I I i THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 0. 1930 PAOK THREE THUR8D1 -------— ■ GIRL fau COLLAR Tim tsn-ya Mr». Usury ken collarb<9 from the tf playing In J eoet of H pr| — a 8 H E R IF J NOTH’« | by virtue <>l of Mule iMMligl of the B ta tJ of lame on her, 1030. u | ilereil In nlj <>f Novem bJ George Colei uel M M i l * ■ough. hl» | .......... Bgl fnndunt« ng re c o v e re d u fnndant» Hut Ituth M <('ul «11 til of 3541 from the 14 at the rate | until (Mild g Io 1 M fee» I bur»cnienta Judgment w| In the of fid Court on lit 1030. and tti me directed i n l i n e of the to Hatlsfy nig coat» to nel| reel proper!) All of lx) and eight I t l o t 32 of q d It Ion to H) Oregon, tog« hereditament thereunto bg pertaining g the »ale be , »aid judgmig NOW It NAM E OF (IO N nnd t execution u| on Saturday ber, 103O. I) o’clock A. !0 »aid day. tt o’clock I* SI of the fo u l gene. Ixtne I Hale in one to bark ta i Intercut, rlu fendant« or of them In premltea het Sheriff N O T IC E In the C o | Oregon In ag IN HE T i McCOLl.W TO W H O M 1 Notice I h underelgn od. above en tltl the above g my final at« bate Court J hearing op<* at the houi* rem ber 6. 1| given that objection» tj In w riting ( ISA B ELLA . II. E Hlattt for admlaltn N O T IC I F it N O T IC E II the underalg e»tate of At ha» file,I I, nettlement o ty Coourt ft and that St December, I of »aid Cog llouae, In I! gon. nt ten hna been b f lim e ad pigi thereto, ting mild retate Admlnlntr) A rthu r H a rt • ORDER N O TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N O TIC E OF L IE N FORE­ In the County Court of the State of CLO SURE BALE Oregon for tha County of Lane. Notice Is hereby given that Harold Notice Is hereby given, that under J. Walla, Adm inistrator of the Estate and by virtue of a lien filed with In the M atter of .ue Adoption ot of E Davison, deceased, has filed his ths Gouhty Clerk of Lana County H IL D A A L E X A N D R A T U R N E P and Final Account and Report aa such, and í>n'l.O,, .,he M th dsy (rf October. the Court has set Saturday. Novem­ OLGA ROSE T U R N E R , minora. ber 18, 1030. at 10:00 A. M. at the 1930^ wherein C. O. Stratton and E. TO M R A N D MRS. A IJJXA N D K K County Court Room In the Court A. Stratum are claimant« and c H *• /• '• « t o a n t , I did. on the House at Eugene, Lane County. Ore­ TURNER— 28th day of October 1930. take Into A petition for the adoption of the gon, as the time and place to hear above named minors, together with objections to the same. If any, and my possession two certain foxes de- " 7 lbe.d “ follows: one female fox a change of name« from H ilda Alex­ for the final settlement of said Estate named M t States B 48. with tattoo H A R O LD J. W E LL S , andra Turner to Enid Alexandra Good Administrator. letters to right ear M. T and with and from Olga Rose Turns. ’ o Eliza tattoo letters to left ear B 48 and both Olga Qood having been filed W ells A Wells, Attorneys. --------T---- — I -------------------- w- 017-24-31-N8. 18 one male fox named M t States C 25 herein, you may appear r t the County ROOM and board, fam ily atyl», 840 with tattoo letter to right ear M. T FARM ER S Hava five hundred 2b foot Court Room In the Lane County Conrt N O TIC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G and with tattoo letters In left ear p«*r month. E llie Hotel. N 30 House In Eugene, Lane C< jn ty , Ore­ »ptlt Cedar Telegraph Pela». Price Notice I h hereby given that Jesse 26, and now bare the same to N O TIC E OF ROAD D IS T R IC T on salo |1 00 each. Make A-l tele- Jones and Cora B. Jones, adm inistra­ gon, on or before the 8th day of my possession. M E E T IN Q December. 1030, at 10 o'clock A. M , N O T IC I OF B H E R IFF 'B » A L I tor» of the estate of John W. Bar- i i ° T ‘ heref°re, under and virtue of phono poles. rluger, Decease. have filed In the then and there to show cause. If any TO W H O M IT M A T CO NCERN: aald Lain, I hereby give notlve that In the Circuit Court of the «tata of there be, why said petition should Notice la hereby given that a meet I w ill, on the 15th day of N ot . 1930 Quseta at Hotel Loula Flock. Mil office of the Clerk of the County not be granted. Oregon for tha County of Lana. Ing of the legal voters being resident • " <■' i2 Court s s .* of I j n e county, their final ac- B E N E F IT HAVINGS A LOAN AHHO- f i " - * - « - 1 Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 23rd taxpayers and owner of real property at ten o’clock to the forenoon, at the Mountain States Fox A Fur Farm, on CIAT1ON, a corporation, Plaintiff, Oakridge, were guest» at the Spring the court has file d 10:00 A. M of day of October, 1030. In Road District No. 6, In Lane the east side of tbe Pacific Highway, va. C. P. BARNARD, County, Oregon, will be held at tbe about eight miles north of Eugene, In field hotel hint week end November 21. 1030, as the time when L. CLAR K A Y D E L O T T and MHH. L. ------------------------------------------------ ------------ «»Id final account w ill be taken up County Judge. hour of 2:00 P. M. on the 15th day I^ane County, Oregon, offer for sale C LAR K A Y D E L O T T , his wife, De O.23-30-N.6-13 of November, A. D., 1930, at tbe and sell at public auction, to the N O TIC E for «lam ination and allowance. All fandania. Lower Camp Creek School House tn highest bidder for cash, the personal Notice la hereby given that the un- 1 P^rao“ a Interested therein may appear Hy virtue of an elocution. Judgment to determine ------------------------ - derslgned baa filed with the S t a l e at »aid time and le- heard to reference I NO T,C E OF 8 H E R IF R 8 SALE ON said Road District, £ * K S » ~ « .P P IÄ ............................ Í X , C U T , O » IN FOR ECLO SU RE whether said road district shall levy property above described. JO H N L. M AR SH. out of the above entitled Court In for license to engage In the business a special tax of 31108.55 upoo all JESSE JONES, N O T IC E Is hereby given that by taxable property In aald district for Constable. the abbve entitled suit to ms directed of making loans of money or of per CORA B. JONES, virtue of an execution and order of 030-N.8-13 aud dated the l i s t day of October. sonal credit, or In the pawnbrokerage ~ ... Admlnlatrators sale issued out o f the Circuit Court the purpose of providing funds for _________________ resurfacing of road on Upper Camp a , . Judgment rendered aud , business, under the provisions of See- 1 8 D Allen, attorney for estate N O TIC E TO APPEAR _ 1030, upou . --------------- O2't so m a. 12 in I » Vie 8 U U 01 Oregon tor Lane Coun Creek starting at forks of road by entered In said Court ou the l i s t | lio n . «308 21. Inclusive O r« o n L a « ..................* In the Circuit Court of the Stats of 023 30 N « 13 30 j ty October 22nd, 1030, upon and pur Lower Camp Creek 8chool House. day ro l? c‘ ob* r> »M0. to favor of I Cascade F i» ..,„•« Company M O ^ B 2 r e° on ,o r County of Lane. suant to a decree duly given and Benefit Saying. A Loan Association. | l.m .t t e St.. Eugene Ore C. P. BARNARD, T H E S T A T E O F OREOON, Plaintiff. N O TIC E OF F IN A L AC CO UNT made by said Court October 21et. County Judge • CarP,° r‘a ?■ ,p U !“ l ‘" '
ed personal front door of the County Court House Administrator. In the County Court of the State of real property to-wlt- property was on said da*e óp I ívapah C. P. BARNARD, of Lane County. Oregon, sell at public H. E. Slattery, Attorney for Admin­ Oreflon, for the County of Lane. Beginning at a point 14.81 chains into the custody of R L Bown s h ^ t t County Judge. auction, subject to redemption to the istrator. Co,,nty- Oregon, by said C C L IN T O N H U R D , 018-23 30 N6-13 IN RE: T H E M A T T E R A F T H E Northeast w n e r ’*1 o f” thT>UJ a n U ‘ h * highest bidder for cash In band, all _______________ E S T A T E OF JO H N W. C U B IT , “ rner of the Jame8 H County Commissioner. ertv h » ? 0, aDd aald Personal proix tbs right, title and Interest which the McFarland Donation Land Claim No NO TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S h to »V ®Ter B,nce be« n and now O. E. CROW E, Deceased. w ithin named defendants had on the 58 and running thence North 74 deg County Commissioner, Notice la hereby given that F. N. 13th day of November. 102«. the date Notice le hereby given that I, the 57' East 3:00 chains, thence South 030-N.8-1I- ef the mortgage hr rein foi »closed, or M cAllister, has been appointed by the undersigned, . . . . have been duly - appolnt- -- . »5 deg 3' East 3.18 chains, thence since said date bad In and to the order of the county court of the ed by the above entitled Court to South 69 deg. 10' West 3:01 chains, N O T IC E OF ROAD D IS T R IC T above described real property or any state of Oregon for la n e County, us act as the adm inistrator of the above thence North 15 deg 3' West 3 48 portion thereof to satisfy said Judg adm inistrator of the estate of Floyd estate, and anyone owing M E E T IN G anything chains to the place of beginning all m men! order, decree and execution. In­ Wilson, deceased All persons bavfng to the said estate shall pay the same to Section 21, Township 20 South W H O M I T M A Y C O NC ERN: claims against said estate are hereby terest, costs and accruing costa. to me. and anyone having any claims Range 3 West of the W illam ette NoUc« *» hereby given thgt a meet Dated this 22nd day of October, notified to present the same properly against the said estate shall present Meridian, and In Lane County Oregon oi lhe IeKal voter» being resident 1030. verified to said adm inistrator at sam» to me vouchers attached *------ - with ........ *■— ......... ........ ................................ Dated this 22nd day of ' October taxpayers and owner of real property United States National Bank, Eugene, First publication October 23, 1030. to Road District No. 20. In Lone at my office located at 717 W illa m ­ 1930. I J ilt publication November 20, 1030 Oregon within six months from the’ ette St., Eugene. Oregon, w ithin six County, Oregon, w ill be held at the H. L. BO W N, date of this notice. H. L. BOW N. months from the date of the first Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. hour of 3:00 P.M. on the 15th day Sheriff of Lane County, Otegon. f . n . mcallister . publication of this notice, which Is O.23-30-N.6-13-20 of November, A. D.. 1930, a t the O. 23-30 N.8-13 20 Administrator. October 30, 1930. k?n.d“ Sch<>o1 House in said Road Fred E Smith District, to determine whether said H . E. S L A T T E R Y , SUM M O NS 446.« M iner Bldg. road dlatriats shall levy a special Administrator. C IT A T IO N Eugene, Oregon tax of 33,000.00 upon all the taxable 0 .3 0 N.6 13 20-27 In the Cllrcult Court of the State of In the County Court of ths Stats of Attorney for Administrator. Oregon In and for the County of Lane. property to said district for the pur­ SUM M O NS O re g o n for Lana County. _____ ______________ 018-23-30 NS 13 pose o f providing funds for graveling In Probate Case No. 600«. and taking off points and scarify ESTATE OF GEORGE H. Suit for Divorce. In the Ctroult Court of the State of In the M atter of the Estate of attachment for grader and such as C U R R IE R , Deceased. IS A B E L R E IF , Plaintiff. Oregon for the County of Lane. F R A N K M. V E R N U M , Deceased rood patrolman sees fit to use Notice Is hereby given that Amelia vs. g s z s « C. P. BARNA RD, R. W atts has been by the County F. H. COOK. Plaintiff, O TTO R E IF . Defendant To ALL1E H U G H E S . M E L IS S A MOR Court of the State of Oregon, tn ana County Judge. To O TT O R E IF ................. Defendant: TL ROW . G EO R G E V E R N C M . JO HN for la n e County, appointed adminis­ C L IN T O N H U R D , Yor are hereby required to appear V E R N C M . AGNES V E R N U M W ELLS, tra trix of tbe estate of George H. JA M ES S. LY O N , or his unknown County Commissioner. heirs. If deceased; M AR Y JA N E T and answer the complaint filed against M AR Y F H EEM AN -BO LING a n d Currier, deceased. to ? o n n anSe e2ac hl of0ed a“ d <,,rected O. E. CR O W E, L Y O N ; H O M E R C L IN T O N L Y O N ! m u In the above entitled suit within O W ENDO L1N F R E E M A N M A L O N E County Commissioner. All peroens having claims against and D A V ID LOG AN LY O N , or I four (4) weeks from the date of the O-R-E B-T I N-O: Q3O-N.6-13- the unknown hulrs of Mary Janet first publication of this summons In In the name of the State of Oregon, the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to preseut the same, duly Lyon, Homer Clinton Lyon and the Springfield News, which is first you are hereby cited and required stated and verified, at the residence David Logan Lyon, and also all published October 16, 1930. And, you NOT1CE O F S H E R IF F 'S 8 A L E ON to appear In the County Court of the of aald adm inistratrix, 710 Iaw re n c e other persons unknown claiming are hereby notified that If yau fall to E X E C U T IO N IN FOR ECLO SU RE State of Oregon, for the County ot- street In Eugene. Oregon, within six any right, title or interest In and appear and answer said complaint 1-ane at the Court Hoorn thereof at months from this 9th day of Octo­ to the real property described in within said period of four weeks, your N O T IC E is hereby given that by Eugene, In the County of Lana, on ber, 1930. tbe Complaint herein. default w ill be entered for want of virtue of an execution and order of or before November 6. 1930, then and A M E L IA R. W A T T S . Defendants. an answer and the p lain tiff w llll make sale Issued out of the Circuit Court there to show cause, Is any exists, Adm inistratrix of the Estate of To James 8. Lyon, or his unknown application to the court for the relief of the State of Oregon for Lane Coun why the order of sale of the real George H. Currier, deceased. heirs, if deceased; M ary Janet Lyon, prayed w ithin said complaint, to-wlt: ty October 22nd, 1930, upon and pur­ estate hereinafter described should A. E. W heeler, Attorney. Homer Clinton Lyon and David Logan That she have an absolute divorce not be made by Asher M. Veach, as S H E R IF F ’S 8A L E ON FORE- 08-16 23-30-N6 Lyon, or the unknown heirs of Mary from you; and that the marriage suant to a decree duly given and the adm inistrator of the above eotitled made by saiu Court October 21st, Janet Lyon, Hom er Clinton Lyon and contract now existing between you estate ae In his petition qn file herein 1 x.°’v • 8ult P«nonal Bank of Spring W IT N E S S , the Honorable C. P. Court House at Eugene, Lane County, plaint filed against you In the above weeks from the date of the said first order of sale was to me directed and fto to V L eTg0?' a corporat,on was p,»ln- Bardnard, Judge of the County Court Oregon, as the time and place to hear entitled Court and cause >n or before publication of this summons, which commanded me to sell the real prop­ tirrd^ C h eto ^ L U M M_ „ C'hetwo<’d and Veda of the 8tate of Oregon for the County objections to the same, if any. and four weeks from the date of the first Is October 16, 1930. erty hereinafter described to satisfy o ? j tW xWl’ .hlB w lfe' were defendants publication of this Summons, and if of Lane, and the Seal of aald Court for final settlement of said Estate. H. E. S L A T T E R Y . certain liens and charges to said you fail so to appear and answer,j todrnT »re l" .‘ be P laln t,ff recovered hereto affixed this October 2. 1930. Attorney for p lain tiff and my resi­ decree specified. I w ill on Saturday, Judgment O UY L. O LD H A M . (or want thereof the plaintiff w ill' against said defendants for Attest: W. B D IL L A R D , Clerk Adm inistrator. apply to the Court for the relief pray­ dence and post office address Is the 22nd of November, 1930, at the toUm °*x3203 74 w ith ’“ ‘ erest there- By Eva L. D U C K W O R T H , Deputy W ells A Wells, Attorneys. Eugene. Oregon. hour of O N E o'clock P. M. a t the ed for to his complaint on file hereto, I# x n 7 < ^ x the ? 8 t - «day of September, 0.8-18-S3 30-N8. 017 24-31-N6-1S. to-wlt: O.16-23-30-N.6-13 southwest door of the County Court­ nnMiat S»6 for a decree of this Court r .v t u » ------- ■—m M C B — -a of 8<^ cen‘ P®r annum house to Eugene. Lane County, Ore­ decreeing p la in tiff to be the owner until paid and the sum of |50.00 as gon, offer for sale and sell a t public S U M M O N 8 In fee simple of the premises describ­ “ “ orney’s fees together with the costs auction for cash, subject to redemp­ . J i \ bur8ementa of the suit taxed ed to the complaint hereto, and de­ tion as provided by law, all of the In the C ircuit Court of the State of scribed as follows, to-wlt: at 317.70 which Judgment was en­ Oregon In and for the County of Lane. right, title and Interest of the de­ rolled and docketed In the office of Commencing at tbe Northwest fendants In aald suit and of all parties corner of the Donation land Claim the Clerk of said Court on the 23rd I m . Phone 189 Plano Movfog claim ing by, through or under them day of October, 1930 and said execu­ no. 81 to Section 22, Township 18 Suit for Divorce. DR. W. N. DOW South Range Tw o W est of the or any of them since the 21st day tion was to me directed, commanding L O T T IE K E L L E Y . Plaintiff, DPRINOFIEID TRANSFER D e n tis t W illam ette M eridian, to Lane of October, 1930, to or to the following me In the name of the State of Ore- va. W 1LLÌM BBATBO h. Prop. First National Bank Building County, Oregon; run thence South described real property, to-wlt: EAR L K E L L E Y . Defendant. gon that In order to satisfy said Judg O ffic e RjODBItfBOUOH OARAON Phone 43 Sprlngfthld. Oregon on West line of said Claim 19.00 TO E A R L K E L L E Y ......... Defendant: Lota one 1) and Two (2) In Block ment and accruing costs to sell the chains; thence East 17.96 chains Corner F ilth and A Streets You are hereby required to appear (7) to W est-Moreland Addition, a sub­ following described real property to- Offlee house. 9 A. M. to 5 P M to East line of said Claim ; thence and answer the complaint filed against division In Lane County, Oregon. w lt: Evening» by Appointment Long Distance Hauling a Specialty North 12.34 chains to corner of you In the above entitled suit within Dated this 22nd day of October, A ll of Lot numbered seventeen In said Claim ; thence North 40 de­ four (4> weeks from the date of the 1930. Block numbered one hundred and two grees W est 8.70 chains to corner first publication of this summons in (102) In Washburne'e sub-DivIslon of H. L. BOW N. of said Claim and thence West the Springfield News, the date of the S h eriff of Lane County, Oregon. the Springfield Investment and Power General Law Practise 12.36 chains to the place of begin­ first publication of which Is October O. 23-30 N.6-13-20 Company’s Addition to Springfield ning, all to Lane County, Oregon; 16. 1930; and. you are hereby notified Lane County. Oregon together with and that the defendants have not that if you fail so to appear and an­ I. M. PETERSON the tenements, hereditaments and ap­ N O T IC E TO C R ED ITO R S nor have either of them any right, Attorney-at-Law swer complaint yonr default w ill be purtenances thereunto belonging or In title. Interest or claim to the same, entered for want of an answer and City H a ll Building In ths County Court of the State of anywise appertaining and that the and that the title of the plain tiff proceeds of the sale be applied In be forever quieted as to the said the p la in tiff w ill make application to Oregon for th» County of Lan». Springfield, Ore. the Court for the relief prayed within satisfaction of said judgment. defendants and each of them, and all said complaint which is that the plain­ N O W . T H E R E F O R E , IN THE other persons or parties unknown IN T H E M A T T E R O F T H E E S T A T E 228 Main BL Reeldsnee IBS C BL claim ing any right, title or Interest tiff have an absolute divorep from O F A N N A D. K IR C H N E R , Deceased. N A M E O F T H E S T A T E O F OREOON you: that tbe marriage contract now «3J tin therein. N O T IC E Is hereby given that I have and In compliance with said execu­ This Summons Is published once existing between you and the plain tiff been by the Honorable County Court tion and order of sale I w ill on Sat­ each week for four successive weeks be forever dissolved. of Lane County, Oregon, duly ap­ urday the 22nd day of November, 193O JRWKLKR In the Springfield News, a weekly The above ontltled court made, pointed adm inistratrix of the Estate between the hours of nine o'clock A. Full Auto Equipment newspaper of general circulation, pub- dated and entered an order on Octo­ of Anna D. Kirchner, deceased. All M. and four o'clock P. M. of said Repairing a Specialty laid y Assistant llshd to Ijin e County. Oregon, hy ber 14, 1930, directing that this Sum­ persons having claims against said day at the southwest door of the order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- mons be published In the Springfield estate w ill present them to me at my County Court House to the City of Springfield, Oregon worth, Judge of the Circuit Court of News once each week for a period address, 601 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Eugene. Lane County, Oregon offer Lane County, Oregon, which order of four successive weeks; and that Oregon, w ithin six months of the for sale In one parcel for cash, sub­ bears date the 7th day of October, you appear and answer said com­ date of the first publication of this ject to the statutory redemption all the 1930, and the date of the first pub­ plaint w ithin four weeks from the notice. NELSON LEGHORN FARM defendants, Lafe M . Chetwood and FRANK A. DE PUE lication of this Summons Is October date of the first publication of this IR E N E K. T U L L IS , Veda Chetwood, his wife, right, title, Lane County's Oldest Breeder» A T T O R N E Y A T LA W 9th, 1930. summons which Is October 16, 1930. Adm inistratrix. interest, claim, estate and equity of ef E. O. P O TT E R . H. E. S L A T T E R Y , B. F. M U L K E Y redemption to and to said lands and N O T A R Y P U B LIC B. C. W H IT E LEG H O R NS Attorney for Plaintiff, Attorney for p la in tiff and my Resi­ 601 Corbett Bldg. premises and every part thereof. Residence and Postoffice Address dence and Post Office Address is Eu­ Portland, Oregon. H. L. BOW N, S P R IN G F IE L D OREGON Springfield Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. gene, Lane County, Oregon. Attorney for the Estate. 8h ertff ot Lane County, Oregon. Phone 91-F-M Oregon 09*16-83-30 NS. 019-99-30 N6-1I. 016-2S-3B N6-13 023-30 N6-13-20. B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D . W . Roof 0.23-30 N.6