THURSDAY. NOVWMBMlt 6, 1H30 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Noo 43 PAGE FIVE GIRL FALLS FROM TRUCK; COLLARBONE IS BBROKEN minutes,’’ Julie said with a little sav­ He leaned back In hla seat re­ age Intouatlon, and they were. "And which do you prefer?" signedly. Julie brought the car to a standstill "Do you Imagine that 1 like either?” "Thn we may as well go on.” Tim leu year old daughter of Mr. and with u little spiteful Jerk, and passed she faltered. It took a moment or two to restart Mr». Henry llolm»« sustained u bro- him with her head In the air and the engine. b»n collarbone Haturday when »lie fell Chlttenham leaned forward sudden­ walked Into the cafe. C O N T IN U E D N E X T W E E K from ih» truck on which aha was ly and kissed the hand nearest to They faced one another across a playln« In the yard ul her home him that rested on the steering-wheel small table, and as their eyes met eaet of Hpringfteid. III at Home— Bud McPherson Is re­ Chlttenham said with a smile: "I am conceited enough to think ported to be very ill at his home. "Don’t quarrel with me before we that I could make you like being SHERIFF'S SALE ON FORE­ are half-way there! If you go on made love to,” he said qulstly, and CLOSURE Cocoanut Grove, the first combina­ BY NOTICK IH HEREBY OIVKN Thai getting ungry at tbla rate you will then as she did not answer he asked: tion Golf and Dance pavilion In the by virtu« of an execution unit order skid on the edge of a precipice and "Will you dare me to try?*’ Northwest located at 12th and Alder, or Bale liaued out of the Circuit Court that will be an end to both of ns." “No.” - r- Eugene. or the State of Oregon for the County W HAT HAH (»ONE BEFORE ney with that little note of pretended " I’m not angry, I—oh, well, I sup­ Of latne oil the 10th day or Novetn Giles Chlttenham, distressed over He shrank a pose I am, but It's your fault. Why her. HJO. upon a Judgment duly ran the suicide of his young«r half-brother dlstreax In her volcg dered In »aid Court on the 6th day Rodney, return* to Europe from little from her with a feeling of re­ did you talk such nonsense?" Of November. 1930 In « , ult wherein America, where he made an unhappy pulsion. Women were all the same, "You mean when I told you that tleorge Colcord wa» plaint Iff and Ham marrluge Rodney had killed himself heartless and selfish. I loved you? Has It always been uel M McCullough and Ituth McCul­ becau»» a notorious woman, Julie He felt her eyes upon him. lough. hl» wife. Lloyd Haubert and Farrow, threw him over. (lllee 1» nonsense when men have told you "Tell me the real reason?” she that?" ■ ••••••• Haubert. hl» wife, were de- Introduced to Julie Farrow by his A Carload of bone dry mill slab wood from old growth fendant» and wherein the plaintiff friend Iximbard, In Hwllxerland He said "You talk an If such a thing were fir timber will be unloaded near the Springfield Creamery recovered a Judgment agalnxl the d> resolves to make her fall In love with chlttenham turned his gaze from an everyday occurrence—as If I were during the next week. fondant» Mimuel M McCullough and him, then throw her over u» she threw ItUth McCullough, his wife, for the Rodney She tellx him «he has made the wet rood and looked at her. There a horrid kind of a woman who went This wood will be sold :cheap for cash. •urn of *642 00 and Interest thereon a bet with her friend "Him'' Lennox was a little flush In her cheeks and about collecting scalps— " Call Phone 7 Or leave orders at Springfield Creamery from the 14th day of October, 1930. that she can drive her car to the tu-r eyes were deep und unfathomable Suddenly she laughed, and shrugged at the rate of 10 per cent per unnutn lop of the St Bernard I’ass and back, Your money back If not satisfied. her shoulders. "After all, It’s silly until paid and for *100 00 a» attor (llles challenges her to take him with behind their thick dark lashes. ney » fee« and th« costa and dis­ her und »he accepts They »tart out to be angry with you. I ought to She looked so young—hardly more bursements taxed at »2176 which In the face of a gathering snowstorm than a girl—and yet Chlttenham knew know better.’’ Judgment wax enrolled and docketed NOW (1O ON W IT H T H E STORY He made no answer, and Julie began that she had been through the divorce In the office of the Clerk of »aid court, and through experiences of to pour out the coffee. Court on the 6th day of November. " lie must have been unbalanced to 1920, and that said execution wax to It was a very watery sun that shone which no woman need be proud. me directed commanding m« in the take bis life as be did.” upon them when they started away. "Please tell me!'' she said again name of the State of Oregon In order She shivered a little. and now there was a little breathless “ “'i Ereat banks of clouds kept drift- to xatlxfy »aid Judgment and accruing "You don't think then . . . don't costs to »«II the following described catch In her voice that seemed to Ing up threateningly The road grew you think It was an accident?" real property, to-wit : speak of a deep sincerity and Interest steeper and more difficult once they General Ethyl Gasoline is a mileage leader among Chlttenham looked steadily at her. All of Ixitx numbered six, »even which she was trying to conceall. passed the little huddled village of and eight In Block two In re-plat of the high test gas. It is science's latest contribution "Do you?" he asked. St. Flerre. Chlttenham asked an apparenty Irrele­ Ixit 22 of (Mark and Washburn's Ad­ to the motor world. Just the thing for cold morn­ She shook her head. She glanced down Into the valley vant question. dition to Springfield, Ixxne County, ings when your motor is sluggish. "I'm afraid not . . . but oh, wasn't Oregon, together with the tenements, on their left and gave a little startled "Do you believe tn love at first Our shop Is equipped to do all kinds of repair hereditaments and appurtenance» It dreadful?" exclamation. They could see nothing sight?” thereunto belonging or In anywise ap work. This station esn give you full service on your The deep sincerity of her voice sur for the clouds which lay spread pertaining aud that the proceed« of prised him She almost sounded dis "Lxive st . . .’’ She caught bts car. Give us a trial. out everywhere like an enveloping the snle be applied In »atlxfactlon of words up, then broke off to ask al­ tressed Instead of being utterly heart «aid Judgment. blanket. NOW THEREFORE, IN TH E less and callous about the tragedy most In a whisper: “Oh . , . why?” 'It will make it difficult driving NAME OF T H E STATE OF ORB ns he knew she was. "Because," said Chlttenham deliber­ back,” aasid Chlttenham. "I know OON and In compliance with xald "It seems rath«r pitiable," he an ately, "that Is my real reason." these mountains rather well, and I execution and order of »ale. I will "You should not say such foolish know Just what unkind tricks they on Saturday the 18th day of Decern swered In a hard voice. She did not answer for a moment things," she said sharply. her. 1930. between the houors of 9 can play on the optimistic traveller. o'clock A. M and 4 o'clock p m. of nr two, then she said with a note of “I told you you would not believe I should slow down a little If I were xald day, to-wlt, at the hour of 1 exasperation In her voice: me,” he said calmly. you. Ml»» Farrow, there Is a nasty o’clock I' M at the xoiithwext door "It would Interest me exceedingly, "I don’t understand you,” Julie said corner here. It turns very sharply to Of the County Court House In Eu gene. !x»ne County. Oregon, offer for Mr. Chlttenham, to know the real rea­ In a Jerky little voice. the left and there Is a big drop on »ale In one parrel for caxh. subject son why you wanted to come with Chlttenham said no more, and It one side." to hack taxes all the right, title. me." was she who presently broke the si­ She only Just pulled the car round INDOOR — NICE — WARM Interest, claim or extate of the de "I told you. To see If you are lence. in time, and her face was white. fendants or either or any and all 12th and Alder, Eugene of them In and to xald land» and really as defiant of Mrs. Grundy as ’“I can't understand you. Mr. Chlt- “Would you like me to drive?” he you pretend." premise» heretofore described tenrfam If It's a—a Joke— I don t asked quietly. She recovered herself H. L BOWN. She shook her head. think It’s quite good taste, and If It's with an effort. Sheriff of Ixxne County, Oregon "That's not the real reason, though not a Joke . . . I keep remembering "I am not tired,” she Insisted. N 6 13 20 27-0 4 yesterday I pretended to believe you. what Rodney »aid of you, that you f "Nor going to faint?" he asked with There Isn't anything at all dreadful despised women, that you had never Irony. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of In you and 1 taking thia drive to­ cared more for one than for all the " It gave me a shock. I did not Oregon In and fo r th e County of Lane. gether. I've often done more risky rest.” expect to find such a dreadful corner.” Open to the Public 18 Holes, 25c In Probate things We're doing a perfectly harm "FJvon Napoleon met his W ater­ "I warned you,’’ he reminded her. IN RE TH E ESTATE OF HENRY less and ordinary trip which plenty loo," Chlttenham said. Play Golf 'Midst Cocoanut Trees He laid a McCOI.I.PM. Deceased "I know you did, but you do It iu of other people have done before us.'1 hand over one of hers that held the such a way—-It only makes me want TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Prizes Weekly Open Every Day Notice lx hereby given that I. the She laughed. "Oh. no, that's not your driving-wheel. to defy you. I have never met a undersigned. ax administratrix of the real reason for wishing to come, 1 Julie did not answer; she was not man quite like you before." above entitled estate, have filed In know." listening. Her thoughts were In a 'Tn what way am I different?’’ the above entitled extate proceeding Chlttenham sat staring before him whirl, and she was trying In vain my flnnl account: and thnt the Pro Julie hesitated, biting her lip, then bate Court hax set the time for the with frowning brows. This woman to steady them and to reduce them she told him. hnnrlng upon the said flnnl account was more than a match for him and once more to sane stability. "One moment you pretend to make at the hour of 10 o'clock A M De He had not been serious, of course, love to me. and the next you sneer centber 6, 1930. and notice Is hereby he knew IL “If I told you tho real reason you or had he? Julie was surprised and given that any persona having any objections thereto xhnll file the xame would not believe that either." he said a little afraid because she longed des­ RELIEF FROM CURSE In writing on or before xald date. ...AT... deliberately after a long pause. perately to know. Chltteham seemed OF CONSTIPATION ISABELLA McCOLLUM ERICKSON In some strange way ho felt us If to read her thoughts for she said A Battle Creek physician says, "Cxm- Administratrix. stlpatlon la responsible for more Rodney were close to him, at his quietly: II. E Slattery, Attorney misery than any other caaae.” for admlaltratrtx. elbow, prompting him. whispering the "Well, what Is the verdict?” But Immediate relief has been N0-1S 20 27: D4 words of the last tragic letter. "What do you mean?" found. A tablet called RexwU Order­ ”, . . I ’d like to think you were "Have you made up your mind as lies has been discovered. This tablet Crown Jewel Cotton ... NOTICE OF HEARING ON making her pay. I believe I could to whether I am In earnest or not?*’ attracts water from the system Into FINAL ACCOUNT the lazy, dry evacuating bowel called 25c Fast Color Prints „ ”1 know you are not.” NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN Thnt even manage to laugh in Hell, or ---------------------------------------------- 1 5 c the colon. The water loosens the dry the undersigned administrator of the wherever 1 shall go. If I knew that Chlttenham laughed. food waste and causes a gentle $2 to $5 Wool Serges, Worsteds and estate of Arthur Hartman, deceased, you were making her suffer as »he's "You mean you think I am not but thorough, natural movement without hsx filed hlx account for the final made me suffer— ” all the same you hope I am." ‘“ b't ° F T w e e d s-------- ---- ----- --------------------- settlement of xald extate In the Coun And he thought of Rodney ns a boy Mr. Chlttenham!" Stop BUf,ertng from eonstlpatlen. ty Coourt for lan n County. Oregon, 25c Yd. Wide Heavy Outing Flannel ................. ........... and that Saturday, the 6th day of —a little cheery fellow whom he had There was anger nnd amnxement >n Chew a Rexall Orderlle at night. Next December. 1930, at the Court Room adored . . . of Rodney In his first Eton her voice, and her cheeks grew sud 4*7 brtghL Get 24 for 26c today at $1 Silk Hose _________ ................ . . of xald Court, In the County Court suit, shy a d a little awkward, trying denly scarlet. Flanery’a Rexall Drug Stdre. House. In Eugene, Ixine County, Ore­ ' I thought you liked plain speak gon, nt ten o'rlock tn the forenoon, to feel older than he wax . . . of Rod­ hnx been by xnld Court fixed on the ney . . . oh. the pictures came crowd­ Ing," Chlttenham said calmly. “ If 1 time nd place for hearing objections ing fast and thick, lending up to that am mistaken I apologise." He glanced thereto, and for final settlement of one last picture which he had never at his watch. "We ought to be at xald estate. Your old discarded Tricycles seen aavo In hla bitter Imagination— Martlgny In half an hour unless you “We give S. & H. Trading Stamps” L. L. RAY, and Bicycles. Administrator of the Extate of Rodney dead! have another skid and land us upside 334 Main Street Arthur Hartman, deceased. And It was the fault of this woman down In the ditch.” Springfield 120 W. 8th Eugene N.6-13-20-27; D.4 who sat beside him. speaking of Rod- “We will be there tn twenty Ruby le M. Ayres DRY WOOD City Fuel Company ile » Bldg. Step Up YOUR MILEAGE “A” Street Service Station GOLF Cocoanut Grove WieeÄ-entZ Specials Fulop’s Department Store ------------------------ 39c 98 C t0 $1.48 15c 49c W ANTED I Constipation and (Diarrhea Nothing takes the place of soap nnd wnter flor ex­ ternal cleanliness. Llko- Wishing You tho Fullest wlxe. Internal cleanliness $2.25 compiste with tube and fittings Flanery’t DRUG STORK Phong 18 AU WoAltfi LAké.iW J I Christmas Greetings both relieved by Fountain Syringe 1» best promoted by soap suds and water applied with a fountain syringe. Thereforo, It lx for the best interests of every family to huve available a good fountain syringe Kantleek Fountain syr­ inge» have been the lend era In the quality field for more than twenty-five years. They’re molded In one piece and can't leak. Guaranteed for two years. Hold only at Rexall Drug Stores. Full 2-qunrt capacity 1 Fulop’s Department Store Tender Measure of Happiness on gbeetw ds Christmas Day. MR. ANO MR8. JOHN BLANK ORDER EARLY W H IL E THER E 18 A WIDE SELECTION Delicious Chops A Complete and Exclusive Line of Beautiful Christmas Cards are on Display at the SPRINGFIELD NEWS OFFICE Once you learn what tender, delicious chops we have, you will serve them more often. In addition to being a m ost satisfying meat, they are quickly cooked, thus making your m eals much easier to prepare. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 4th and Main Sts. E. C. STUART Phone 63 PRATT HOLVERSON I A, Ja, Mo. i