominent enue From Fines Increases sonic lodge of Springfield held on Springfield school --------- alumni foot I nor■>>»>**’■** high -------- N. W Emery, chairman of the Visitors Here Tuesday for ball players do not forget their game prograBI committee. The women of Amount to Be Raised by Tax­ the W. O W. building for Home time Initial Flights. Immediately after they quit playing l(je cbur(.h will prepare a banquet ation k Police Chief Gets Cut was Uken up at the meeting of the Jim McManiman and Laurence Neely form Springfield School of Flying and Take Over Management of Flying Field; This was demonstrated on the Brat >|)d eveTy , ather In the congregation Purchase and Leaae Ships. tain field here Friday when the alumni urj{p(, u> come w)th „ „ 1Di either l)r. members on Tuesday evening and the Like two eagles, mere specks at transfer of the property will officially first and soon looming as the largest ----------- . -------- - o n t h . lo n e I h(< )wii un ad()ptPd one. for the be completed on December • ■ provld i blr(lg the ajr_ , wo iarge a|z -pas- Management of the Springfield team trumped away with the long end of an 18-6 score In a game with ayttning , n»- y r speaker , , will evening. The principal Ing the Grand lodge officials approve j , senger pnBer Zenith municipal airport < bauged hand» Mon­ Zenith airplanes airplanes glided glided onto onto the regulars at the high school. This th(( gon nf R„v John Knox of day night when the city council ap­ of the action. the Springfield municipal airport on was the final borne game for the Eugene, .....................— He wl'l rive - a •— leclure -■ — on proved of the transfer of the bee C E Wheaton, secretary of Liberty Tuesday aftenoon at 3:30 to formally Inman contract to the Springfield Springfield high school team this seas- astronomy. lodge, stated this morning that the open the Bennett Air Transport corn- School of Plying Inc. The transfer, son and a large crowd of Interested local Masons will renowate the build- pany route between Tacoma, Port­ which Include» management of the spectators were present for the strug ing and will make a Masonic lodge land and Coos Bay. field and the aviation school, became gle hall on the second floor. The mem- . small band of eager aviation fol- Former high school stars of the effective Tuesday morning bers hope to have this work com- |owera ba4 gathered at the port In The Incorporator» of the Springfield gridiron who played for the alumni pleted early In the year. the forenoon and waited several hours Friday Included A. Harper and Coy School of Plying are Jim McManl The deal which has been pending for the arrival of the ship«, but fog man. pre»ldent «nd general manager Leathers, ends; K Kendsll and La Iuka Circle Reorganized Friday for some time Involves a financial at Portland kept the ships from taking Verne L iv a iii, guards; Claire Thur­ and I^iurence K Neely. Tice- president by State Officers; Eugene transaction of »5,500 The Woodmen off at Swan Island. A larger group man and Bill Orelger. tackles; William tuiri ••cretary, Women in Attendance have not been very active for some was present in the afternoon to meet Pollard, center; Ossie McPherson, To U m B«m« Ship« i A total of »31.465.22 will have to time They were represented by the ships which were piloted by A. Included In the change I» the pur quarter; K. Geiger, fullback; and Pat Springfield Joined the cities of the ra|ged by cUy ,D a tax levy George Cox and Moody N eet A. Bennett, president of the air trans- McMurray and Everett Squires, half- chaee of the two-place training «hip ‘■ J States a having . . I n . « a I.x r i (f budget is approved by the port, and E. E. Parmenter, vlce- back. Quentin Thursman Thursman and and WII wt, | United u x llln llla r a v o <" from I-re Inman and the leasing of Bam Cox Quentin were sub. for the alumni, ganlzatlons of the Grand A rm , f taxpayers at a meeting to be held Ihe City of Eugene, cabin monoplane. Gerald Morrison, who was one of the the Republic on Friday evening when at the city hall on Monday evening, Prominent People Come The new manager» have announced outstanding P l.yer. on the high school a group of local women m e t at th December, 8. 1930. The gross es­ 7 I Bg • N,ne PosatmBers were brought to that they will Install the late»t »y»tem len ...te a m last y .sr was unable to play Comm unity X T h ^ n Springfield in the Ships. They m timated expenditures are set at »34, of ground Instruction I» with the a.umn, He I. ..ten din g the known as school the Cadet system which They y ^ - _____ eluded such prominent people as W. 015.33 This ls about »2.000 more than the budget of last year, but Includes , , . , ___ n u lr l/o r « D. B. Dodson, manager of the Port- will also continue Instruction In fly I nlverslty and Is p ay ng Egglman. state G. A. It auxiliary Keeping of ors , - ]and chamber of commerce; Russell taking over the student list freshman team .h e r . T h e, h a l a Petpraon the »2,000 voted at the special elec­ and Rabbits in Unsanitary governor of Oregon for the which Mr Inman had All of the g.m e of their own echedded for FrlJ ,napector. were both tion last spring for the development State Heard by Ccuncil National Aeronautics association; of the airport. The total to be raised facilities at the field will be continued day afternoon, and another one for rporBan)lP(, the by tax levy Is slightly less than * Charles H. Boyce. Willis F. Malonery, and a determined effort will always Saturday. , |rcle and Installed the officers elected »3000 more than the preceding year. Health and sanitation came in for r Dunham, an of Portland; be mad. to promote the field, accord- The game Friday was the second «H c l^ a round of discussion at the councl. of the gtate | ndugtrlal A cut of »15 per month In the log to the new manager. defeat for the high school team rhey . meeting Monday evening after a dele-1 comm,Mlon at Saiem; Earl salary of the fire chief is also In­ M cM a n im a n to In s tru c t lost their first gsme of the season gation had complained about t te preg|dent of the Corvallis cham- M.Msnlmsn will continue as the to the Corvallis players The next Barnes. an(J cluded In the budget. This ls actually fetewart Fuel company's bam on north of commerce> and Mrs W. C. Instructor for the school and will game on the schedule Mrs FtbP| j„n iff I. the second vice- no reduction In his salary, however, Second street. Rabbits and chicken- North of the secretary of the hsve general charge of the flying players I. at Albany on Friday The ' Mr> E1UabPth Kennedy as he ls now getting free rent and r 4 court of honor December of the Lighthouse temple will offi­ Larimer of Fall Creek transacted spring Mr Bennett plans on opening lamette valley. He declared that he I field. I and w|„ter camp to be held ciate and Interment will be made In business In Springfield yesterday. was very thankful to the people ot Mr. McPherson h a. been •"«*«*« L ; artl December 29 new lines to Medford and Klamath Laurel Grove cemetery. Falls, and to Bend and Bum s and Springfield for the fine manner In |n farming and threshing most of - which they have treated him and I his life. He was second vice-president probably Idaho cities. When this ls started several ships will be stationed co-operated In his every effort. of the First National Bank of this .. . ... « . a „«rtther I city at the time of his death. He at the local port and it will become "I doubt If I will ever find another I 7 • <’^ n “ P h r t .t ls n place where the people of the city ™ Chrt' ,taB e night ston for pilots. G. A . R. Circle Is Reorganized Here Two major changes were made In the city budget for the year 1931 by the budget committee meeting here last night. The first Is the reduction of the salary of the police chief from fl&O.OO per month to 1187.50. The second ls the decreasing of the ea tlmated revenues from high figures which have not been reached for many yearn to »urn» which are reason­ able expected to be paid from vartoua aourcea, notably the fine« for viola­ tion« of city ordinance«. People Want Barn D ec/area /Vuisance aww a ÎT ¡Plane and Pilots of N ew Bennett Air Transport To Build H a n g a r will bark me as they have _hPr'^ J1* yeatch chapel In Eugene had charge ••" ’a J ’1 eW u f h . efforts snd "f the funeral arrangements Inter- of Springfield for ‘heir L . n, wnH made In the Mulkey ceme- I also want to wish my successors l the best of luck In their venture," h e | ,pT - concluded HANOVER E. PITTS IS BURIED HERE YESTERDAY Construction work on a hangar at the local port will begin Just as soon as Mr. Bennett can get time to look after it he stated while here Tuesday. The hangar will he built Just across the road west from the service sta I t’on. Three ships have already been pur­ chased by Mr. Bennett and he has contracted for the manufacture of four larger seven passenger ones to be delivered next spring. [ attempt made to ENTER DRUG STORE Walter Enrl Is In the Lnne county Jail at Eugene and will probably be Funeral funeral services for Hanover E. » I B,VPn a pr(, lln, |nary bcarlng today on Pitts, 79. who died of pneumonia In cbRrBP of burgiarUlng the Flnnery Eugene Sunday were held yesterday Btorp afternoon from the Walker-Poole cha I (1,BCOTerpd WOrklng away pel. Rev. P. J. Moore officiated and on tho rear door to the drug store was ««stated by Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor at 11:30 Tuesday night by F. Hinson, of the Springfield Methodist church 1 , ^ wa(cbnian wben he went through Interment was made In Laurel Orove I the alley »rvlnv doors to trying nil alt doors to make make cemetery. sure they were locked. Earl had a Mr. Pitts was the last of his family brace and bit and had bored nine to carry the nnme, . Pitts. He leaves . holes through one of the panels near --------------- --------- three daughters, Mrs. Ella Cole and I (he wbpn bP wns discovered. He Mrs. Sherman Potter, both of Spring- I WRg for food, he told Hinson, field, and Jean Randlott of Fargo. I Mrg p |anpry „ays that from the North Dakota, four grandchildren and J degcr|pt|on gbp bns been given he three great grandcbllden. I onp of (bp mpn whom she waited He was born In Dubuque, Iowa, on I on ia| P Tuesday evening. August 3, 1851. He was married to I ----------------------- - Violetta 1-ambert at Rockford. Iowa FQUR FROM SPRINGFIELD He moved to California from Iowa In | ATTEND MISSION MEET 1913 and later came to Oregon In 1916. He has made his home here I Mrg R Mulholland. Mrs. Frances since that time, being proprietor of I ZachPry> Mrs Roy Carlton and Mrs. a cabinet shop In this city at the I D p pgllvle attended the conference time of his death. I ()f tbp department ot missionary edu- 1 cation of the Baptist church which Return from Portland was held In Eugene on Monday. Dele- Mr. and Mrs M. M. Male returned gates were present from the churches Wednesday from Portland where they at Springfield. Cottage Orove, Grants had been visiting for the past week. Pats, Veneta and Eugene. » SOCIAL CLUBS TO MEET TOMORROW AFTERNOON Mrs. J. T. Moore will entertain the members of the Kensington club nt her home at 2:30 Friday after noon. The afternoon will be spent sewing. The members of the Priscilla club wl’’ gather at the home of Mrs. Wil­ liam Curtis on the same afternoon for their regular meeting. REBEKAH DRILL TEAM WILL MEET ON FRIDAY ~ ’ One of the Zenith six passenger w ^ ^ . p p g ^ s ’ o v e fth e ^ o u th e r n part of the Tuesday carrying prominent °5 Va e'm ». SpUgfield and Coos Bay. Below from left r1,°ht-A. Bennett^preald^nt^and manager ot t he company; Elbert E. Parmenter. chief pilot. Hap Roundtree, p ilot The regular monthly meeting ot the Progressive 22 drill team ot the Re hekuh lodge will be held Friday eve­ ning at the I. O. O. F. hall commenc­ ing at 7:30. Following the drill period they will enjoy a social gathering at which Mrs. Clarine Putman. Mrs. Mabel Peddicord, and Mrs. Nellie Pyne are the hostesses.