P age THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS two TOWN AND VICINITY ♦ THURSTON « ***♦ **••**•**« * ♦ THURSDAY. NOVEMBER <>. 1930 UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ ♦ 1 While on (heir way to Newport Tlu> ladles of Pleasant- Hill met "nt lost Sunday morning, George Platt the home of Mrs. Andy tllshu Wed Cuts Hand—George Saunders ot Spend Week-end at Portland— Dr. and sons. William and Melvin and nesday afternoon, October 39 Two amt Mr». Rugene Keater spent the Marcela severely cut his huud Mon Walter Platt and sons. Kenneth and quilts were plunued and cut to be week-end with relatives in Portland. day when a pocketknlfe which he Joe. went to pass a ear on the high made hv the club. It was voted to was using slipped making a deep gas'u. Visits Friend»—George Sw agger ot He came to Springfield to receive way near Monroe and had a collision meet November 18 holding only one with another ear. It wa^ so foggy meeting In November insteuil of two. Marcóla spent Saturday visiting with medical treatment. they were unable to see the approach The meeting, which will lie an nil-day friends in Springfield. .Visit Hare— Mr. and Mrs. A. F, Ing car until it was too late to avoid affair, will be held at Mrs. C. E Visitor from Marcóla—Virgil Hill of Foley of Portland stopped at the D. hitting it. Both cars were badly Jordan's homo. The making of small Marcóla purchased supplies in Spring- B. Murphy home here over the week damaged but no one serlqpsly hurt Christmas present will he studied nt field on Saturday. Mrs. Hubert Gray, principal of the this meeting. The Indies also voted end. They had been visiting in south grade school, entertained her room to have a Christmas tree again this Visits Saturday—Earl Hall of Mar ern Oregon and stopped here on their with a Hallowe'en party last Thurs year exchanging 19-vent gifts. cola was a visitor in Springfield on way north. A large crowd attended the Pleasant day evening at her home. Saturday. The Crockerltne Construction com Hill public school Hallowe’en progrum Low ell Resident Here—C. Walsh of TWO BIRTHDAY DINNERS puny of Portland, who has been work­ and feed Friday night held in (he Lowell transacted business in Spring- GIVEN FOR LOCAL GIRL ing on the new McKenzie highway school house and play shed. The re field on Saturday. for the past IS months, finisher work freshments were sold in the play shed Miss Maxine Snodgrass was the and left for Portland last Saturday. which was decorated with fir houghs, Transacts Business—Sandy Peter­ honor guest at two birthday dinners Perry Price and Ralph Boiftiey, who jack-o'-lanterns, cornstalks and yellow son of Marcóla was a business visitor during the weekend. Saturday eve­ are employed near the summit, spent and black paper streamers. A splen In Springfield on Saturday forenoon ning her mother. Mrs. Riley Snod­ did program, under the supervision the past week-end in Thurston. The P.-T. A. sold lunches In the of Mrs J A. Phelps, was given by Desrhom Resident Here—Mrs. J. T. grass, entertained with a dinner in Rossman of Deerhom was a visitor her honor Inviting Miss Marie Jen hall Tuesday during the voting time. the pupils of the school after which sen of Corvallis, and Lulu McPherson About $5.00 was realised which wil. pumpkin pie, apple pie. popcorn bulls, in Springfield on Wednesday. and Esther McPherson for the event. be used on the piano fund. candy, cider and hot dogs were sold. Visits Friends—Mrs. T. S. Russell The group went to Eugene to a Melvin Buell from Klamath Falls A cheerful bonfire where the welners of Jasper spent Wednesday visiting theatre party after the dinner. visited his aunt. Miss Heersma, here were roasted burned outside on the with friends in the city. play grounds The proceeds of the On Sunday Mrs. A. M. dnodgrass last week. evening will go toward paying for James Moore, from Cottage Grove, Eye Injured—Walter Boggs of Mar- entertained with a dinner at her cola came to Springfield Sunday to home at Shedd complimenting her spent several days the past week with a piano for the school. Reuben Williams, grandnon of Hr have a small piece of steel removed niece. Present at this dinner were his niece. Mrs. Bert Weaver, return and Mrs. C. I. Williams of Pleasant Miss Marie Jensen, Uriel Corbin, and ing home Wednesday. from his eye. Anda Calvert and son, Roy, from Hill, left last Wednesday for Bremer- Nora Coldiron, all ofo Corvallis. Ever­ Return to Home— Roy Holverson re­ ett Corbin and Mr and Mrs. George Junction City, were up Tuesday look­ ton’where he Is serving In the navy. turned to his home &t Crescent Lake Webber of Halsey, Mr. and Mrs. Riley ing after his bees here. At the teachers’ Institute held In after having spent several days here Snodgrass and the hostess and her Last Saturday evening Miss Haze, Eugene. October 23 and 24. E. E. Kll visiting his brother. Edmiston gave an informal dinner in Patrick, principal of the Pleasant Hill family. honor of James Edmistou’s blrthduy high school, was elected as a delegate Coach at North Bend—Norval May Those who attended wen- Miss Aileen to the State Teachers' Institute to athletic director at the Springfield TWO ACCIDENTS REPORTED and Miss Genevieve Thompson. Albert be held In Portland. December 29, 30 high school, spent the week-end at AT MILL FOR PAST MONTH Parrot. Alex Mathews aud Ralph Bon and 31. North Bend. ney, b< sides the family, Mr. aud Mrs. The Do Moss Concert entertainers Only two accidents were reported John Edmiston, Misses Maude and ! will give an entertainment at the New Yorker Visiting—Mrs. Toney Charret of New York city is a guest at the Boooth-Kelly Lumber company Haze! Edmiston and James Edmiston. Pleasant Hill high school gymnasium The Indies’ Aid met with Mrs. Tay- Friday night, November 7 at eight at the home of her nephew, Jack plant here during the month of Oc­ tober it was revealed at the regular lor Needham Wednesday and quilten o'clock. There will be several special Larson. monthly meeting of the Safety Com­ for Mrs. Bob Parrot. They held an numbers. George De Moss will play Guests from Salem—Mr. and Mrs mittee which was held Friday evening. all-day meeting. i the soprano and alto cornets at once Trubert Henderson and Morris Race This is considered a good record de­ Mr. and Mrs. John Williams and as well as two artists were plavtng of Salem spent the week-end here as spite the fact that the mill has daughter. Cherry, of Cottage Grove, them He will also twirl two guitars guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Larson been running at less than one-half visited friends in Thurston last Fri­ about as dumb bells, playing melodies capacity the past month. day. In imitation of church chimes. Returns from California—Mrs. L. K Miss Shirley Wiley, a graduate of Page has returned from California Pleasant Hill high school, Is spending SPRINGFIELD FARMERS where she has been visiting friends NEW WASH RACK NEARS a few days visiting her sister. Mrs. and relatives in Sacramento and San SUFFER SHEEP LOSSES COMPLETION IN CITY E. E. Kilpatrick. She will leave Wed­ Francisco several weeks. nesday for Portland where she has Two Springfield farmers suffered The building ot a bouse over the Attend Ball Game— Fred Walker heavy losses to their sheep flocks employment. greasing hoist at the Larson service Floyd Flanery and Jim MacManiman during the past week it was revealed station was completed this week. Jack went to Portland to attend the Wash­ at the meeting of the County Dog Here from Leaburg—A. W. Fraxee Lasou, proprietor. Is now busy install­ ington State-Oregon State football Control board Monday when their ing complete automobile washing of Leaburg spent Wednesday trans game Saturday. claims were presented. T. J. Moore equipment. The new structure Is built acting business In i+prlngfleld. of route 1, lost 18 sheep as a result of smooth sheet iron in compliance Candidate Visita—L. L. Ray, candi­ of sheep-killing dogs, and J. A. Clear­ with a city ordinance which stipulates date for the Joint senatorship post from Linn and Lane counties spent water lost four. Three other farmers that all buildings facing on Main in the western part of the county street shall be constructed of stucco, Monday in Springfield closing bis pesented claims for fifteen slain brick, smooth sheet Iron or other non- campaign. sheep. inflamable materials. Mother Visits—Mrs. Sarah J. Adams of Junction City spent Wednesday in Springfield visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Adams. LEGION WILL MEET AT ^RATTAIN SCHOOL TO WALTERVILLE THURSDAY HAVE HEALTH RECORD lleulth blanks are being made out this week for each child attending the llrattuln school The school has been furnished with a quantity ot Teacher's Health Inspection Records by the state heullli ihiMirlunlit and the age, bight, weight, defects, and many other Items will h e recorded for each student und will lie compared from time to time with the child's development during the school year G. A. R. AUXILIARY HEAD MAKES VISIT TUESDJV Pur the benefit of members living up the McKeaala. Springfield post. American Legion and Auxiliary, will meet tonight at Waltervllle W O. W. hall The legion meet» the first and I third Thursdays and II Is planned to alternate with Waltervllle as a place of meeting Membership rella In both the legion and auxiliary thia year are reported lu good condition. A covered dish supper will be served after the wealing, Springfield women brluglng sandwiches aud a covered dish with them. Mr. and Mrs. C. F Eggimunn mo BAILEY IS SPEAKER FOR to red to Alhuny Tuesday to attend LIONS CLUB LUNCHEON a large luncheon given at the Armory at noon und also to bo present at Senator Ed Italley of Junction City the official Inspection of the Alhuny was the principal speaker at the rtiu unit of the Women's Auxiliary of the the weekly meeting of the IJons club Grand Army of the Republic of which on Friday H. H Bailee. I Ans' County Mrs. Eggimunn Is now state president Seoul executive, spoke to the members Mrs. Eggimunn bus Just recently re­ also urging the revival of the wout turned from a trip to eastern tlregon troop, and Norval May. high school during which she Inspected many of coach, talked about the football alt- the uults there. uatlon. BREIER’S Shoe Week Specials STRAPS AND PUMPS in Brown, Black Kid Pat. und Reptile leathern. Mil­ itary anti Hpike heels. t2 J8 to H J g ARCH SUPPORTS Combination last, C.ood- yeur welts. Strap« Pumps und tie«. If yon want com­ fort and Htyle try these. $2.98 to $4.98 OXFORDS FOR SCHOOL Wear in Black and Brown Calf leather«, combination lasts, Goodyear welt«, sizes to t MEN S OXFORDS in Black and tan. Goodyear welt». $2.98 to $4.98 MENS HI-TOP BOOTS In oiled tan Calf. These arc real hoot«. Only $3.98 to $4.98 BOYS' HI-TOP BOOTS In oiled tan upper« nailed and Goodyear welt». $5.98 to $8,50 BOYS’ OXFORDS in Black and tan Calf leather«. Goodyear welt«. $2.39 to $2.98 $2.98 to $3.98 Sixes 11 * 2 to 2. $1.98 to $2.49 DEPT. STORES EUGENE 968 W illam ette J . C. Penney Co. '»«• Board Meeting Held—The regular monthly board meeting of the Christ- iao church was held at the church on Monday evening at 7:30. Routine business was considered. Banks Busy Wednesday—The banks ofo Springfield report a very busy morning on 'Wednesday. The holiday taken Tuesday, election day, was cred­ ited with the increase In banking transactions. Attend Game—Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Bamell and daughter, Barbara, went to Portland for the Oregon State- Washington State football game Sat­ urday. They spent the week-end In Portland. Coeoanut Grove, one of the most attractive Indoor Golf courses in the Northwest. D IP A B T M S M T • ST O R B 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon U nion S u its STATIONS S9c M IN UTES Boys' W in t e r H e a v y w e ig h t C o tto n K to 8 T e e n i o to 1 0 Y F a rt W ool 48 Fifty Station«. . . clear and d istin ct,. . in fifteen minutes. That was an actual test with the new G eneral Electric Full Range Radio. Astonishing Power . . . Full Range Sensitivity. Full Range hairline Selectivity! My Mind Is Keen— My Skin Is Clear— Of Petty Ills I Have No Ft -ear No doubt about it—I am 48 and never felt better In my life—I feel like 30 and you can take my word for it—It’s the little Daily Dose of Kruschen That Does It. Once I was fat and forty—had headaches a plenty—Was tired out most of the time — My liver was Bluggish and my bowels inactive—I searched for a real remedy and by good fortune I found It In Kruschen Salts. Fat Isn’t healty—so Physicians state and I want to say to this world full of fat people—that the Krusch­ en Method of losing fat is safe, sure and sensible—Just cut out sweets— pies, pastries and ice cream for a month—go light on potatoes, rice butter, cream and sugar—and don’t forget to take one half a teaspoon of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water before breakfast every morn­ ing. I wish 1 could Induce every over weight person on earth to try this splendid method—It surely doesn’t cost but a trifle—for an 86 cent bot­ tle last 4 weeks and can be bought at Ketels Drug Store or any drug store In the worldl. Get It—Grow Thin—Feel younger. ELECTRIC full ranqe RADIO How Old Are You? This Is The Date Pm GENERAL STORE NO. 1 125 East Broadway, Eugene 8TORE NO. 2 88-96 West Broadway, Eugene STORE NO. 3 960 Charnelton 8t., Eugene STORE NO. 4 500 Main 8treet, 8prlngfield And its Full Range Time is so real — to true—that you seem actually to be in the studio as you listen. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Broken Sliced Pineapple, No. 2ya can 19c Peaches, No. 1 flat, can .... .................. - IOC Apricots No. 1 flat, c a n ............................................... 1 0 c S. O. S. 6 Pad, 2 Pkgs. and Wearever Pan .... ....... 39C Mince Meat. 45 oz. Jar .............. ............................. 39c Standard Peas, No. 2 can ........................................... 1 0 c Standard Corn, No. 2 can ............................ 10c Golden Corn, No. 2 can .............................................. 10c Bunny Imitation Vanilla, 4 oz., 2 f o r .......................... 25C Guasti Concentrated Grape Juice, qt. .. 99C California Home Catsup, 18 oz. .... 19c Dill Pickles, quart ................. ................ ..... 1 9 c Sweet Pickles, quart ....................................... .......... 3 0 c L O W B O Y — A d b tf n < u is h * d e x i m p l t o f ewHy A m e r ic a n c a b in e t H a r m o n ts M b a a u fi- f u l l y w tth a n y x u rrrm ri-iln g a U se« 9 tub e s , 4 o f w h ic h a re a c r*e n -< rl< l—S u p e r -h e t e ro d r n « c ir c u it. M o r e s ele c tiv e a n d u-nafcfcse th a n a n yM a-h I« ' Come in today — see it — hear it. Radio’s crowning achievement! oCwotl to Mountain Slates •Y fflS I ID D A n r- -m i ■ 'VOUK PARTNERS Power Company • Z » _________ M PROGRESS” *