PAGE six EXPERT TO DEMONSTRATE TREE PRUNING AT FARMS NEAR CITY THIS WEEK THURSDAY, NOVEMBER It, 1030 TH E aPRIÑOFIELD NEWS «IBS. HUNTLEÏ TO HEAD BED CBOSS Many on Honor Roll Continued from Page I fvuborg. Second Grade Sophomores Virginia Christie. I.«- Ila Clark. Leola Gates, Eva ixiuk, M i ­ llan l’ai rick, Theda Rhodes. Marcelino Seavsy. Juniors Winston llacua, Eldon El llson, Lewis llodskowskl, Hasel Shol ley. Lela Squires. Ilevsl Sumner Seniors— Myrna Bartholomew, Hawn Church. Dais Daniels, Franklin Elmer, Gilbert Ernsting. Dorothy Fisher, Mury llsdley, Ruth lu>e. Irene Man ley. Helen Meradorf. Elinor Hlat»u, Marie Blaise, Nellie Stuart. Daisy Tomseth. Scholarship- Flora Bertsch. Nancy Davis, Billy Ihiwson. Gladys Peder son. Sidney Ward, Olive Johansen Attendance- Hilly Dawson. Peggs Fritts. Iva Gillette, Gladys Pstlerson. Betty Virginia Sherman, Kds Ann Moore. Robert Miller. Flora Bertach. Donald Cook, Nancy Davis. Third Grads Attendance— Beryl Robertson, Dor­ TWO LOCAL MUSICIANS othy Stewart. Jeanette Sweeney. CHOSEN MEMBERS OF Frank Stuart. Pruning of fruit and nut trees will be demonstrated in two orchards near Springfield today by O. T McWhorter, Mrs. C. O. Wilson, Mrs. Van extension horticulturist of the Oregon Valzah, and Mrs. Kenyon Agricultural college, according to Nented Captains for Local So­ County Agent O. 8. Fletcher who has cooperated with the Lane County licitation; County Workers to Horticultural society In arranging foi Luncheon Friday. these demonstrations. Taking of the annual Red Cross How to prune seven-year and eight- roll call will start In Springfield on year-old prune, peach, walnut, and Tuesday under the direction of Mrs U. O. POLYPHONIC CHOIR apple trees will be demonstrated at F ou rth Grads M. B. Huntly, who has been named the farm of C. M. Jensen one-quarter Scholarship--Karl Scott Jr., Ihuui general chairman of the city, and will UNIVERSITY GF OREGON, Ku mile north of the State game farm i Wilson, 1-awrence Thompson. Robert gene. Nov. 6 - (Specall—Ernest Me- continue until Thanksgiving day. It at 10:00 a. m. Young prune, pear necessary, to complete the canvass ot I Nice. Kinney, oof Springfield, has been and cherry trees will be pruned at the entire city. Mrs. Huntly has al Attendance—Dorothy Chas», Maxine chosen oue of the m e m b e r s of the the farm of James W. Cooley about rehdy named Mrs. C. O. Wilson, Mrs ¡t’oglll. Bob Davis, Billy Oltlors, John Polyphonic choir al the University of three miles southeast of Springfield A. B. Van Valxah. and Mrs. C. E. Hockey, Norman Nealoa, Robert Nice, t regon. after exienslve tryouts, lie A typ ical welcom e home scene from the Fox M ovietone laugh rio t " I on the Jasper road at 1:30 p. m Kenyon as captains of the drive. She will sing first t enor. Winifred Tyson, T h e R iv e r," a t the McDonald F riday and S aturday. John Warden, Dean Wilson Seventeen-year-old walnuts will also will name the others workers later of Springfield, Is the organist for Fifth Grade be pruned on the farm of M Bouchard In the week. choir. near Mr. Cooley place, COLLEGE GRADS TAKE POST Attendance Eva Brink. Ella« Ingram, the The All Lane county Red Cross drive STATE HORTICULTURAL Polyphonic choir, which Is di Angela Krupka. Helen Lyons, IatVerne All interested parties are invited workers will gather at the Osborn BODY PLANS THREE-DAY GRAD COURSE I * ROCKERY reeled by Arthur Boardman, interna McPherson, Lloyd Seamans. Muriel to attend these demonstrations. hotel In Eugene Friday noon for a tlonally fntnoua tenor, was started last Tyson. MEETING NEXT WEEK Friends tried and true, true to the luncheon as guests of the I^ine county year and Is an Innovation in univer­ Seventh B LEGION AUXILIARY GOES pell at BenaonaU." sing the leading chapter. All matters pertainlug to sity slngtng Istesd of the usual four Scholarship—Donald Btdwella, Fran­ The annual meeting of the Oregon I (.hanu.u,rg ln ..Vp The Hiver," John the drive and the organization of O YtR TOP IN ANNUAL parts, as In the glee cluhe. the choir M.W(|imlng lnlVe»ry for Fox ces Keeler, Jo Iaina Pulman, Ethel workers will be discussed at thiis State Horticultural society will be has eight different divisions, which MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Severson. Katherine Soderstedt, Mar held in Eugene next week on Novem Movietone which comes to the Fox meeting. guerlte Warden. Holland Fransworth, combine to make a wonderfully beauti­ Springfield women are taking an ber 12. 13 and 14 with sessions at McDonald theatre next Friday and The Springfield American Legion active Eugene May, Barbara Barneii, 1st ful effect. part in the work of the Reo both the Chamber of Commerce and auxiliary has gone ‘over the top’ in Cross here this year. This Is due the University of Oregon H 8. Mer- Saturday hut while this the ' Alma Moyne Black, Ruby Houk, Florence The 40 members of the choir, and their annual membership drive and largely to the fact that a Springfield riant of Goshen Is the president of Muter" of the "convicts," at the highly May. Dolorea Nice, Irene Andersou. the university orchestra of 66 lnstru- Imaginary film Institution, most of have six more members signed now Attendance— Woodrow Batee, l.aur mantas combined to present the open branch has been established and Is ‘he organization this year, the singers can yodel their own col­ than their quota required according ence Chase. Holland Fsrnworth. Joe Ing concert of the school of music, already functioning to take care of A very interesting program cover lege songs to Mrs. M. B Huntly. secretary of Krupku. John Krupka, Eugene May. on Mondsv evening. November 3. John ing many phases of fruit and vege­ Spencer Tracy, who V»»" fro,n M“r Howard Nesblt, Charlie Uchytll, Irene Ijandabury, dean of the school of the local organization. The local all needy people. table production In this county will Mrs. Katherlre Reade Ross. Red quette University, and Warren Hy Anderson, Bartiaru Barneii, iatMoyne music, assisted as pianist, while the women have been working for a na mer. a Yale graduate, have the feat Black. Delorea Casteel, Colene Cornell, oorcheslra was under the direction tional citation and is is believed that Cross worker from Eugene is spending *” pl< ** n u ‘ ured comedy leuds. und Claire Luce Pearl Helturbrand. Kuby Houk, Mar of Rex Underwood, violinist. It has been won. No announcement Tuesday and Friday mornings in the UNIVERSITY WILL and Humphrey Bogart, playing the Jorle Johnson, Josephine Jones, Fran has been made of this at the present office of the Community center in WELCOME OLD GRADS romantic parts, are from Columbia cis Keeler, Florence May, Delores time, but Mrs. Huntly has received the community hall. She devotes the letters from national officials con afternoons of those doys to field work TO HOMECOMING and Andover respectively. George Nice, Drudle Ogilvie, Jo iaina Pul MacFarlane graduated from McGill man, Katherine Soderstedt, Wilma gratulating the local group for their and investigation. Major M. B. Hunt­ Thig week.en(1 i„ homecoming ut "BUc’-” of "Black and Blue." from the Spriggs, Lillian Trtnka, Mildred Tuhy success in the drive which has just ly stays at the office each day from 9:00 until 4:00 and any person who University of Oregon and elab- Unlvei ’.y of Arkansas. Dick Keene and Margurut Warden. ended. needs assistance, who knows of others orate p,ang are ma(le by the from La Salle College, Oaylord Pen­ E ig hth B Play Indoor Golf at the Cocoanut who may need help, or who have homecomlng directorate of the Uni dleton from Columbia and Johnnie Scholarship—Velma Peddlcord. Ed­ FRI. - SAT. Grove, Eugene. Imagine yourself in anything they can donate to the needy vprghy t„ make , he annual return Walker from Fordham na Severson. Mury Young, Charles can call the office and Mrs. Huntly vjgU {)f , he old r a 4 , an(, former stu- the South Sea Islands. Cole, Irvin Durr, l.uclle Davis. Ruth Carl lasmm ls will come to take the articles. A detl, s one Of pleasant memories and Stratton, Marguret Jarrett, Ethel Hall >/» TWO-TOWN CLUB MEMBER^ large number of donations have **’ , experiences. Attendance — K e n n e t h Walker, HAVE DINNER ON FRIDAY ready been made. Outstanding among the events for Woodrow CJiuae, Franklin Wardlow, the week-end wtll be the football game Eighteen members of the Two-Town Dick Wright, Essel Adams, Virginia FAIR BOARD ELECTION between the University of California W « s t C f ï A S Î IM IA 1 H IS club, coomposed of families living In Brinks. Leona Chase, Lucille Davis, TO BE HELD SATURDAY »* Angeles anil the Webfoots Winifred Franx, Marguret Haack, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ______ Althouogh the UCLA team is not ex both Springfield and Eugene, were en Ethel Hall, Margaret Jarrett. Lola tertalned al a 6:30 dinner at the Members of the Lane County Fair pected to endanger the Spears' out home of Mr and Mrs. L. E. Basford Johanssen, Thelma Llpes, Wilma association will meet In Eugene Sat- fit. 'he fact that it Is the home on Friday evening Those attending Llpes. Alice Neet, Ruth Pollard, I-e urday to elect new officers according coming game, and that it Is the last were Mr and Mrs. F O. Taylor, Mr Verno thigh, Viola Robertson, Faye to Mrs. Mabel Chadwick, secretary home game of the year for the Spears and Mrs. C. E. Russel, Mr. and Mrs. Squires. Ruth Stratton, Mary Uchytll. E. U. Lee of Eugene Is the president players is expected to draw a large H. F. Brogdon. Mr and Mrs T. P. Doris Worley, Mary Young, Charlee of the board which Is composed ot crowd. Coles, Irvin Davis, Charles Maxwell, one representative of each Orange and Saturday evening will bring the an Parker. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. O. Browning Edwin Miller, Glenn Rasmuasen, and Mr. and Mrs Paul Parker, all Farmers’ union In the county as well nual homecoming dance at the Mc- of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Me Dlaque Smith. Roy Smith, Allen Sneed. as twelve members who are elected Arthur court and the alumni recep- Klin. Mr. and Mrs. William Donald Carl Stevenson. Miuls Tuhhy, Antone at large and the members of the Lane tlon at Alumni hall at 8:00 o'clock, son and Mr, and Mrs. M E. Basford Uchytll. county court. Second only to the mammoth lunch E ig h th A The next meeting of the club will '_______ eon served for Junior week end In One and ALL | Scholarship—Claire Hadley, Clara be held at the bom«- of Mrs. McKiln VUWITF FR O N T GROCERY the BprlnK ,erm ’ w111 be ,hp homP Barnes, Mary Smltson, Faye Strat­ W HITE FRONT GRQCtKY coming luncheon which will be a fea on the last Friday In November. 46 ton. Pearl Wills. REPAINTED LAST WEEK ture of Saturday noon at the men’s Coming Next Wed. Attendance — Melvin Foss. Clair * gymnasium. It will be over Just In HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOUR MARX Hadley, Verlln Posey, Irvin House. The exterior of the White Front t(n)e for the game PLANS ESSAY CONTEST BROTHERS Clara Barnes, Evelyn Johnson, Ellen grocery, owned and operated by W pormer grads will begin arriving ...In™ A. Taylor, was given a new coat of Frlday afternoon and evening and will The subject and the amounti of Moskop, Pearl Wills. •A-N-I-M-A-L H IG H S C H O O L white paint last week, and the Interior be registered at the administatlon the prizes for the annual essay con­ C-R-A-C-K-E-R-S’ Freshmen—Lela Peterson. of the building was given a coat of building. Class reunions and the an- test of the Oregon Historical society cream kalsomine. The new finish adds nuaj meeting of the alumni associa- have been announced by the commit greatly to the appearance of tht t|on will occupy most of Saturday t. e consisting of B. B. Beckman. Les store and makes it much lighter on morning. lie M. Scott, nnd George H. Grimes, The Fox Fun Feature the inside. ------------------------------ who represent the society and who Movietone directed by administer the prizes annually. FARMERS INVITED TO "The Oregon Trail’’ has been chosen Appreciation. TURKEY DEMONSTRATION JOHN FORD as the subject for the essays this At the earnest solicitation ot I with friends I reluctantly consented The proper method of killing and year. The prizes are four In number, u ? great cast first, sixty dollars; second, fifty to become a candidate for may- «’rcssing turkeys for market will t»> viz., dollars; third, forty dollars, and Story by or. During the campaign I made demonstrated a’ the home of L. D. fourth, thirty dollars. They will be Maurine no personal effort for election. Griggs, about two miles north, ast for the four best original Watkins I made no promises of any kind j ° l Eugene on tbe Coburg road Sat awarded essays en the above subject written or character to any person or urday, by Chia. Dear, who Is a sue and submitted by boys and girls over persons, false rumors to the cessful turkey grower of Cottage fifteen years of age and under elgh Grove and a director of Oregon Tur­ contrary notwithstanding. teen years of age. I sincerely appreciate the sup­ key Growers. Arrangements for the Rules governing the contest provide demonstration were made by County port of my loyal friends. that the writer must be attending Agent O. S. Fletcher. I congratulate Mayor Tyson In addition to giving the killing school ln Oregon, the essay must not upon his re-election and wish and dressing demonstration, Mr Dear be over 2000 words long, it may be him a successful administration. will discuss the importance of select- presented either in longhand or type written, and all essays must be mailed T O . F. WALKER. Ing breeding stock early, typo to to the Oregon Historlacl society at ( P a i d Advertisement) select, rate of development of dlf Portland not later than March 18, ferent birds, appearance of feathers SUMMONS 1931. In the Circuit Court of the State of at different ages, and other factors A reading list of books pertaining that enter into the breeding and do to the subject of the essays Is avail­ j Oregon for Lane County. Suit for Divorce. velopment of high quality turkeys. able at the state library and may SARAH VIOLA GROW, Plaintiff, Mr. Dear has about 1,300 turkeys that he obtained for the asking. vs. Circulators take the cold out of your home. are divided into five different groups WILLIAM H. GROW, Defendant. To WILLIAM H. GROW Defendant on which he has kept accurate cost You are hereby required to appear and weight records. Information based many . WOMEN ATTEND ' and answer the complaint filed on these records will be given ont M. E. LADIES AID RALLY ; against you in the above entitled ¡divorce suit within four 14) weeks at this meeting. Almost 100 ladles, members of from the date of the first publlca Methodist Ladles’ Aid societies In ; tlon of this summons in the Sprlng- COLUM B LEGION SEWING GROUP Lane county met In Springfield yes­ i field News, which date of first pub­ PKTURES lication Is November 6, 1930. terday for and all-day rally session WILL MEET ON FRIDAY y resentí Ar.d you are hereby notified that to talk over their individual problems 1 If you fall so to appear and answer, — ,, ,u __ the said complaint your default will j T le m mb rs of ,he Am ’rlcan Le- and to hear a program of music and i he entered and the plaintiff will make K|(.n sewing club will meet Friday addresses by the locgl society. application to the Court for the relief afternoon at the home of Mrs. Pete Ono of the largest groups ever at m prayed within the said complaint ¡Tomseth to sew on garments for tending a function In the church sat which is as follows: That plaintiff have . . . . , , . . , a divorce from you and that the mar '’hlld WRlfarB work an,) ,or hospitals. down for the covered dish luncheon j riage contract now existing betw een! Mrs. Alice Beeson will be assistant which was prepared by the local Trade in your old heater as part payment. you and the plaintiff be forever dla-1 hostess for the afternoon. STARTS FRIDAY women. solved. The Circuit Court of Lane _____________________ Dr. M. A. Marcy, district superln County, Oregon, In the above entitled Terms if desired. A fast action picture created tendent, had charge of the afternoon suit, made dated and entered an order j COAST FISHING GOOD for those who November 6, 1930, directing that this e a v e IC U W U F M H F D F D meetings. enjoy red- S A Y a JU H N K t N U t K t K b I o o d ed sumons be published In the Spring I | field News, once each week for a drama I Mission 8oclety to Meet Fishing Is good In the coast streams period of four (4) mieceHsive week« The Women's Foreign Missionary and that you appear and answer the now according to John Henderer, who raid complaint within four (4) weeks with Mrs. Henderer and Mr. and Mrs. society of the Methodist church will from the date of the first publication Nell Pollard.' spent Tuesday fishing meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. G. , of said summons. Hardware Furniture Paint in Mike creek. Every member of Hughes for their regular meeting on H. E SLATTERY, Attorney for plaintiff, and my resi­ the party were successful In catching Friday afternoon. The members are dence and postoffice address Is Eu several salmon and a good catch of all asked to bring their donations for _geno, Ore. N.6-13-20-27-D.4otber ,,Bh waB brought home. the Christmas boxes. Colonial DS S U O N A LI» Sik-V CHARlIf MURRAY GfORGf SIDNEY: XX UP THE RIVER Screens greatest jgkOutaccr Star} HEATER TIME! Famous MONTAG CIRCULATORS BUCK JON tS 7/ten Without£uu In Two Sizes. Price $70 and $84 WRIGHT & SONS